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Everything posted by Benishiwa

  1. Benishiwa


    He grew up in the Holy Orenian Empire as a poor boy, to parents who lost their jobs after their baker’s stand went under from the rise of taverns taking over customers. As such, he learned to live off the streets of Helena, picking up the knowledge of others around him. He would pickpocket near the Silver Jubilee Fountain, reaching for anything such as coins or small trinkets, hoping to get enough to eat for the day. When he couldn’t find enough money to buy food, he would steal from food stores by using a friend to create a distraction before making off with a variety of items. He resents many of the rich families, such as the d’Arkents and the Carringtons. He also has trouble keeping friends, as he always prioritizes his own desires over others and is willing to throw others under the bus. He stayed at Saint Julia Orphanage before being kicked out for bad behavior. His parents are still alive, and are barely trying to scrape a living by working out in the wilderness, different miscellaneous jobs. However, he still wishes to be successful and make a good, honest living. He wishes to become an artist of music and eventually live in the countryside with his family, simply gathering everything he needs for himself off of the wild.
  2. Benishiwa


    He grew up in the Holy Orenian Empire as a poor boy, to parents who lost their jobs after their baker’s stand went under from the rise of taverns taking over customers As such, he learned to live off the streets of Helena, picking up the knowledge of others around him. He would pickpocket near the Silver Jubilee Fountain, reaching for anything such as coins or small trinkets, hoping to get enough to eat for the day. When he couldn’t find enough money to buy food, he would steal from food stores by using a friend to create a distraction before making off with a variety of items. He resents many of the rich families, such as the d’Arkents and the Carringtons. He stayed at Saint Julia Orphanage before being kicked out for bad behavior. His parents are still alive, and are barely trying to scrape a living by working out in the wilderness, different miscellaneous jobs.
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