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  1. Norckc


    Norgoth was born in the Rexdom of Krugmar. His parents were part of Clan Gorkil and lived in the castle of Gorken. They lived in a community where only the strong and big children were fed and the weak ones were abandoned. The orcs threw Norgoth and 7 other orcs in a pit in the middle of a desert at one year of age because of their small size. Soon the orc children started eating each other. Norgoth was the last one alive. The pit was very deep so it was hard for him to climb out of, but his claws were super sharp for tearing the other orcs' meat from their bodies so he managed to get out. He wandered around alone for a decade and hunted food for himself. At 12 years he planned out a revenge plan with a few other abandoned orcs he found. They attacked the castle of Gorken near the city of San'Strok. Their attack failed since they were outnumbered and most of them died. Norgoth had to flee Krugmar. He traveled into the Free State of Sutica in hopes of a welcoming home.
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