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Everything posted by makeitsoyoucandeleteaccounts

  1. Melquíades, who is dead (under strange circumstances), still KNOWS the truth about the equally strange comatose state of His Holiness, Tylos the Third...
  2. "Why is everyone 'smiling the sun's smile'? Why does the sun have a smile? And why do they have it?" the de Rivera wonders, as apparently everyone simultaneously decides to shout about their funny smiles, "Drugs will be the end of Almaris."
  3. play mann vs machine with me??? australium?!?!?!?!?
  4. ok, ok, listen to me. Nescafleeper. right? I mean, nescaffier, but replace it with fleeper. how about it. it's just like my username, but it's slightly altered. now that's funny just listen, it's funny. funny as can be. nescafleeper. savor it. thnink about it, but truly think about it you'd have to be anti-mra not to choose nescafleeper. are you anti-mra? I know someone who is. and he has been banned this is true. completely platform removed. poor man that's right. "man". you know, as in a male, possibly irish, maybe a mod... I may have lied that's he's banned but you know. if he says he """"saved the mra""""" he's genuinely lying to you. I mean, I did the proposal to him (the nescafleeper one, you know) two days later banned. (context: he denied) I'd be lying if I said it didn't favor me, because it did. anyway, nescafleeper ftw?
  5. SANCTVM OFFICIALE; THE HOLY BUREAUCRACY DEVS OMNIPRÆSENS ☨ DEVS OMNISCIVS ☨ DEVS OMNIPOTENS Cardinal Laurence, Prince-Archbishop Albarosa, oversees the establishment of the Bishopric of Hyspia, 1800 "For a millennium, God kept His Silence to the kingdoms of the world. The priesthood of Owyn, of Evaristus and Clement, carried out His command faithfully and preserved the Word of GOD, the Spirit and the Virtue." - Gospel 5:23-24 Verily, our brethren in laity ignore (or outright remain uninterested) on the political machinations and secular motifs found within the Faith. It is no secret that our Holy Mother Church holds a complicated hierarchy, bureaucratic in nature, that exempts itself and forms twists and knots over seemingly simple concepts. Some may find it overwhelming, usually because of the tedious translations from flexio or the seemingly endless (or specific) purviews and prerogatives that underline each rank, though it is much more simple than one can anticipate. In truth, the church is a very linear administration. In this thesis, I will attempt to condense the Church bureaucracy into bite-size explanations, detailing only surface level definitions for the ease of reading. A good starting point is Cardinal Adrian’s flowchart, herein Figure 1.0, an inaccurate but very useful tool; Fig. 1.0, Cardinal Albarosa, Adrian, Priest’s Manual to Teaching Acolytes, 1870. Politia Ecclesiastica Politia, or translated into common as “Polity”, is the primary machine through which an organization or government functions (Political + Entity = Polity). Ecclesiastical Polity refers only to a Church, for the sake of this thesis the Holy Mother Church, specifically. There are a plethora of these aforementioned polities, most being defunct, or obscure, or simply irrelevant for the purpose of this thesis. The church itself, however, utilizes a tailor-fitter Episcopali Politia, or Episcopal Polity. Episcopal refers to Episcopus, a word literally translating to Bishop (or “Overseer”), an individual tasked with “Overseeing” a specific group of people or otherwise geographical area. The ranks of this polity include; - Clericos Ordinavit, Monastica "The pagan seers watched the stars and the virtuous priests read the Spirit, but He would not speak until the passing of His promise." - Gospel 5:29 Priests, or the Ordained Clergy, are the backbone of the Church, overseeing local churches or chapels and serving as spokespersons of the Faith in all Canondom. Acolytes may decide to become ordained after their thesis is accepted, through a ceremony of ordainment. Priests, as per Episcopal Polity, may become Bishops, and Archbishops thereafter (Explained further below). Priests let go of material possession, and some take vows of celibacy, however Priests are technically allowed to be married.* On the other hand, the Acolyte may choose the Monastic Clergy. Monastics (Monks or Nuns, depending on their gender) replicate the lives of the Exalted, and strip themselves of all worldly desires and possessions. Monasticism is pure theological work, and constant study of the scrolls and the teachings of GOD. Monastic Clergy may be promoted to Abbots or Abbesses, for their dedication to the Faith. Their positions as Priors places them under the purview of an Abbey, a Convent or any other type of Sisterhood/Monastic organization. * Bishops and Archbishops, and Cardinals (and by extension the Pontiff), cannot court or marry, thereby remaining celibate. - Episcopus "He entrusted to them the Word of GOD, which were the Virtue and the Spirit, and charged them to instruct their brethren in the path of holiness." - Gospel 5:4 As previously stated, an Episcopus (or “Bishop”) oversees a geographical area, or a district, worthy of laity, dubbed a “Diocese”. Bishops overseeing a diocese ensure the organization of clergy in the area, and oversee day-to-day religious activities in their region. Bishops, as of recently, also gain a seat in the Diet of Bishops. The Diet operates as a commission, or a lower administration, where Bishops convene on interdiocesan activities and foment discussion within their clergies. Note: Traditionally, Bishops have their seats at Cathedrals, larger churches from where their respective dioceses are operated. Unfortunately, there are so few Cathedrals in existence that this detail is often overseen. Note: Coadjutor-Bishops were prevalent in times of yore, being the designated heir to a Bishop’s position at the time of their death/promotion/resignation. The position has since become obsolete. - Archiepiscopus, Metropolitani, Patriarcha "At Owyn’s command, the brothers set shepherds over the flock of men, and so created a priesthood for their instruction, in anticipation of the second son of spirit." - Gospel 5:5 Archiepiscopus, or Archbishops, function much the same to Bishops, except one level above. Archbishops are tasked with overseeing Archdioceses, or compounds of smaller Dioceses into a larger district, and representing the interests of the Church within them. Seen as political figures, Archbishops oftentimes take secular representation of the church amidst the nation their respective Archdiocese is located, though this is not an outlined duty. Archbishops organize their respective Bishops, and oversee the spread of the Faith. Some may be confused, however, with the titles of Metropolitan and Patriarch. They are, in essence, the same as an Archbishop, but under specific circumstances; - A Metropolitan oversees a Metropolitanate, an Archdiocese encompassing a large enough city to be considered as such. Metropolitanates often do not have subservient dioceses, due to lack of space. The only Metropolitanate in existence is Providentia. - A Patriarch oversees a Patriarchate. Patriarchates are Archdioceses found in lands partaking in the Ruskan Rite, a Canonist Orthodoxy often found in Haense. The only Patriarchate in existence is Jorenus. - Collegium Cardinalium, Curia "Virtue was preserved only by keepers of ashen urns, paupers, and princes of piety, who were the champions of GOD." - Gospel 5:26 The Collegium Cardinalium, or the College of Cardinals, is the agrupation of Cardinals that conclave to elect a new Pontiff, at the time of the incumbent’s passing. The College is occupied by Cardinals, or eligible voters at the time of Conclave. A common misconception, and the first underlying issue from Figure 1.0, is that Archbishops are not always Cardinals, and vice versa. Though Cardinals are almost always Archbishops, due to the usually low size of the clergy, Cardinals and Archbishops serve two different functions. The Curia, on the other hand, is the primary administrative body of the Church. Also a mistake in Figure 1.0, Cardinals/Archbishops are not ensured a spot on the Curia, though usually occupy them due to the same problem outlined above. The Curia has six positions, each with their own responsibilities; - The Vice-Chancellor is, in practicality, the second-in-command to the Pontiff. Organizing the Conclave at the time of the incumbent’s death, maintaining secular relations with foreign governmental entities, overseeing the rest of the Curia, et cetera. - The Prelate operates as the primary recruiter for the Church. Whenever an Acolyte submits their thesis, one such as this document, the prelate is ordered to revise and evaluate it per a series of requirements. If the prelate deems the thesis fit, the Acolyte is allowed ordainment. - The Ecclesiastical Auditor is the head of the Tribunal, the judicial body of the Church. The Prelate may assign Judges at will, usually two Inquisitorial (Prosecution) and one Adversarial (Defense), and lead investigations to later become trial prosecutions relating to matters of Canon Law. - The Pontifical Secretary entails just as expected, glorified secretarydom. Scribing, or simply aiding the Pontiff draft responses to letters and Golden Bulls, they are also very useful to schedule meetings and other activities with the Pontiff (Though oftentimes do not). - The Pontifical Chamberlain serves as the Pontiff’s housekeeper, overseeing stewardship of the Church in general and all economic activity passing through the Holy See (if any). - The Grandmaster is the Highest Ranking member of the Faith Militant, and acts as its General and Commander. The Grandmaster’s purview is to organize, mobilize and lead the Faith Militant during Holy Wars (should there be any), or in the protection of the clergy. Note: The Holy Mother, often a female member and highest ranking of the Monastic Clergy, is a defunct rank due to continuous sede vacante. Instead, Priors operate in moderate independence and without designated organization. - Summus Pontifex "Owyn obeyed the command of GOD and anointed the brothers Evaristus and Clement, who jostled in the same womb, as joint bearers of the laurel of Horen." - Gospel 5:3 Successor to the very laurel of Horen, the High Pontiff is the sole, overarching authority to all of Canondom, under GOD. Not only the Vicar of GOD, but the most faithful, through which the infallibility of His word flows unto our mortal realm. The Pontiff is elected by the College of Cardinals upon the convocation of a Conclave by the Vice-Chancellor, occurring after the death or resignation of the Pontifex Emeritus (Former Pontiff). The (unspoken) requirements for a Pontiff are as follow; - To be Canonist, - To be Adult, - To be Unwed, - To be Male*, As the Conclave is the work of the Cardinals, they usually (admittedly, in every scenario) choose one of their own, however it is not a requirement. Any faithful Canonist, clergy or not, can be elected for the pontifical office. The Pontiff ensures His word through Golden Bulls, official documents usually in use for announcements, curia appointments or otherwise. Golden Bulls are the primary way GOD’s Vicar communicates with Canondom, other than letters or communiqués. * Though a taboo topic amidst theologians, it is hypothetically possible for a woman to become Pontiff. This has never occurred. By Will of GOD Alone, Acolyte Mikolas
  6. expect the wiki war fleeper mod. expect the scrum. expect the object. expect the wiki to be at their war. at war, in the wiki. expect it. fleeper mod. sleeper mod. derogatory term. expect the wiki. expect the mra wiki war. expect the war in the wiki. fleeper.

  7. Melquíades drops his jaw, absolutely dumwalffled. "Goderyc... you absolute idiot," the runaway grumbled, ready to beat the absolute shit out of his peer (yo).
  8. General Amendments: - Removed social distancing / mask requirements - Removed roleplay of the "Melt" (invisible people) - Corcitura and siliti cannot obtain the rot (Thanks rainedropf for bringing this up to me) - Slightly appeased story team NO MORE COVID LARP PLEASE I BEG
  9. truly a sad day satinkira 😔

    no more rot from nescaffier see you next shitpost


    our theme 😍

    1. Gandhi


      This is so us 👺👹👽🦾

    2. Gandhi



  11. ORIGINS "Rot. BrainRot. Melt.” These terms are derived from the umbrella disease “Odolausteltzea”, known as BloodRot in common, and its subclassifications. Having come to plague Almaris in recent years, it was first detected shortly after the Almaris Bloodrain, the second one recorded in descendant history. The incident, known commonly as “The Bloodrain,” was overlooked by the public in regards to its short and long-term effects. Soon, it would come to the attention of many that individuals who had been caught in the storm had experienced wear on their health, both mental and physical. It is assumed by most who have looked into the disease that the first ever afflicted with BloodRot were contaminated by the entry of Bloodrain into the body, usually through the eyes, ears, nose or mouth. It is most likely that the raining Blood became infected through contact with surfaces, or precipitated already adjacent, or is somehow cursed. Though Bloodrain was the original carrier of the disease, it remains unclear how it was tainted - whether this was inherent to the Bloodrain itself, or if it had been tainted as it rained down. SPREAD Those infected with Rot, known as the “Usteldutako” or “Rotten”, are at will to spread the disease through bodily fluids, including (but not limited to) blood, saliva or mucus. One is more likely to become contaminated with BloodRot if they spend a significant amount of time around others bearing the disease. Over the course of time, people who have been infected will become contagious, ill, and, if not treated or cured, chronically ill. Just like any other disease, however, there are many ways to negate the risk of catching This includes social distancing, the use of Personal Protection Equipment preventing fluid transfer on the part of the infected (such as goggles, face coverings / masks, face shields, air filters, long / covering clothing, etc), or on the part of the potential infectee; or the termination of those infected, and proper and utter annihilation of an infected corpse. DISEASE STAGE ZERO It is hard to discern whether or not someone has been infected by The Rot, as early symptoms of The Rot tend to manifest as that of other mild diseases. Continuous sneezing, tearing of the eyes, migraines or headaches, coughing and wheezing, dizziness or lightheadedness, and / or osteoarthritis are all symptomatic of early Rot. At this stage of development, patients may notice a significantly potent or long-lasting loss or numbing of sensations on the face and / or neck, which is a constant among patients of The Rot. Across the rest of the body, a Rotten will discover random bruising anywhere below their neck. STAGE ONE: ‘ROT’, OR ‘DEVELOPING CROHME’S DISEASE’ The above labeled symptoms share the common starting ground of Stage Zero. After a Saint’s Week of dealing with these symptoms, less manageable symptoms will begin to manifest. Depending on the strain of Rot someone has contracted, they may develop one of the following classification of symptoms. In cases of increased exposure to others with the disease, one may catch more than one strand, and thus develop more than one line of symptoms. The subclasses of the umbrella term Rot are as follows: - Odolitsutasuna (OL-I) - Odolgorreria (OL-G) - Odolusaindu (OL-U) - Odoldastatu (OL-O) NOTE: While the other stages are progressing, the intensity of Stage Zero may increase in tandem. That is, the severity and impact of numbness on the patient’s nervous tissue can progress, until they can no longer feel their head attached to their own body. STAGE TWO: ‘BRAINROT’, or CHRONIC CROHME’S DISEASE There is no specific threshold to where a patient on Stage One progresses into Stage Two, colloquially referred to as ‘BrainRot’. The noticeable pattern, however, is at least for one or more of the Stage One symptom lines to have progressed to such a degree where they come into direct contact with the brain. With more symptoms compromising the health and integrity of the internal flesh and circulatory system of the cranium, The Rot begins to permeate the fluid surrounding the brain, and begin degenerating mental function. As soon as somebody moves into Stage Two of BrainRot, the symptoms become patently obvious. Oftentimes, patients of Chronic Crohme’s Disease will develop eccentric, taboo or unusually specific obsessions or delusions with concepts, ideas or artifacts of either regular or irregular use degrading to socially acceptable morality or utility. When questioned or approached in regards to obsessions, these Rotted will often lash out, either trying to harm others or themselves, or emotionally break down. It is noted that increased stress put upon these persons by outside forces increases the magnitude of these symptoms. Social contempt and disdain towards these people only intensifies the idea that they have been rejected, and amplifies their rage or sorrow in tandem. The process worsens when patients suffer from auditory and / or visual hallucinations, an unfortunate side effect found especially for those with Stage 3 OL-I or OL-G. A few patients remain self aware, knowing that they are indeed not ‘real’ to other people, but the majority refuse to admit the machinations of their own decaying minds. Thereafter, patients are prone to fits of manic positivism, or depressed negativity, almost never reaching a proper balance of emotions between episodes that can last anywhere from fifteen Saint’s Minutes to Saint’s Years. Furthermore, patients begin to suffer through mild episodes of memory loss - whether it be metal fog to events that transpired just minutes before, or specific logistical or nostalgic information important to the patients (Such as dates, names, places, faces, etc). STAGE THREE - ‘MELT’, OR ‘ADVANCED CROHME’S DISEASE’ Not much is known to the general public about Advanced Crohme’s Disease, an unfortunate consequence of the tendency of Rotted to kill themselves before reaching this stage of the illness. In the beginning stages of ‘Melt’, a patient’s face will cease to exist. Incomprehensibly, looking forwards towards where their head should be will only reveal the visage of what would be behind their head, were they not standing in the way. The visible neck will display inner organic structures, such as the esophagus, trachea, and spine; it is important to either stitch or constantly disinfect this area in hopes of preventing the very likely chance that this area will become infected, leading to a full bruising of the patient’s body. This trend of ‘disappearance’ will continue down the body, until one of two things happen to kill the patient. In a Class-A ‘Melt’ scenario, a person’s skin will be coated in patches of boils, bruises, scabs, and lacerations. These continue to develop as the person’s grasp on the outside world begins to rapidly deteriorate. If not already lost before, their sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch will completely evaporate. They will be shut into their own microcosmic hell, unable to do anything but flail around with what is left of their body and be guided along by those who are not Melting. Slowly, their skin will begin to disappear, starting at the head and trailing down their body. As the process repeats over and over, the body’s integrity deteriorates until it can no longer sustain itself. At this point, the body gruesomely ejects its inner contents out, the skin flattening and disappearing, leaving nothing of the person but the bile that was spewed out from their corpse and whatever they had on them at the time, including the clothes and wrappings they wore before their death. A full ‘Melted’ is impossible to recover after death. In a ‘Class-B Melt’ scenario, a patient, completely rendered devoid of the ability to speak, hear, see, smell, or touch, will stop existing entirely. If they are wearing clothes, they will fall to the ground as though they are not being worn. Searching for the body is fruitless, as it simply no longer exists. This does not happen all at once, but seems to trail down the body over the course of months. Once it becomes impossible to feed them, the body will starve itself over the course of a few months as the body begins to dissipate more rapidly, before their entire body is gone. Those afflicted are immediately considered terminal, and placed within appropriate containment for reasons of both own self preservation, and public safety. There is little known treatment but painkillers or other alleviators until proper disposal (and subsequent annihilation) of the body can take place. V. Treatment Across Almaris, many medical corps and research teams have not only been dealing with incident incidences of The Rot, but have been researching cures for The Rot. Xannic healing abilities seem to slightly improve the morale of a patient, through an advanced and extremely effective painkilling method, but it does not seem to affect The Rot itself. As of now, it is unknown whether shamanic practitioners, voidal magis, or any other type of sorcerical practices are able to treat or otherwise mitigate the symptoms of The Rot. The most prominent hypotheses on how to cure ‘Rot’ all convene on the same point; replacing the entirety of a Rotted patient’s blood with that of healthy descendants of the same species. However, for one mortal descendant to transfer all of their blood to another, and to have the Rotted let all of their blood, both would most likely die in the process. Further research must go into figuring out how to do this total blood transfusion safely. Visit The RCA’s Discord For More Information / OOC Consent For Rot / Logging Instances Of Rot AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH; https://discord.gg/wkSY8W9ve3
  12. Fr. Melquíades had wept. Admittedly, the whole day, standing besides the sickly Pontiff's deathbed, singing repeated melodies in an unrecognizable language, repeatedly hiding thanks and blessings amidst his songs as the never ending chorus raged on.
  13. Melquíades Cardinal Providentia takes a shaky stand, handing the Vice-Chancellor his parchment of vote, going to take a step back to his seat as tally began to run its course...
  14. "Maybe the Barclays ain't so bad after all," muttered the former Bishop of Reinmar, "Faithful servant of GOD, may he forever rest in the Skies."
  15. RESUME: Name: Owyn Vuiller Place of Origin: Duchy of Balian Background: Born to the Vuillers. Educated and enlightened by Lector Stor Vuiller on the marvels of Owynism, becoming completely obsessed with Owynist teachings and values, and living on the streets of Du Loc. Skillset: Logical thought and determination, continuously at odds due to a dangerous and violent case of leprosy. Continued interest of herbology and simple alchemy after basic training, completely optimistic about experimental or taboo treatments or medicine. Reason(s) For Enlistment: A pious and dedicated follower of Owyn (Farfolk), with the sole desire to serve in his word and uphold Owynist doctrine to the best of his ability. Has no other ambition, is no title claimant or heir to any jurisdiction, and has the outlook of one day having the ability to give back to Father Stor's care and treatment in a productive manner.
  16. Benevolent cityscapes destroy our earth in joyous cacophony. The Skies open for Rot disaster For effects, taking refuge in neverbefore, under the earth and under the sea, beyond the awkward, funny, tired old tree. Maybe not, he laughed, maybe not? Soon as the clothing becomes blue, and the sundays fade to black. Lonely stood the HOME in pity of self, dreading the day of never before. Perhaps it was chance, or perhaps it was faith? He did not know, he could not read. Not yet. He did not have the right eyes, not yet. Not yet. But, how could he? Perhaps the answers laid before him? Perhaps his own blindness limited the fury of the Blood? Only if he could say something. Only if he could scream, shout, bite, cry or act. He could not. A force immobile, never on the horizon, and never under the Locks. The Dunes affected him, the Nuns as well. He could not think clearly. He wanted to vomit, perhaps he already had. Could he? How could he? Only if Bipip B. could respond. The sooner, the better, the merrier, the life... lier? Lifelier. He's sure it means something. He's sure? I mean, I'm sure. We're sure. It's uncertain; but one thing isn't, it's not lifelier. He couldn't remember what the correct word was, or perhaps he already knew. Perhaps this was the right word. Perhaps Do not fret, live only, free only, for once in a blue moon a man like him melt in puddle, only clothing remnant of the forgotten men. Perhaps HOME was closer than he thought.
  17. They're all racist, guys! They hate Hyspia because Mexico! #boycottsouth #vivahyspia #vivacesarII 

    Edited by Nescaffier
    1. Nouveau_Chateau


      So true #vivahyspia

    2. christman


      its all the fault of @MaltaMosshe invented the racist ploy!

      its over


  18. A stashed away, decrepit old Hyspian veteran lashes out at his own pergament, "Ai remeimber te Archdochy onder Cesar Segundo, Ai remeimber te Bishopric of our good Arzobispo Pelagio, set in stone bai Owyn Tres!", he spat out, nearly throwing the whole document into the fire, "And Ai remember... the Balianites are no 'Souterners' of tan skin and strong brow, but escapees from te North..."
  19. Melquíades Cardinal Providentia slowly but surely adjusts to the weather of Vienne.
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