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About King_Kunuk

  • Birthday February 1

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    The 4th Dimension

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    High Elf

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  1. Hello! I am new to LotC server and I just made my character

    I am in a bit of a pickle though, as I am not entirely sure if they should live in the Silver City of the Elves or in another elf nation that is less 'xenophobic' to the other races

    I have good arguments for both, but I guess I would rather get a community opinion rather then try to make it my own due to others having more experience here.

    The High Elf in question is named Maehir, and is a scholar/mage(?)/studier of history, magic, and all things unknown. He, like other high elves does believe in the idea of purity. However he is not a superย purist at heart. He has a fondness for the 'lesser' races of the realms (mainly humans), and seeks to mimic them in the ways they peruse goals in their short lives and isn't a bigot towards them, nor is one to look down at their inherit 'inferiority'. Due to this conflicting ideal he has, I have been rather stuck on where he should live. Should he have home in the Silver City? Or should he live in a different elven realm (do know he was born in the Silver City to begin with, and does follow many High Elf customs depending on what they are)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King_Kunuk


      thank you very much!

    3. Marron
    4. Nooblius


      I agree that you should probably choose to live in the Silver City as I think it would fit your character, definitely shouldn't let the fact the character would be conflicted about it stop you from choosing what makes most thematic sense. However I suggest at least visiting the others as it makes sense if your character has such a conflict that he would investigate the other cultures. But I imagine that's part of the fun, experiencing that conflict of values in RP, not deciding before hand.

      Regardless, have fun Roleplaying on the server! And if you're a scholar, I suggest talking to the Remembrancers, they're an international scholar guild that has quite the history ;)

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