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Everything posted by Mannamannaa

  1. Kaktuz Weekli? ON AEVOS?


  2. 【♢ -♢- ♢】 Bundles of newspapers would be spread throughout Aevos for all to see. Written cleanly and vividly upon dense sheets of high quality cane parchment, the pages of blocky script would also be covered in scribbled cute doodles! Including the wonderful BRAND! The floral berry aroma of desert oasis inks wafts pleasantly from each heavy page. This must be... 【♢ -♢- ♢】 Issue H’Dub (VII) - Azh’Kint’Gakhty’Gakh (CXXXIII) D.A. CURRENT EVENTS Horde Affairs: The First Klamor of Aevos! World Affairs: Settling down in new lands Orc Kulture Spiritualism - A War of Spirits and Gluttony Concerning Orcish Bloodlust MISCILLANEOUS BOUNTIES A Reminder of Employment with the Kaktuz Weekli Kor’garr is glad to announce with the return of publications that we are HIRING! Artists, Editors, Writers agh Formatters are all welcome to seek employment at our office within the Library of Barbog in San’Briu. Kaktuz Weekli Q&A - Returning next Issue! Messages or in person correspondence for the staff of the Kaktuz Weekli will be answered here! Staff Kor’garr - Owner agh Skriptgoth [[[OOC BELOW!]]]
  3. I have returned after a great weekend with Family. NEWSPAPER TIME.


    1. annabanana1014



    2. ImCookiie


      Ur so wholesome I almost want to play an Orc again

  4. Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde and owner of the Kaktuz Weekli, lets out a booming laugh through the arid oasis air of San'Briu. vials of ink rattle and quills are nearly knocked over as the grey orc holds up this bounty with an ecstatic leer of menace and bloodlust. "WUNDERVUL! Ah Bounti agh Hunt, aht dah zeym tik? Diz muzt enter dah nekzt publikayzhun..." With that, bulky fingers stained with charcoal and ink slam the crumpled paper upon the crude writing desk amongst various drafts and scribbles.
  5. Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Horde, raises his brow in respect and interest as he looks over the legal notice. Crimson eyes spark with insight while parsing through the dense yet educational jargon. "Veri wehl lurned... Perhaps Kor'garr zhuld peep entu thyz matter zum moar..." A large Jabbernak feather quill is dipped into vivid desert inks as the owner of the Kaktuz Weekli highlights relevant information for an article...
  6. The owner of a certain newspaper looks over sample sketches painted upon the high quality flier with clear interest, guttural voice humming in thought. "Perhapz theez artiztz wuld hav interezt in zum addizhional employmint? Artiztz en dah Horde hav bin kwite abzent ricentli..." A brief chuckle leaves pallid lips before the bulky Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde, Kor'garr, begins drafting a letter for the artisanal duo... [OOC]
  7. A grey Orc hears in the streets of San'Briu that a new disciple of skies has been blessed, and remembers his own experience striding upon invisible winds through the Spirit Realm of Air. A warm, gentle smile stretches around Kor'garr's thick tusks. "Diz azh walkz wyth Truuth... Perhapz..." The Skriptgoth lifts up his Compendium, striding out of the library of Barbog in search for a new entry to add, before blinking in thought. Doesn't this Fiarza have a shrine at the Horde's aviary?
  8. Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde, looks upon the declaration with surprise highlighting crimson eyes. A large mustache curls over wide, tusked grin, barks of harsh laughter leaving the middle aged orc's lips. "KEHEH! Maukurz blahz hozhly wyth dah Truth. Kor'garr rezpektz diz new azh zteppyng uhp vor der clan whoile Rex peepz dah bub'hozher piktyur." With that, he prepares to forge a new slate of bone and Aurum in anticipation of the challenger's victory.
  9. Paywall Horse Whistles. =)
  10. Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde, blinks in surprise as he reads the missive with crimson eyes. A large quill is taken out to underline certain phrases of importance, even as the grey orc plans to include this in another article... "A tik uv change... Enturyztyng."
  11. Kor'garr, owner of the Kaktuz Weekli, raises a thick brow when reading the new competition's slogan... Yet he gives a pleased nod while happily reading the brief yet informative articles. "Veri concise... Wehl duhn."
  12. As a former NL: YES. SO MUCH SO, YES.
  13. Kaktuz Weekli soooooon

  14. Kor'garr ponders in thought as he looks over the job offer. "Nub vor mi, buht..." With that, the Skriptgoth prepares to not only spread word of the bodyguard position but draft a letter for Emilia Sofia...
  15. Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Horde, hums with clear interest as red eyes look over all the details of Sect Carbelian in their description-slash-charter. A large handlebar mustache curls upwards below the furrowing of a bushy, singular brow. "Minii clan wythin dah Clan Jusmia? Fazcinatyng. Zhuld blah wyth dem next tik aht Nor'Azath."
  16. Kor'garr grimaces harshly with a furrowed brow as he reads the various warnings and missing persons posters. Ink stained hands place parchment upon a large scribe's desk, for the Orc to take notes and draft yet another article. "New landz more dangeruz dehn wiz grukk'd..."
  17. Kor'garr lets out a rueful smile around thick tusks as he reads over the recently declassified missives. A gruff scoff of disgust and contempt leaves his lips, his brow furrowed. "Mor liez agh diceet unkovered. Honorlezz humiez dunnub change." Regardless, the Skriptgoth takes out a large Jabbernak feather quill and begins marking certain sections of the missive for memorable quotes. If the Truth has been outed, then the Kaktis Weekli will gladly spread the word yet further...
  18. [!] This missive, printed upon dense cane parchment, is available for public viewing in any dwelling of the Iron Horde upon Aevos [!] The Blargs of San’Briu Year CXXXII of the Dubth Age (132 SA) [!] An image of a traditional Orcish blarg [!] From the Council of Clans, leaders of the Iron Horde: With our newfound lands in the continent of Aevos claimed and construction finished, the Horde announces to all brethren that personal and clan blargs are open for residence. Being a resident of the Iron’Uzg is MANDATORY to count as a clan member or honorary. Of course, there are several types of Blargs available for those of different status: Members of Ashtkaar holding Clans must reside in their specific Hall if blargs are available. A Clan Hall (with housing) must have at least 3 residents and pay their tribute of H’azh Teef (price of 60 minas total) each Cactus Week. Repeated failure to present Tribute will result in revocation of the Ashtkaar, dismissal from the Council of Clans, and the ability for other Clans to claim said area for themselves. Similarly a Clan with no place upon the Council cannot have a Clan Hall with blargs. Clanless Orcs and Honoraries of the Horde or those without available space in their Clan Hall are able to claim the standard homes in San’Briu. These shelters cost tribute of Dub Teef (equivalent to 20 minas) each Cactus Week, and repeated failure to present tribute will result in Eviction. For people on the path to Honorary or untested Nub-uruks, those who are currently lesser than the honorable descendants of Krug, hovels of appropriate quality are available within the Sewers of San’Briu for tribute of Gakh Teef (30 minas) each Cactus Week. Repeated failure to provide tribute will result in failure of trials, eviction, or a more permanent alternative to the missing payment. Market Stalls cost Azh Teef (10 Minas) each Cactus Week. Finally, Vassals of the Iron Horde must present a tribute of Dubty Teef (200 minas) for the privilege of living upon lands blessed by Krug’s people each Cactus Week, and obey the codes and rulings of the Council of Clans as all other citizens do. Teef and Teeflyngs will be minted and available for exchange within the Bank of Glutroz THE MAW. These will be formed of Golden Nuggets to distinguish from outdated currencies. Prices aside, these Blargs have a few rules to follow. Azh: Tribute is expected within the Tax hall above the Bank of Glutros during Arwas’s Harvest [Saturday] each Cactus Week. Dub: Official permission from the Yazgurtan (personally) or the Council of Clans (through a Claim during a Klamor) is required for exterior alterations or expansions. Gahk: Only Dub adults at the most may reside in a standard Blarg or Sewer Hovel. Kubs do not count. Futh: Buurz artifacts or sites for Buurz Mojo are forbidden. Discovered Buurz items or places will be disposed of through force, with additional consequences to follow. This includes artifacts of Ixli agh Ikuras. H: There is no renting of Blargs out to others. San’briu is a nation, not some cheap zhara tavern. H’azh: Once evicted a Blarg returns to the original status of Horde Property, agh is available for purchase. Wi will not evict others to return lat to a blarg you didn’t pay for over the course of several years while you were “exploring”. Any miscellaneous concerns can be brought up with the Yazgurtan. With the order of Velkumezt, Kor’garr Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde
  19. Kor'garr grins widely upon hearing the record keeping of the clan lineages shall be brought back for all to remember. "Lat honor dah Ancezterz wehl wyth diz project, bruthaz."
  20. I am so glad to see this clan getting back up on their feet. Wonderful Lore Summary! =)
  21. Kor'garr holds the announcement in grey, pallid hands, monobrow tilted in obvious scrutiny. The new offices in San'Briu let in beams of light upon Aevos, a stark difference to the eternal night that had plagued Almaris's last days. "Tha hygh Albai blah much azh agin... Buht wyll thyz Verayla agh her lyfemeyt truly du better dehn dah voolyshness of Valyryz dah Azdrazi-luver? Dah Horde wyll weyt agh peep, buht nub wyth beytid breth, agh Kor'garr wyll bi reddi tu riport dah truth uv diz 'nuu dawn' whatevur et may bi." With that, the Skriptgoth and newspaper owner sets that sheet of paper into his sparse records of happenings upon Aevos, rumbling thoughts drifting behind red eyes...
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