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About Lycan.

  • Birthday April 18

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  • Minecraft Username

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  • Gender
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    (Wont Tell)
  • Interests
    Dungeons & Dragons As A Dungeon Master (D&D)

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Wooby Maliorg
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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330 profile views
  1. Hello there I found a Wrecked Ship and it told me to message  i found the ship by blindly trying to go to the Holy Orenian Empire's path i thought i would find talon's port but i just found a wrecked ship (By the way my username is Captain_Wooby)

    Edited by Lycan.
  2. Lycan.


    Born in the Orenian empire with an allergy to rabbit fur Wen dedicated his life training in acrobatics and music he trained in acrobatics because of self-defense and protect himself if attacks happen and then he learned the flute as it was his dream to learn the flute every time he is bored he plays it. His Dad was a blacksmith Jack malenborg and his mother was a archeologist Erdelia malenborg that studied past wars of Holy Orenian Empire and and his brother James malenborg was going to his dad's footprints going to be a blacksmith when he started training it was when he died from the venom and then Wen was traumatized and scared of spiders and bugs every since he does not use a lot of weapons because it remembers him what his brother was going to be in the future. What happened with his dad after the death of Wen's brother in the Sedan Rebellion time's Jack malenborg died in time since that time he hated rebellions and wars. Wen was not using weapons so he decided to learn martial arts after years of training he wanted to improve himself, even more, to feel safe and protected so he trained in acrobatics as well, and then Wen thought that he was safe even upgrading the Vision and Hearing of Wen. When he had the safe feeling when he turned 20 he decided to learn the flute because he was training all those years that he retired not entirely he will still protect people in need and anyone if they need help. Another thing that Wen had was Emotional any insult or error can make him extremely sad or angry or happy he is always trying to try new things to make him forget the bad ones then sometimes he even explores.
  3. Lycan.


    He has born in Kal'Urugan with a strange condition of a high pitched voice so his Life was devoted to train with a Axe and a Banjo!? . So one of his friend made a Mechanical Bax that he called it that its a Banjo with a button that makes the bottom of the Banjo pop out the top part of a axe he still calles it a Bax. His Idol is King Simmpa because when simmpa got sick and never gave up makes Woon also never give up and that is why he likes living in Kal'Uruguan because simmpa was the king of Uruguan. What he also trained in life is being a blacksmith took alot of his life on it being a very good blacksmith on the end a expert blacksmith at making axes and swords.
  4. I finished my edit and my character's status is still pending and i fixed all the problems you said on the comment and if you can check and accept it be amazing.

    1. Melpomenne


      hi! thank you for notifying me! :D


      at the moment, I can not review your application but the moment I can I will. thank you!

    2. Lycan.


      thank you just that i got worried

  5. 😀

    Edited by Lycan.
  6. please accept it soon


  7. I finished editing it you can check now


  8. Lycan.


    He was born normally in Haelun'or and grown up without a particular interest in magic and thought that physical combat was better and also thought that physical combat was unstoppable so he trained almost his entire life to martial arts and acrobatics like he always lived safe he never thought and always prepared for any attack when he got skilled martial arts he also trained his hearing skills and eyesight for he can react fast when enemies attack. His parents were the kind of archeologist that researched on the Fall of Aegis and go to the Eternal Libary a lot that Wooby does not see them anymore sadly and they try to completely learn ancient elven. He does not battle with weapons but with his fists, and when asked to battle with weapons will disagree. And compared to other elves he is still young and wants to fight anything that wants to and will mostly win a lot. And also wants to adventure Aegis to fight every single race that exists might seem stupid to others but for him, it's a life goal
  9. I changed it sorry just forgot and i red it please accept it it took me 2 hours to do

    Edited by Lycan.
  10. Lycan.


    He was born normally in Haelun'or and grown up without a particully intrest in magic and thought that phisical combat was better and also thought that phisical combat was unstoppale so he trained almost his entire life to martal arts and acrobatics like he always lived safe he nevr thought and always prepared for any attack when he got skilled martial arts he also trained his hearing skills and eye sight for he can react fast when enemies attack. He does not battle with weapons but with his fists, and when asked to battle with weapons will dissagre. And comepared to other elves he is still young and wants to fight anything that wants to and will mostly win alot. And also wants to adventure Aegis to fight every single race that exists might seem stupid to others but for him its a life goal
  11. Lycan.


    he dident have parents not that he remembers the last thing he remember is being on the forest with clothes and a dagger with a wooden kind of industructable dagger he lived alone eating only bananas to survive then when he was like 18 he gone to the community on the forest and he wants to know what happend to his parents.
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