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Status Updates posted by megavoltar

  1. how did they buy houses, they need to be asked to let in, in the first place, what do you mean they have a two story house with a double-wide bed?

  2. I was there, I saw a shepherd throwing a stick at an automaton

  3. Community trust :ouroboros: :trol:

  4. I like skeletons and ghouls a lot do you think the ST would let them get bardmancer to play the xylophone?



  6. I cant have 'necrotic bloodline' anymore.  I called it my infected bloodline and always rub-a-dub-dubbed and/or took the conversation upstairs

  7. Glad the new sea urchin team

  8. The big D.D.S?  Vindicated

  9. Mala,.malamoss, give me pepperjack cheeese foreigner give me pepper jack cheese huh huh huh?

    1. Malta


      No, scrounge for it

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      mala moss can i get a pepper jack sniff sniff

  10. Need 2 go 2 store, I will return in 2 weeks, does anyone need anything else from the store?

    1. Velkuzat


      yea can you buy me some dragon bones?


  12. Spring cleaning

  13. braevos time, taco truckkk

  14. The snake eating itself grows tired of its own flesh and would rather choke then continue living full.

  15. Tfw bend the knee to whiney greens.  24/7.  Trollos los trollos.

  16. Yall excited for Atholos?

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