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שביט פגע
The Wilderness
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Sul Amirsan aen Sov
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Wood Elf
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SENATORIAL WELCOME FORM PROMPT RESPONSE NAME FIRST LAST VALERIUS MONTALT ORIGIN LOCATION COUNTRY SALVO SALVO INTRO INTRODUCE YOURSELF AS A PERSON AND A PARTISAN I fought as a member of the Petra Republican Partisans against the Monarchy of Aaun, as well as the nobility of The Petra to re-institute The Republic. PLATFORM DESCRIBE YOUR GOALS IN THE SENATE Project 1 REINVENT REPUBLICANISM: Foster fervent trust and faith in the Republican System. Meet the needs of workers and soldiers, and prioritize their needs over that of the general population. Project 2 REMOVAL OF LANDSCARS: Undertake projects to deconstruct old Lurinese freeholds across the realm. Project 3 To construct work places that model democratic systems in our legal system. LEADERSHIP MARK IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN RUNNING TO LEAD [ YES ] Speaker of the Senate [ YES ] Registrar of the Senate OATH [ Yes ] I attest that I have recited the oath of office and am thus bound
PKing as a culture has eroded and we'll never get it back per se. Like Dingo said, just don't go out of your way to keep involving yourself in places out of bad faith when you're killed/removed. People need to respect boundaries. The cost of not PKing is that there should still be some kind of consequence.
3 orcs joined in the past month God I need to make this race more appealing to applicants
"... The Khanate has ended. However, the journey to Greater Krugmar has begun!" Rhak'Dom
- 1 reply
EDICT OF 21’ Formed with Faith, Honor, and Blood in 21. FINAL EDICTS OF “THE EASTERN DESOLATION” REXKHAN DAAHD “Most do not know the Uruk. Most believe they have a grasp of the Uruk. Many of the Uruk do not know the Uruk. The Uruk are but a means to an end. The Uruk are a cursed people. They are far more tortured and cursed than any other race, they are cursed because Iblis and the Red Demons hate them. They are cursed because they are everything the Red Demons are not. They are brave. They are plain-spoken. They are honorable. They do not twist truths. And so the Red Demon and Iblis demand they pay. They take their looks and meld them. They take their lands and scorch them. They take their way of life and snuff it out. And because of this the Uruk become backward, forced to live in an existence which is not to their own design but the design of lessers. The Uruk is and was always the favored son, he is the chosen one, the one who can not be swayed by the lies of Iblis, the son who refused to be admitted into the legion of the damned Red Demon. For this- Iblis commends all his servants to obey and attack the chosen people. He commends all to look upon the Uruk and think him lesser. And while the Uruk might build mighty fortresses, might engage in diplomacy, might prove to the world in so many ways that he is righteous Iblis will always whisper into the ears of the other races ‘But he is Uruk, he is bloodthirsty! He cannot be trusted!’ To this Red Demon, to This Iblis the Rexkhan says: We in our bountiful blessings of the creator will always find a way to succeed, and will always win. You do not create as we do- you only destroy and do not destroy righteously as we do. You prop up false creations, Ubuntus, you prop up bloodlines of evil VIKEL, you prop up all that is to meld creation into its more disgusting and base form. And to this, I tell you, you will not win- slay yourself so that you might do the world but one favor. In this wisdom, I have reached Zen, in this wisdom I understand now that your Skah will torture the Uruk until the apocalypse, and though I believed many a time Armageddon was upon us- no Uruk can predict the day nor time. And so remember this Red Demon, Iblis, when the sun turns to blood in the Age of Dragons and the world seems so against my peoples- I will return to finish what I started. Desolation.” -REXKHAN DAAHD. ARTICLE I: DISSOLUTION OF MANDATE | DEATH TO UBUNTUS Upon the enactment of the Edict of the Rexkhan, of which there is only one, the Mandate of the South formed with good intention is dissolved. The actors within the mandate aside from those under Khanate dominion entered into the arrangement with malicious intent and breached the articles of the contract. Therefore, as per the law of Lurak, they are terminated. The States of Silasia and Lurin are dissolved. An attempt at the formulation of a State that honors either of these two traitorous regions' existence will be hunted down and exterminated regardless of whom they take political refuge under in line with the Desolation Decree of VIKEL. Any attempt to create a UBUNTU will be met with extreme backlash and death for all involved, sparing none. ARTICLE II: KHANATE DISSOLUTION Upon the abduction of the Rexkhan as per the treaty of formation of The Khanate the united crowns are split in two. Furthermore, as a staunch ally of Lurak and dual partner in the Khanate: Caurost is granted the Silent Valley in its entirety as their sovereignty. The Khanate itself under two regents is dissolved. Lurak and Caurost will henceforth be ruled entirely upon their own wills and whims under the Rex Rhak’dom and the High Prince Galahad Ilumrin. The two states will be intertwined in a Full Military Alliance and shared resource partnership but their rule will be self-governed. ARTICLE III: CONSTRUCTION OF STATUES Within the halls of Lurak will be constructed statues of the following figures to venerate their contributions to the Khanate during or prior to Feast of Wolves and Desolation of the East. Rexkhan Daahd @sean_vevo Admiral Takemura, Legendary Oni of Koyo-Kuni @wowj Norilir, former Rukagoth and mass armorer. @secretgecko Caius I, Spirit Walker @madone Fleeper I @Fleeper Priest Galahad Ilumrin @unwillingly EDICT OF 21’ EDICTS OF THE RISING REX RHAK’DOM The Blue Orc carried himself to the podium to do his speech at the World Cactus before all Orcs, “Under the Rex Rue’Lur, we found offense to be our best defense, and under the Rexkhan Daahd’Lur, we faced an existential war against the Forces of Darkness that sought to deceive and destroy us. Under Rhak’Dom, we shall reinvigorate our ailing trade, make the money necessary to preserve our broad and expansive borders, and experience a return to normalcy. We shall endeavor to establish Tributes all across this land. We shall maintain our strong alliances with Norland and the Holy Regency, and assist our brothers in Canondom against the infidels who serve Iblis. So says Rhak’Dom, the Rex of Lurak, and the former Targoth to the Khan of Khans. “All countries who do not know Lurak yet, come to Rhak’Dom and make your pledges, speak to us of bonds of fraternity and friendship. To those who bring gifts, I shall return gifts all the same, and we shall bring about the Reign of Peace – to those who seek to usurp Rhak’Dom, bring your armies, and I shall crush you beneath my heel as we did the Sons of Vikel and their progeny. To those who harbor the Prophet of Destruction Gort, know this… Your days are numbered. We know that the Ghost Mages have assisted Gort in his campaign of mass havoc and destruction across Our Continent. We will see that Iblis, Vikel, and Gort are laid to rest within the Seven Hells, and banished from this earthly plane for all eternity.” “SO SAYS I, RHAK’DOM,” he thundered. “REX OF LURAK, GORTSLAYER. RAZER OF UBUNTUS!” ARTICLE I: ESTABLISHMENT OF TRIBUTARY SYSTEM To offer tribute is to invoke the guest rite of the Orcs for perpetuity, so long as the fee is paid. Not uncommon to the system of Norlandic weregild, the mina, called in Lurak the Krugi has immense sway in Orcish communities, especially for dissuading violence. Tributionary States exist in a state of permanent peace so long as the payments of necessary raw materials or Krugies (Minas) persist. However, Tributaries are not guaranteed support during wartime, and wartime operations conducted by Lurak are necessitated by Military Defense Pacts. To become a Tributary is to ensure the defense of your country or group from both Orcs and your enemies. The Orcs shall always side with defenders in a Tributary Conflict during raids. The Orcs shall always fight with Military Defense Pacts during major wars and not raids. To offer Tribute to the Orcs of Lurak offers a settlement protection and Honorary Orc status.
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We've interacted a handful of times over the years, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. Like you, I have a similar upbringing, and faced similar adversity on this server. Using this place as a creative outlet, I've made friends who've helped me expand my horizons when it comes to creative writing, art critique, and the list goes on. I wish you luck with your in-person shit, soldier.
"I register," said Valerius Montalt. "I vote for this eleven-year-old child. He seems like he's got a wise head."
Faith, Honor, Blood c. Year 204 The Orc Rhak’Dom made his way up to a podium in Lurakahn. Orcs from across the former lands of the Horde had gathered to bare witness to his speech as the blue Orc sought to make history. For many years, Lurak had been at war, and for many years still would this conflict drag on. “I am Rhak’Dom,” said the Blue Orc to his audience. “Targoth to the Khan of Khans.” Sweat surrounded his brow. The fury of blood rage was building within his chest. “Ours is a noble mission as Orcs. At the forefront of our cause is the honor of striking down those who seek to defile the Beleth Jungle. We have achieved this end in no small thanks to Daahd’Lur, the Khan of Khans, and his daughter the Rex Rue’Lur.” “... But our mission is not over yet. Our mission shall not be over until The Khanate brandishes statehood loudly like a thundering club. When we invaded Dunwen, they said that the Khan loves men. In The Khanate, such triffling things mean nothing to us, but they wield race, gender and orientation as a calamity to accuse others. I know many homosexual Orcs, and they are not any less murderous than the rest of us. We all have honor. We all love Lurak. To those who seek to brand one another homosexuals to discredit their conquests, I say this to you – this country is noble, honorable, and unkind. Your insults are naught but slings and arrows that shall be met with the atomizing pressure of total war and invasion.” Rhak’Dom felt the pressure in his chest alleviate, his hands spreading wide into the air as his biceps flexed, his blue skin rippling with undercurrents of muscle. “When Gronk destroyed Salvus, we all applauded. When Mogroka killed his foes, we jeered. And when Grommash nobly took the fight at the Westmark, we found great dignity and honor in serving. Words are air. To the Twiggierex who has sought to annihilate us, to back our enemies against us, I say this much… Your cause is noble. However, it is at an end. The dominant power among non-human races shall be the Orcs from this day forward. “We answer to our Creator and to his son Krug. We answer to our Spirits and hope to find ourselves in Stargush’Stroh. To those who defy the great Daahd’Lur, you shall see that those of us from Lur Country are strong. That our allies are likewise strong. The Crusade has been called, it is an assembly of many faiths, but we do not revile God as you do. “I pledge my blade to Krug the All-Father, to the Magnificient Daahd and Rue’Lur, and to High Priest Fleeperus, and to those who have sacrificed their lives to revitalize the jungle, and free the South from the throes of piastdom politics. So says Rhak’Dom, Targoth to the Khan of Khans. Gug’ye.” Many cheered, perhaps even some people booed, but the cause was announced regardless – the enemy fought nobly at Driftwood Hollow, but the End of Times was coming. The world would be different now. [!] With a strange yet successful victory, the March of The Crusade continues. Warclaim is on Tile 5. Extreme Hills 5. C'ya Saturday. LOCK IN!
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Adage to the Gortslayer "And I Rhak’Dom crossed to untold places after locking fists with Twiggie-Orc Kretz’Ox, publisher of missives, wielder of the goggles. Banished him from the Realm of Orcs, my good home Lurak, so that his blood might feed the orchids. Sir Rickard and I talk. I murder the thief killer Gort and bring justice to the Haeseni Realm. I am Rhak’Dom, Targoth to the Khan of Khans, The Gortslayer, and my might goes on uncontested. All who question peace, I will kill you to maintain it. All who attempt to destroy Lurak, I shall draw and quarter you with Braduk rhinos. That is my promise as The Gortslayer. I love Lurak." d. 10th of the Deep Cold, Year 203 of the Second Age This is public knowledge and the bit of "poetry" is circulated around Haense, Lurak and Grense, the places Targoth Rhak'Dom frequents the most.
To Lurak And The Church of Canon: About Your Final Act
Rig replied to Bethinwonderland's topic in Announcements
The blue Orc named Rhak'Dom, Targoth of the Khan of Khans, descendant of the Rex Rusk'Dom looked to his Orcish bruddahs and then spoke soundly on the matter of the Vorticerex's missive. "This one acts as does a cornered animal. Feral, contested, darting eyes that wander. All the while the Orcs salivate. The fear is palpable now and I can feel the brittleness of their weak Twiggy and Umie bones. As their psyche has been broken, I cannot doubt that they shall be on their last legs for some time." The Targoth mobilized his Krughai as they made camp. This war had gone on for a long time. From the tip of a pyramid sixteen-years before to the very edge of the great and boundless sea. However, Rhak'Dom was familiar with the stinging loneliness of being on the campaign, and he relished in the idea of sating his bloodlust. Should the Vorticerex's steward succeed in fetching the letter from the aviary, there was a single note addressed to her, albeit in an admonishing tone one would expect from a hulking brute who has been made to wait for too long. At the bottom was signed his familiar handprint found on all of his missives. The Orc shouldered his blue crystalline hammer and watched the horizon, yearning for bloodshed. And what came to his mind was the quintessential adage about his people. He could hear his village's Shaman speaking it in his very ears... "Krug was the most resilient to Iblees' deception. Unwavering to greed, lust, and envy, Iblees grew furious over Krug's adamant mindset. He then challenged Iblees to open combat in rage... "Krug grew bitter, his resentment of his brothers increased for befriending such a beast... God had heard their prayers. An army of Aenguls and Daemons from the seven skies had appeared on the grand shores of Aegis. Their majesty and beauty so strong that all The Descendants could see was a flash of power white light erupt from the east. Only Malin with his strong sight could see the figures of light as they sped across the skies towards the armies of Iblees. Before they could complete the sentence, Iblees stood tall for one last time. “You believe you may simply banish me from this plane and that my taint shall not last? I have touched this world with evil and it shall forever be part of the souls that inhabit it. And you Krug, the most hated of The Descendants, you shall always have the lust of war. You are strong? Well, the strength shall be used against your brothers, used to pillage and murder! Your lust for battle shall be unsatisfied and your descendants shall grow ugly and heartless.” As soon as his words were uttered, the world grew suddenly dark. A great roar erupted from Iblees' mouth and in a blast of fire he was banished from the Mortal World."- 17 replies
Establishment of the Goldtooth Foundry Est. 9th of the Amber Cold, 203 SA. “In these dreaded times, we must replicate Westmark– an Orcish berserker must be willing to lay down his own life to see the mission through. A hundred dead Orcs, a thousand dead Orcs, they all go to Stargush’Stroh. If we do not lay down our lives for the Fatherland, it is not only Krug we need fear but the absolute annihilation of our people.” - Rhak'Dom Targoth Rhak’Dom entrusts Druzz Goldtooth, Gobo Machinist, with the rights to a plot of land for the purposes of experimentation, the creation of an arsenal of siege engines, and the development of new Magical Weapons of Mass Destruction (MWMDs). He shall have the unabridged right to do whatever he pleases with this parcel of land so long as he obeys instructions from the Rexkhan Daahd’Lur and Targoth Rhak’Dom. This shall be referred to as the Krughattan Doctrine. So pens Rhak’Dom, Targoth of the Khan of Khans.
Soren Goldhand makes for his homeland to wield his axe in the defense of Urguani sovereignty.