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  • Birthday 05/16/2000

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    Hoppy Herbwallow
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  1. humans make a culture thats not something from irl challenge

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    2. argonian


      high elves: thalmor

      wood elves: too busy inventing words for different sex acts to have a culture

      orcs: do they even exist anymore

      dwarves: warhammer

    3. Shorsand


      I think they could take ideas and inspiration from more high-fantasy cultures/environments than they do now. Ofc yeah, nothing is going to be wholly original, but they shouldn't be afraid of deviating into more whimsical/alien/fantasy elements than being more 'grounded'.

    4. monkeypoacher




      What bugs me about these groups is how upstarty they are. Every time someone writes new "culture lore" it's immediately followed by "anyone want to do türk rp? it's okay you only have to grind for us if you want to :D"


      Ppl look at Haense and Oren as historical allusions and decide, "Well, no one's doing byzantium rp ..." Nothing really prevents you from playing a Greek or Turkish character but these groups keep popping up, bc their creators' motivation is they want to be an Emperor. It's totally possible to make interesting historically inspired settings that a) aren't completely derivative and b) fit into LoTC's existing history and lore, but no one does it because reading is too hard.


      This **** has butchered player history bc every major war is a coalition of "le royaume de auvergne" and dozens of other peripheral microstates which appear out of thin air to try and poach land and players from existing nations. IMO we should probably limit what titles new settlements are allowed to use (your 5 player village in the wilderness cannot be a kingdom)

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