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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

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Everything posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. They're restricted by the rate at which mana flows, and difficult to obtain. Void Gems will only really see use in minor enchants, things like magelights whatnot. Manablades, at most.
  2. No. It simply matches telekinetic force applied to it, effectively halving the force needed to move it. It doesn't make anything possible that is currently impossible.
  3. The current Hollows lore by Moot only describes the very basics of Hollows - the difference between Implosion and Explosion Hollows. This lore elaborates on the Hollows, adding content and detail to them.
  4. Note - This lore is an elaboration of existing Hollows lore, not a retcon or redo. The original lore can be seen here: On Hollows It is no mystery, to those inclined to learn, that magic and the void are corruptive forces. The weakness of magi is but the first sign of this truth, though it is without a doubt one of the more mild forms. The true depth of this corruption is rarely seen, even by the most accomplished of magi. Through the history of the descendants, on numerous occasions the Hollows, pinnacle of the void’s corruption, have manifested. While the basics of such a blight are well-known to those studied in them, little has been determined as to what lies in the depths of such a place. Few could imagine what lies below, its wonders and its horrors. Overview As has already been ascertained, a Hollow is the result of magical calamity. A burst of energy, be it from a Node or some other disaster, is the typical cause for this blight to appear. Sometimes this occurs deep underground, where it's true nature may never be seen. Sometimes, on the surface where it shall forever scar the world with the Void’s potential. Within the bounds of a Hollow, the world changes dramatically. A perpetual fog covers the sky, and all sorts of unnatural creations exist. The sun is unseen, the area remaining in a constant state of near dark. Time and space seem to follow their own rules within a Hollow, and direction and size are meaningless. One might travel north for hours through one, only to end up at the southern border mere minutes after he’d entered. It is a dismal and treacherous place. Few ever seek to enter, and fewer ever return. Effects While occupying space within the physical realm, a Hollow seems to follow few of its properties. Time, Space, even life itself are far changed once one enters its bounds. Physical Properties A Hollow’s overall appearance and layout is based on what the location of it was prior. A region once mountainous will be mountainous, a region once urban will be urban, so on. However, those who may have been acquainted with the region prior to the formation of its Hollows will notice that the layout of the area has changed. A city might find two buildings, once on opposite ends, sharing a wall. Cellars will lead to other cellars in an impossibly labyrinthine passage, ever leading down. Mountains will have newfound passages and caves, always leading down but never seeming to get any lower. Pathways, of some sort, are apparent, in all cases, leading ever-downward in some fractal pattern. An urban area turned Explosion Hollow. As was already known, the nature of a Hollow’s appearance also depends on the type of explosion, though it's patterned depths remain in either. An Explosive Hollow will have its crystalline appearance, and an implosive Hollow it's wildly transmuted one. A dramatic example of an Implosion Hollow, occurring within a city. Mana is dense in the air, as well as everything else within the Hollows. Any metals in the area take on the properties of Arcanium, though any attempts at harvesting it are likely to end in failure. Stone itself has taken on a similar nature, transforming into a substance that one mage promptly named Manite, for its special properties. In the deepest reaches of a Hollow, small, brightly glowing white crystals form - the true treasure of this unmade land. Coveted by enchanters for their seemingly infinite mana-supply, entire expeditions into a Hollow would be considered a success if merely one such gem was found. The Galvanized Inside a Hollow, life is a cruel imitation of what lies outside. Terrors are commonplace, and Horrors are not particularly rare. Furthermore, the corpses of those who perished, be them man or beast, often find themselves rising - mere puppets to the mana coursing through them. These aberrations, dubbed ‘The Galvanized’ mindlessly wander the depths of the Hollow, and make up the most common creatures within. These creatures act as puppets, apparently controlled by the more dangerous Terrors and Horrors lurking within the region. They act as violent husks, attacking any not as corrupted as they with both physical blows and bursts of unstable magical energies, taking the forms of the five elemental evocations. The Galvanized are not solely of the corpses of men - any once living, pliable tissue is vulnerable to this process. A Hollowed forest might be home to Galvanized bears, charging forth with ferocity and spewing voidal flame, for example. A Galvanized human, formed in an Implosion Hollow. They are puppets, rather than undead. More similar to an atronach or conjuration creature than a necrolyte. Holy magics are not without effect on them, but nor are they particularly powerful. The only reliable way to kill a Galvanized is to destroy its physical form. Like the Hollows themselves, the Galvanized are affected by the nature of its creation. An explosion Hollow will result in crystalline figures, with growths on their bodies whereas an Implosion Hollow will result in morphed and disfigured creatures. The body of a knight, Galvanized after the formation of an Explosion Hollow. Manite and Void Gems Manite and Void Gems are the two treasures that of a Hollow. Like everything else within the region, they are objects that have been bombarded with obscene amounts of mana, giving them strange new properties. Manite Manite is the most common of the two, usually forming where any exposed stone was present. Manite is typically found as a dark blue or purple color, and exhibits two immediate traits. Variable Mass - When affected by alteration, particularly transmutation, manite displays a trait that, by all rights, should not exist. Using transmutation to change the size and shape of such a stone does not merely shift the stone, but adds to it or subtracts from it. This process becomes increasingly harder, as the mass changes further from its original value, but through transmutation a skilled transfigurationist can shift a given sample to anywhere between one tenth its original size and mass, to ten times that original. The stone does not lose density in this process, as the vast amount of mana that seeped into the stone seems to evoke or discard material as necessary to maintain its original density. Telekinetic Assistance - Telekinesis as well has special effects on Manite. The massive mana reserve within the stone seems to lend itself to any telekinetic spell used on it. It roughly matches the force applied to it, causing the given spell to be about twice as powerful as it would be otherwise. Red Line Transmuted Manite cannot exceed one tenth, or ten times the original mass. For archons, this extends to one fifteenth and fifteen times. Void Gems The true treasure of a Hollow, the Void Gems are incredibly rare, incredibly powerful items. Usually found as tiny shards, larger gems are exponentially rarer than smaller ones, and almost always found in the deepest reaches of a Hollow. Functionally, Void Gems are almost identical to Mana Gems with one major distinction - they absorb ambient mana from around them, passively recharging at a slow rate. This effect is not grand enough to show any adverse reactions in the surrounding area, but the gem will slowly regain mana until it reaches its capacity - an amount that is fairly larger than managems of the same size. This recharging is a slow process, not unlike the similar effect that normal managems undergo when near a tear. A Void Gem will not last forever when active. In addition, its output is restricted by the size of a gem. Smaller gems can only output a stream of mana large enough for smaller enchantments. Gems large enough to supply mana to larger devices such as Atronachs are nearly impossible to find. In addition, the gems themselves cannot be magically altered, only bound to an enchantment. Shards cannot be transmuted together, and any adjustment in shape or size is done only by physically cutting the gem - a process that irreversibly lessens its power. Red Lines One cannot RP the use of a Void-Gem without possession of a ET-Approved item representing one. These are meant to be rare rewards, not a staple in enchanting. Void Gems large enough to be capable of powering large devices, such as Atronachs, require LM approval. The size and shape of a Void Gem can only be changed through cutting it, transmutation of these gems is impossible. Implementation This lore is intended to give further purpose to Hollows, and as such, is primarily focused on creating an event-setting with fitting, balanced rewards. An underground Hollows can be located anywhere, due to the nature of their creation, though surface ones are more difficult to justify. Examples of appropriate surface Hollow locations would be the Johannesburg ruins, or anywhere that has been home to a voidal tear for a long time. Neither new material, Manite nor Void Gems, are designed to be widespread or powerful. Both require an ET-Approved item to be roleplayed, and are meant as useful, but not game-changing, rewards for successful expeditions into the Hollows.
  5. Looking for players interested in Golem or Atronach RP. PM me!

    1. Skylez


      Being an Atronach is a good deal of fun, far better than Golems in my opinion.


      Granted, it also depends on the creator themselves.

  6. That was one thing I did try to avoid, though I only have the official Nemiisae lore to go off of as I'm not particularly versed in any IC interpretations. There are three main reasons that I do think that these two won't conflict, though. I used Benbo's thread as my basis on her lore, to make sure to reduce redundancy. 1 - Nemiisae's actions and representations (at least, according to the lore) often venture into darker variations of life. A quote from her lore - "She is the matron of the night and dark desires" and while she does have an affinity for death, as far as I can tell in her lore, she has no domain over it. Unfortunately, it's rather vague. What I took from the lore is that she's more or less a catch-all for the spookier parts of nature. 2 - Jicia's purpose is much more narrow in scope - the preservation of mortality. Her alignment is not against the unnatural in general, merely unnatural extension of life. While her magic is only effective against the 'big three' holy aenguls, she is explicitly against the undead, and her followers would likely find themselves at odds with all manner of people (Druids, Archons, etc). She exists solely to preserve mortality - what happens to those mortals is meaningless to it. I might reword it in the lore, but in the section you quoted, I simply said that people would consider themselves to be working for her, when in reality she didn't care about them in the slightest. 3 - At the end of the day, Nemiisae (as far as written lore goes) is rather hard to pin down as the Aengul of "____". Her lore itself calls her the 'Shadow of Death', rather than Death itself. She has her own things, and unfortunately I had to use the information I had to make as clear a distinction as I could. If the three clerical deities can co-exist, each with their own orders, I can only hope that the concept of a deity of mortality can co-exist with one of the three druidic patrons. That said, if there's a more specific Nemiisae lore piece that could clear things up, and help me to make that distinction, please let me know! Thank you for the feedback.
  7. Jicia - The Weeping Demon The Lady of the Passage, and the Aengudaemon of Mortality Lore by Combustionary (Image Sources Below) Every crying babe shall screech their first, so begins the hour they lend. As the sands slip down with time’s thirst, every breath must end. The Mortal Truth Once revered, if only in whispers, Jicia is the safekeeper of mortality itself. Her place is not within the mysteries of death and beyond, but merely the inevitability of it. Her duty is to protect the sanctity mortality. To deny those who would stave off fate through otherworldly means. In ages past, her name was sacred to those whose lives were ruled by death. To the killers, who fancied themselves as her agents, and to the cowards, who believed in folly that flattery would cast away her gaze. If one knew her name, it was inseparable from his ponderance of fate. In truth, the lives and the deaths of mundane men were of no concern to this deity. The killer’s target would one day die, by knife or no, and the coward’s prayers would fall on deaf ears. Should a man live to two, or to two-thousand - mortality takes him still. She does not revel in the act of dying, only in its place in the world. It is with those who find ways undeserved, in the darkest lairs and brightest citadels, to escape fate itself that her ire is drawn. Those who would bind their bones to the world in undeath, or seal their wounds with the light of meddling gods. Yet, to simply wield those unnatural arts is no concern to her. Even the most vile, unholy of arts are beyond her wrath should the user's mortality be preserved. Only the monks of the Triumvirate escape her hatred, for her duty ends with death, and the deities who determine what comes next - resurrection and otherwise, are beyond her regard. The Tears of The Lady First came the Betrayer and his perversion of death. Followed closely after were Aerial, Tahariae, Setherian and Xan. All were the same. All mocked the Mortal Truth, turning that universal fear to their own ends. The lady wept for this injustice. For her duty undone. She wept in hope that one day, her name would again be uttered. That her tears would inspire those wretched few who still revered her, and that through them she could one day right the wrongs of selfish gods. In the first days, Jicia could only wait. The Betrayer's transgression was met by those of the Aenguls who opposed him. To intervene would be a hopeless affair, for her strength was meager compared to that of those who had cast their lot into the mortal realm, all she could do was wait. Iblees fell, but the victorious gods did not return to the skies. She began her preparations. She gathered her strength, and watched as the lands of Asulon fell, and the world's men fled to Anthos. She came near to showing her hand, and empowering those few who still followed her, but the Black Scourge acted first. The world was once against drawn into a battle of gods, and as she had known before, she could not succeed against both sides of the conflict. So again she waited, and again she prepared. Through the wars of Anthos, and through the resurgence of Iblees in Athera. The world would quiet, and complacency would take her enemies. Then, when the time was proper, she would cast down to her followers her meager gift. Reviled by all who combat fate, the Tears of The Lady are the secretive few who would serve in her name. Enemy to blasphemers of both the light and the dark, they have but one goal - to end those who would deny death through otherworldly means. With her gift, they fight holymen and undead alike, and they ask no reward. Truly, her following is not of noble men. Any action in her name is permitted, so long as the actor serves to further the Mortal Truth. Among these few will always be one and one alone to whom Jicia’s bond is strongest, and only they are capable of her greatest feat - the creation of her Idol. Should this individual die or abandon Jicia, another of her followers will take his place. The Lady’s Gift Jicia’s gift is not of life. Her followers cherish their mortality and expect no hypocrisy. They know that their service will not avert her eye, when it one day sets upon them. To her servants she bestows her gift only as the tool it may be. The tool to undo the crimes of unnatural health. Unmending The crowd watched in horror as the bandits fled from the coming guardsmen, leaving the innocent woman screaming and bleeding on the road. One heroic man spoke up, shouting for the crowd to step back. He was a Cleric! The day was not lost, after all - even the worst wound was but another day’s work for a noble servant of Tahariae. Cheering, the bystanders watched the cleric’s work, and just minutes later, the wound was gone. The noble warrior had even cleaned her up! Had it not been for the blood on her shirt, nobody could even have told the source of the puddle on the ground. After making sure the poor lass was fine, the Cleric helped her to a seat and departed, surely off to save the day elsewhere. Jubilant, the crowd approached her, eager to help in any way they could. Two men in particular offered to help her get home. Tired and weak, the woman agreed in earnest. When she finally felt her strength return, they went to help her up, each taking an arm. But a moment later, the woman screamed once more in pain, and the crowd could see why - a line of crimson appeared where the cleric had just finished, and within seconds flung open to a gush of blood. The two men dropped her arms and the crowd saw naught but panic and confusion on their faces as they backed away, calling for the cleric who was long gone while the woman’s screams faded into whimpers, and her whimpers into nothing. The crowd soon dispersed, a silence hanging over the square. Of those two men, one had been true, and one had not. The ability of Jicia’s servants is simple in nature - the unraveling of healing magicks. No matter the source, a deity’s light joins the wound it heals, and for a time, that light lingers. By touch and touch alone, the servant of the Lady is able to send her power into his victim. Immediately it will take its course, working to unravel any of the healing magic binding its victim. Newly closed cuts will reopen, and long-healed ones will ache with great pain. The extent of the effect is based on both the severity of the previous wound, and the time that has passed since its healing. A potentially fatal wound healed mere moments before would almost completely reopen, while one healed weeks before may only split into a small, painful cut. Benefactors of her gift take it with a price, however, as hypocrisy is not tolerated. Those connected to Jicia’s power will not benefit from any otherworldly healing - that light will simply pass them by. This gift, however, only effects the three clerical orders - those of Xan, Tahariae, and Aerial, despite her hatred of all magical forms of life-extension. The Lady’s Idol In the Lady’s service will always be one to whom her bond is strongest. This individual possesses merely one capability that the others lack - the creation of the Lady’s Idol. Only one may possess this ability at any given time, and only one Idol may exist at any given time. To create an Idol will cause whatever Idol may already exist to shatter, and an Idol may only be imbued after ten years have passed since the last. The Idol is the conduit of Jicia’s tears. It is a statue, painstakingly carved by the deity’s champion, and blessed to weep. For as long as Jicia’s champion lives, the statue will weep a clear, cold stream of water. In this water is her power the greatest, and from it come fleeting, yet intense, boons. While only one can create an Idol, all can benefit from its waters. Should the champion die, or the statue be destroyed, it cannot be recreated again until ten years following its last imbuement. From her tears spout three boons - The Baptism, The Blade, and The Embrace. The Baptism is the connection of another follower to Jicia herself. Only in a pool at the base of the Idol is one able to be submerged in her tears, and should the heart be devoted, connected to her in truth. Any connected follower is, after growing their connection sufficiently, capable of carrying out a Baptism. The Blade and the Embrace are fleeting abilities. Weapons and armor submerged in her tears, to carry with them her strength. The Blade is the ability for one to plunge a weapon into this pool, and temporarily imbue it with the ability to create wounds that the gods’ lights have no effect on. Such wounds will still heal through mundane means, but magic will have no effect. This imbuement will last roughly two months, less if the weapon is used often. The Embrace is a much shorter boon, but a much stronger one. Lasting mere minutes, any armor or clothing wet with the waters will provide resistance to the holy attacks of holy men. Weapons of light, from misty blades to projectiles, will find no effect on the servant of Jicia, so long as he is doused in her tears. This boon is only effective in direct proximity to the Idol - It is a last resort defensive ability. ((OOC Section Below)) Red Lines Only wounds unravelled soon after being healed will completely reopen - this vulnerability lasts roughly one IRL day. Anytime after, and it will just result in a small wound, and intense pain at the site of the healing. Usage of Unmending is done only via skin-to-skin contact. However, due to this limitation, it is very discrete and a user requires but a couple of seconds of contact. A weapon blessed by Jicia’s tears will keep its boon for roughly two IRL days. In this time, wounds caused by it will be unable to be healed through healing magic (though regular medicine and other mundane means will still work). Other wounds by non-blessed weapons, even when a blessed wound is present, will be healable normally. The boon ‘The Embrace’ only works in direct proximity to the Idol. It will function only within what equates to roughly twenty MC blocks from the statue. In addition, it only protects from purely holy attacks - mundane weapons, even if blessed by another patron, will function as normal. Water taken from The Idol will have no effect once it has left the same direct proximity of the statue (roughly 20 MC Blocks). Jicia’s magic currently works only against the magicks of Xan, Tahariae, and Aerial, despite her alignment against any magical method of healing. Effects against the magicks of other deities/magicks will require a lore addition. Jicia’s ‘champion’ has no greater strength of magic than any other follower can achieve over time, merely the ability to create an Idol. Should the champion be PKed, whichever LT oversees the Aengudaemon will select his successor. All created Idols must have LT supervision, to properly enforce the 10-year (IRL Week) rule. Image Sources (In Order of Appearance) http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/bungalow-tales/images/c/cb/Raven-Queen-skull.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150710132203 https://krypt0nian.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/zire.jpg http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/8096010.jpg Changelog 4/11 3:30 PM - Slight changes to Introduction and Tears of The Lady, to clarify purpose and boundaries.
  8. While I don't know too much about shade magic, isn't it based on the corruption of the soul, or something of that nature? The familiar has no soul, nor any internal production of mana. It is an enchantment. A device that forms a predetermined spell with the mana imbued into it by a source that actually can generate mana. There is no more here for a shade to corrupt or use than in any other enchanted item.
  9. russian hackers are interfering in our warclaim

    1. OhDeerLord


      be calm my child

  10. @ski_king3

    i thought nate silver said hillary would win????

    1. mitto


      protect the women colin!!!

  11. As far as your typical mage goes, I'd put it at five. However I don't think a set, arbitrary requirement is necessary and that it should be more up to the discretion of the overseeing LM/ET
  12. Once the tear is stable, mana begins seeping out of it. The mana slowly begins to saturate itself into the surrounding lands, and, in some cases creatures (such as voidal-corruption, eyes, etc). Raw, base mana. The rift saturates everything around it with mana, rather than simply targeting the managems. It's a much more ambient, widespread process than a mage's refueling of a gem. A mage must understand the enchantment to put his mana into the gem, but the tear simply puts mana into everything. I'm certainly not an expert on non-voidal enchantments, and I'd certainly appreciate a PM or skype message to give me some more insight on this. My opinion is that if raw mana can power it, yes. If that mana requires some alteration through an aengudaemon or such, no. Really up to the discretion of the LM/ET doing an event for one. The rift wouldn't reach the point where either are especially common. and it certainly wouldn't overrun a settlement with them. I feel like adding a hard requirement to their appearance would be more stifling than entertaining. I'm certainly open to hearing them! You've provided very good questions, and I hope my answers were satisfactory.
  13. Voidal Tearing Lore by Combustionary Originating in the failure of portal experimentation, the Voidal Tear is an example of an accidental discovery. As translocationists learned the ability of partial translocation - the formation of temporary rifts in the void, attempts at large scale usage, to transport larger objects over longer distances, were almost immediate. With the advent of mage circles learning to pool their mana for larger spells, many involved began to consider their lofty goal to be within reach. The first half of this theory would be fairly simple to execute - and it was. A circle of magi would convene, and the limits of such a rift would be tested. As the rift got larger, however, the results became equally dangerous and wondrous. Should that rift be stabilized, and anchored to the world via a transfigurationist, it can have great effect on the world around it. Voidal Tears The creation of a tear is simple in complexity, but difficult in feasibility. It requires a circle of magi including both an experienced translocationist and transfigurationist. It also requires a large magegold frame to hold the stabilized rift in. The circle must then assist both mages in forming a large rift, and using transfiguration to bind it to the frame like any other enchanted spell. In this case, however, the nature of the rift makes it independent of a mana-gem fuel source. In the simplest of terms, it is a partial-translocation rift made to be much larger, and much more permanent than a lone mage could accomplish. This anomalous creation, once stabilized, soon becomes a free-flowing path for the veil between the void and the world, causing raw mana to seep out at an increasing pace. This fact, and the rift to the veil, is what causes a Voidal Tear to have its effects on the world around it. As the tear reaches a large area, raw mana begins to flow forth. The initial torrent is particularly strong, and more often than not, results in what could be described as an earthquake in the immediate area. Those attempting the formation of a tear without the proper structural support could easily find their building of choice falling down around them from the force. If the magi forming the rift are able to maintain focus through this initial torrent, and allow the rift to become stable, the gentler flow of magic will lead to numerous effects on the surrounding areas. Mana gems and obelisks will, slowly, refill themselves. This is not a quick enough process to allow particularly draining enchants to remain perpetually active, but a mage who leaves such an object inactive overnight may find the gem to have recharged without any interaction. Furthermore, mages near to the tear will find their recovery after casting to be hastened. The same ambient mana that refills their enchantments will give them an easier time in resting and allowing their mana pools to recover. However, not all the effects of the tear are positive. Especially as time passes after the formation of the rift, problems and dangers will begin to present themselves. As a tear grows more mature, and thus more stable, removing it will become more and more destructive. Removing a rift causes a burst of energy much like the creation of it. The more mature a rift is, the more rooted in the world it has become, and thus the more damaging the burst will be when it is removed. Physical weakness, due to the same voidal corruption that manifests itself in mages, will sometimes take effect in those who live close to the rift. While not a guaranteed outcome, and never on the same scale as a mage’s, a populace living near such a tear will slowly come to find itself physically weaker, even if by a small margin, than populations without such a corruption. Children born nearby to a rift will sometimes experience a voidal alteration to their eyes not unlike the transcendent archons. In most cases, this is purely superficial, but in some it can come alongside blindness. The more time the pregnant mother spent in proximity to the tear, the greater chance of this occurring. In addition to this mutation, simpler creatures will sometimes be born with even greater mutations, the extent of which is truly unknown. A more mature rift will sometimes spawn forth voidal terrors, posing a threat to the surrounding lands. As the rift grows even older, the terrors can be found appearing further and further away from the epicenter. In some extremely rare cases, voidal horrors may pass through. Finally, the oldest of rifts will imbue a hollows-like corruption to the environment. While this is too slow-spreading to simply destroy a town, by this point, removing the rift would likely do as much damage to its surroundings as the hollows eventually would. Red Lines / Rules The creation of a voidal tear must have LM oversight and approval. The removal of a voidal tear must have LM oversight and approval. The ambient managem recharging is a slow process. It will not recharge a gem quickly enough to give its enchantment any additional effect over the course of a given fight. The eased resting process for a mage has the same limitations of managems - It is too slow a process to give a mage any advantage in a fight that he'd not have elsewhere. The physical weakness is neither nearly as severe as a mage’s, nor forced on any player residing near the tear. The severity of it, as well as its presence in a character, is entirely up to the player. The same thing goes for altered eyes and blindness. Altered animals and void terrors appearing near the tear are purely for ET/LM use, as a means to provide consequential events to the nearby lands. The final stage of a tear, the slow spread of hollowing, occurs only after a rift has remained present for a very long time. More than thirty weeks, at the very least. Attempting to push or otherwise force objects through the tear will result in the objects being pushed back in a manner akin to throwing somebody against a trampoline. Traversing this tear is impossible. The purpose of this lore is not to empower its users - the negative consequences definitely outweigh the positives. Its purpose is to further interesting rp erring on the often unexplored corrupting properties of the void, and to create an environment conducive to magic-based events for those who wish for them.
  14. Could an FM please archive the four topics in this subforum? They're being replaced.



  15. Really doesn't seem to fit with the environment of LoTC, and would be a pain to roleplay. -1
  16. where were you when felsen was kill

    1. Jonificus


      Was getting killed.

    2. Bvie


      Hiding in my  farm as birds pelted me begging to buy TnT

  17. The Arcanist’s Blade A Weapon Without a Smith Throughout the relatively short history of Arcanism and its two predecessors, one feat has always been deemed impossible - The evocation of a sharp-edged weapon. An arcanist’s wisps are fragile, gaseous things that take great skill to shape into anything. While the magic has proven superior to evocations in the precision it holds in shaping its efforts, a sturdy, sharp blade is something that has forever taken too much of the casting mage’s focus to ever be able to hold that shape for more than a couple of seconds. Alone, an Arcanist simply cannot do anything but waste his mana to create such a weapon. An enchantment, however, requires no focus on its part. Together with a transfigurationist, an enchantment can be made to maintain this fleeting weapon. The Arcanist’s Blade is the result of this effort - a sharp, arcane weapon comprised of three parts. The Mana Gem - Due to the advanced nature of the blade, the enchantment requires a fair amount of mana. As such, a large gem is embedded in the hilt to provide it. The Hilt - The weapon’s base, and the item that is enchanted with the blade. The hilt’s materials can vary, but magegold is the preferred metal in most cases. The Blade - Only attainable in a quiet room, by a well-rested and well-trained arcanist, the blade itself must be summoned and bound to the hilt as an enchantment. Once the three parts of the weapon are together, the blade is complete. Functionally it is similar to a weapon of metal, and depending on the skill of those involved can be weak and blunted, or as sharp as the finest steel. Due to the precise nature of the enchant, the sword will always remain activated. As such, a blade of this make requires regular recharging like a blade of metal requires sharpening. Due to the heavy materials of the hilt, the tool itself is similar in weight to a regular sword. While not useless to a mage, a sword will always be best left in the hands of a swordsman. The Arcanist’s Blade is not a revolutionary addition to the art, but it is an option for those who seek to produce weapons through alternate means. OOC For all intents and purposes, the Arcanist’s Blade is more or less flavor lore. Being an enchantment, as far as mechanics (both IG and RP) go, it functions almost exactly like any other sword. Without the enchanted item IRP, an arcanist can’t use a magical blade. With In-Game mechanics, the requisite enchantment is easily represented by a regular sword. With this addition to Arcanism, one red line will be added to the magic: Sharp-edged weapons summoned by an arcanist can only last a few seconds, and have no use except to be bound to a hilt. Only when previously bound to a hilt (and represented by an MC sword or other weapon) can one be used. With this addition to Arcanism, one red line will be removed from the magic: No sharp weapons.
  18. When you need to study but also need to keep pressing F5 on indiana primary poll websites...

  19. Blacklist extended by 1 month. Will end on August 21st.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argontum
    3. Harri


      is that it thats an easy shot..........................

    4. Salvo






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