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About seannie

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  • Birthday 04/26/1998

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  1. Captain Tiber gathers around a map of the Heartlands with his fellow officers and Marshal, moving pawns across the board dramatically.
  2. Amidst newfound compatriots, Tiber made his comments, "Born from the same revolution, now once again reunited. Stronger together, may peace be upon us all."
  3. "Just as the Creator intended. My adopted cousins shall not be bent so flimsily by lesser beings." Tiber remarked triumphantly at last to his compatriots.
  4. FOUNDATION OF A NEW IMPERIAL CAPITAL by TIBER of the CHAPTER OF AAUN PRINTED BY THE IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN The Imperial Capital Johannesburg, 5th Empire, Axiosian Era OPINION With the rise of Imperial Restorationism, many have come to scrutinize such an endeavor with the usual reactionary skepticism. It is the objective of the members of the Imperial Society to further clarify these ideas of ours in conjunction with the worries of others. Foremost worry of the Restorationist Cause is the issue of autonomy and centralization, of which constituent states clamor for the possibilities of suppression by a central Imperial Government. Whilst we must always be wary of the machinations of those swayed by the Great Deceiver, who in turn seek to manipulate others to their gains by removing their right to self determinism, the Imperial Society has convened ways to best remedy these flaws. The new Imperial District should be governed in part with the Congress of Humanity, as to best facilitate a hub of representation for all Mankind, with each constituent nation of the Empire having their own investment in its affairs - forgoing the complications of centering Imperial administration within an existent city, such as Valdev, or Portoregne. Though potential issue arises with the possibility of saboteurs within the Congress purposefully obstructing the affairs of the Imperial Capital for their own gains., a new coming Empire will be formed at the beckoning of its constituent nations, rather than the autocracy of one ruler. Whilst there are merits in the associating of the Congress of Humanity within an existent constituent nation, such as has borrowing from its already established infrastructure, that capital will remain identified primarily with the culture of this constituency, resulting in the same ostracization that was wrought upon prior Empires, namely the Imperial Capital of Helena - further asserting that a new capital for Mankind must be shared by all, and not already be dedicated to one of its various peoples. However, from this all, the concern arises of purposefully weakening the central authority of the Empire, the issue of a dysfunctional system - it must be thought that from now on the future must not be reminiscent of the past and that the overwhelming strength of prior central imperial authorities must not be emulated. It is through the one struggle of all Mankind that the Empire must prosper, so that all burdens and prosperities are to be shared. The Emperor must not rule from the Imperial Capital with an ironhand, ladened with power overwhelming, but instead, their authority must be carefully weaved together in tandem with the rest of Mankind - we must not seek to establish tyranny in any sense of the word. The prevention of an imperial ‘palace clique’ should be the ideal of all constituents, for the new order of Aevos must be one shared struggle throughout all Mankind, and not be centralized unto one political dynasty, who will no doubt fall to corruption as easily as all the others before had. Supposedly, with a new electoral system to decide the leader of Mankind, the rot shall not settle as quickly as it does with these lineages, with each passing of the ordained leading to the invigoration of new peoples in the Imperial Capital, with their ideas and ambitions - however, from this subject, some of the already contacted Princes of Humanity have decided to defer the appointment of a new Emperor to the High Pontiff. No matter the outcome of this Imperial Formation, the Church shall be of critical importance, and must thus be reserved for the new Imperial Capital as to best coordinate the functions of a new Empire in cooperation with its Princes - much to the chagrin of the established powers, such is assumed. Such are the arguments involving the establishment of a new capital for Mankind, each prone to their own flaws and strengths. Doubtless, there are many more to be had, but that is left up to the thoughts of the reader to further expand on this topic. Ultimately, the mindset of people must be shifted from that of the past, wherein the Imperial Capital of Mankind had ruled with near absolution, and as is reiterated multiple times in this article, we must instead think of a new future based on cooperation with one another, no matter the complications.
  5. A Waldenian Ultranationalist descends from the heavens upon a white horse - Waldemar, friend of the reincarnated Theodoric, Bannerman of the Reinmaren, waves his sword around as he was roused from his ethereal form to wage war upon the outlandish infidels.
  6. we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids (we got admin pked and persona slot deleted btw)
  7. With notes prepared for debate, Tiber dons his Imperial Society aviators during his way to the [LOCATION REDACATED], boldly declaring, "Time to dunk on my pro-centralist Empire Restorationists."
  8. "They hate their origin...? Talk about being emasculated, yikes!" Tiber remarked on the latest decree.
  9. With Richstaff's letter finding its way to the Imperial Society of the Exalted Horen, its members debated amongst themselves the legitimacy of Peter IV, with one of its aforementioned, Tiber, adding in; "Another peculiar case herein lies with the issue of the boy Emperor John VI, of the Adelsburg Empire, slain as a child and never ordained, yet considered by scholars to be the last Emperor of the Johannians - to conclude this quickly, both automatically inherited the Imperial title following the passings of their predecessors, and thus are to be considered Emperors by way of law, yet, per matters of deserving? Far more dubious." "The mandate of Peter lessens even more when it is reminded that he had never come close to controlling his own Capital, and was instead forced to the hinterlands of the Grenz by his usurper brother for the duration of the war. The Cloudbreaker did fly above the Grenz during the ceremony of Peter's marriage to Lucia d'Azor, but considering the end of that Dragon, that's more a cursed omen than some Horenic divine mandate to be Emperor. Ultimately, Peter did not effectively rally the Empire to his faction, and was never ordained by the High Pontiff, which was to ruin all rights he had to the Imperial Throne - being thusly executed by his own usurping brother, who himself, being a seventh-born kinslayer, never had right to rule in the first place apart from doing so by might. A cursed house, truly - thank the Creator for returning these Novellenites to their senses in these modern times." A summary of the Imperial Society's debate is sent to Richstaff, with an invitation to further inclusion.
  10. The Enswerp Bridge Incident saga continues 

  11. In discussion with his fellow member of the Society, Rigoberto, Tiber of Whitespire exchanged talks over cups of coffee, "I've some issues with this, namely the issue of identity. As dictated by the tensions between the Haeseni and Orenian states during the Era of Arcas, the implementation of a shared national sameness was met with extreme vitriol, which will no doubt be incurred this cycle around as well. Words are not enough to compel... say, a Balianite and an Aaunite to think they hold much in common, despite their Canonist and historical connections. Descendants of Horen all, yes, but how else are they to be convinced that they are to fight for a greater good? What actions must be undertaken? Deeds, not words, shall see the day through." With a final sip of his coffee, the elder Elf concluded, "Otherwise, our fellow members of the Society have some novel ideas on unification, but will it be enough to break the selfishness of our peoples?"
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