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8909 Rep Farm Business Owner

About rukio

  • Rank
    Toxicity Incarnate
  • Birthday February 4

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  1. The harbingers of war with their nature revealed
    If I can let the memory heal
    I will remember you with me on that field
    You gave me a reason to try
    Turn the page I need to see something new
    Like rabid dogs of war

    With no-one wearing their real face
    It's a whiteout of emotion
    And I've only got my brittle bones to break the fall
    When the love in letters fade
    And we're already too late if we arrive at all
    And then we're caught up in the arms race
    An involuntary addiction
    And we're shedding every value our mothers taught
    So will you please show me your real face
    'Cause I only need your name to call the reasons why I fought
    We were one with our destinies entwined
    When I thought that I fought without a cause
    You gave me the reason why


    1. bickando
    2. Fireheart
    3. Space



      Let me tell you, buddy
      There's a faster gun
      Coming over younder
      When tomorrow comes
      Let me tell you, buddy
      And it win't be long
      Till you find yourself singing
      Your last cowboy song
      When the roundup ends
      And the campfire dims
      He shalt be saved
      When a cowboy trades
      His spurs for wings
      When the wrap my body
      In the thin linen sheet
      And they take my six ounce
      Pull the boots from my feet
      Unsaffle my pony
      She'll be itching to roam
      I'll be halfway to heaven
      Under horsepower of my own
      When the roundup ends
      And the campfire dims
      He shalt be saved
      When a cowboy trades
      His spurs for wings
      I'm glory bound
      No more jingle jangle
      I lay my guns down
      He shalt be saved
      When a cowboy trades
      His spurs for wings


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