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Posts posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. Artimec sprinkles the salt of the earth into a fiery brazier lighting up the shrine of Amethon, the Prince of Cervidae. He had a placid expression on his face. War was nothing new to his people, and win or lose, their spirit was strong. They would survive.

  2. “It is BEYOND embarrassing that the MALI’AHERAL, after having their envoys expelled from our city, sought to INTIMIDATE us with their Imperial masters! Whether we win or lose in the war to come, the sons and daughters of Irrin will enter the eternal forest as honourable warriors. Live or die, we will NEVER submit to the rule of the mali’ata.”


    Artimec raised his tomahawk, and violently buried it upon a pillar in the forest throne. It would not be dislodged until the war was over.

  3. “It is BEYOND embarrassing that the MALI’AHERAL, after having their envoys expelled from our city, sought to INTIMIDATE us with their Imperial masters! Whether we win or lose in the war to come, the sons and daughters of Irrin will enter the eternal forest as honourable warriors. Live or die, we will NEVER submit to the rule of the mali’ata.”


    Artimec raised his tomahawk, and violently buried it upon a pillar in the forest throne. It would not be dislodged until the war was over.

  4. I did not enjoy the big battles. They were generic and unengaging. I enjoyed the small scale conflicts where small groups would go out and destroy soul trees. However, they were so weighted against the players in how insignificant an impact they had on the September Prince, that they felt pointless too.

  5. Translated by Nivndil Duskhollow, Sister Autumn of the Druidic Order

        6th of the Amber Cold, 1670

        Liturgical prayers to be spoken during the process of Ritual Offering

    Prayer to the Aspects


    Prayers to the Aspects should be spoken after a material offering has been given. The Aspects are primordial beings, their life-force and spirit encompasses all natural living things. Thus the prayers spoken to honour and beseech boon from them are broad and diverse.


    Essense of War

    Spoken by Mali’ame warriors before going into battle. They are to drink the essence of Cernunnos, a vial of boar’s blood, before speaking these words.



    “O’ Lord of Death, strengthen my arm:

    In our time of need, I beg you to come to your people’s aid.

    Fill my heart with the honor of those past as I face this newest trial

    As we remember you in all our earthly troubles.


    Benevolent mother, wipe fear from my heart:

    Never abandoning your children, always tender,

    Preserve me that I may see my children and yours live,

    I place my trust in you to hold my life from the end.”



    “O’ Laurir’Orkina, kae’leh wy’anuh ceruereh

    Ito kaean’leh enet’adiln, kae nae’leh lye medinera adontere.

    Nae kae’leh taliyna lentere il’Sirame bilokereh, ay’kinal karin’ento

    Wyl kaean nae peritherae, ito kaean’leh lluman.


    Haelun’Lle, lluman kae’leh hiylun myumiera’onn:

    Partuva nae’leh y’Malii suliera, partuva llean.

    Kae’leh hiylun evara, iyal kae’leh nae’leh Malii’ehya yallran oerneh suliere, karinto.

    Kae ay’nae halere, kae’leh hiylun taynan’ehya tennae kae’leh eth myumiera.


    Heart of the Hunt

    To thank the Aspects for a successful hunt. Spoken after an offering from the hunt has been prepared and gifted.



    “O’ father of the hunt,

    Blessed be to this bounty, whose hide will clothe our young,

    Whose flesh will fill our stomachs.

    As we take from your realm, we give back

    So our souls may be one with the great balance”



    “O’ Maln’Orran,

    Aheral ito iyl fihn, tuvehn kaen’leh Maliian evareh,

    Taliiynan’ehya kaean’leh hilyunan fihereh karin’ento.

    Kaean nae’leh tuvan, kaean illerae’yem

    kaeanleh’ehya hiylunan ito tal’Meracahe orern lenterih karin’ento.”


    New Beginning

    Done during Spring, the season of rebirth. A prayer spoken after offering a braid of one’s hair to the Aspects, beseeching a new beginning.



    “O’ compassionate mother,

    I offer you a piece of my essence,

    So that you may imbue me with your sacred breath,

    And reform my soul anew,

    Free of the burdens on my shoulders.”



    “O’ Haelun’Lle,

    Kae’leh tal’hiylun nae illere,

    Iyal il’nae’leh aheral iheiuhii kae illereh,

    Kaeleh’ehya hiylun fiyem bilokera

    tilrunen’onn myumin y’kae’leh.”


    The Essence of Healing

    A prayer spoken by healers seeking the mother’s grace when treating a patient. They are to drink Cerridwen’s essence, sacred Attunement springwater, before speaking these words.



    “O’ earth Mother, benevolent to the weak and weary,

    Who spreads the gifts of life and good health over the emerald wilds.

    You who gifted me my own life, and their life,

    Pray for my soul and bless my hands with your healing light.

    O' compassionate Mother, look down upon me,

    I ask that you help your dutiful servant,

    so they may continue to serve you and spread your goodness across the land.



    “O’ Haelun’Taynan, orlle ay’adiln divcerun’ehya,

    lae heya elillern’tayna lentera hiyluan’ehya y’ameantaynei.

    nae heya kae’leh taynan illerale, kae’leh wynan’anuh il’sulwaleh, nae’leh ehya orahernan illera.

    O’ Haelun’lle, y’kae anoh’suliera, kae ay’nae’leh tilrunhaleral mediera adontere,

    iyul kae orern nae tilruereh, nae’leh ehya lle’saere karin’ento.”


    Prayer of Fortitude

    A prayer spoken when seeking strength of soul and mind. Spoken after providing part of yourself as an offering, a braid of hair, or a drop of blood.



    “Let nothing shake my soul,

    Let nothing strike fear in my heart,

    For when the world falls apart, I remember this:

    The Aspects never fade.

    Your faith in them gives you the world

    Whoever has the light of the lord and lady lacks nothing;

    The Mother and Father alone bring great treasures”



    “Oerne kae’leh ethereh,

    Oerne kae’leh hiylun’ito khel myumiereh

    Ay’heya tuvan ullrere, kae iyl perithere:

    Eletaliynan orchulne ullrer.

    Nae’eh ay’eletaliynan mayilere nae tuvan illere.

    Heya elsul’elemaln elehaelun’ehya ay’divtuvan oradilne;

    Elehaelun Elemaln’ehya sioln maorakal myumiereyae.”


    A Mother’s Gift

    A prayer to beseech good health for a newborn child. Words spoken after the child’s umbilical cord, or baby teeth, have been offered.



    “O gentle mother,

    And benevolent lady of life,

    Grant this my joyous bequest;

    Send out your grace on (he/she)

    Fill them with life unending,

    And start them on the path of goodness

    That they may spread life and happiness

    To all that lay their eyes upon them”



    “O Leyuan Haelun,

    Lari’Taynaan ehya,

    Kae iyl adonten illera;

    Nae’leh ahernan y’(lae/hae) myumiera

    (lae/hae) il’taynaan ordiveth ahera,

    y’Elnarnsaenlle’ehya annilera

    Iyal (lae/hae) taynan orwyn’ehya oerneh maeluere

    Iyl’ehya y’heya suliera y’(lae/hae) oerneh illere.”


    Last Rites

    Spoken over a dying Elf, or shortly after their passing, to bring peace to the departing Spirit and guide them on.



    O' Mother, look upon me now.

    See here that your gift of life has ended,

    That his/her heart is still and his/her Spirit weary.

    May you bring him/her to peace and slumber eternal.


    O' Father, look upon me now.

    See here that your gift of the hunt has ended,

    That his/her voice is silent and his/her blood grows cold.

    May you bring him/her to honour and strength undying.


    You have held this Spirit until the end,

    And he/she now passes into the Balance.

    Flesh to soil, blood to water, bone to dust.

    Blessed be.



    O' Haelun, y'kae oerneh suliera.

    ito suliera, iyul nae'leh illern'taynan ethere,

    Iyul divhiuw ito lae'leh/hae'leh taliiynan, divcerun'ehya ito hae'leh/lae'leh hiylun.

    Oerneh nae ito hileia lae/hae myumiera, ciwn'ehya uell.     


    O' Maln, y'kae oerneh suliera.

    ito suliera iyul nae'leh illern'orran ethere,

    Iyul leyun ito lae'leh/hae'leh iheiuhii, lae'leh/hae'leh ehya taliiynan feta lentera.

    Oerneh nae ito Sirame lae/hae myumiera, cerun'ehya uell.   


    nae iyl'hiylun, tenna eth, myumierala karinte,

    lae'ehya/hae'ehya Meracahe narna.

    taliyna ito nor, taliiyna ito vallei, tur ito malomii.

    Ahernal ito.


    Prayers to Mani


    Prayers spoken to the great Mani Princes when you have hunted one of their respective flock, for example, if you have taken the life of an elk to feed you and your family, provide offering and prayer to the elk’s prince- Amaethon.  Or when you seek wisdom, or a trait that they embody.


    Offer to the Mani a nonconsumable piece of your hunt such as a piece of bone, a feather or a hoof (if applicable). Set down a clay jar and light a stick of incense before the Mani shrine, as the scent will draw their attention. Then, speak your prayer.


    To Amaethon, Prince of Cervidae

    Prayers to Amaethon should be spoken when elk, deer or caribou have been hunted. Amaethon embodies gentleness and compassion, and can be prayed to for those desiring these traits.



    “Great Prince of Mighty Elk,

    Whose flock run abound the deep woods and great plains,

    We give to you our devotion.

    We show to you our respect for your kind.

    Oh wise and gentle Amaethon, show us your blessing.”



    Ellaurir’Amean, Amaethon,

    Heya lye mamean marwehnsaenan’ehya ito narneyae,

    Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh maehran lle’ehya Amaethon, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    To Nemglan, Prince of Eagles

    Prayers to Nemglan should be spoken by those interacting with Hawks, Eagles, Falcons and other birds of prey, and those seeking the traits of freedom and independence.



    “Unbound Nemglan of the blue skies,

    Whose hawks and falcons keep watchful vigil,

    We give to you our devotion.

    We show to you our respect for your kind.

    Oh Nemglan, free and proud, show us your blessing.”



    “Ordivtilruer Nemglan, Ellaurir ay’vallelaecaelean.

    Heya tahorranan mettaonn’ehya viran suliereyae,

    Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh maehran lle’ehya Nemglan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    To Moccus, Prince of Boars

    Moccus embodies stalwartness and conviction. Prayers are spoken to him by those seeking those traits, and those who have hunted the wild boars of the realm.



    “Moccus the stalwart. The immovable.

    He whose tusks uproot mountains.

    We give to you our devotion.

    We show to you our respect for your kind.

    Oh Moccus, the indomitable, show us your blessing.”



    “Laran Moccus. Oem heya ordivhiuw ito nae’leh.

    Lae heya cerun malarehan lomera.

    Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh Moccus, ordivtilrun, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    To Morea, Prince of Wolves

    Those seeking good relationship with wolves and hounds pray to Morea, as well as those who seek ferocity and bravery.



    “Morea, Prince of the Pack

    Whose howl can be heard by all who gaze at the moon,

    We give to you our devotion

    We show to you our respect for your kind.

    Oh Morea, the ferocious, show us your blessing.”



    “Morea, Ellaurir’Chirran

    Heya iheihuii Velulaei hiuwera,

    Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh Morea, llytan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    To Machana, Prince of Steeds

    A strong rider will always offer prayer to Machana, as well as wayward souls seeking swiftness and loyalty.



    “Machana, whose hooves flattened the great fields

    Whose harras run supreme in the prairie,

    We give to you our devotion,

    We show to you our respect for your kind,

    Oh Machana, the swift, show us your blessing.”



    Machana, heya wynan’anoh marwehnsaenan hiuwera

    Heya’leh lye divohn wehnsaenan ito narneyae,

    Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh Machana, leyuan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    To Bolomormaa, Princess of Bears

    Bolomormaa embodies the spirit of the Mother Bear, a patron for mothers and women.



    “Protective Bolomormaa, Princess of Bears.

    Whose strength and ferocity guards the young and weak,

    We give to you our devotion.

    We show to you our respect for your kind.

    Oh Bolomormaa, gentle yet mighty, show us your blessing.”



    “Elevarir Bolomormaa, Ellaurir ay’Lenotsan.

    Heya’leh cerun orhil’ehya adilnan okarere,

    Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae

    Oh Bolomormaa llean, ehya llytan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    To Mahae, The Great Lion Spirit

    Mahae symbolizes that of Courage and Pride, a blessing of moral and strength gifted to warriors about to charge into the heat of battle. 



    "Prince of the Wild, I name you Mahae.

    Whose charge is strength and guardianship,

    We ask for your blessing of honour,

    That we may take up your spirit hereafter.

    Great Spirit of the Lion, bless us with your voice."



    "ellaurir ay'Ame, kae Mahae nae sanere.

    cerun okansaen'ehya ito heya'leh myumin,

    kaean nae'leh Sirame ahern'onn adonterae,

    iyul kaean hiylun myumierae.

    Marhiylun maehae'onn, nae'leh iheiuhii il'kaean ahera."


    Kwakwani - The Trickster Raven

    The Raven is a mischievous but kind-hearted trickster, and represents a quiet cunning and forward creativity that makes it attractive to artists, singers and poets.



    “Melodic Kwakwani, Prince of Wit and Song,

    Beautiful is your artistry.

    We give you our devotion

    And honour for your people.

    Oh clever and liberated Kwakwani, give us your blessing.”



    “Lennielan Kwakwani, Ellaurir ay’Vulliran Len’ehya,

    leyuan ito nae’leh orvalmsae.

    kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae,

    kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh Kwakwani vullan divtulrun’ehya, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


    Felixii - The Silent Watcher

    The Wildcat makes not a peep as it stalks the deep woods. Her presence is unknown to many, and has become a patron for practitioners of stealth, and keepers of secrets.



    “Elusive Felixi, Prince of the Forest

    Whose secrets by many are sought,

    We give you our devotion

    And honour for your people.

    O' Felixi, Seer of Truth, give us your blessing.”



    Marvull Felixi, Ellaurir’leh Ame            

    Heya'leh taliyuan uell uhiereyae,            

    Kaean'leh tilrun nae illerae.            

    Kaean'leh Sirame aynae'leh lye myumierae.        

    O' Felixi, sulierir'madivulie, kae'leh ahern kaean illera.


    Ohowaki - Keeper of Knowledge 

    Like many other cultures, Wood Elves consider the Owl a symbol of wisdom. Ohowaki has long been a sharer of knowledge to the forgotten-folk, and has become a patron of scholars.



    “Knowledgable Ohowaki , Princess of Owls.

    Whose hunts are silent,

    We give you our devotion.

    And honour for your people.

    Oh Ohowaki wise, but graceful, give us your blessing.”



    “Ohowaki maehran, Ellaurir ay’Ibaran.                

    lyun ito heya’leh orrarnan,                

    kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.                

    kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae        

    Oh Ohowaki ormaehr, ehya leyuan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”

  6. Artimec placed a stag’s skull directly under the prancing shrine to Amaethon, and flanked it on either side with a bundle of gladiolus flowers- marks of the warrior. He scattered some wild seeds into the shrine fire, causing it to flicker and crackle in the backdrop of his sacrifice.


    “O’ Haelun’Lle, tilrunen’onn myumin y’nae’leh. You will return soon, brother.” He said quietly, his tone phrased like a solemn order.


  7. 3 hours ago, marquisee said:

    The Empress-Mother, Cesarina Louise, read this with pursed lips and squinted eyes,


    ”As if the whole of Oren does not already know what the verdict of this kangaroo court will be – these men wish to incite a Lorrainian genocide. Barbarians, the lot of them.” she said sharply.

    Eleyas wonders in perplexity what a Kangaroo is.

  8. I get where you’re coming from but I also get why a settlement being teamed up on like Llyria doesnt want 3 goons causing trouble in its city every day for many hours per day. That’s exhausting for the guards and leadership.


    Bare in mind I’m saying this as someone who plays a character opposed to everything Llyria stands for nor do I personally like the city much (never RP’d there). Just saying this on principle.

  9. The Omentahu

    «The Ruling Tribesmoot of Irrinor»



    The Necessity of Unity

    The Mali’ame are the most diverse of all the elven moieties. We are the peoples of the oceans, the mountains, the deep forests, and the river grass. We are the most colourful, for our gods have gifted us with manes of all the colours of the sunset, and complexions as rich as the soil of the earth. On our skin we bare ink that displays our lineage, our pride and our allegiances. 


    Among the children of Irrin alone- there exist Aureon, Caerme’onn, Tresery, Lenetta, Arvellon, Vaeloryis, Terin and Torena. The inks that bare our tribal lineages are all the colours of a meadow in bloom. We take on different Mani to be our household gods- preferring the cunning guile of the Raven, the stalwart protection of the Bear, or the regality and compassion of the Stag. 


    In the era which Irrin Sirame and the Prophet Taynei’hiylu both were one with this earth, there was no one High Chieftaindom of Mali’ame, no wood elven nation. We were nomadic, and bound by culture, faith and rites alone, for our people were plentiful, as was the richness of the land we subsisted on. It was a good time, and our people were prosperous. 


    Now, things are different. In a world dominated by outsiders, our people no longer have the luxury of roaming wherever we so please. We must live together, under one common country- for no longer can a Seed of the Aspectist rite survive the world alone without being swallowed up by our Pale Cousins, Imperial Men, or other foreign elements. Only through togetherness as a people, a confederation of united elves of the wild, can any of us retain any freedom in this current world order. 


    Our diversity is both our blessing and our curse. Indeed, the many Seeds are all independently minded, and look out for their kin before any greater body of mali’ame. This makes us prone to fighting amongst ourselves when the honour of our tribes are on the line. When conflict divides our people, our traditions suffer, our gods suffer, the rite of elnarnsae’ame fades into obscurity with its followers too busy squabbling amongst themselves to hold up its torch together. Our culture and our very presence upon this earth erodes and diminishes into nothing. 


    And yet, when united- we make up something beautiful. Mali’ame constantly strive to emulate nature so to better live in harmony with the living breath of the world. In our tribal diversity, we have unknowingly achieved this. Nature is not just the forest, nor is it just the mountains, the oceans, the rivers or the mesas. It is all of these things at once. A desolate desert could not be further removed from a churning sea in its nature, yet these two things are unequivocally part of a greater whole. The same is to be said of our people- the Seeds are different from one another, often vastly so. Yet, there can be no mistaking it- we are all bound together, as part of a greater whole. 


    The Aspects’ wilds needs each of its diverse landscapes and lifeforms to thrive together in order to maintain its balance. It is the same with our people. We need the Arvellon. We need Aureon. We need Caerme’onn, Vaeloryis and Tresery. Should even one tribe abandon their duty to a united wood elven body, then we all are condemned. Should we remain part of a greater whole, like the wilds we worship, we create a vibrant and beautiful tapestry, and the deepest culture of all people in this world. 


    The Omentahu

    The Seed is the principal unit by which the core of Mali’ame society runs, and this must be reflected in Irrinor, the principal home of all Mali’ame. The system of Diarchy that ruled us during the inception of our young country did not properly represent the tribal bodies that make up the heart of our society. Therefore, to ensure stability in our homeland, the power of governance must be put in the hands of a council of Seed Chieftains, headed by an elected High Chieftain.


    Henceforth, the Omentahu is formed. The Omentahu is formed of two parts- the High Chieftain of Irrinor, and the Council of Roots.


    The Council of Roots


    The Council of Roots is made up of the Chieftains of each of Irrinor’s Seeds. All political, economic and cultural decisions that affect the whole nation must be approved by this Council of Chiefs by majority vote. 


    The following Seeds have a seat on the council of Roots.







    The tribes that make up the Omentahu are far from Static. As new seeds grow in number and rise to prominence in Irrinor, they are offered a seat on the council. Any Seed Chieftain may petition for a spot on the Council to represent his Tribe. There exist several requirements for any family of elves to be considered a ‘Seed’, and therefore considered eligible for a spot on the Omentahu.

    • A Seed must have a lineage going back at least four generations. Lineage tracing back to the era when Taynei’Hiylu walked the earth is the most preference for legitimacy.
    • A Seed must bare worship to the Mani and the Aspects. A Seed may offer greater devotion to a Patron Mani, but must hold all the Gods of the Wild in reverence.
    • A Seed must be recognizable with a tribal ilmyumier of which all adult members must be marked. 




    The High Chieftain of Irrinor



    Presiding over the Council of Roots is the High Chieftain of Irrinor. The High Chieftain of Irrinor serves as the head of state for the country of united mali’ame. Yet, he is bound to the will of the Council of Roots. The High Chieftain may rule independently on small matters, but any decision concerning the nation upon a large scale must be voted and approved by the Chieftains before the High Chieftain has any authority to see it through. 


    The presiding High Chieftain of Irrinor is Lyemar of the Seed Aureon.



    The Tribal Constitution


    The Omentahu decides the path of the Wild Realm of Irrinor, and as such, all following affairs of state require a majority vote from the Chieftains of the Council of Roots in order to be made official.


    • Any form of formal relations with a foreign polity from outside the lands of Irrinor, be it a non-aggression pact, defensive alliance, military pact, economic pact, or otherwise.
    • Any addition or changes to the laws of Irrinor.
    • The expulsion or appointment of anyone to any role in the Lower Council.




    Unanimous Votes


    There are instances that require a unanimous vote from the Council in order to pass. These caveats can be added and removed from the voting process as needed.


    • In the event where the High Chieftaindom of Irrinor votes to engage in an offensive war, all seed Chieftains, regardless of voting power, must unanimously vote in favour before mali’ame warriors can be sent to fight in foreign lands.
    • The High Chieftain of Irrinor may be voted out of office by the Omentahu should he fail to perform his duties, or live up to his oath to serve Irrinor. In order for this to happen, all clans must vote unanimously (save for the clan that the High Chieftain belongs to)
    • The inclusion or exclusion of these caveats that require a unanimous vote, do infact, require a unanimous vote to implement.




    The Powers of Individual Chieftains


    The power of the Omentahu comes from the collective body of all Chieftains. Yet, individual Chieftains who sit upon the Council still bare some standalone powers and responsibilities they may invoke to keep order in the Wild Realm.


    Individual Chieftains sitting on the Omentahu bare the following rights.

    • The right to act as a judge on small-scale domestic affairs, and make legal rulings during disputes
    • The right to impose the appropriate justice upon lawbreakers and troublemakers, save for execution. A Chieftain may impose banishments upon outsiders, or capital punishments.


    The power of the Chieftains comes with some caveats in place to prevent tensions rising between the tribes.

    • A Chieftain may not override the orders of the Annilir of the Okarn’ame should both individuals be involved in any given conflict.
    • A Chieftain may not single handedly banish a citizen of Irrinor without a majority vote from the Omentahu. 
    • Should anyone wish to appeal a banishment sentenced upon them by a Chieftain, they must plea their case to the entire Omentahu, which shall make a majority vote on the defendant’s fate.



    The Lower Council

    The Lower Council of Irrinor is a body of civil servants that manage the domestic affairs of the High Chieftaindom’s city centre. The Mali’ame are a people who believe that prosperity comes from the propping up of small-scale community. Thus, all elves who operate public institutions occupy a space on the Lower Council.



    As of current, the positions of the Lower Council are represented by the following titles.

    Annilir of the Okarn’ame

    High Priest of elNaelu’ir

    Chief Herbalist


    Head Tavern-Keep

    Chief Steward

    Chief Treasurer

    Master of the Smithing Guild

    Master of the Textiles Guild

    Master of the Firebird’s Lodge



    Members of the Lower Council are expected to maintain an active presence among their respective fields of responsibility, and are charged with keeping their respective institution or guilds alive. They must deliver a bi-weekly oral report to the High Chieftain of Irrinor in regards to their activity. 


    Members of the Lower Council are exempt from taxation, this is an incentive and a reward in return for the services they provide to the homeland. Lower Council members who reside in a Clan Hall do not exempt the entire clan from taxation, but instead afford their clan a 25% reduction on weekly tax payments.


    Lower Council members are afforded the following responsibilities.

    • To proactively recruit young elves into their guild or institution in order to grow its ranks and prosperity.
    • To maintain public activities for their guild or institution on at least a bi-weekly basis, in a manner fitting for their organization- be it a tournament, lesson, drills, games, etc.


    The Chief Steward and Chief Treasurers are exempt from these caveats as their duties are not bound to any institution within Irrinor, but instead the organization of general housing and finance. 


    Should a member of the Lower Council fail to perform, any Chieftain of the Omentahu may put forth a motion to replace them. Before any Lower Council member may be removed from their post, a successor must already be lined up, to ensure the position remains vacant for as little time as possible. The majority of the Council must vote in favour in order for removal. 



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