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2006 Divine

About Temp

  • Rank
    Co-Host of the Snake's Den

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  • Character Name
    Canus Regillus
  • Character Race
    Human: Velian Pleb

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  1. Sure, PKs move the narrative along and help keep things from stagnating too heavily. Hell, CAs should have a set time limit centered around creating a narrative that's interesting for other players to engage with as well. On topic though, easily gained and easily lost is the general vibe and theme of MC in its entirety. All for things being easy to get, master and replace. Assuming clear and easily followed guidelines are present.
  2. A man known simply as 'George' paces through Minitz toward the noticeboard with a small stack of papers in hand. He'd nail a few notices to the board, take a step back and nod to himself before moving on. To those interested, the notice would read as follows: Greetings, To keep things to the point, I seek like-minded companions. Those I can rely upon. Those willing to be trained, armed and when needed, educated. I seek those who are capable of resolving issues through more creative means. And lastly, I seek those who, when called upon, are willing to take the risks needed. As I'm sure you're aware, undying arise from strange ritual sites, monsters linger in the darkness and ruined cities act as dens for beasts and bizarre entities. This is, of course, hardly scratching at the surface of the greater issues out there and speaks nothing on what needs to be done to tend to and potentially prevent the issues from cropping up again. - George Brodans, Retired Tunnel Rat of Luciensburg. | Reinhaussen II - Minitz
  3. When groups come together to form whatever communities they've formed, leadership is already set before any rp around leadership has usually even taken place. The rest is just gradually moving forward with whatever was or is planned.
  4. As if folks would let you deprive them of their low effort dopamine hits. Pfffffffft.
  5. Assuming it doesn't generate horror shows, it'd be neat. Sure.
  6. Temp

    A note of Karkosa

    A message is pinned upon the cloud temple noticeboard. The man who pinned the message departs as quickly as he arrives.
  7. rukio

    Hello ancient buddy.......

  8. You're not banned yet?

  9. Kivdrona is an event site that’s effectively a ruined settlement resettled by NPCs with a questline / series of events built around them. The intent is for players to be able to contribute to the growth and direction of the town. Be that prosperity or ruin. Now, when players wish to interact with the site, I only ask that they have some form of goal in mind and that you come prepared. The location of Kivdrona will not be listed by me on this thread. Should any players wish to reveal its location I only ask that they do tastefully and with some actual work put into it. Thanks. There will be a few things players need to be aware of.. First matter… Kivdrona is not a location to feed, train or maintain MAs, CAs, special items, etc etc etc. Raids may be asked to depart, should any meaningful encounters be ongoing. Second matter… Kivdrona is not a free observation area. Come IC or don’t come at all. The region will have entry flags with a minor message. There shouldn’t be any ‘I didn’t know’ instances. Third matter… Kivdrona is a soft-pk encounter area. What this means for players is that should their character die during any encounters, events or ETC, they will not be able to return as that character until such a time that their characters are either revived for that eventline through encounters with it or we’ve declared a chapter / act / plotline resolved and have refreshed all soft PKs. - Unlike stock deaths, Soft PKd characters have no memories of the eventline. Period. This is to prevent lackluster metagaming. Fourth matter… Players can not establish a home within Kivdrona and may not house their possessions within the eventsite. This location does not exist to bypass towns and nations on this server. Final Matter… If you don’t have it on you in MC, you don’t have it on you IRP. No excuses. This extends to potions, magical items, healing materials, etc etc etc. If you’re going to use it, have it in your inventory and properly signed as needed. Thanks. We intend to spread news of the town’s location, its bounties and what occurs within it over time via encounters, IRP missives and etc. The town entry flag will list the involved ST should you wish to interact with the site. And yes, the rat line is resolved at this time.
  10. Luciensburg's Event line is on pause until after the Holidays. Enjoy your weekend folks.

    1. Mannamannaa


      Krugmar will be happy to join in on the fun after the Holidays! Happy (early) Independence Day!

  11. Go full evil. CAs for characters from Aeldin.
  12. So, with a build entering a 'playable' state I'm opening the doors to runs in the undercity. Alongside this, I'm going to start playing out the Blackhide Campaign a bit. Thus far my efforts have been relatively tame and contained. For those not in the know, the Blackhide are a militant group of Ratiki that have been assaulting Luciesnburg for a few months now. This has resulted in damages about the city in many places and much of it hasn't been repaired. I'll put a little more effort into explaining things in a few sections below. So, first thing is the Undercity. What is it? It's effectively a few caves under the city of Luciensburg that play host to a few thousand rats, their leaders and the source of Luciensburg's problems. That's not to mention the hostile wildlife that calls the caves home. Alongside this, the caves house a few treasure hoards, IC Crafting Materials, cursed items, and so forth. Everything about this region is meant to be genuinely difficult to approach and efforts made to explore and interact with the region will require planning and preparation. On a side note, there is no exploring the undercity without ST approval and supervision. To give a feel for what it's meant to be like in the undercity, here's a quick clip. https://streamable.com/hb28aq Next is the Blackhide Campaign What is it? The Ratiki, Vermin, Skaven-Knock Offs, or whatever you want to call them are going to be an active entity that starts in the Luciensburg region and spreads as situation allows. Many of you have likely already seen them and have probably done a few bouts of fisticuffs with the mob variants. They're tough, have a few surprises to them and can be a serious pain. PvE / Mechanics combat will continue to be present but only in large encounters as I feel it dramatically cheapens the experience. When possible, I'll make the effort to do CRP around encounters with the rats. My objective with them is, well, for them to be a sincere regional antag that isn't just some background ignorable entity that you engage twice a month to push some on-rails experience along before to plot hits the little 'auto-win' point. As a part of this rats will spread and make camps which can and will be upgraded over time. They'll start to harass and annoy whatever just so happens to be around them. Upgraded camps result in more rats with better equipment which makes the fights with them that much more difficult. That said, camps need resources to thrive. An underfed or unsupplied camp will suffer and so will those within it. How do we engage with these things? Undercity Refer to format here: Just post below. Blackhide Campaign Find the holdings, assault the holdings. If you see me online and if I'm not running any events, I can probably host an event for your crowd to try to assault the camp, poison its supplies or etc. Otherwise, you'll more than likely see them around if you just so happen to be out and about in their general area. But what if we want to help the rats or hinder players? Well, if this is something you genuinely want to do toss me a PM with your intent and I'll get back to you with a yay or nay on whatever it is you intend to do. As a side note! I strongly suggest visiting your local smithy, apothecary and so forth. If you don't have the MC / RP item, you don't have it for use in the events. Alongside this, an item that has a good description or was made by a known craftsman will be a significantly better quality item for use against the vermin and will effect how I emote or roll for outcomes.
  13. Whole heartedly irrelevant. Folks can't be bothered to read the movement rules for CRP nevermind actually stick to and make proper use of secondary honor systems.
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