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210 Brilliant

About FlareGunCalamity

  • Rank
    teen angst bullshit with a body count
  • Birthday August 18

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    shoveling sand into your pants drawer
  • Interests
    geology and corpses

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  1. I have a cool idea for a monster that I know I'm not going to submit, but you guys are all pretty good at nitpicking and improving lore, so I thought I could write it down and get some feedback?

    They're humanoid monsters inspired by classic vampires, sirens, and other such. When normal, they look like humans but with pale, paper colored skin, and their sclera and hands are black. They also have black blood which I guess would be acidic and give a persona a chemical burn. Their special ability is that they can summon arms from their back that don't harm them if they get cut off or attacked and can stretch for long distances (UNCANNEY VALLEY), but they get exhausted quickly while doing so and will pass out if they summon too many. Thoughts??

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Space


      I don't think you quite know what low and high fantasy mean. LotC takes place in a world uncomparable to the real world, making it high fantasy. Something like Harry Potter is low fantasy, since it takes part in a world comparable to ours.

    3. =Nkruma=


      You stumped me. I just remembered that LoTC has flying whales so **** man.

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      I'm glad that you're not arguing anymore but I really just wanted feedback on my monsters XD

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