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Everything posted by Catarrh

  1. I'm not sure who the Cloud Temple librarian is these days, but here's some advice. Lock the bookshelves! I think someone stole a bunch of your books.

    1. Kaun


      All of the bookshelves were locked to where you can only view them and read, a rollback may have removed it, or the update.

    2. Catarrh


      Well, that explains why half the books are gone now lol.

  2. Is the server crashing a lot right now, or is it just me?

  3. Any ET willing to help with a cave leech hunting event? http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Cave+Leech

  4. So, I need some suggestions. Anyone mind telling me what your favorite creature in lotc lore is?

  5. I'm a lot more pleased with this than with Rom's story https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124212-yar-and-nargii/

    1. excited


      thanks for telling my story bro (im kidding dont hurt me)

  6. Not as pleased with it as my other four stories, but I got it done https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124064-a-brief-story-around-the-fire/

  7. Anybody know anything about that giant crab on the beach near the Ordium ruins?

    1. Wretched


      Just an event creature. Feel free to contact ET members so you can RP with it.

    2. Samler


      It's the crab king! He is mighty and powerfull! Rumours is that he eats babies and people!

  8. Anybody else crashing as soon as they connect to the server?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InfamousGerman


      It takes me a few tries to connect.

    3. Catarrh
    4. Catarrh


      Problem solved. Just had to direct connect.

  9. For every server crash, one duck will die.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catarrh


      *wipes feathers off of his "duck-killing bat."

    3. Anderssn


      Stop you're killing our ducks

    4. Catarrh


      *holds his bat next to a duck's head, "Anymore crashes, server? You get the point now?"

  10. :D You da best, girl. *gives the official "Sweet as a Georgia Peach And Other Southern Expressions" Award.*
  11. ((Very good, but I think we all know this needs to be updated with certain current changes >:D evil grin))
  12. I could think of something, but I'd have to write a whole story about it to make sense of it.
  13. Well, maybe some kind of fantasy explanation could be proposed. Since it's orc-related, maybe Ankrus and/or Freygoth could be said to have accelerated their development?
  14. So, I think it's time the Cloud Temple got a librarian http://gyazo.com/fc1a17a58c069b698a3aa5e35776d7e6 I mean, some of those books have been in there for months.

    1. Kim


      No perms :'( I wish I could.

  15. Is there still a list of the best practicioners/teachers of each magic sitting around somewhere?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pandasan


      Ugh! I'll get it one day.

    3. Booklight12


      The mentor list is OOC though remember Catarrh, not all of it means that their characters are the best at the magic, just OOCly knowledgable.

    4. Catarrh


      Good to know. Thanks again.

  16. I'm actually curious about Atheran wildlife. I asked in a status update earlier, but I wanna be sure this is true. http://gyazo.com/0d11e61613a58a340efe482be80ff673 the answer I was given was http://gyazo.com/603c916d74d7c635b0304b4f7fece3f4 So, would any idea for an animal, plant or monster inhabiting Athera require a post in the lore forums and approval by lore master? What should I know if I'm curious about thinking up some new creature?
  17. I know I'm no LM, but there are a couple cultures who emulate vikings and I've known at least one bearded orc.
  18. What sort of wildlife lore is there for Athera?

    1. Booklight12


      Honestly I see it really anything you can think of as long as it's not over the top. So real life animals, but then I see other animals like river drakes (Wingless drakes), amberwolves, giant buffalo, Cockatrice, Etc... Just as long as it's not like over the top such as a giant world eating bat that can transform into a humanoid creature, grant special powers, and communicate with us.

    2. Catarrh


      Cool. Maybe I'll think of something myself if it's okay with LM's.

    3. Catarrh
  19. Did they bring back the brewery plugin or something?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      They were in the process of doing so, but then Telanir went on hiatus or something.

    4. Catarrh


      Ah. I've noticed alcohol items recently. Are those craftable?

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