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About Zhulik

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    Reformed Gamer
  • Birthday 04/02/1997

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    Max Danger

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  1. The irony of the CDs is that if 6 Llyrians piled on 3 bandits they’d have CRP default since it wouldn’t be 10 people. I would find it difficult for 3 bandits to withstand 6 mages spamming, but let the staff do staff.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ToodIes


      One guy was like “I swing my sword at three Llyrians at once” and another emoted throwing rocks at people which is apparently involving them in combat and the GM decides that was good enough for pvp default 

    3. Burnsider


      The whole thing was a mess with each side acting just incredibly shitty. 

    4. drfate786


      ..If you knew how to CRP you’d absolutely destroy those six mages if they were all mages as you claim and you took advantage of the physical weakness they all have to close the distance and injure them all. Clearly, some of them would of been able to hold you off and allow the mages to cast and since you would of lost the fight from a numbers and power advantage you resort to PVP and when you can’t resort to the only method you know you whine that it’s “not fair” that you don’t get to win each and every single fight. Seems like LoTC, whine about rules when you don’t win every fight while not reporting metagaming. As for emote spamming, if they’re spamming emotes and not letting you react to said emotes then that constitutes power gaming and should be a blacklistable/bannable offense.

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