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GDPR 014

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Everything posted by GDPR 014

  1. Willis, the Cursed Historian, drools, thinking that some of what this man says has ground. He blinks his beady eyes, one after the other before flicking his tongue out. "Duh deh do dah. Baba hah no bluh. Buh buh. De majuh haxt dah ebolty t.... Bub frakt haps oN on cort."
  2. Why no ranged projectiles again? I get bows, but slingshot like weapons (similar to a harpoon gun that uses a system rather than pneumatics) should definitely be plausible when it comes to their warfare, If you wanna keep it primitive you can just say they have slingshots that are modified to be able to shoot a piercing projectile. Food for thought I guess.
  3. Legit. However, from what I read this magic really just has a niche target, mages. That's fine and all, but I believe that can limit interaction with the lore (really only fighting mages). It might be better to add abilities that don't just effect mages, though in the end it's really up to you
  4. Take care... Jobro... see you in dungeons and duwang
  5. its true robot man hates furries hes been yiff pilled
  6. I apologize, I might be misinterpreting what you’re saying but from what I understand, you don’t like the fact there’s a separate post. If that’s the case, let me assure you that should this get accepted, I would hope it gets torn apart and added into its respective threads. So this post would cease to exist, but its information would go to the respective places.
  7. Animii Clarifications Types of prosthetics/replacements While limbs are plausible, there is a little more to prosthetics. Say one loses an eye, ear, nose, or their jaw, the person can get replacements for these. They use the same concept for making prosthetics; one requires to implant vessels into the body, and use blood to fuel the prosthetic. Of course, these have catches. Eyes, while being able to grant normal vision, are still treated glass, fluid, metal, and vessels. It is noted that whiplash (extreme neck strain that causes the head to violently jerk back and forth) can cause the eye to blur, and give a headache to its owner. In addition, smashing the eyeball tends to result in glass being sprayed inside the eye socket, likely piercing flesh and causing bleeding; of course, damage to the eye implies that the vision will suffer, much like a normal eye, except if it cracks and the liquid spills, it gradually drains the person of vision in that eye, blurring and darkening until there is nothing, likewise, enough damage to the vessels to make it leak, whether they are visible outside the head, or tucked inside the eye socket, will cause it to continuously bleed, like a spigot attached to the poor fellow. If tucked inside the socket, the vessels are very difficult to patch up, requiring one to pull the eye out of its socket, which is generally done by external mechanisms. Noses and Ears, retaining the same effectiveness if not slightly lesser than their original counterparts due to the treating of the material, and fluids (which is required if smell and sound for the person are completely out of the question, otherwise they’re fancy pieces of metal for people who can still barely hear or smell). If damaged, either dented in or completely destroyed, it will hamper the function they were made for; though if the fluids and vessels are involved (for people who can't actually smell or hear) shattering and breaking them implies damage to the area, and perpetual leakage of blood until treated. Jaws have the less drawbacks, given its mostly a piece of metal that is given articulation via mechanisms and vessels. They do not give a boost in chomping power, and are relatively the same as the original jaw; however damage to the vessels implies leaking, which needs to get fixed or else it will continue to spill blood. There are other more intricate prosthetics however. What happens when one loses an organ? One that isn’t the heart, brain, or stomach . A crafter can replace it, though there are always the drawback of being unable to clot around that area, as well as the effects of the operation being visible without any sort of clothing. What does that mean? Picture someone who lost their voice box, it was slit open. They could have underwent an operation to get a replacement voice box; an array of pins that alternate depending on pitch. It is visible by either some kind of covering protruding from the neck, whenever they speak, individual pins tick and press against the skin, or just the entire mechanism is visible. This then entices the person to wear something to cover this up, a scarf or so on. This method applies to things such livers, kidneys, or lungs. Some points about organs Organ replacements do not extend initial lifespan or function any better than a healthy or somewhat healthy organ. The Organ cannot be the heart, brain, prostate, any type of gland, or stomach. They must be visible if the area is exposed. How it is visible is up to the crafter and player. Further defining the obedience vessel A tool to keep Animii loyal or in check, obedience vessels acts like a queue. The first person who obedience vessels the Animii has priority over the second, the second over the third, and so on. The way an Animii interacts with someone they are bound to is through recognizing the person as someone they are loyal to, and what follows is dictated by the interaction. If someone was to disguise themselves, the Animii would first need to discern who they are. On Gadget based Customization As stated, crafters can add things onto their creations, be it something as simple as making a finger open up to be a pen, to something as having a spring loaded blade come from their wrist. It should be noted that these gadgets should make sense and incorporate some realism (for example, there’s no way an automaton can have a greatsword loaded in their arm, discreetly). In addition, one must consider weight and possible complications to the creation. One example of this would be mounting some sort of massive crossbow, which would -- if attached to the arm or back -- hinder some movement. On Overlocking An overclock would be comparable to someone having an adrenaline rush, an Animati that overclocks will be able to push past their limits, and while unable to become ignorant to any form of damage, they can work faster, and stronger. Though this comes at a price. By overclocking, one’s gearheart churns irregularly and swiftly, and due to the nature of clockwork things, such can cause internal damage, be it through gears breaking off, or leakage. This implies that if one decides to keep an Overclock stage, they will surely die given enough time. However, if one were to augment themselves by a small amount, and do it for a short amount of time, they would suffer weakness, this depending on what kind of Overclock. Types: Minor: Minor overclocking is when an Animati pumps enough fluids to where they have an additional quarter of their strength (+25%), and speed (+25%). One could keep this up for a minute(narrative time) before succumbing to their heart failing, and if they were to stop before death, one would be left at half their physical capabilities for two stone hours (two hours irl). Major: Major overclocking allow an Animati to have an additional half of their strength and speed (+50%), but can only do so for 25 seconds in narrative time without dying. If one were to stop before death, they would be out of commision for four saintly hours. Points: One cannot outrun fast projectiles such as arrows or bolts. One cannot punch a hole through someone, or armors with their fists just by overclocking. On Additional Limbs Generally these are allowed for automatons, but at a catch. Additional limbs mean more fluids and circulation, which imply that strength is split between the limbs. This can be solved by large vessels, and a larger heart, but that comes with a consequence of its own, which means there is more of a possibility due to heavy damage due to the larger vessels. On Armor The playable Animii can wear armor that a descendant can wear, and will have the same mobility in it; likewise nonplayable or animal like animii can only wear armor that their counterparts could wear. This means that it cannot wear massively thick pauldrons, or move around effectively in late era jousting armor (which is really thick and often fully covered the person. Yeah, good luck moving in that). This implies a human Animii can wear the same amount of armor a human would be able to wear, the same for dwarf, orc, and any other of the descendant races. Likewise, this also means something like an Animii Horse will only be able to wear what a horse could, assuming it is built to allow such. On The Machine Spirit’s Heart and Animii Heart The Machine Spirits, souls inhabiting the body of an Animii, have their hearts inlaid with magegold. Given standard gold holds similar albeit weakened effects, it would make sense for the inlay to also be made of standard gold. As for all Gearhearts, it should be noted that any good conductive material (more than likely a stone) could be used as the central powering, such examples are Adfectio Stones, Diamonds, and Graphite. Intent I cannot account for everything, and with these clarifications, I am hoping to make the lore less prone to abuse/loopholing.
  8. GDPR 014

    The Swamp

    a man screams about immigrant beasties coming to his land.
  9. Hamon or Spin?

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      Hamon. The original is always better. Hamon is actually more powerful than the Spin, too.

      Edited by Apostate
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      Spin is cool as fuckkkk. So spin. Spin has so much more applications than Ripple does. It’s able to be used with Stands better than Hamon ever did. It’s also clear that Araki knew more about what he was doing writing Spin rather than Hamon, shown through its versatility in SBR. Although, it doesn’t show up in Stone Ocean IIRC, which sucks.

    3. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter



      The Spin is having total control over the Magnus effect. It’s been proven that Hamon is much more powerful. At it’s peak, in the hands of the Pillarman Kars, in his awakened form, he’s actually able to burn people with the intensity of the sun itself, at around 5,505 degrees celsius (the temp of the surface of the sun) and he can vapourise and melt human flesh and anything else. Hamon is life energy.


      Trump that, Spin.

      Edited by Apostate
  10. If there are Samurai Frogs there will be a Crab Shogun Click clack, frogmen.
  11. throw me a line on discord, ill interview you. Bokratzia#8909
  12. said person would need to learn from one of the six, or a student of the six. apologies if this is undefined. Still looking for people as well.
  13. Sorry, but the ST believe this can easily be abused by players as with many lore pieces on this GOTTDAMN server. Im afraid we will have to deny your lore.
  14. Sorry, but the ST believe this can easily be abused by players as with many lore pieces on this GOTTDAMN server. Im afraid we will have to deny your lore.
  15. Oh I'm not being serious man
  16. Sorry, but the ST believe this can easily be abused by players as with many lore pieces on this GOTTDAMN server. Im afraid we will have to deny your lore.
  17. But the greatest joke is getting a joke accepted, see god devs and platypus
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