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    Sigmar var Ruthern
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  1. Within Cape Cod, a movement started, after the capitalist government failed to deal with the crisis- whatever the true reasons, the Council places the blame on those who had everything, at the expense of those who had nothing. Now, with less than nothing, survivors began to group together to build socialism. To build communism. Group Name: The Communal Council of Cape Cod Discord: FireCrimson#1915 Starting Point allocation Manpower: 3 Supplies: 3 Weapons: 4 Starting Location: (sent over discord)
  2. "Called it," Sigmar says with a smile. "You are so predictable borsa,"
  3. IGN: FireCrimson Character Name: Sigmar Josef var Ruthern Age: 14 Place of Residence / Street Address: Koengstriet III Position: Alderman
  4. The Hungarian Problem As the Hungarians have seen fit to throw Austrian citizens out of their homes, Austria receives its refugees with open arms, intending to settle them in government-funded housing as soon as can possibly be done. Austrian Intelligence questions a few on the state of things in Hungary as well, in order to determine the quality of life for all its citizens, as well as any other potentially pertinent information. (MOD) In response to the Hungarian message, the Austrian Empire replied; “If you do not wish to stand for it you may sit. Cease your current actions against the Austrian people or it may come to that.” (HUNGARY) As the Hungarians lock down the border, the Austrian military does likewise. “It is our hope that the Crown Regent and other Hungarian officials may yet see reason,” Kaiser Otto von Habsburg noted. (MOD) On the matter of the Jews, the Austrian government made clear through its newspapers that any who wish to depart Hungary may find the same lodgings as the Austrian citizens. (MOD) Advances in Military Technology As tensions build, the Austrian crown sees it a worthy enterprise to begin focusing efforts into pioneering the latest in artillery, seeking to bring it up to the standard of the Austrian tanks. New designs are created and scrapped, until Austrian command finds those acceptable to them. (MOD) Wartime Economy As tensions build with Hungary, the government reluctantly switches to a wartime economy, having its Bohemian factories produce the fine Austrian tanks they are famous for in greater numbers. (MOD) In order to ensure that funds for these endeavors are secured, the Austrian government decreases funding for the Imperial Navy. Admiral von Trapp is reportedly displeased with this. (MOD) Diplomacy In response to the Hungarian invitation to German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, the Austrian government likewise sends word to the French and British governments that they would gladly host their dignitaries in a meeting to discuss both the current rumors of what King Edward has stated, hopefully putting them to rest, and discussing the current state of Europe. (FRANCE, BRITAIN) Summary Finding accommodations for any fleeing from Hungary, find out what info they hold. (MOD) Offer sanctuary to Jewish Hungarians. (MOD) A reply was issued to the Hungarian missive. Austrian military technology attempts to improve the current artillery designs (MOD) The Austrian Empire switches to a wartime economy in order to produce more tanks, defunding the navy in order to do so. (MOD) The Austrian government invites British and French dignitaries to Vienna.
  5. Discord Name: u got it Country of Choice: Austria Head of State: Otto von Hapsburg Government Type: “Imperial” Monarchy Suggestions: b cool
  6. The Saxon Protectorate of Saturn Transportation Act With the troubling news that many in the colonies seem unable to reach the court of Franz, Chancellor of the Protectorate, King Otto seems fit to decree that transportation costs are to be cut, making travel to the Royal Court easy and accessible for even the most common of men. No longer should it be the case that they find themselves unable to travel, only able to work from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn for their entire lives. The Anti-Corruption Act With the common man’s interests in mind, King Otto decrees that corruption within the upper ranks of society is to be punished more harshly than ever. In addition to the standard fine, which could no doubt be paid off from the fruits of being in such a position, the offending party will also lose all lands, titles, and incomes, and be banished from the Protectorate. All that is seized will be distributed amongst the people. Further, any man who sees corruption in his own life may take the time off to come to the Royal Court without issue. Not only will they be heard, but should their accusations be found to be true, they will be rewarded for their efforts. However, if such is found to be false, they will be tried over the truthfulness of their actions, with a punishment to be determined on a case by case basis. Of course, as the governors of Saturn are all law-abiding and respect the authority of King Otto, this act is just a deterrent against those criminals who believe they can openly flaunt the power granted to the King of Saxony by the Kaiser himself. His Grace is certain that it will not come to that amongst his loyal governors, who surely have the best interests of their people in mind, in regulation with the command to shorten work days and raise wages. Anti-Piracy Act In recent times it seems that pirates have become increasingly flagrant in their attacks on good, law-abiding folk. In the interests of the people, King Otto asks that the navy focus efforts on finding these men and their bases, so that they may be destroyed without remorse. Further, King Otto recognizes that there may be such men in his own realm who have turned to such violence. As such, he authorizes the creation of the Bureau of Investigation, with the goal of find those with links to foreign domains and powers, as well as those who may be engaging in piracy or terrorism. Each man of this Bureau is to be personally vetted by both the King and his Chancellor Franz von Wettin, to ensure their loyalty and righteousness. Should any be found guilty of piracy or aiding and abetting pirates, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment at minimum, unless they should be pardoned by the Crown of Saxony. To Protect the Colonizers With word from the Kaiser that he wishes to colonize the areas around Jupiter, the Protectorate of Saturn reminds His Imperial Majesty that the King of Saxony is his servant, and should he wish any ships will be given up to him for the protection and defense of the colonizers. In particular, he offers 5 Dreadnoughts, 4 Battle Cruisers, 20 Cruisers, 25 Light Cruisers, and 200 Destroyers. The Colony of Elara Further, the Protectorate offers aid and supplies to help ease the colonizers into their settlement. Any available luxury not going to the Saturnate people will go to the Elarans. Actions A measure to increase transportation has been implemented- very unsubtly a means to get the common people to accept the court of the Chancellor. An increased punishment on corruption is passed, specifically targeted at the governors who do not accept the centralization, implying that they will be under scrutiny if they do not comply. However, ultimately it punishes corruption everywhere. The Bureau of Investigation is founded, with its members being personally vetted by both Chancellor and King, with the intent of sniffing out piracy and collusion with pirates within the Protectorate. Half the Protectorate’s fleet is to guard the colonizers on their way to Jupiter. Further, aid and spare luxuries are offered to the Elaran colony.
  7. The Saxon Protectorate of Saturn It was on a wave of popularity in his homeland and those surrounding it that Otto XXXIV von Wettin was made Protectorate of Saturn. A young, daring man and a bold commander he proved himself time and time again loyal to the Kaiser. With the territories of Saturn placed under his command, the solar system watches his next move with bated breath. Conditions of Labor With the Kaiser’s American Deal, new influxes of technology are reaching the German people of Saturn. With newer and better equipment at their perusal, Otto XXXIV has announced the regularation of work days, to keep efficiency up while ensuring that the suicide rate is low. Saturn Sports In order to further the common well-being of the citizens of Saturn, a sports stadium will be erected in Helene, large enough to fit up to a million people and host sports of all different sorts, even, for those interested in the world they left behind, the sport of jousting. With this, the Protectorate hopes to increase a sense of German-Saturn identity among its people, as well as fomenting friendly competition with any who wish to compete. A Royal Court While King Otto bases his court out of his Saxon homeland, the creation of a court in Calypso to promote justice and culture among the beleaguered residents. Otto’s brother, Franz, is named Chancellor of Saturn and granted the authority to host court and handle the local administration. In Defense of German Sovereignty With Saturn’s position as the German frontier, King Otto has decreed that the defenses be fortified in the event of an invasion. The fuel gained from these outposts is invaluable, and King Otto sees it unwise to allow them to be struck by any nation with Imperial ambitions. Further, a reserve of fuel is to be set aside in case of potential war. As much as the Protectorate is confident in the abilities of the Kaiser to prevent such, King Otto is also acutely aware that there are some greedy and ambitious peoples out there who may wish to strip Germany of everything it rightfully owns. Actions Better working conditions for the common man The construction of a sports stadium in Helene The establishment of a court (and capital) in Calypso All territories of the Protectorate are to be fortified against assault. A reserve of fuel is to be set aside in case of emergency.
  8. Discord Name; FireCrimson Nation of Choice (and why?); Saxon Protectorate of Saturn (German Vassal) Head of State: Konig Otto XXXIV von Wettin Head of Government: Konig Otto XXXIV von Wettin Ideology: Absolute Monarchy (in vassalage to the Semi-Constitutional Monarchy) Military statistics: 10 Dreadnoughts 9 Battle Cruisers 40 Cruisers 50 Light Cruisers 400 Destroyers 3 Million soldiers Did you read all the information?; Yes Suggestions or feedback?; no
  9. Application 1. Thespiae 2. Demetrios of Thespiae is a military man by any right- A big and boisterous commander, those under his command theorize he was a local noble who rose high through the ranks through his sheer charisma, for nobody knows where he was truly born. Not lacking in political skill, some say that the previous Archon allowed him to purchase the seat for half its worth. And the people loved him- his rough way of dealing with the inner city folk earned him respect amongst the country aristocracy. Dissatisfied with how things are, he has dreams of restoring Thespiae to its former glory... if he can deal with the city boys, and make use of the vast natural resources of the Thespiaen country. The man, however, is not the leader. Demetrios is in private a high-functioning alcoholic, his boisterous attitude being a coping mechanism to earn praise. The love of the people does not fill the hole in him that tells him he isn't worth them yet, that he isn't worthy of what he has. So he will continue to strive to be bigger and better than what he is... and perhaps that will make him feel like he deserves to be in this world. 3. An agricultural society, Thespiae is proud of its landowning elite, with their vast farms. These are the men who make up the elite cavalry of Thespiae. Although the smallest in population of the outer districts, Thespiae enjoys its legacy and holds that it is no less than the others but far greatest. Whereas other districts hold themselves to the state, Thespiaens hold themselves to Thespiae. And Thespiae's enemies are the city boys, the people of the walls who so rudely cast them out from their homes. Leading in efforts to cut off food to the city, the Thespiaens are an aggressive people who hope to achieve their former glory and bring themselves back to proper standing. After losing all they did, Thespiaens are fiercely protective of what they see as their land- even in the case of the property of a neighbor, a community will rally and fight anyone seeming to be encroaching upon it, be it thieves or rich nobles from the inner city. The laws of Thespiae deal with such men harshly- the illegal seizure of land is considered to be a far worse crime than murder itself. 4. Thespiaen Cavalry is a powerful force to be reckoned with- born and bred in the plains of Thespiae, they are the greatest horses and horsemen in the whole city, skilled in maneuvering their horses in such a way that they can strike and retreat in a matter of moments. 5. You have it 6. delete this
  10. Thuringii Year: 474 The army marched. Balderich was the first among the sons of Bisinus. First to be born, first to lead, the first to rule. And only to rule, if he lived long enough to sire sons of his own. After the conquest of the Alemanni, Balderich wondered if his father would allow him to take a bride from one of the noble houses of the Alemanni. It would make sense- bind what remains of them to his house and, eventually, Balderich’s kingdom. But Bisinus wanted so much more than a kingdom… His thoughts were interrupted as his adjunct finished listing off their current status. So far, things were looking well- they were perfectly supplied, were well-drilled, and seemed to be in good order. Likely his opponents were dealing with a similar situation. The difference was, he could deal all damage on their ground. If they wished to burn something, it would be their own homes. Not his. And so he knew, victory was assured. Under father’s orders, he did a motion, crossing himself as the followers of the Nailed God did. Bisinus wished for the support of the Bishop of Rome in his efforts to unify Germania, and wanted his son and heir to at least look the part of a Christian. And he knew, that even should he follow Woden throughout his life, he would need that support. To claim that the Nailed God gave him the right to rule… That would be a powerful statement. Population: 150,000 King: Bisinus Royal Family: Prince Balderich, Heir to the Thuringii Prince Hermanafrid Prince Berthar Foreign Relations: Actions: The 11,000 man army invades the Alemanni under the command of Balderich. They strike for any large tribes, hoping to first compel them to lay down arms, and assaulting them should they refuse to surrender. The remaining soldiers raised prior are used to stamp out dissent amongst the ‘rebellious’ tribes, imposing the law of Bisinus upon them. A message is sent to the Bishop of Rome, requesting missionaries and offering conversion if Bisinus and his successors are crowned as Emperors of Germania. The messenger also speaks to the Emperor of Rome, engaging in diplomacy over the current status of things...
  11. Thuringii Year: 474 “They refused your dispensal of justice?” The king’s voice rang out, somewhat annoyed that some of the tribes serving him as vassals refused his laws and justice. He rubbed his head and sighed, waving a hand dismissively, “No matter. Soon, we will have the power to impose our will on all the Germans, not just the ones within our own territory. This changes nothing.” Berthar kept silent in his disagreement, knowing to pick his battles for later. "They supplied our armies with food as requested, father. Is Balderich drilling the army as you requested?" Bisinus grinned. "Indeed. Things are almost ready..." Population: 150,000 King: Bisinus Royal Family: Prince Balderich, Heir to the Thuringii Prince Hermanafrid Prince Berthar Foreign Relations: N/A Actions: Supply train set up using the taxes Berthar collected to make sure the army doesn’t run out of food. The army is drilled under Balderich, focusing mostly on hammer and anvil tactics with cavalry but also in the discipline of the infantry to have an effective anvil. Scouts are sent out along the Alemanni border, seeking to establish the state of their affairs.
  12. Thuringii Year: 474 The men and women of the Thuringii are a tough breed. Once upon a time they had been ruled by the Huns, forced to fight as their vassals in wars against the Romans. But that time has ended by the grace of Woden and the Nailed God, and the Thuringii hold an empire of their own, and stand poised to fight not for the good of another, but for their own people. In this endeavour they are led by Bisinus, a cunning and clever leader known for his generosity among his retainers. Many halls have been sprung up throughout his lands in his name, and his people rejoice for such a benevolent ruler. With a weakened Rome to the south, the Thuringii stand poised to hold the reins for the course of history. Whether or not they assault Rome itself is up to the will of the King, but nonetheless without Roman intervention, surely he could unite the fractured German peoples and bring forth a new empire… Population: 150,000 King: Bisinus Royal Family: Prince Balderich, Heir to the Thuringii Prince Hermanafrid Prince Berthar Foreign Relations: N/A Actions: 11,000 soldiers are to be raised along the Danube under the command of the King’s son, Balderich. The King’s son Hermanafrid is sent to ride to the Salian Franks to offer an alliance, reminding their leader of his marriage into Bisinus’s family and the years he spent in exile with the Thuringii. The King’s son Berthar is tasked with overseeing the administration of the territory as a giver of laws and arbiter of disputes. In this capacity, he is to collect taxes from the people to feed and pay for the army.
  13. Neu Munchen The status of things was… disconcerting to the colony. Word from the southern Germans of some sort of strange colony had reached them, and blows had been exchanged between the both of them. It reminded them eerily of the possibility of war with their own northern neighbors. Could they allow such heathens to win? To take control of this new world and spread their false faiths among the people? The Graf thought not. But perhaps worse was the heretics. The men of Neu Brandenburg were tolerable only because they were fellow Germans, men of the Reich. But they had discarded any notion of Christian unity when they formed the ‘Protestant League’. While the Graf was not willing to fight them on this, it was a chilling thought that one day Germans might fight Germans once more in the name of GOD, be it right and just as they were or as false as that of the Protestant cause... Actions 2,251 Population 5 + 5 + 2 +3 = 15 AP Starting Construction of a Barracks (26/45 AP) War is joined with Neu Brandenburg on the people of Hanseong. Missionaries are sent to any native peoples to convince them of the righteousness of Christ, and the authority of his Vicar on Earth. [MOD]
  14. Application Nation: Thuringii Religion: Germanic Pagan/Christian Total population: 150,000 Backstory of your Leader/Country: Bisinus, King of the Thuringii, came to power fourteen years ago in the 460th Year of Our Lord, and has ruled the Thuringii with a righteous and just hand. Although once a vassal of the Huns, the Thuringians have since come into their own and rule an empire of their own stretching from the Danube up to the Elbe. With a strong position, Bisinus has a chance to change the course of German history if he so chooses...
  15. Neu Munchen The news of the other colonies sent shockwaves throughout New Munchen. Protestants, barbarians… Believers in false faiths at the very least. They would have to be made to see the light of the LORD, that Otto knew. But for now he was content to continue construction in the town, and send for trade to the colony of Neu Brandenburg. After all, they might be Protestants, but they’re also Germans. That was something, no? Actions 2,144 Population 5 + 5 + 2 +3 = 15 AP Sending Colonists to the Southern tile (4 AP) Starting Construction of a Barracks (11/45 AP) Small Freighter sent to New Brandenburg to trade.
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