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Posts posted by _mkkk_

  1. I've known this fellow player for a while... I've always wondered how old he is though haha. He has that innocent and loving passion for the server that I think many lack after about 1.5 years. I believe he is definitely thrilled, informed, and excited enough to take on this role. He has imagination to fuel his creation and knowledge of elements of LOTC. The only thing I believe he could work on is possibly diction to provide preciseness in his emotes and possibly not responding so fast to me lol. Do well if you make it; don't let that imagination run TOO FAR though. : )


  2. Haven't had any interaction with really any except 501warhead... after the auctioneer in one of the previous maps was wiped and I didn't receive the tome I bet on nor the 1.5k minas back, I spoke with him. He seemed responsive at first trying to locate the area of which the auctioneer was previously, but he said he'd have to find out on his own through the logs. He didn't reach me beyond his attempts to do such nor actually followed up with other staff to rectify the issue. I feel he prioritizes his own issues over his tasks of respecting and directing focus on the playerbase. I've been 1.5k minas short since. I'm still salty, sir. But yeah, kinda agree with Tsu entirely. It doesn't feel as if the majority of our opinions are being accounted for. And as a democratic republic (I'd hope that's what we'd consider ourselves), I feel as if we have some partial right in choice concerning leads of the server. If you're not doing your job for the people, then change or let someone take your role. That's all I got.

  3. Ok... this took me a little bit to digest since if I skimmed one sentence, all hope was lost lol. Anyways, this lore is quite intriguing yet as one of my professors told me: "less wordy, more clear cut." I think this is a great explanation behind understanding the psychological effects of abandoning normal mortality and it seems as if you're providing a backstory to help people comprehend the reasoning behind LOTC history being the undead, original Gods, and mortals.

    However, a few other thoughts of mine are:
    -I agree with Abyssus if this means this lore would constitute the RP style of irregular beings whether it be Holy or Dark
    -Concerning my statement of above, why didn't you just submit the original part as a philosophy rather than a lore submission? The only lore submission piece of this would be one of the ending remarks explaining why Holy magics harm those such as the undead which makes for a better explanation than 'oh it's taint'
    -I really think everything, but the ending remark could be considered philosophy... because even if you suggest Holy beings that have ascended mortality may be just as vile of creations as Dark beings, no one will accept this RPly. The ascended won't be cast out of cities like wraiths even if they remain as crazy as they are now

  4. MC Name: mkkk


    Character's Name: Ciri’lla Seni


    Character's Age: ~100


    Character's Race: Fjarriauga


    Link to your accepted MA: 
    ***Disclaimer: Fitermon has approved of me to be reaccepted for this art as with my others recently, he can verify such... it should be labelled as active, I promise***




    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Soul Puppetry


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):



    Soul puppetry is defined as a dark art (more recently attempted to be defined as a “grey art”) in which involves tampering with a target through utilizing the blueprint of their soul. Since it’s more of an externally done art which lacks taint, it isn’t traceable by Cerical or Xan related wards or magics… however, links between puppeteers and their targets can be severed by holy magics recently stated. To start practicing the art on a subject, it involves various components to construct the physical means of casting soul puppetry.

    The first part of soul puppetry involves the physical representation of the target one wishes to curse/connect to. In this case, it requires properly representing said individual as accurately as possible to make the best connection to them possible. In recently accepted lore, crafting such a puppet with such precision to nail almost every detail which not only includes visual ones as well as biological ones (intricate creation to the internal structure such as different materials to represent bodily organs and layers) can enable a puppeteer to cast curses that are more specific. ANYWAYS, the physical representation of the individual should include things such as depiction of race, facial structure, size and frame, perhaps clothing, etc. In addition to this creation of the puppet, the integration of an organic material originating from the target is required whether it be bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, etc. or other solids like multiple hairs, a patch of skin, etc. With each substance comes different time constraints they must be utilized by to be good for a curse which is typically under 1 hour.

    Now onto the actually cursing! Cursing involves holding the puppet, of course, and preparing to curse. In this time, it requires you to not be mentally strained so doing such while in battle wouldn’t be plausible unless the connection had already been established and the puppeteer is prepared. When connecting to the target, it involves imagining them and focusing on their soul to establish the connection. The initial means of the connection is made by utilizing the void and continuing the connection mimics that of a voidal spell which involves consuming mana: there is strain when cursing that it is similar to casting a spell.

    With cursing, the said curse that can be done involves your progress in the art and the material utilized in the creation of the puppet. For beginners of the art, very basic materials could be used such as twigs. With higher tier curses, typically nicer materials would be required such as very specific cloths or marble. At max progression, special materials such as soul sand, ice, slime, etc. can be used for very unique curses. In addition to more experience, the complexity behind more curses would simplify. Initially learned curses tend to be very elementary ones that may deal with emotions while more difficult ones could deal with things such as mental conditions and physical debilitation. Lastly, the physical manipulation of the puppet is involved in creating curses. For example, for wanting someone to feel extreme nausea and stomach pain, churning one’s fingers and pinching at the middle abdomen of the puppet could help represent this.

    And here’s a few things many people may forget about the art:
    -To curse requires physical connection so letting go of the puppet will end the current effects of the curse, not the link established through the puppet; destroying the puppet will trash the link made
    -Any damage inflicted while a curse is active will remain despite either the curse ending or link being severed
    -When cursing someone, the puppeteer will be subject to a certain intensity of the curse of their choice while the curse is active… for example, freezing someone’s appendage would cause for the puppeteer to face stiffness and aching in their own limb as well



    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:



    The maiden would lurk through the darkened halls of her estate, moonlight adorning the walls with a dim candle light blending into the preexisting light. Within the room she’d usher herself into, a slim marble table with a similarly thin girl would await her. The younger gal would straighten her posture up immediately at the sight of the woman, scooting in her birch chair to remain attentive. With each step of Ciri, the girl would cringe slightly in the ominous atmosphere of the household. Once Ciri would arrive to the table, she would position herself firmly into the seat and stare at the girl in silence. “Have you made the puppet of yourself?” Ciri would pose to the youthful female, watching her with an inquisitive expression.

    Within a single moment the girl would reveal a puppet that would seem to represent her, tossing it on the table towards Ciri. A tiny, simplistic gown of green would adorn the nude colored cloth of the small frame; the hair would be strands of torn, yellow yarn that would be straightened out. Lastly, stitches of peach string would represent lips and divots on each cheek of the puppet would help emphasize the girl’s own facial structure. Ciri would cradle the small creation, petting the hair and aligning the dress medially to satisfy her own compulsive needs.

    “Everything of this puppet satisfies me, your artistic talent and tedious work leaves quite an impression…” she’d display a brief smile that’d eventually fade back into a stoic expression. “Now you understand that when you inflict any curse upon this, it parallels to the person you're targeting so have the confidence you need to enact it” she’d state to her, outstretching her hand to the young girl with a fan of her fingers to gesture her hand to be relinquished to hers. Ciri would begin to grasp onto the end of the girl’s right limb, guiding it near the candle light to position it right above the center of the flame.

    “Do you feel the warmth, the realness of this moment? The tiny wick that generates this light, the heat and intensity of this fire?” Ciri would question the girl, acknowledging each head shake of hers. “Finally, you must grasp the understanding of this feeling.”  During the verbalization of this phrase, Ciri would lock her grasp upon the girl’s hand and force it deeper into the single flame of the candle. Within seconds, the girl would start to flinch and eventually flail as the skin of her palm would bake at each lick of the flame. Upon release of the girl’s hand, Ciri would watch her stare at her wound and the whimper at the lasting effects of the flame.

    “Hush your crying girl, give me your other  hand now. You have to experience pain to be able to justly inflict it” she’d hiss towards her, yanking her unharmed hand from her to hold it still upon the table. “Now to establish the connection, an organic substance from the target is required.” Ciri would dip her index finger down towards the girl’s wrist, the sharpened fingernail of hers easily pricking and collecting a tiny amount of blood. “And make sure you fuse it with the puppet in time… you don’t want your laboring to be for nothing” she’d retort to her, leaning her nail down upon each stitched eye socket of the puppet. Ciri would then break only a sliver of the surface to allow the blood deeper entry into the structure of the puppet.

    With her own grey eyes locked on the girl, she would display the puppet to her and fully rotate it around to prove it remained as was before except with her small adjustment. “Now that I’m actually holding the puppet, I can cast a curse since it remains intact, represents the target individual, and has an organic material imbued into it.” She’d lower the puppet now into her palms, breathing smoothly as she’d begin to establish a connection between her and the said girl waiting at the other end of the table. Within seconds, she’d exasperate and provide a simple head nod towards the girl once again.

    Suddenly Ciri would harness an essence of intimidation, edging one of the limbs of the puppet into the flame of the candle while the girl would watch in curiosity.

    Just as the surface of the puppet’s arm would be heated by the flame, the girl’s unharmed hand would begin to hold an unnatural amount of warmth which would mystify her originally. As the puppet’s appendage was forced further down and the material began to singe, the girl’s expression would transition to one of horror as the skin of her palm would start to unnaturally burn with shocks of sensitivity mimicking the pain felt from an actual flame; the skin would start to sizzle amongst the girl’s yelping now, too. Ciri would quickly pull back the puppet from the flame at the sound of girl’s shouting and eventually disconnect herself from the puppet through a few moments of concentration. Ciri herself would clasp her own hand, attempting to cool it of heat it was subjected to. This time would allow the young girl to reclaim herself despite tears filling up the sockets of her eyes. Instead of being able to address the visible distress, she’d remain horrified with both hands held out to allow them time to cool.

    Ciri would reach under her gown to provide a sheet of ice wrapped in a thin cloth, moving across the table to press it across the center of the first palm. With sincerity found in her voice and demeanor, she’d stare at the girl and attempt to explain the situation: “With your skill comes an endless amount of possibilities based upon your imagination. Not only do your choices and curses affect the puppet, they affect the person behind the puppet, and a small portion of the curse will be endured by you. Whatever curse you inflict, it will parallel the real circumstances of whatever you’re trying to simulate. Now… clean yourself up and prepare for our next session over materials.”



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. I was thinking about possibly joining again too!!! He's an old friend I can openly support: extremely positive attitude with much experience on the server and a decent head on his shoulders. You're changing your name back which will make me WAY LESS confused now. thx bud :*


  6. I was actually going to make a post about lockpicking... odd this comes out finally. And I agree with Tox, please do a plugin where a person can only utilize a certain amount of lockpicks within one sitting and it'd depend on /roll perhaps. In addition, pair some roleplay with it as well... it needs to be engaging and realistic still, not just /roll a few times and then items! HOWEVER, I think limits and also time constraints regarding robbing need to be instituted so someone isn't robbed of absolutely everything ((ex. realistically, no one can carry out 6 sets of iron armor and you wouldn't rob the same place again within the next day))

    I believe the villain blacklisting rules and restrictions seem pretty fair. However, I believe making someone become unaffiliated with a cult/group for an extended period could put a hurt on their character's story... though if it means it forces them to not contribute to villainous activities, I don't have an issue.

    Is there going to be some rehab program or support post to get them to optimum villain RP standards though? Would it help if a compilation of villains created a post helping provide examples and tips?

  7. MCName:




     Voriae Lyndallia

    Reason to Join:

     Pursuit of further knowledge and research of magical materials; assistance in comprehension of arts such as transfiguration and their application

    Please list your Magi Standard (Journeyman, Evoker, Etc):


    Have you read and understood the Codex:


  8. Great idea! This supports that claim of yours that this magic is a "grey" one. However with the very specific healing (ex. a fracture to the middle of the left femur), wouldn't this puppet have to follow the additional lore Crazed created in which the puppet would have to exactly mimic the person to focus on such a specific area of effect? Secondly, how come the puppet for this isn't representing the original damage on the user it's connecting to? For example, someone with slit arm should have a puppet of them with a cut downside that arm. Then the RP could include the puppeter physically fixing the puppet to complete healing as well. If this is what you had meant in the lore, apologies for my confusion.

  9. Race: Fjarriauga (Previously Mali'aheral)

    Body Type: Slim, muscular build

    Extras (Earings, items , pose): snow/ice, skulls, anything spoopy pls miss

    Skin Picture (I don't want to save your skin):



    Your compliment! ( Include @ So they know you talkin' crap) :
    @ArcanicFable Your dedication to this server through various teams and RP cultures despite the stress of your real life I think is 
    extraordinary. You've come a long way ((you know I have too my lord)) and have grown from your experiences that have only made you into a better person to represent the passion people have for roleplaying and utilizing their creativity. Keep being you pls... bc sure as hell no one else can be you.

  10. Since I've just now finished with college/scholarship applications and graduation, I'd love to resume RP and my activity as of now. With this, I'd hope a Magic Team Member could assist me with reaccepting some of my past applications. I've also talked to others related to my past magic applications that haven't had any discrepancies with me returning. Thanks so much to anyone that may help!

  11. Issue Subject: Skill Tome

    Subtopic: Voting

    Specifics of Issue: XP Earned and Error in Voting

    Description of Issue: I recently went into Oren, minding my own business when I came upon a skill tome up for sale. Thinking it was really worth it, I went ahead and dished out 1.2K minas in order to get the tome for enchanting. When I pressed the absorb tomes option, I waited to see a message notifying that I leveled up.


    Do you see this difference of 7,653 XP? People are already tired of the nexus system... please if people are going to be forced to grind to be able to efficiently produce goods then please allow us some leniency with more XP for tomes. IN ADDITION, the third link among the list of voting links on the MC server doesn't work for me... I'm not sure if anyone else is facing the issue. The link is this one: http://www.mineservers.net/servers/1838-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  12. I thought Uruks were diminished to this ignorance and sense of bloodlust that has eroded rationalization as well as competence for things like speech though because of being the one to see through Iblees persona originally? I thought this was a consequence of the curse they face... am I wrong or not? Wouldn't it kinda defeat the purpose of this key element of lore explaining for the anatomy of this descendant? If I'm wrong just tell me I tried.

  13. A brunette, curly haired maiden would glaze her eyes over the thesis with a simple sigh. Allowing it to remain preserved, she pushes it aside with a flick of her fingers before squinting with her left eye towards it. Suddenly, she'd pull it back to her chest in order to stash it for later.

    "You wonder why people are absent? You know the answer for we all do. The lack of interference in the natural world from your Creator and the Saints has driven people away to better things. The only blessing you humans receive is your unreal ability to cultivate numbers through screwing any manageable woman in sight! Perhaps if you let these fair gals join the ranks, join the political and religious groups, you'd see a difference in activity."

  14. MC Name:
    Character's Name:
     Ciri'lla Seni
    Character's Age:
    Character's Race:
    What magic(s) will you be learning?:
     Arcanism (again i'm sorry i'm indecisive)

    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching:

    MA (Evo. originally):


    How did you learn this magic(s)?:

    Originally from Salendys (Whimsycal)
    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):
    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:
     Arcanism is probably the most difficult evocation to attempt learning. The reason for this is the lack of the element, pure arcane energy, in the realm which takes on the shape of a wisp. This magic may be very difficult to comprehend, but it also does allow for the greatest imagination with things like the free-form art that takes the form of harmless streams of vibrant colors. There also tools like simple bowls and umbrellas that are also not meant for combat as well since they are just for common usage. Firstly, the basic building block of all Arcanism is the wisp. This wisp holds a certain hue based on the caster's aura color that will never change unless something drastic occurs in their life, and it also holds no sort of temperature even if it could resemble a flame in appearance. The whole objective of using arcane evocation offensively with things like bolts or discs that can be slung or rays and beams that are concentrated on a focal point is to cause blunt trauma. When these evocations face impact, they shatter and cause blunt force. Shields may splinter/crack and then shatter, but only the tiny fragments may cut someone; these fragments aren't able to be used or manipulated as well in combat since it is only a brief effect from the impact. The point at which the evocation breaks causes an explosion in a visual sense that lacks any temperature change and only causes blunt trauma/knock-back against anything within contact of it. That is why weaponry doesn't have the capability to pierce unless having enough momentum to propel into flesh. These weapons also break either on the first or maybe second source of impact since it is taxing to retain their shape all through combat, but they are however almost weightless which is an advantage for fast movement. On the other hand, there are shields. Shields are for defensive purposes of course such as protection but could also have the potential to be a ram. These shields may hold a rounded or flat appearance that resembles a sheet of glass. Shields are composed of wisps, and they are able to be evoked freely in an open space or even fitted within a certain area like a gateway. These shields are only substitutes so they'are not as good as any iron shield would be. As tier and experience grows, the capabilities and strengths of creating new shields also grows such as to make colossal shields. There are other fascinating additions to this art previously referred to like weaponry, art, and life. Arcane life is not extremely useful in combat since it is very taxing to evoke and keep the creation in the realm, but it is entertaining. The animal or creature that is desired takes on a blob-like shape due to the expertise of detail that can't be achieved. They can be slung out and explode in an extremely tiny radius for fun, but I'd like to say they serve more as entertainment with their puppet element of controlling their movement.  ((From TA I can try to retype it all again in a different format I guess if needed))

    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s):
     Notes taken by Salendys that have been collected into a book as well as my own character's notes cataloged into a journal (MC item lost in move to new map). Also, my character is currently a teacher for it and mastered the art quite a while back but wishes to relearn.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:
    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  15. Very good lore! Two questions though: are normal mortals/beings other than wraiths allowed to hold these "Marrowblades" and does the affliction of poison only occur if cut? Second, do the wraiths apply these "decaying marks" through magic that utilizes the blade's taint or simply just by the blade? I'm asking this in the case if someone other than a wraith gets a hold of one of these blades what will stop them from trying to produce more wraiths.

  16. 8 hours ago, Kowaman said:

    does this mean we can bring back holy and dark magic sensing if this is accepted

    And for this reason this is why the lore shouldn't be accepted in anyway, this will be the continuation of the this lore beyond what it should simply be. thx kowaman for making my point : )))

  17. Another particular maiden would glance at the poster, her mouth remaining agape for a brief moment as if startled before strolling past it. Within a few steps she'd turn back around, glaring at it with evident amusement marking her visage.

    "Make yourself open targets; I dare you."

  18. Just going to be frank since I believe many people covered my point of view... I like that you want to give more purpose to aura (Arcanism already does but still), but I feel this lore will leading to misunderstandings in Rp scenarios and metagaming by brash assumptions ex: someone may assume just because someone's aura is purple they have something to hide and interrogate them. We don't need basset hounds sniffing people out who have a dwindling morality; figure out characteristics through real Rp interaction.

  19. Just now, The Pink Lion said:

    Doesn't this essentially just remove one of the biggest drawbacks to playing an undead?

    I feel as if me being a debbie downer on cool lore like this (which I've done many times before) will bite me in the butt but honestly, I can see people who play these affected individuals overusing the solution to basically remain mortal as long as they want and suddenly before any sort of battle or need of their undead abilities, they'll stop using it. Also, I feel this item wouldn't be monitored properly in use where someone would make batches of it without actually obtaining any of the real resources. Sorry for this comment... but good lore though, sounds inventive!

  20. Ciri'lla remains at the edge of the city, leaning against a single wall listening to the speech. With a widened set of eyes, she remains puzzled while staring obliviously into the mingling fortifications a moment before jolting herself back into reality again.

    "For the first time in forever, there seems to be someone rational leading Haelun'or... maybe I shall come and dedicate my services again to the state, perhaps Orsino could truly lead us into a new age. However, I have the ***** feeling a coup will happen for no reason despite the potential of this leadership."

    The maiden would whisk out a parchment, hand scrupulously tending to the paper with intent to communicate with Orsino.

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