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Posts posted by ImCookiie

  1. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/OOaF8hfqkvAT0FatxChopjm5yAzuIn_RCC8OmxVAbAy1MhxfWimelnTtHFWIZfwAip6rD-LITXAAZNc49VBKInQttC-jl1Tc-3Rrz9Q8bSiVWoTMomNZfZwv0zVNcXaGM4Q8MLyUNvo5W6uGaScK8v0


    Incompetence of the Maheral

    An Announcement to the Silver State of Haelun’or




    Unity, as is purity, is disrupted when infidelity and tormenting weakness prompts derelict and unfounded peace in contrast to principle and ethic. And so, incompetence comes in many forms. Our own Maheral, behind the facade of regal image, lay a stunning display of incompetence.


    As days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, our Haelun'or has began to experience the consequences of his ineptitude. And so, hasty and ill-informed decisions, resulting in chaos and despair among the populace. Our neighbours watch in amusement as Haelun'or stagnates alongside its incompetent figurehead.


    And so, the Mali'thill of the Silver State of Haelun'or must unite. Our Haelun’or beckons thee, blessed children. Our architects, diplomats and medics. Our tavernkeep, butcher and artist. Our guardians of knowledge and people, our soldiers silver-clad until the bitter end.


    And so, our frustration knows no bounds and we musn't tolerate an inept leader.


    At the beginning of Haelun’or, our Citadel arose from dirt and debris — guided in the footsteps of our ancestors and most blessed bloodlines — to create our home, our refuge from the monsters of the realm, our blessed bastion of knowledge, progress and health. Let this serve as a cautionary tale, the consequences of ineptitude are far-reaching and harm us all.


    Maheral Seth Calith, it is time to accept fate.


    The Eternal Dove,

    Malaurir Elesia Elervathar







  2. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/YUEooSJ9awqtvxcBrChB_mi8SyCJo4_4UeKq74q9wHHV0LBZ4W5nvTQaAukdfRA1YBHKUECxlbE6j6OgyJeo8KR-88k1aQfMmc_szWtbl8vhhWGAeVUz9Dc7H06zYuLQU88CZujb






    A silent, overbearing and colossal presence had settled within the forests of the Vale. And overhead, the ancient branches wept in greusome pleas. The Horned King heard them groan and sigh, mumbling their profound heartache in time with his own quiet sobbing. He understood their cries, for the first time unable to rescue his children.


    “Has our home been tainted?” The Lion enquired to himself, searching for a desperate answer amidst the chaos he had created. He had bound himself to evident arrogance, crippled by his own inability to fulfill his duties, as a guardian and warrior. Laedrad shifted a singular finger to scratch at his exhausted features, dim circles evident beneath his fatigued seclusion. Other dreaded recollections appear and fade, not for the first time. As he wandered the depths of his meddled thoughts, he harboured hopeful quests centuries-old.



    •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•


    The Warden hadn't felt so disabled by their howls for years, unable to form a single thought to combat an irrational fear that nestled within him. After some time, Laedrad hid beneath a bestial magrove tree, nestled into the coarse roots of nature. Mahae created a terrible crescendo that couldn't be ignored, testifying to the suffering of the realm, itself. He longed for the mournful ghost to depart soon, albeit to no avail.


    “It hurts. It hurts, so much.” He sighed, infinite golden pools of chaotic energy roaming freely within his eyes. The Eternal Warden of Mahae found a new enemy, one that threatened him and his home.



    Howdy! This is a player-run event. Find Laedrad within and around the Vale to interact. Thanks!





  3. Good job, guys. I think it's important to reinforce quality, over quantity. Our community will benefit further, from two great pieces of content than seven mediocre videos. Editing, formatting, grammar and spelling are all important aspects, even in the more minute details.


    "Mmm, oui. Zis does seem more comfortable than hiding beneath sunflowerz while it rainz. " Oregano Baudelaire, mouth-full of cheese, commented to his brother. He bound himself to a quest now, finding a pencil larger than him to write his fellow big-eared kin. A better life awaited them.






    I N T R O D U C T I O N


    Centuries of war, death and misfortune have granted the Tresery lineage irrefutable prestige. On the far south-western apogee of Almaris, overlooking a vast and peaceful forest of untrampled earth. Wrought from the founding belief that our soul has a multitude of senses unreached, five manifest in a stunted, uninformed manner that avoids much of the deeper nature of life. Tresery are bound to centuries of servitude, towards eachother and the realm.


    A home to return to after battle, a shoulder to mourn upon and a voice to console their most desperate concerns. Mali’ame are cursed with eternal life, ridden with heartache and torment. Yet, Tresery choose to rejoice in failure and success alike, life and death. All Tresery share deep appreciation for their traditional artistry— tattoos, paintings, patterns, textiles and shrines brightened with hundreds of gradients to compliment the symbology of colour amidst the clan-members.




    At first, the Tresery bloodline were not creatures of extravagant indulgence or fortune. Life was simple to them. Alas, over centuries of comfort in the fighting-pits, the lineage found themselves upon the high seats of council— representing entire nations, their livelihood and protection from harm. Thus, the Tresery have a simple method to explore ethics; that everything with purpose is worthy. Emotions are neither positive, nor negative; rage is determined amidst its experience and motive behind it. Our realm is viewed as a blank canvas, each experience as a pigment within the image. What is the purpose of the colour blue? Is it right, or wrong? Neither, but a part of the composition.


    Modern times have dawned and most recent Chieftain, Laedrad Tresery has accepted fate as leader of the clan after the sudden disappearance of the Lioness, Andria Tresery. Most clan-members are oft bound to the duties of their settlement and the druidic path. As has been habitual for centuries, the lineage are venerated for warriorship and continue to be protectors of the realm for n, and the populace of their newfound refuge.


    The Wardens of Mahae, whose hearts beat in defiance to corruption.







    At the awful moment Malin disappeared amidst battle, mali’ame searched for new methods of survival, finding refuge in different climates, continents and customs of tales. Vecimus, the first Chieftain, guided the inaugural-clan towards the most expansive savannah of the realm, hopeful for a lifetime of abundance and good fortune. He governed the adults, educated the children and founded rituals for centuries ahead of them.



    As time elapsed and weeks turned into centuries, the bloodline had become accustomed to the climate of their newfound habitat, so was thought. After centuries of constant, relentless heat, the land had fallen to a barren wasteland, devoid of all spirit. Wrought from desperation, feigned confidence or blissful ignorance, the kin fought off predators for months, until failure drawn from pure exhaustion. Vecimus developed a methodical ritual, beginning at the first light of each new sun-rise. He’d assume his namesake and forfeit refuge for hours, until night-fall at times, to hunt for rabbits, deceased birds or whatever other meals he could muster.


    He'd return to the remainder of his kin before the sun dropped over the horizon, skinning his catches and roasting them over enthusiastic campfires and their starving guests. And then, he bound himself to this routine— teaching others rituals and techniques that most modern clan members continue to practice. Albeit, the Chieftain grew fatigued of the robotic approach to their life.




    A tale centuries old, that spanned the continents. A beast that murdered without cause, that frightened the mightiest warriors, responsible for the disappearance of hundreds during their most fragile times. Until the awful night that legend became truth. A cub assigned the quest of gathering water for the tribe, who failed to return. At the next sun-rise, all hunters gathered and embarked on the quest to find the child, or bring their spear towards the heart of whatever harmed them.  A bright sunset threatened, then an evening painted in warm tones of orange and gold. A pale crescent-moon shone over the horizon, creating delicate shadows that led the group towards their target, a cavern ridden with an awful stench and the decomposing descendants that created it.



    Four warriors had bound themselves on a path towards the epicenter of chaos itself. At first sight of the valiant crowd, the beast attacked them without hesitation and the battle of a lifetime began. It had been hours and the warriors became fatigued, dispensing their last strength in a unified retaliation against the creature that threatened a tranquil lifetime. At last, the beast had been slain. A foul blight exuded from its corpse, evident that it had corrupted its fragile mind. A dense smog crawled into the lair of the beast then, within it a pair of golden orbs glistened towards the clan members.


    Amidst the clouds, a monstrous silhouette of a creature manifested before them. A lion seemed to conjure from death and destruction, dragging pools of blood from the ground towards its heart, doubling in size with each rise and fall of their chests. Mahae, the Great Lion, screamed out in desperation, granting them an unexplainable surge of emotions, pride and courage above all. As the fog dissipated, the tribe found themselves in an uninhabited cavern, as if it had been an illusion. However, a magnificent blessing had been placed upon the bloodline and its kin, for generations ahead.






    Aegis found most recent presence of the bloodline, clan members were known to paint their eyelids white, as a boastful declaration of their detachment from sight. As one of the least important senses, clan members found it to be the most extreme ascension to power. And so, the tribe held equal respect to their pride and chronicles. As time elapsed, details of their eccounter with Mahae weren't shared outside the bloodline, protected amidst its members and short catalogue of chieftains. At most, others could find clan members honouring the wild spirit in the forests of Malinor.



    Leric, most honourable, found refuge amidst the White Rose, in Aegis. After centuries of dedication and perseverance, he was chosen. He was bound to the relentless quest of guardianship and education, akin to his ancestors. Tristin, High Prince and inaugural King of the Dominion of Malin fought alongside mali’ame to declare independence and refuge for our kind. Until then, no other descendant had been declared ultimate ruler of the mali’ame since Malin himself. Tristin Tresery founded the bloodline into its modern age, declaring it a royal-lineage during the realm of Vailor, once Artimec Caerme’onn ushered the populace of Laureh’lin towards their once-lost culture and ancient customs.


    At its peak, the bloodline was erased and returned to the pages of tomes. Eternal and valiant poems, fictional tales and fables detailing the eternal conflicts of a grand lineage. On the horrific night Tristin vanished from his homeland, clan members fled their homes to safer refuge. Now, a powerful clan had been scattered across the continent and attempted to regain sense of normal quotidian habits. However, during this desolate age for the bloodline, Andria Tresery, daughter of Vailoen Winterleaf and Leric Tresery returned to her rightful home of Irrinor. 



    At long last, a new Chieftain. The Lioness, Andria of the Tresery.




    It had been centuries. As time transpired, Andria bound herself to restoring prestige the bloodline once had, returning it to former fame and renown amidst the mali’ame populace. The Warden, Kalius Tresery and his adolescent brother, Laedrad Tresery joined the Lioness at the rapture of Axios and found refuge in Almaris with the few members that remained alive. Kalius found comfort in the teachings of Xan upon their arrival and Laedrad was guided in the druidic path, heeding to the teachings of the Lioness.



    After centuries of violent teachings, Laedrad was declared the Lion of the Vale, the Eternal Warden of Mahae and Chieftain of the bloodline. Laedrad, a creature prone to mishap and troublesome ventures, oft proclaimed that problems stalked him, forced to be resolved. Unlike his ancestors, Laedrad hadn’t entered the realm with a warrior-spirit or the courage of one-thousand beasts. Yet, the young Tresery breathed a new essence into the lineage and the obligation to uphold and safeguard his kin had fallen onto him.





    A shadow is cast in the presence of the realm, possessed of value and substance. Yet black is the presence of something or anything. White is the representation of ultimate order, a state of indefinite existence, of realism without form. Ancestors have dedicated centuries to procure meaning and purpose for these, listed below.



    بطاقة التارو


    White represents power and order. A clan member can adorn white garments or even paint their child to commemorate the lineage of the bloodline or warn others of the strength that burns within.


    Black is the representation of unlimited potential. The Tresery associate the gloomiest shades with an unprepared acquaintance to the truth of the realm. A clan member can adorn black garments or etch markings onto their child to praise the value of the descendant spirit and intimate ties to the course of the realm itself.


    Blue represents mystery and the unknown. One of the rarest but most important colours to the bloodline, it embodies the trials and tribulations of life as guardians of the realm. Tresery do not adorn this colour but utilise it to indicate negative magical affluence or potential dangers.


    قراءة الشاي


    Gold is the representation of individualism and courage. Gold is one of the rarest materials to uncover and for this reason is associated with its uniqueness. The Tresery are most often associated with this colour due to the tale of Mahae, and its prominence amongst their rituals. One can adorn golden accessories or be painted with gold to promote uniqueness or a charismatic demeanour, aside from its habitual applications amongst the bloodline.


    Red is the representation of ambition and energy. As the perilous motions of fire can nurture and be destructive in the same wind, the Tresery know equal powers are bestowed upon the mantle of their mortal souls. One can adorn red garments, or paint their child to bless them with direction and conviction. 


    •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•


    T H E   I L M Y U M I E R


    Once an aspirant or acolyte has reached adulthood, a tattoo is created with resin collected from previous hunts and etched onto a Tresery bound to undergo this ancient ritual.


    A depiction of a lion is etched onto their chest in commemoration of their ascended persona and the future awaiting them. As utmost devotion to their clan, members of the bloodline have etched the tattoo onto their features, presenting their utter commitment to the entire realm. At that, this is the first tattoo the cub will have upon their being and signifies their undivided appraisal of the bloodline.


    R E L I G I O N   &   F A I T H


    The Wild Faith has been dominant within the bloodline for centuries, including modern association with Mani and their metaphor of nature and its primal strength. The Tresery have always been devoted to the wilderness and its kin, connected at mind and heart to its ancient roots. Members of the Druidic Order acknowledge the Aspects as guardians of the mortal and eternal realms, though unable to ever reimburse their refuge and wisdom. Above all, the Great Lion Mahae claims utmost guidance to the bloodline, resembling most often the values of this kin.


    Over recent centuries, others have claimed worship to Xan. The Aengul of Order And Guardianship is admired amongst the Tresery for its proclamation of duty above all — holy warriors of courage, prideful and fearless, capable of dispatching enemies to the realm. 





    Chieftain Laedrad, of the Tresery

    The Eternal Warden of Mahae




    Centuries ago, the Tresery created a tribal dance as an eternal offering of gratitude to Mahae. The Lion granted the bloodline each of their most esteemed values — pride, courage, guidance and allegiance — and each member is entrusted to uphold and progress the noble tales of the bloodline. A Tresery is the embodiment of Mahae, bound to its strength and eternal wisdom.



    The Tresery volunteer to participate in this ritual, characterising the lion and the hunters. At nightfall, the tribal dance begins with the Lion encircling the group — each motion is elegant, methodical and practised. The Lion bellows out an awful scream, to signal the beginning of their historical battle. And overhead, drums erupt in cadence audio. As the dance progresses, the hunters avoid each rebellious attack and retaliate with valiant swings of their weapons. 


    After the introduction of the ritual, the lion becomes more aggressive and the conflict accompanies the soundtrack, more intense with each rise and fall of the hunters. At the conclusion of this ancient ritual, the lion is defeated after much hardship, bowing to the members of the hunt. The Tresery recite an archaic worship to Mahae then, pleading for the blessing to reunite with their kin, for centuries to come.





    The Tresery children or acolytes (most commonly referred to as cubs) are often taught to hunt, fight, craft and paint from their parents — how to create art from the tragedies and hardships of life — guiding them into a worthwhile ascension into adulthood. For centuries, no formal structure had been established for educational customs, until the announcement of seed trials available to members of the bloodline, or aspirant mali’ame. A Tresery acolyte must be taught the questions, reservations and qualms of life. One is expected to aid them in development of ancestral knowledge and practical hobbies that lead to prosperous professions. 



    Most of the bloodline adapted to the forge and anvil, others favoured the trades of the forest and some selected the cerebral quests of the philosophers and astronomers. The Tresery have always been varied in their talents and professions, as the colours are varied from each other — no singular being having the same temperament or equal wisdom as another. Yet another reason the kin relies on each other for their training and organic evolution. Tresery can become even more knowledgeable individuals, procuring further tutelage from peers in adulthood and later life. There is a common testament that no child, adult or elder ever completes an incorruptible view of the world until their demise.

    Life is often preoccupied with the unknown and when others are threatened, the Tresery value it as one of the greatest and most admirable parts of life all have been blessed with. And lo, in the darkness of the world when shadow roamed unbothered, without a home to return to or soul to guide. There was a time when mind and heart rolled unformed in the deep of the ocean, when the waters flowed in innocence and the earth did not wage age against the waves. A beginning where all things found their place. We celebrate life and death, the control of chaos and the attainment of a new horizon each nightfall.






    Leric, of the Tresery and Vailoen, of the Winterleaf

    Vailor, c. 1357


    T R E S E R Y   T R A I T S


    The Tresery bloodline are bound to equal attributes in all aspects of their evolution — extending for centuries and multiple generations, each presenting dominant genes when offspring are introduced to the realm. Male kin are often born with habitual bunches of midnight-black hair, whereas their female counterparts range from cocoa to dark-brown. Male and female kin are known for their dim features, tanned complexions and defined facial-features.


    Akin to tales of old, most clan members are born with the might of an enraged lion for better or worse. Tresery cubs are valiant and ignorant to the dangers of the world. Yet, these traits are admired amongst the lineage and trained to control. Lions of the bloodline learn to adopt fear as a natural instinct, instead utilising it for their advantage.


    •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•




    D E V O T I O N


    All aspirant clan members must perform an initiation rite, then bound to the bloodline in eternal commitment to its values, practices and beliefs. Elder members of the lineage lead the ritual and tribal dance, guiding the newcomers in their pursuit of the hunters, as the lion.


    As the ritual progresses, elder members of the bloodline watch the newcomer and their actions. The Tresery have been known to be judgmental and often violent in their introductions to the clan, deeming few worthy of their namesake. 


    At the conclusion of this rite, if the newcomer is inducted into the clan, a singular paw is etched onto their skin and is then under the undivided protection of the seed. Once branded, the acolyte must uphold the values and ideals of the bloodline during their induction and thereafter.









    C O M B A T 


    As is habitual, clan members are expected to uphold their duties as warriors and guardians of the realm. Courage and pride aren’t built upon tales, instead action and practice. All cubs and acolytes are taught that hardships are opportunities for education, whether met with failure or success. 


    However, the bloodline is prideful. An acolyte inducted to the seed must complete the trial of combat, challenging members of three different seeds or clans and win each fight. 


    All cubs  must acknowledge each opponent as a warrior, worthy challengers of their battle whether successful or not. The trial of combat must be a declaration of respect for others. A successful acolyte is granted a tattoo as reward for their warriorship.


    G R E A T   L I O N 


    At the end of a successful induction into the clan, an acolyte is granted a final quest to be introduced as an official member of the bloodline and gifted the branding of a lion. A challenge known to them from their introduction to the seed, told from tales of centuries past, over and over.


    A bloodline erupted from battle, ancestors heeding to the namesake of guardians and protectors; an acolyte must hunt and kill a corrupted lion for their final quest. An elder member of the clan follows the cub during their pursuit, although cannot interfere or meddle in its completion. 


    All acolytes participating in the hunt are granted a spear or bow and arrow, few rations and one canteen of water. Until the quest has been fulfilled, a cub cannot return home and must survive, enduring all conditions of the wilderness. As told in tales, unsuccessful participants do not return. 


    Cubs that return home are encouraged to create ornaments or weapons from the remains of the beasts, consume other parts in offerings to Mahae and store the remainder for alchemical or ritualistic endeavours. 






    •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•


    At the successful completion of their induction into the bloodline, cubs are recognised as official members of the clan and able to participate in all boons of the seed. Elder members of the lineage gift them an armour-set worn in the most severe battles, centuries past. A limited number of pieces were created during the plague that conquered Vailor, granted to the strongest warriors of the bloodline and upkept to perfect conditions. All members of the lineage who adorn this golden suit are considered guides and teachers amongst their kin.






    Feel free to contact me @ ImCookiie#3833 or interact with us in-game, for more information regarding the bloodline.










    Author: ImCookiie

    Feedback: Delmodan & Sykogenic & Leric


  6. " — What happened?" He knelt to the ground, accompanied in the dreadful cries of the earth above and beneath him. He hadn't felt the relentless damage of nature for centuries now, heartrending pleas or meddled rumblings turned to quotidian habits after a lifetime amidst the wilderness.


    And overhead, each branch and individual leaf told him tales of grief and eternal anguish, pleading an ultimatum of torture or eternal rest. The Lion heard them groan and sigh, mumbling their profound heartache unlike all other melodies he had witnessed until then. 


    "What happened?" He enquired again, one-hundred times more. His form nestled between two gnarled roots, rendered minuscule in its titanic shadow. As he wandered the depths of their gruesome cries, Laedrad harboured a singular quest, centuries-late.


    He sighed. Laedrad hid beneath the cool shade of  a bestial mangrove tree, nestled into the coarse roots of nature. He carried nostalgic demeanour as often as he carried his spear and longed for the mournful ghost to depart soon. He stared at the sun delicately disappearing behind the horizon, golden-orbs squinted towards the radiant warmth that beamed onto his path. The Lion had to return.



    Mew, my heart is yours. Thank you for introducing me to Wood Elf RP, however long ago. I had an incredible time creating memories with Tanila and Laedrad, furthermore creating a friendship between us. Thanks for the all the moments of laughter, comfort and memories I'm going to cherish forever. I hope this was an adequate end to the character. ILY.


  7. tD8GerRMQPHP7OBYG91DEd81sHVnWMQ-Di2jxgC3ZX45z9jsWzt6ikivzGV1Wn6WgPgPoSiVXPQxI5QfVWMWw52K7ghhqrl623Sg6yBJnCs1bS-q5SdO1ZWwTcPS4WjpVvGwdFYl





    As Issued from the Most Blessed, Maheral Elesia Elervathar

    22nd of the Grand Harvest, Year 67 of the Second Age




























    Unity, as is purity, is disrupted when infidelity and tormenting weakness prompts derelict and unfounded peace in contrast to principle and ethic. Mali’aheral have found progress at the disposal of wrong ideals and weak-minded individuals, building a coalition of principled pursuits, rejecting the destructive voices of impure dissent which the different factions of the realm had sown. While the Maheral simply is, as Malaurir Lucion Sullas once said, the Maheral is more important than her mortal presence.


    It was first in the ruins of our Oasis of Silver where we found our purpose anew; in the restored Silver Enclave of Karinah'siol. As to ensure the continuance of a functioning and stable Silver State, and to correct the corruptive and degenerative nature of former structures, a new rule of law, with statutes to uphold and protect. A system developed over centuries, proven of the utmost potential and power in practical tests alone, now to be assembled in this document. Be it a testament of our blessed State, or to be an example for future generations after our time.






    ARTICLE 1.  The Silver State of Haelun’or is the nation-state of the High Elves.


    ARTICLE 2.  The Maheral and her Silver Council constitute the pure political foundation of Haelun’or.


    ARTICLE 3.  As established millennia ago, progress and health constitute the pure cultural, social and economical foundations of The Silver State of Haelun’or.


    ARTICLE 4.  Work is a matter of obligation, therefore all able-bodied High Elves contribute to the Silver State of Haelun’or.


    ARTICLE 5.  To defend the Motherland is a matter of obligation, therefore all able-bodied High Elves serve in the organised and spontaneous resistance against attacks against the State.



    “Our humble and peaceful domain, of stone, of spruce and untrampled earth…”

    Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar






    ARTICLE 6.  The Silver Council of Haelun'or:

    The Silver Council of Haelun’or, Elheial’thilln, is the highest administrative and legislative foundation within the motherland, in service of the Maheral.


    ARTICLE 7.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thilln, consists of six Okariran, namely:

         Okarir'tir, Master of Law

         Okarir'san, Master of Diplomacy

         Okarir'maehr, Master of Knowledge

         Okarir'mali, Master of People

         Okarir'akaln, Master of Coin

         Okarir'tayna, Master of Life


    ARTICLE 8.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thill, are burdened with general maintenance and management of The Silver State of Haelun’or. Each of the Okariran are bound to different projects, laws and institutions subject to the area appointed to that particular seat.


    ARTICLE 9.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thill, are bound to adopt measures aligned with the ambitions and aspirations of the Elervathar Council and her constitution.


    ARTICLE 10.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thilln, are served by assistants known as Tilruiran, who can participate in the work of government as contributors without implicit legislative rights.


    ARTICLE 11.  Each of the Okariran can select Tilruiran for the better fulfilment of their duties.


    ARTICLE 12.  The Sohaer:

    The Sohaer is an active servant to the State, in direct aid to the most blessed Maheral, assigned to act on her behalf on administrative regulations of the Silver Council of Haelun’or.


    ARTICLE 13.  The Sohaer is granted total administrative privileges to all offices of the Silver Council of Haelun’or and can represent the vote of an absent Okarir, in their absence.


    ARTICLE 14.  The Sohaer is bound to serve as a direct channel between the Okariran and the most blessed Maheral, to ensure each office is sustained enough to fulfil their cultural and administrative duties to the State.


    ARTICLE 15.  The Sohaer is bound to coordinate and direct diplomatic undertakings of The Silver State of Haelun’or, alongside the Okarir’san.


    ARTICLE 16.  The Sohaer is granted ultimate decision to form committees and urgent councils, for matters concerning war and diplomatic developments of the State.


    ARTICLE 17.  The Sohaer is bound to sit at the helm of the Silver Council, in the absence of the Maheral.


    ARTICLE 18.  The Appointment of Government:

    The appointment and removal of government officials within the Silver State of Haelun’or is recorded in the Archives of the Eternal Library for the Blessed Citizenry to access.


    ARTICLE 19.  The Maheral cannot be removed.


    ARTICLE 20.  The Maheral appoints their own successor by missive, public announcement or signed and sealed testamente posthumously. 


    ARTICLE 21.  A Council of Malauriran convenes to elect a new Maheral, should the Maheral be rendered unable, or without signed and sealed testamente posthumously.   


    ARTICLE 22.  The Sohaer is appointed by the Maheral, in accordance with the requirements of the Elervathar Council and her constitution.


    ARTICLE 23.  The Maheral appoints a new Sohaer should the current be rendered unable or deemed unfit without a doubt on grounds confirmed through a prompt and fair trial.


    ARTICLE 24.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thilln, is not left incomplete for longer than two years.


    ARTICLE 25.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thilln, are appointed in accordance with the Maheral and the population of the Silver State of Haelun’or.


    ARTICLE 26.  The Okariran can be removed when deemed unfit, in accordance with the requirements of the Elervathar Council and her constitution, in public declaration from the Sohaer or Maheral.


    ARTICLE 27. The Tilruiran are appointed and dismissed in accordance with the Okariran whose position each Tilrurir is bound to.



    “You hallowed harbingers of harmony, offer me your sword as Larihei offered us her guidance…”

    Malaurir Elesia Elervathar






    ARTICLE 28.  The Maheral:

    The Maheral is the highest cultural, administrative and authoritative figurehead of Haelun’or, bound to serve as the enlightened protector, guiding the mali’aheral along the ancient principle of progress and health.


    ARTICLE 29.  The Maheral ensures the Sohaer and the Silver Council execute their orders in accordance to the true spirit of progress and health, maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.


    ARTICLE 30.  The Maheral serves as the highest authoritative figure of all High Elves, always, for they are the most pure.


    ARTICLE 31.  The Maheral serves as the Supreme Commander of the Sillumiran.


    ARTICLE 32.  The Maheral coordinates and directs the efforts of The Council of Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Elheial’laurir.


    ARTICLE 33.  The Maheral promotes and demotes High Elven bloodlines in pursuance of The Talonnii Act of Year 59, of the Second Age.


    ARTICLE 34.  The Maheral acts as Head of State for all Provinces under the protection of The Silver State of Haelun’or.


    ARTICLE 35.  The Maheral presides over The Path to Purity trials and sentences.


    ARTICLE 36.  The Maheral can call upon a member of The Council of Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Elheial’laurir, to act on their behalf for the overseeing of a Path to Purity trial or sentence.


    ARTICLE 37.  The Maheral can declare the State of Haelun’or lost, in accordance with the vision of Larihei, in matters most urgent and henceforth in control of all institutions within the State.



    “Blessed be our Silver Sect, who work for the betterment of our race, our home and the venerated maehr’sae hiylun’ehya…”

    Malaurir Iaria Elervathar






    ARTICLE 38.  Citizenship in The Silver State of Haelun’or is not restricted to High Elves.


    ARTICLE 39.  All Blessed Citizens have the right to a prompt and lawful trial.


    ARTICLE 40.  All Blessed Citizens have the right to medical service and protection.


    ARTICLE 41.  All Blessed Citizens have the right to residence within the State.


    ARTICLE 42.  All Blessed Citizens have the right to operate a business in the marketplace.


    ARTICLE 43.  All Blessed Citizens have the right to bring grievances to the Silver Council, Elheial’thilln.


    ARTICLE 44.  The Silver Council, Elheial’thilln, can offer refuge to foreign citizens regardless of race.


    ARTICLE 45.  Citizenship can be revoked in accordance with the Elervathar Council and the Maheral, if the Blessed Citizen is deemed impure without salvation, confirmed through a prompt and fair trial.



    “Rise - rise - rise… Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya will unleash our full potential.”

    Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar






    ARTICLE  46.  The Maheral can amend the Elervathar Constitution, in unanimous agreement with the Silver Council of the Silver State of Haelun’or.






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    Our Haelun'or Beckons

    An Announcement to the Silver State of Haelun’or


    As Issued from the Most Blessed, Maheral Elesia Elervathar

    22nd of Snow's Maiden, Year 66 of the Second Age


    At the beginning of Haelun’or, our Citadel arose from dirt and debris — guided in the footsteps of our ancestors and most blessed bloodlines — to create our home, our refuge from the monsters of the realm, our blessed bastion of knowledge, progress and health. Our efforts in the Silver State of Haelun’or have been to unite and reconstruct a sense of allegiance to the motherland, an unwavering understanding of our culture and ancient traditions. Now, our diligent quest is to rebuild a harmonious state for the mali’aheral, an ambition to overcome the inherent issues of the past. Mali’thill continue to return home, to find peace, progress and health.




    Unity, as is purity, is disrupted when infidelity and tormenting weakness prompts derelict and unfounded peace in contrast to principle and ethic. And so, our Haelun’or beckons thee, blessed children. Our architects, diplomats and medics. Our tavernkeep, butcher and artist. Our guardians of knowledge and people, our soldiers silver-clad until the bitter end. The Elervathar Council is rebirthed and headed towards undiscovered realms of progress. Will you travel alongside us? A decade of conflict has plagued our motherland, our marbled Citadel and evergreen forests. We gather now, for the betterment of our Blessed State and her vision. Come together, Mali'thill.



    The Blessed Child,

    Maheral Elesia Elervathar





    Hail, friends of Haelun'or.


    An exclusive publication to the population of the Silver State of Haelun’or, beckoning applications for positions within the Silver Council and others amongst our different factions and institutions. Alongside a response, feel free to include art and/or models of characters to create the most authentic environment possible.


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