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About QueenGeorge

  • Birthday 11/17/1997

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    Queen George#6032
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  1. If there was any Druid who could compare with the Lamb Druid Marie, it would be the Snow Druid Liri. The best part about that fact that the two didn't compete, they simple existed alike and could both bring comfort and warmth to the lives they touched. In a place filled with many motivated fighters and leaders, compassion and caring for others were treasured traits. As the little shepherd saw the friendly figure, she was filled with delight that her dear sister Liri could come to be at peace and get to enjoy the life beyond death that awaited her. Marie knew a lot of great places to nap. ~~~ And again, Valmuel thought of his dear Mum. Though he shared not her blood, he shared her love for people and the spirits of curiosity, creativity, and passion. As he had raised his own son, he did it with the same love and affection that Mumma Liri had. As he dealt with others that bore grievances, he sought to show compassion and understanding with one another. It was thanks to Liri too that Valmuel had all the more family to love, learn from, and care for. So thinking of his Mum now as he drifted off to sleep, Valmuel remembered her soft voice telling stories to a young boy at his bedtime so long ago.
  2. Two more for the forest (for now), two more to let rest and be at peace. Marie stood ready with her shepherd's crook as the two appeared in the place of their rest. It was a relief to see the two arriving with such relief and comfort, rather than the pain and suffering of so many others. She'd just have to help for a while to keep the nosy fey from bothering them overmuch so they could get some of their rest in death that they couldn't have in life. ~~~ With his last chance, Valmuel had reached for his Haelun one final time and spoke for all to hear. Even as he grieved, he was happy. He was with the people he loved and who loved him. Not just his mothers' but also his wife, his son, his sisters and so many nieces and nephews and too many more relatives in one way or another than he could count. Hanging on his hip was a sheathed sword, the one that Tailesin had taken into battle before. Now it was his, and he would take up arms at any time to protect those he loved. Now he was back home with his wife and his son, he still had a life to live without the presence of either mother still in it. As he read the letter left to him and cried, he still smiled in spite of it. He grieved for his losses, but he knew he could grieve only because of the immense love he held for his family. Death came hand in hand with life, and there was no better circumstance that he could imagine to see his mothers' off than they be at peace and surrounded by those he loved. Now he busied himself in the kitchen along with Mordun, making memories anew. The letter from Tail had been tucked away for safekeeping, but he never got around to reading the part about how to make tea properly.
  3. "How many is that now this year..." Marie mused to herself in concern, the thought interrupted with another, "well their years, I can never tell with how time works here." Dismissing the thought with a sigh, soon the halfling would come to welcome yet another new Brother to the forest. Offering as always her help in getting settled in to their new situation.
  4. Ever vigilant with the duty she had assigned herself in the Forest, Marie was soon aware of another new arrival into the forest. So too did she come to know that this one would not need her initial welcome. The halfling contented herself with this, giving Andria the space and time she needed with the ones she already knew and loved in the Forest. Later once she'd have settled in more, the Lamb Druid would approach the Lioness. Coming to welcome her and offer any help or support she wished for which the others may not have been able to offer. Though this might be unlikely, she saw it as her duty to offer regardless of the circumstances. She'd only hope to help any way she could, but would not force her presence if the Lioness was content and so she would soon depart having given her well wishes.
  5. "Another one so soon?" Said the halfling who awaited all those who passed into the eternal forest, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she spied the form of another newly arrived Brother. "I can't help but be reminded of the sad times in my druidic youth." Unless another who he already knew came first, she'd soon approach. Moving through any lands of the Forest with a familiar ease to greet him wherever he'd appear in Dayward, Twilight, Nightfall or the lands in-between. The Lamb Druid, now shepherdess of souls, would come to welcome him. "Welcome Brother." She'd greet simply, and from then on what happened was up to him. If he sought to find anybody, she'd gladly guide or direct him. If he wanted answers, she'd give what ones she knew. If he simply wished to rest, then she'd wish him all the best and give him the space he desired free of distractions or pestering fae. She simply wished to aid her Brother to be at peace.
  6. One figure did await Avius, even if she never knew of him nor he knew of her. Within the forest to greet all new arrivals was the halfling Marie, Sister Lamb. Unfamiliarity was no barrier to her and she'd soon approach if none who knew him personally came first. "Welcome Brother." She'd greet the man. She would assist him then however she could, however he needed. Questions would be answered as well as she knew. If he sought somebody or something she would direct him or show him the way herself. Or if he simply wished to be left alone, that was just fine too. She would easily depart and keep any prying fae away too. This was his afterlife in the forest to live, and she would aid even the unfamiliar as they wished.
  7. Soon after the initial awakening and welcome from Awaiti another figure would appear, the small figure of a halfling which moved with an air of tranquility around her. Seeing that Tanila was in good hands she did not approach at first. Instead, Marie moved quietly in the area around them to see that the two would be undisturbed by any intrusive fae. As much as she wished to greet her new Sister, she could wait. Within the Forest there was all the time in the world. So when the right moment came the caring halfling would come to help Tanila however she could to settle in.
  8. Seeing the note in passing, Valmuel read its contents and sighed softly at the news. Seeing the last lines on the additional scrap made him smile some at least. Reading it all again to refresh the message in his mind, he then headed off to find Mordun and pass the message along to her.
  9. This his name and face were unfamiliar, Brother Fate would not go unwelcomed upon his arrival in the forest. Sister Lamb, a little hafling which walked with her tall crook, would welcome him as warmly as any other. Any questions he had, she would do her best to answer. Should he seek any other Brothers or Sisters who had passed before him, she would help guide him to the ones he loved. Or just as simply if he wished to rest, she would quite gladly show him to a suited spot and see that no curious creatures of the fae disturbed him. In that Eternal Forest, he'd soon find too that the ails of his body were behind him.
  10. I used a whistle on a horse. When it asked me to pick a name I couldn't think of one right away, and after a bit it gave me a message saying that I took too long and it was exiting. Well, I clicked on the horse again and both the horse and the whistle disappeared. I'll note here that I did have two whistles in my hotbar, so I might've used two different ones which might've caused a problem. There was also two horses in the stable so I might've clicked a different one the second time too. Another potential problem? Either way. Still lost a whole horse and a whistle :/
  11. While they'd not known each other in life, Brother Amber would find himself soon welcomed with open arms into the Forest. For the Lamb Druid all her kin to come to life's end would be welcomed into that perhaps strange land. Had he any questions, she would do her best to answer them. Were there any other spirits he sought, she would guide him to their place lest they come to welcome him first. For the fallen it was time to rest, to settle in, and to decide how one sought to spend the rest of their days.
  12. Passing It had been thirty years since her passing. A span of years which would’ve marked a major part of her life before was now made meaningless within the realm of the Aspects with its regions of seasons and day until night. Unlike many of her Brothers and Sisters when she’d been alive, time was not a luxury she could afford. Had she not come into the Forest of her own will she’d be 151 now, but that couldn’t have happened for a halfling like her. Not unless she’d made the choice like her friends before her to live on not as a halfling, but as a tree. It was not entirely unappealing, but she knew that to live like that had its own costs too. Besides, there were still duties to be done even in death. There were many things that she had feared in life, but dying was not one of them. She knew of the balance and what it required. She knew of the open arms of the Grandmother Spider. She knew of the forest that awaited her, and her past kin within it. Death was not the end, it was simply the next step forward. She took the step when Taynei’hiylu made it peacefully possible. Her small body, never strong to begin with, had begun to fail her already. Her limbs ached, her eyes grew weaker, her once endless energy was being replaced with fatigue. Still, it was on her own strength that she came forward to take that step. She moved on without fear of what was to come. The Forest In her life, she had never been worshipful of the Aspects. They were ones to admire, ones to respect, and ones to follow, but she felt no need to worship them. Though it was Cerridwen she felt the most natural kinship too, she did not play favourites. It was that mindset which led her to wander within the domains with equal favour. She began in the Dayward Lands which were so full of light, colours, sounds and strange creatures she had never seen in her life before. She listened to the music of Satyroi and Cervitoi, watched the featherfolk soaring through the sky, and found herself moving again with the speed and energy of her youth. To the Twilight Bound she came next. She smiled upon the Imps with their small size but sharp minds. Sometimes she spied the silvery white of a Unicorn, but she did not approach them. Satisfied with her fortune, she had no need of their blessing and simply saw them as friends to keep an eye out for. Last came the Nightfall Domain. A home of death and danger, but so beautiful as well. Though unafraid she was not careless as she travelled through it, showing her respect for the Aspect and her children there. For some time she travelled with the Zhuanth, watching how they fulfilled their own role among this wild domain. Walking with them she would come to the ones soon to die. In their final moments, those to pass would do so with the blessing and comfort of this Souldbound Servant. Even in this death though her duties were not entirely done, but that was something she’d come to accept too and now had come to embrace. In her life she had done what she could, but so often had she been limited by her own abilities and knowledge. She saw how her older Brothers and Sisters grew burdened with greater responsibilities which they took and were worn down by. Though she had wished to help, there was little she could do beyond what she already did. To be simply a small, but welcome presence in the lives of others. When such others met their times and passed into the Forest, they needed their rest and she saw that. Her duties were not over, in this place, at this time, she could help those others to be at peace. They had long since earned their rest. So now she had her mission. The duties were not frequent, but those that did present themselves would have her to complete. When the newly passed would arrive, she was soon there. A friendly face to put them at their ease and welcome them to the Forest. Whether she had known them in her life was of little consequence. For a fellow Brother or Sister in need she would always be there. Memories In a moment of peace, she now thought of those who still lived and which she had left behind those thirty years ago. Looking back upon the memories she had of her dear friends and family. She remembered how when she was lost and alone, she was welcomed into the Grove and later into the Order and Family she’d become a part of. As she rested, so many things came back to her. Little Amaryllis, already taller than herself, but so young and eager to become a Dedicant and walk the path of a Druid. One that grew to be a dear friend and Sister. Or how she’d watched Kasfer and Za arm wrestling, with the unfortunate result of Kasfer’s arm exploding into pieces of wood. Layla and Miklaeil who had helped her learn about the Order. Ithuriel who she had thought of as a friend even if she hadn’t shared her feelings. The moot at which she heard of the Ram Druid Jeremiah, who in part then inspired her to become a Druid too. With Kasfer as her Guide then she’d start along that path. She thought of Viene, her sister dedicant who would be attuned on the same day as she was. Later came what would become her grand task. The voidal bear which attacked the halfling village of Brandybrook, now that was a day when she'd been afraid. Even so she had stayed, she couldn’t allow it to endanger the others and the nature around it as long as she could act. She hadn’t been the one who had slain it, but she played her part in keeping others safe. As a Druid, she was helped by many and she always tried to help them back. She thought of Dwyn who had helped her make her home there. A cozy place which she made welcoming to others. She found good friends among her Brothers and Sisters such as Kasfer, Harold, Amaryllis, Tailesin, Liri, Ithuriel, Nivndil, Cherry, Elenora, Hareven, Dwyn, Viene, Nenar and more. She might not have known them all the best, but there were so many people which she cared for and loved all the same. The Brothers and Sisters she had stood beside as they fought against the voidal tears that threatened Arcas. She thought of Harold who had been with her then a Djinn toyed with the people of Brandybrook. Nenar who had stood against a musical menace that shook the earth and made trees shudder with pain. Nivndil who she had walked with to a meeting she’d not been called to, but herself would be the one that told them the plan which would close one tear with the others soon to follow without her. Not just the Druids, she thought of the family that she’d been born to as well. The Mother and Father who had loved and raised her. A little brother who she loved even if they’d not seen each other often. There were countless aunts, uncles, and cousins which came in droves for every wedding and party or any other excuse to gather and ear, drink, and be merry. She still loved them all, and missed them all too. Though she would never meet the spirits of her Mother and Father, she wondered curiously if someday she would meet the spirit of a halfling who’d be in awe at meeting their distant cousin so far from home. There had been so much fun with the fine festivals too. So many from far and wide came to attend. Those there sharing in fun and friendship whether they were family, friend or stranger. Often enough it had been as fun to prepare for such festivities with her friends. It still amused her too just how frequent her stall would sell out swiftly, when any fellow Druid only had to ask to have her products shared for free. The money meant little to her as she used it simply to make things easier and so often gave it away or used it to buy gifts. In her later years, she had feared that she failed in her duties. With her mind and body weak as they were she could not stand with her fellow Druids against the later Tear and then the Inferi after. So too had she been unsuccessful in her time as a Guide. Even so, she’d been fortunate that her family still had loved and cared for her. She had been quite surprised when Hareven had nominated her as a Hierophant, then even more surprisingly she’d been voted to be accepted as one. It was quite funny and bittersweet she’d thought to herself. While being both the youngest and the newest of them, she was the next of them to die after that. Alas, all things come to an end and rightfully so. All the better when such endings had a purpose. So now the halfling stood. She rose onto her feet and stood with her crook in hand as she looked out across the fields and forests before her which were brimming with life. There was work to be done, and a life to live even after death. She wondered then what her friends and family were still up to. She hoped they were all well and happy, and that when she saw them again that they would have had good lives. When their lives came to an end, hopefully at peace, she’d be there to meet them. To welcome them to the Forest. Whether to show them around, to simply let them rest and be at peace, or anything in between. She wondered then how they remembered her, if they thought of her still as she thought of them now. Oh well, she might not know now, but she had all the time in the world to wait to see them again and share time with them all once more. In life, she hadn’t thought herself to be a great figure. Nor did she think of herself as one in death. She had never wanted or tried to be one. There was no legacy to last for centuries. Her name would not be spoken of with great reverence to pass down from parent to child or teacher to student. Yet that didn’t matter either. Her life had been one of simple satisfaction. She strived not for herself, but for the good of others. Marie was certain that it had been a life worth living. OOC closure (read and respond!): Obligatory art dump:
  13. Referring to the T6 as the Head hereafter. I have some questions regarding it, these aren't targeted questions, I just ask them of a lot of things to imagine how players might push boundaries and break systems. I'm not expecting a detailed answer to every single question either. I offer them as points of interest or concern which you may like to answer and develop further. How would you suggest that a Head is chosen? You propose they're favoured by Malleus, but how is that determined and decided on an OOC level? It's a significant position to hold when they're twice as powerful as a T5 though. Is it simply a matter of a player declaring themselves the Head because they have seniority? Would such a player have to apply for it, and be chosen/approved by the ST? Can a current Head be challenged by a lower tier follower in some way to assume the position in their place? How many Heads are there? Would different communities have different sects, each with their own head? If there are, what's to stop different people from declaring themselves each as a head but not actually acting like it? If there is only a singular Head. Then how they are determined is even more important. Are there consequences for if the Head dies? Do they lose some power, are their followers affected? On the note of death. Once a person is the Head, and they have this extra power, what is to stop them from refusing to PK and giving it up if it's possibly a position for life? I admit that's a problem with any RP position of power, but I still ask it indiscriminately and understand PK clauses can be messy. Does a character need to already be ICly popular in order to take the position of Head? Would this god favour the unknown person who is still truly devout and acting at their gods will? The above point might matter especially if Heads can choose their successors. Such as if they're dying of old age, or a player is going inactive. Would that have an impact on how they're chosen? What do you do when the Head goes inactive for long periods of time and without warning, but doesn't want to give up their position? ----- Here is a hypothetical situation which might make questions like these matter. Currently there is a singular cult. At its top is the Head, and below them are a small number of T5 and a smattering of lower tiers. Each member truly believes in their cause and their god, but one of the T5 and the Head are clashing over the duties of their group and how they should act. After many months, a sizable number of followers support one of either the Challenger or the Head. Though they share the same faith and devotion, the Challenger and their supporters refuse to follow the Head. How can this conflict be resolved? Can the Challenger challenge the current Head, and either succeed or fail to obtain the position with appropriate consequences? Can the Challenger and their followers leave to start their own cult? With the Challenger rising to stand as Head of the new cult? Can the current Head be killed, either by the Challenger or somebody else, allowing them to be the new Head of the existing cult? Does someone oocly decide that one or the other is the Head? Is there some other opportunity to resolve this with both parties being satisfied or some other reasonable result? Could BOTH be deemed unworthy, and a third party made Head? ----- Let me say again that I'm not expecting you to answer all these questions. You can answer whatever interests or concerns you, and some probably will have to be addressed anyway if you wanted to have it accepted as server lore.
  14. I wish this had been a thing when I was a new player.
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