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About shortchangehero

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  1. I’m curious, what are your thoughts on the current rules surrounding permanent death? I believe they’re too lenient and would prefer if death was respected more 

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    2. Demotheus


      @Rickson Sounds good on paper but then people would start capturing people they don’t like and holding them for a long period of time or executing people for the lulz and such. No, it’ll never work. 

      ME? I’ve made this suggestion on the forums before I believe. Basically set up consequences for death that aren’t PK, but are “Temporary” PK’s. Depends on what you did and the circumstances around your death, perhaps. Basically force shelf the character when killed in CRP for a period of time. Rarely more than a week, I would say. 

    3. argonian


      Yeah I’d support forced soft-PKs you get executed by the legitimate authorities of a settlement you should be banned from returning there on that character for a few days at least. Proper forced PKs would get messy though.

    4. Rickson


      Honestly I never really thought about it but a soft-PK system sounds like the best option overall. Adds consequence into RP without being too demanding as to take your character after forever.

      It would also allow important figures some time to see how much RP is stirred up following the events of their character’s death and then decide if they want to PK for real without feeling too forced, if that makes any sense idk

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