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  1. OOC In-game name: Lm3allem Skype: (just so we can keep in touch with you) lm3allem7 RP Homunculus name: Knod Key Symbol in the homunculus: (fire, water, earth, or air) Earth Race: (what descendant race does your homunculus resemble? Elf? Dwarf? Human? etc) Elf. Appearance of homunculus: (Remember, your homunculus must be have slight disfigurements, such as a ripped eye, twisted shoulder, hunch, leg longer than the other, missing/extra fingers, etc. Also, the homunculus’ skin must be closer to the Symbol’s colour: red for fire, blue for water, yellow for earth, and white for air. Aside from that, you are free to choose eye colour, hairstyle, as well as clothing.) Knod is an earth homonculus, he is 6'3", he has a sinewy body, he has 1 eye, twisted fingers, 8 fingers in his right hand and 3 fingers in his left hand, doesn't appear to have a mouth, his both legs have only 4 fingers and he has a leg bigger than the other, he has dark blue eye color and his hair is a type of mixture between blue and dark. His shoulder is pretty twisted and he moves a bit slow because of his torso, his torso is a little bit twisted. Personality of Homunculus: (It’s best to have your homunculus have some traits from their key symbol. For example: Fire homunculi are more temperamental and easier to anger, as well as more destructive than the other three. Although they may be caring and gentle, depending on which side of the Symbol you want to take.) He doesn't like to use weaponry and if he has something in his mind, he will not change his opinion until he does that thing. He likes to spend time outdoors in the nature, he likes to socialize with all kind of races. He dosen't like to think about his goals in his life, he wants to remain who it is and he thinks before he acts. He seems to be a calm homuncul, doesn't like to pick up fights or to argue. He is very careless and he is not emotional. Are you aware of the PK cause and do you agree that your character will be PK’ed if one of conditions are met?: Yis.
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