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Everything posted by Parker

  1. This is just a subtype of earth evocation
  2. somethings fishy in why some people got denied without reason
  3. yeah the colors make my fists ball
  4. This is good My addition to this; You have players who don’t know leniency. It is what deters players from role-play MOST of the time. You have players who don’t know the value of life, shrugging at the thought of death of a child or loved ones or whatnot, because OOCly they know of CT. You have players unwilling to PK in good RP, an honor system broken time and time again. You have players who have foul attitudes and don’t know how to step back from the server for a moment, we’ve been there. You have people who get angry out of OOC for something not happening in RP, typically something to do with magic obtaining or role-play romance. If people followed the Community Guidelines then there would be less; meta related problems modreqs that could’ve been solved within the boundaries and capabilities of the players instead of staff, I’ve not been a GM but I am surely aware they get annoyed to see a modreq that could be simply resolved by themselves. long-run less power-game less fail-rp less mary sue Though, when will we obtain that.
  5. Zukio is rite. still cannot believe she threw an apple at nynaveave
  6. Papers Please, only to be ridden with otherworldly world edits. @Narthok
  7. Parker

    boleyns skins!

  8. Parker

    Rumors of Beast-men

    @ThumperJack Permission for region access and a few materials like wool and whatnot for the event(s).
  9. I don’t think calling GM’s racial slurs and shitting on people’s characters for no reason, is a villain character type. I also don’t think a bad character type is someone who denies PVP before role-play in even the least, because you got upset a GM didn’t wnat to agree to you clicking or hopping over walls of Mau’Madur using horses with poor RP.
  10. I believe strongly in the community guidelines. I wrote the damn thing and it still holds up, as optimistic as they are. We have failed to uphold them in critical and devastating ways, both in the staff and in the general community. Especially as not just the experience is marred, but safety is jeopardized. Wonder if you’re actually going to uphold this stuff. There are people who just shy away from breaking the actual rules but fully break the Community Guidelines you so called put up. Whether it be from being inconsiderate of role-play and wanting PVP such as attacking player-events who just want to start role-playing and ruining their entire evening with just eight or so good people who can just simple click than type. Or people who strive to make half-assed characters to commit ****-tier villainy with rhyming names. Please consider bringing Villain Applications back
  11. A few scattered Peasants can be seen rummaging through debris cast aside some lone road between Sutica and the Marsh. They had expressions of remorse and terror, under few scaffolding that were used to comprise once sturdy abodes. A few beckon in plead, to beseech you for aid. To what will there is to answer, their voices fall deaf to only murmuring – it was inconsistent and spoke only of furred men-beasts that had terrorized the area. The scent of erosion and marred flesh slowly begins to waft itself into the air around, cadavers littered the plains just underneath the stature of the Forests. Foot-prints of an animal that had a gait of a grown man, but the brawn of an Orc, and nimble-foot of an Elf. Scattered, one may assume there were multiple; ”Please, they came in the night. Our guards were low, we were with our families – – . . .” a man pleads on bloodied palms. While the rest of them tire for a rest, weeping at loved ones since past.
  12. It’s the playerbase’s fault for role-playing magic with a close mind-set and not thinking outside of the box in any way.
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