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Posts posted by Guzr

  1. The Huntsgoth Druko'Lur allows the Ireheart raiding party to gather their dead and leave, before picking up Skullcrusha's corpse and preparing it for funeral. "Skullcrusha. . ." he grabbed his spear and headed into the woods. "Bloodbrother. . ."

  2. RP Name(s): Skalp'Raguk 
    MC/Playername: Guzr_
    RP Titles: The Uniter, The Young
    Lesser or Greater Ancestral? (Greater Status takes a lot of reasoning to back it up): Already greater iirc
    Age/Lifespan (If known): Unknown
    Summary of Achievements: "A red-skinned orc who rose to Rexdom at the tender age of 12, and united his brothers through a long, popular, and successful Rexdom. His final act of devotion to his people was to take his own life via an explosive vest in the Dwarven throne room, along with that of several dwarves in an act of retribution."
    Would you RP this spirit?: Unfortunately not due to IRL responsibilities taking up my time
    Could someone else Trusted RP this spirit?: Yeah
    Guidelines for RPing spirit if others do (Personality, preferences, what pisses them off, etc;): Stoic, always smoking a cigar, intelligent and cunning. Absolute hatred for dwarves
    Any links to Forum posts about this character?: 

    Kharak'Raguk is based @Smaw
    Leydluk'Raguk imo made a sizeable impact

    Vorgo'Yar saved the entire orcish race worth a mention @stargush





    | THE 100-YEARS HUNT |



    The hall filled with citizens of the Horde, ranging from the tallest uruk to the swiftest elf. The Rex spoke his speak and then the Targoth, captivating the ears of those present. They spoke of important matters yet Droku’Lur’s thoughts lay elsewhere.


    He thought of his ancestors, of the great hunters of aeons passed. The night before he dreamt of Lur slaying the three-headed wolf, and the week before he spoke with a lesser immortal under Votar. He knew what to do. With a mighty whistle he summoned his lurwolf Sarakh, whose howl pierced the hall and the attention of the onlookers. Droku leapt from the pavilion onto her saddle, reeling her upwards and swinging his fist in the air.

    “I have something to say!”
    The wolf growled at all present, baring her teeth viciously. Droku continued: “I am Droku of Clan Lur, son of Dromug the ‘Fatwolf’. I am Huntsgoth of the Horde! I have ridden with many with you, hunted with others. Though many here know not my name so I speak it! I did not become Huntsgoth because I wanted to. It was said to me by Augrec ‘The Pale Shaman’. Brothers and sisters, he had a vision, and you were in it!”


    Droku swirled the wolf around, pacing about the hall as he inspected all in it. “Many moons ago, before Orgon’s plague and before the hardships my ancestor Kurak rode with the mighty Lur himself, son of Krug. Lur led them on a hundred years hunt! This hunt is known to our clan as a great tradition.”


    He spit offside. “It has been too long! Though we speak of this, we grow fat and idle. No more! 

    I, Droku of Clan Lur, will lead us on another 100 years hunt! This is the vision Augrec foresaw, us bounding through swamp, sand and snow. In praisal of Lur, Votar and Freygoth! Ride with me! Hunt with me and your names will be recorded in the tablets of history, to dance immortal in haruspex! Glozug Votar!”


    And so, as the hall erupted into chants and roars of approval, the Ka’Bur-Votar had started.

    The first year of the hundred year hunt had commenced.


    OOC note: Set it as a challenge for myself to hold a hunting event weekly for the next 100 weeks, we’ll see how far I get. If you want to participate, hmu on Ryn#2543 or in the Horde discord!


  4. 2HwQsnEIbGMejzXb5sAsPKMNLmye7C6ssi9Ls2Zd4WunqZ8dh_4wntnGF69G8Pih2IpH-m9tAqskC4cIQb8iNZgpzi8o8llc4Fto-xyr68WeO7QE08iaGK7WdyC_xtqmXMlKDGTJ3VU7NFYulHZAFog6tFboaQ4cASkXxU2DOooAqOkJIVjQGbjVMZ-icw


    The following is spread by word of mouth and by stone tablet. . .


    The dragaar Kloudbreaker is dead, slain by our forces but not by I, Droku of Clan Lur. I thought this was my destiny, my fate as spoken by the pale shaman Augrec. I thought wrong.


    After reflection I have realized I have been blinded, so consumed by glory for the killing of the dragaar that I did not see the realm’s other prey. Freygoth’s creations lay fat and ready for the hunt. As my ancestor Kurak joined the mighty Lur on the 100 year hunt, so will I.


    Uruks, my brothers. My compatriot wolves. I will launch a second bub’hosh hunt, to bring such glory to Votar that has only been seen once before by Lur himself. Sharpen the spears, knock the arrows, I claim Huntsgoth and all who challenge my claim will fall.


    Lup’Votar! Lup’Lur! Lup’Freygoth!
    Glozug Votar!




  5. Edwin, somewhere wild in the wilderness after succumbing to his vampiric illness, knows naught of Helena's death. Though his body is feral and on the hunt for food, his heart cracks a bit for his sister. They had made a good run of life, hadn't they?

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