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About Boomzerang

  • Birthday May 10

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  1. As a direct quote from a post earlier that was removed,
    ”As much as I’m gonna get called out for this, I will say it nonetheless. I don’t know whether I’ve just been more aware of the staff’s actions as of this map, or if the staff has just gone that far downhill, but past late Axios staff has been a [REDACTED]show. Call it bias, call it whatever you want – but the iron fist of the staff has only gotten tighter, and their bias has only gotten stronger.”

    Edited by Boomze
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    2. Pond


      And I’m sure Wolfkite AND Veist won’t receive any form of punishment, even though the evidence is clear. Will also be surprised if orcs receive any form of compensation, but apparently admins are speaking of that matter. 

    3. Boomzerang


      Similar; not quite the same in my eyes, though

      And, I fully agree, playerbases don’t inherently hate playerbases. What they do is dislike people within those – which is only natural. The only shame is when this dislike, along with liking other players, gets in the way of fair judgement.

      Sure, harassment has become more prominent, but that’s no excuse to police everything as closely as it is. Not only did my post to that thread get removed, despite the fact that I honestly expressed myself in the most collected way I could, I also got warned for “Consistent attempts to rouse fights and cause toxicity amidst other players in the community.”

      Let’s not forget how much people complained when the duel originally occurred – now sure, people should let go of it after a while, and I mostly have, but it was brought up because while the two involved were allowed to continue playing, even now that this evidence has surfaced, whereas another player has been permabanned for accountsharing, despite a lack of evidence. Why? Because they were account-sharing with a player that staff (rightfully) dislikes.

      One last note, since I’ve only now seen your reply, Pieman, it may be so, but as I said, I’ve only been paying real attention since late Axios.

    4. ScreamingDingo


      whoops better loosen my grip

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