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About Moby_Derp

  • Birthday July 12

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    England mate.
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    Adar Brisk
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  1. A lonesome Uruk, clad in pale-red steel. Once youthful, vibrant, and naive. Now weary, tired, and wise. Though he had met many enemies throughout his long life, he knew that time would always be his greatest challenge. He made his way down the winding path towards Krugmar, having once again decided to return home - just to visit one last time. Though he could not call himself the most loyal of Orcs, he still knew - deep in his heart - that Krugmar: a land of blood, combat and death, would always be where he came from and where he would return to no matter what. Though his vision faded, and the world around him continued to turn black, he urged onwards towards the gates of Krugmar. Lifting his helmet, now just a bucket of rust, off of his head: he dropped it to the dirt beneath him. Onwards he stumbled. Unclasping his trusty chestplate, he allowed it to fall behind him like a snake would shed its skin: feeling free for the first time in many years. Onwards he stumbled. His back would bend no more; he could not find the strength to remove the rest of his broken, fragile armour. So, onwards he stumbled. He gazed around at the many heads decorating the bridge to Krugmar: his eyes matching their petrified gaze, with their mouth agape - serving to remind him of the life he had led, like many other Uruks. He coughed once, blood seeping onto his red skin as he tried to cover his mouth: attempting to keep any remaining vitality inside his wretched body from leaving. His ears perked at the sound of a roaring forge, not far from the gates he had just entered. Onwards he stumbled, his gaze and mind affixed upon the open forge: its smoke rising into the night sky. Making his way down the steps, slowly, he found himself looking around for any fellow Uruks: perhaps intending to rely on his brothers for once in his lonesome life, but found only the comfort of cawing crows and the call of the fire ahead. Onwards he stumbled, finally finding himself where he had spent much of his time. Kneeling down before the soothing orange flames, his arm resting on the anvil beside him to support his aged bones. He stared deep into the flames, as he had many times before, but for once he thought not of crafting; not of steel; nor of blood. His mind raced as he instead thought back on his companions. His teacher, Shagarath. His friend and respected warrior, Wud. His first and most respected Rex, Kharak. He frowned as the faces he conjured in his mind faded: struggling to picture those who had grown alongside. β€œI’m sorry, brothers.” He could feel his heart beginning to slow. His eyes begged to rest, but he continued to vigilantly stare into the fire of the forge. His back slumped, but his head continued to face forwards as it had always done. β€œI’m coming… To reunite with you all at last.” His heart slowed and performed its final symphony: one last slow beat. The colour in his eyes had now faded, overtaken by the bright orange of the forge. Gukdan was finally home.
  2. Where's the bit about how Leydluk was gifted with a mighty hammer by Gukdan.
  3. Gukdan would sit back within his home, pondering over his name, as it did not seem to quite fit in with the classic Raguk culture.
  4. Orcs already have sick chest gains, and as I stated: Horns are a sign of strength, and correlate to nature I suppose.
  5. I believe the focus is saying that you need a Lutauman to take you to said Greater Ancestral to prove yourself.
  6. I imagine that they decided horns were a sign of strength, similar to tusks. We've got mounts like Rhinos or Myrzym, both with strong and tough horns or tusks. Mounts in the Orcish race are extremely important and praised. So i'm sure the Ancestrals, going off of nature and the way that different animals fought with their horns (Like a Stag with their antlers), they thought that horns would be a suitable sign of strength and prestige... Just like how the Alpha male would probably be the biggest in the pack, or at least the strongest.
  7. What's this warclaim for

  8. Apologies, I think I was looking at one of the previous quotes before that when I was writing it, I'll edit that in just a moment.
  9. Of course, that's perfectly reasonable.
  10. I assure you that the we're not controlling who gets the magic, it's just it that Old Blah is what makes shamanism possible... and you need a Shaman to teach it.
  11. So you're saying that a lesser Spirit is somehow communing with mortals that aren't even Shamans or know Old Blah, to even begin to make a communication with these people. Spirits are very arrogant, and would certainly not be jealous of Clerics, and especially don't care whether or not your devoted. They will not go out of their way to make you devoted... They care for power but couldn't care less about groups of people who don't even consider their existence, let along the religion of the people actually devoted to Spirits (Orcs) How. So you're saying that the Spirit of Illusion, Tricks, and Thievery is going to imbue something with positive effects. Not only this, but it's basically trying to Spirit Smith food... You're suggesting that these people can wield the power of Spirits without the power of Old Blah or knowledge of Shamanism... Whilst also not providing a sacrifice to which the Spirits can grow with power. So far the only Spirit that can imbue things properly to make a connection to the mortal world is Gentharuz: through Spirit Smithing... and he's certainly not prevalent. This is somewhat closer to making sense, however I don't see why Joretel would just straight up bless them as a lesser Spirit, without gaining anything return. Not only this, but these people are definitely lacking in Old Blah, hence making it almost impossible to commune with said Spirits. This genuinely makes a lot of sense, as Veist would want to **** with them all. Spirits would have nothing to do with Dark Magic, aside from Ixli How? Why? And how would Veist, who holds no power over the realm of 'resistance and strength' even be able to do such things. They are illusions, not reality. Void magic? This makes no sense to me. Please explain how this works. Neither Veist or this Joretel could ever influence this. No ritual could ever result in this through the Spirits mentioned. 'Conjures' suggests the act of void magic... This is clearly Shamanism, due to the influence of Spirits. So this is also wrong. Lets suggest that you could in fact do this: 1) It's pointless, why would you 2) Why would Veist even grant mortals this power... They've 'communicated' with Joretel, not Veist... This isn't possible Doesn't work with Shamanism. You cannot conjure anything with the power of Spirits. This is somewhat possible... But not in the way you describe it. Please go into detail about the ritual... There must be at least some semblance of Shamanism to use the power of Spirits... Old blah, Chants, Sacrifice. The Spirits are arrogant pricks, and would not appreciate you meddling in power that does not stem from them, especially void magic: resulting in them probably twisting things around on you or removing the blessing. On the other hand, the concept itself is quite interesting and I'm sure it could somehow be done... But not in the way described here. You'd probably not prefer the interference of Shamans here, but I can't just let this sit here without some clarification on how the Spirits can be used. Sorry if I seem rather aggressive or rude in the way I'm criticising this, but I felt I needed to get some things across.
  12. Peace, Land, and Bread.

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