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Rip and Tear

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Posts posted by Rip and Tear

  1. [!] A firmly written document of a bureaucrat will be delivered to elSohaer and would be shared among citizen.


    State of Haelun'or 

    Rev. 13371337

    Resignation Letter


    From:  Atrus Calith

    Okarir'nor of Haelun'or

    Date: 7th of The Deep Cold, Year 114


    To: elSohaer Luthien Mayer'onn



    This letter is to clarify that I, Atrus Calith, wish to resign from my position of elOkarir'nor, due my unprofessionalism and a number of health complications. From this moment I shall to focus on my health and my talonnii. I am sure the next Okarir'nor would be much fitting for this role, and elSohaer has all the opportunity to employ any citizen that will correspond the responsibility of an Okarir.





    Atrus Calith.


    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya.

  2. [!] A firmly written document of a bureaucrat will be spread around the Silver State's civilians.


    State of Haelun'or 

    Rev. 26041986

    Employment Application


    From:  Atrus Calith

    Okarir'nor of Haelun'or

    Date: 22nd of The Amber Cold


    To: Whom it May Concern

    And Every Citizen of

    The Silver State


    This letter is to clarify that I, Atrus Calith, wish to participate in the challenging of Sohaer position, as well as the other participant Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr, as their compatriot and a good llir, I wish to give them the best and adequate opponent, as myself. With all respect to the citizenry of our most blessed Motherland, whom I served for not so long but a fine eight years, I offer my services in the position of Sohaer to reconstruct the goverment system, revive the economic and fulfill the gap between Maheral and their Citizen.


    If you have any questions regarding the information provided, please don't hesitate to contact me at Talonnii'lin 3rd or at my Okarir'nor Office within Citadel.



    Atrus Calith.


    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Naera Sul’Sumana


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    These constructs are made to represent a descendant or an animal, they are commonly humanoid-alike. Automatons are made and powered by alchemical ingredients and metal gears. They are powered by alchemical fluid and the Gear Heart, a mechanism of gears and springs that functions the creation. Usually Animii are bounded to its creator, to be their servant or a fellow follower. Automatons can see, speak and perambulate, even their facial mask is made to represent a descendant. Their design might be coloring however their creator decides to, which makes them truly a magnum opus of an artist.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Usually they are designed to represent a humanoid. Even their face-plate might resemble a descendant.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do


    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:

             I do


    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. An ancient yet young again half-orc sighs "Ah ain't no elf, buh ah'd like to meet ya there... We've nevah been related, buh we'd always be a famileh. Ah'll keep an eye on wee Akalonn, yer grandzon" 

  5. Spoiler






    [!] A death note would be found on the table of Okarir'tir, wet spots from teardrops upon it.

    I hear them ramming on the gates. I hear them loading a trebuchet. Shots fired, they're here to end it all. Haelun'or will keep going, but at what cost. I will not stand it, this mongrel Tundrak is roaming inside, making this meraly a show, everything just to murder Sohaer Elassidil. My own bloody sister, Idendril. I have failed, this is my fault.

    This is I, Okarir'tir Sixty-One, my identity is Arthellias Elassidil, I was but a tin soldier, protecting the Motherland among the other Sillumiran. I served myself up to the high ranks, probably not without the help of Idendril, who was in the council at the time. The Sillumiran became my family, the only family I was taking care of, sorry Elassidil talonnii, but I was always too busy with the job. Never spend much time with any of you. Some thought I was a traitor, some thought I was a fool. But at the end, it is I to finally step up and protect the glory of Silver State. This is ratherly suicidal, but do not blame me for finding my fate by doing my exact destiny. That's it, I will grab just anything and duel fennic Prince. That's the least I could do to try and save Idendril from her fate.


    For now, Farewells:


    Elassidil Family - I have no idea if any of us will survive this siege, but I have always loved you all, lari'onn and mal'onn. But I will try my best to impale that mutt Tundrak before he gets Idendril. Please, do not have anger on me, I am merely doing what our Maln taught me.

    Maheral Elervathar and The Silver Council - It was pleasure working with you all. We had conflicts, we had problems, but at the end, everything has been done for the motherland, isn't it? Please do not seek avenge, this is my fate, not yours.

    Seth Calith - You managed to outlive me, you senile geezer. Thank you for your wise words, you've grown a grindset in me. I wish you to dust this realm for another thousand of years.


    Elsillumiran - You are the family. The one and only. It's been a long route, we've grown, we've gained alot, we've achieved even more. But we never been a real army, we were volunteers. Merely but citizen who sacrifice themselves daily to protect the state. Thank you for your service, boys and girls, it was a pleasure to command you all.

    Div'kinael Fifty-Four - You mister, was one of my first sillumiran. Been there before I even got the rank. You've seen betrayal before and the first thing I got from you is suspiciouns and anger. And that is what I have always respected you for. I have worked my arse to get respected, and it really warmed me to see you trust in me.  Thank you for your service, sillumir.

    Nealu'sil Fourty-Seven - Best of the best, sillumir. Please continue your duty. You've shown you hard work, you've been a great friend and a perfect battle comrade. Thank you for your service, llir.


    Iphys Catullus Valwynn - Thank you for all of your help, Tilruir. But this one won't be another business chatter. If I could save time in a bottle, The first thing that I'd like to do, Is to save every day till eternity passes away, Just to spend them with you. Yes, this is a confess. I had my mind occupied by your presence, but I have never had time to spend with you. I am sorry, I had to do it. Check your dorm, there shall be an extra letter, special for you, Orange.


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya



                                                                                                                                                                           - Okarir'tir 61



    [!] The commander's office would be empty once again. Hours passed until this note have been found by anyone.





  6.  EpQqmq0SpqBJHpeotXVFQn5gK3RTdr7D6XOPGjDRO2x9YEZmVrVndZusGKYEUdg-x_A0YLYJvP10jkVqiYVsWxBWzMn8ufixKtHWb49zmNFWZLpUyo534QbOmggWNXjDJWHtMUOr



    The Weeping Blades

    3rd of The First Seed,Year 61



    [OOC: Sillumir are a militia who protect and serve the nation of Haelun’or. Any race can enlist within the ranks;

    Contacts BEZERKER#0016, TwistChunky#5945, or Sheylo#6816





    Elsillumiran are a force compelled by Larihei herself. Sillumiran are among the blessed ones the most venerated of all. With her values, the brave troops of the Sillumiran sacrifice their health for Haelun’or, for mali’thill kind, for purity. Larihei’s values of Maehr’sae hilyun’ehya, that of which keeps us going, is safeguarded by elsillumiran. And in their service, we must be thankful. For they are willing to lay down their lives so we can continue, we are the progress and they are the health. Without elsillumiran, there is no purity.
    Without purity, there is nothing.


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya





    The Oath: 


        An ancient oath, taken by all who pledge themselves towards Elsillumiran - towards the protection of the Silver State.


    Larihei, kae'len cruan sulier, ay'kae vallumer'ehya

    Elihnsil, Elberr, kina'ehya, laean kae wynne myumiereyae.

    ay'nae'leh sirame k' taliiyhe, ay'elcihil k' cruare

    il'iylkarim, mirueln thill'ehya ito kae'leh



    Larihei, behold my pain, and weep for me

    The spear, the bow and death, these bring me no joy

    for your honor I bleed, for the city I suffer
    with this day, I am of silver and red



    The Code:


    I  The basic mission for which Elsillumiran exists is to prevent crime and disorder. The Constitution shows them the way.  Elsillumiran seek and preserve citizenry favor not by catering to the public opinion but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the Silver Law. 


    II Elsillumiran must follow the Identity Order, which prevents their names and faces, or the identities of their families and friends, from being revealed.  Every Sillumiran bears a mask and a personal number. 


    III The degree of cooperation in citizenry that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force. Elsillumiran use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient.


    IV Elsillumiran, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the citizenry that gives reality to the historic tradition that Elsillumiran are the Citizenry and the Citizenry are Elsillumiran.


    V Elsillumiran should always direct their actions strictly towards their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary. The test of Elsillumiran efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of Sillumir action in dealing with it.





    The Ranking System:

            In order to properly reward our ranks, a new merit and promotion system has been put into place. Below is the new and improved system, the purpose of each rank, and how it intertwines and works. 

    Officer Ranks: 


    The Officer branch, also known as Red Hoods, are the top ranks of the comradeship of Elsillumiran. They are meant to organize the militia of the motherland.






    The job of the Okarir’tir is to command the Sillumiran and act as the head of the military. They are also a part of the Silver Council. Each rank is meant to follow the orders of the Okarir’tir. The okarir’tir is also responsible for promotion, as the only one who can carry out an official promotion. Okarir’tir also has the responsibility of maintaining organization within the lower ranks. There is only ever one okarir’tir able to be in position at a time. 




        The captain is the second-in-command. The div’kinael is also in charge of holding practices, giving orders, and maintaining a level of organization. When the Okarir’tir is unavailable, the Div’kinael is in charge of upholding order within the ranks. There can be up to three Div’kinael under the okarir’tir’s command, in order to properly divert Power in the lower ranks.




        Unlike the two ranks before, the Tir'idir is less about commanding and more about action. The upholders of the Tahorran rank are expected to be able to undergo rigorous missions and be adept in all forms of combat. They should be well acquainted with the rules of the military, and are often the first on the front lines. Tahorran also specialize in a plethora of tactics, undergoing special operations that vary in danger, importance, and urgency. 




    The Naulu’sil, or the chief officer, is in charge of recruitment and training new recruits. Chief officers will often be in charge of formation, and show the new recruits and Sillumir the ropes. They play an important role in the organization of the lowest ranks, ensuring they are properly trained and ordained. Chief officers also give recommendations to the okarir’tir for those worthy of promotion. 


    Enlisted Ranks: 


    The Enlisted are the main forces of Elsillumiran. Some begin from the lowest and get to the highest, many prefer to stay in the middle.






    A corporal's roles and responsibilities include the completion of missions and the care of Soldiers. Corporal rank is superior to Sillumir and recruit, and thus can take charge during basic training. Corporals are expected to have a higher level of experience than lower ranks, and should be highly involved in bettering the combat skills of recruits and privates. 




            Sillumir are the most common of all the ranks. Sillumir are in charge of basic protection around the city, maintaining order at the gates, and gathering resources for the sillumiran. Sillumir should maintain a constant presence and contribution in order to have a chance at promotion. 




            When one decides to become a sillumir, they sacrifice their identity, a part of their life, to follow the identity order. After giving an oath, the recruits are given an identity number, an armor with the number on it’s plate and a personal mask. The job of the new recruit is to learn the way of the sillumiran, and gather resources. New recruits will join in on training, and also be in charge of gate maintenance. 



        The subrank is not quite a rank of its own. While some may only have a set subrank, it is possible to have both an officer/enlisted rank and have a subrank, if deemed proper by the okarir’tir. (I.E: A Corporal may have the badge of corporal, while also having a sharpshooter badge.)




    MagilerA mage’s job is rather simple: To be called upon in order for their skills to be put to use. Magiler are also welcome to join in on combat training, though their speciality lies elsewhere. 




     Combat medics are a wonderful asset to the sillumiran. Medics are made to assist in battle to quickly see to any injuries, and are welcome to assist during training. Medics may also be called upon in regular, every day circumstances regarding Sillumir, as their duty is to ensure the health of each sillumir. 




     Sharpshooters are those who specialize in long-range weaponry and artillery. They are highly skilled in sniping, the use of crossbows, and can quickly change the balance on the battlefield, or in times of threat. 




    This rank belongs to elite soldiers, who wear thick armor and work with melee weapons. They are often the first to take heavy hits, and have the ability to compromise foes in one-on-one situations. They are also the typical defensive line in battle.




    The job of quartermaster is to properly manage and keep record of supplies, while ensuring that troops have sufficient armor, weaponry, and rations. They are also in charge of the fortification of the Silver Bastille, along with ensuring that farms are properly tended to. 








        Each rank will bear a badge in proper accordance with their rank. The patch dictating rank should be placed on the right arm, and any subranks the sillumir may acquire will also go on the right arm. Each badge is a different color in order to differentiate the ranks. They are as follows: 


    Main Ranks:


     Okarir’tir - The Army Commander does not possess badges, as their uniform is a statement of their level. The okarir’tir has stripes on the mask, and a red hood with the emblem of the sillumir.


     Div’kinael - The Captain will also not possess a badge, but will wear a red hood over their armor, a cape on their back and helm. 


     Tir’idir - The sergeant also possesses a red hood, but bears a yellow patch on their right arm.


     Neilu’sil- A chief officer does not have a red hood, but will instead have a  red patch on his right arm. 


     Mar’sil- The corporal will have a gray hood, and wear a blue patch on their right arm. 


     Sillumir - The infantry also has a gray hood, and wears a green patch on their right arm. 


     Fi’sillumir - The recruit has a gray hood, and does not have a patch. Indicating a technical lack of rank. 


    Magiler - Mages that are specific to this rank will have a cloaked uniform, but those who do not will bear a
    purple patch on the right arm of their sillumir uniform. Walehir - Medics specific to the role of medic will have proper, sanitary garbs, but those who are not will bear a white patch and a red cross

    Sulierir -- The sharpshooter will bear a pink patch on their right arm. 
    Jagannath- The heavy armored unit will wear thick plates or a
    brown patch on their right arm. 
    Illerir- The quartermaster will have an
    orange patch on their right arm. 





    Merits and Promotion System: 

            The merit system is how promotion and progress will be tracked. It is summed down to a point and reward system, where for every mission accomplished, points of merit will be added to a person. The points of merit someone accumulates with eventually lead to promotion, or physical rewards. Keep in mind that misdemeanors can mean a loss of merits, and after a certain amount of merits lost one may be demoted based on the decision from the okarir’tir. 


        Points of merit can also be accrued in other ways, such as resource gathering, showing up for training, assisting during raids and showing proper behavior. (OOC: You can also get merits for joining in on game nights and other ooc events!) 


    How the merit system works:


        In order to properly assess the progress of each person, a new system of barrels will be implemented in order to keep track of the resources each person gathers. A stack of a particular item will result in (+5) merit points, and a full barrel will result in a (+50) merit points. Engaging in training is (+8) merit points, and participation in raids is (+10) merit points.


        A total sum of Four hundred (+400) merit points is the minimum requirement for a promotion up the ranks. 


    Other means of gaining merit points: 

    - Labouring (+2) 

    - Gate duty, each visitor (+1)

    - Overseeing city events (+3)

    - Constant active participation (+1)


        Similarly, Merit points can also be taken away. There are several occurrences for this, such as having an empty barrel for weeks on end, (-5), not showing up to mandatory practices, unless given proper excuse, (-5), failure to show activity and participation, (-2), and blatant disrespect towards other sillumir/citizens (-5). In special cases, the okarir’tir has the ability to perform a complete demotion, and is able to adjust merit points according to how they see fit. 






    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


    Okarir'tir Sillumir Sixty-One

    Iphys Catullus






    (OOC: Post is Written by @TwistChunky)

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