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11096 Rep Farm CEO

About Unwillingly

  • Birthday 02/19/2003

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  1. I remember one time in Atlas, I was randomly wandering around in the armpit of fkn nowhere. Maybe a 20 minute run from CT on foot, somewhere in a very forested snowy-taiga area, but there were no roads or settlements near by. Don't know why I was running, but probably out of boredom and hoping I'd find something cool. After a while of sprint-jumping in a random direction, I stumbled upon a very small campfire area with a tent or two, and saw a username.

    Didn't expect much or think on it, but to my surprise, they emoted at me. Or, I emoted at them, and they responded - either or. I don't remember much of the interaction, but I do specifically remember two things:

    1. They had 6 days (yes, days, not hours) of play time that week. No clue how on god's green earth that was possible, so maybe I'm misremembering and gaslighting myself, but I don't know why else something like that would stick out to me so much 4 years later. 

    2. My character, without introducing herself, asked for this stranger's name. He responded by implying she was rude for asking it without first stating her own.

    We roleplayed for, maybe, fifteen or so minutes, before I left and continued running. I don't know how long I had been running or how far I made it, but in the same run, I eventually turned around to check out the camp again. The player was gone, and that was that.

    Never spoke to that player again, RPly or OOCly, and to this day I cannot remember their username or RP name for the life of me. I think they were a human or adunian though. 

    anyways no idea why I shared this story but it's a distinct memory I have, and I also remember wondering if that player had been sitting there waiting for someone to randomly approach him in the middle of asscrack nowhere just like I did

    1. Gemini


      This is so cute haha— maybe you’ll find the person! Let’s hope they still play 

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