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126 Brilliant

About Alexi_

  • Birthday 11/27/2001

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  1. Kzenia Sarkozic, after hearing of the news beforehand, finally saw the official missive already on her departure from Velec, taking a moment to bow and sign the lorraine despite stopping within the middle of a road. "Godanistan." was all she said for her prayer, knowing the situation would only get worse from here.
  2. Penned by the Duchess Austina & Kzenia Sarkozic C. 1909 After many years of the children of Aaun freely wandering the nation, Kzenia Sarkozic, the daughter of the Duke of Adria, has seen it fit to align all the children's schedules in one grandiose affair. With permission from Queen Eleanor, the Castle Ardor will open its doors to all the children of Aaun, Balian, and Petra for an eve of wondrous tricks and delicious treats. The guardians of the children are free to attend to chaperone for their children. There will be food provided for parents as well. While chaperones are not expected, they are welcomed. SCHEDULE Banquet - 4:00 PM EST All the children and parents will meet inside the banquet hall, where they will all be served desserts and confectioneries of all kinds, provided by the Duchess Austina’s wards, while they converse with their other fellow partygoers. Activities - 4:30 PM EST The children and chaperones will then be allowed to move to the ballroom which will be transformed into a whimsical forest. In the ballroom, various activities will be set that one could participate in. A table will be set with various materials for all the young ladies to make their own makeshift dolls and all the young gentlemen to craft their own slingshots. Tag - 5:00 PM EST A game of tag will be played throughout the city. Every child will hide while the ‘tagger’ counts for a minute until they go through the city and tag anybody they can until 10 minutes has passed by. A prize will be given to the remaining people that managed to not get tagged. SIGNED, Her Grace, Austina of Aldersberg, Baroness of Aldersberg, Duchess Consort of Adria, Countess Consort of Veletzia Her Ladyship, Kzenia Adriata Sarkozic
  3. Laurene sits on standby at the Palace Courtyard, awaiting the family's return to the palace "They do not know how much they have been missed, and what they have come back to..."
  4. the little Annalisa gawks with dazed eyes of dark cerulean, blinking only at momental intervals as she observes the baby with silence. ". . ."
  5. Lauréne Henriette Basrid ponders upon the nature itself of Canonism, not quite sure as the woman herself did not have any firsthand experiences of pursuing a devout lifestyle. Ultimately, she thinks of the girls that came after her and their wishes to contribute in a more meaningful way to Holy Mother Church “I suppose it would not do any harm if women were extolled for their virtues, so it would do well for those who do not agree remember where they came from!”
  6. Laurène Henriette contemplates the true nature of these seemingly comical rodent creatures, her head tremors shoulder to shoulder. She looks forward to her uncaring sisters “We should have see’s as pets! Yet they would likely be able to escape easier…” Her lips soften out with a sigh, therefore expunging the paper into the fireplace nearby, shifting her consciousness to other matters.
  7. honestly, I did not expect anything more?
  8. I’m late as **** but still, this is ******* awesome +1
  9. Eléonore Josephine reads over his ambitions, making a joyous smile yet having an underlying feeling of anxiety “Zees performances will make se most of se time in se places oser zan Rosenyr, Je wonders if mon chant will be good enough to preform everywhere!” She would continue on with her fellow Rosnians as they discussed other topics of the arts and literature.
  10. uhm im good k thnks baiiiiii

    1. amyselia


      you'll never be good


    2. Alexi_


      True tru

  11. please love me and worship me -your egirl xxx

  12. RP Name: Elizabete Blackwood MC Name: _TheLegend27_x Known Arcane Arts: Air Evocation Position Desired: Student When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Preferably on the weekends but most mostly anytime.
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