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  • Character Name
    Rolim Tordove|Dimitri Kortrevich|Ryllae Aelrothi
  • Character Race
    High Elf|Human|Dark Elf

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  1. Hilda Brawm looked over her court summon, tutting a little, “Damn, they got my name wrong… Something to correct at the trial, I suppose.” She then tucked the missive into her desk drawer and went to her balcony to have a cigarette.
  2. When Dimitri heard of the death of Amaya he fell to his knees, the missive in hand, the cane used to support him clattering to the wooden floor of his office. After the great success of the Haense carnival he had carried her to her bed in the clinic, made her comfortable, kissed her on the forehead before departing as she had wished him to do. He owed his very life to her, the life he has built, the kids he has fathered are all because she came to save his life when others would have left him to die. Amaya had been there for him in every meaningful moment of his life, from the death of his mother, to his wedding. He so desperately wanted to show his children to her but never got the chance, and now never will… For once, Dimitri was at a loss for words as his tears began to fall onto the missive he stared at, deeply hoping the words were not true. This is a loss that will stay with him, but he knows she is at rest now, and that his mother will welcome her into the seven skies.
  3. FULL NAME: Hilda Adrianna Brawn AGE: 15RACE: Human((IGN:)) ElvenHuntress((Timezone:)) GMT (BST)DISCORD: elvenhuntress
  4. [!] A missive has been distributed throughout the Human realms A PERSPECTIVE Hyspia’s Independence Meeting from the View of Dimitri Otto [!] A Hyspian Sunset painted from views from a palace window 12th of Francisco’s Resolve, 91 D.R. I shall begin my writings by paying respect to the late Vicente Murietta II. He held unwavering loyalty to the Sovereign State of Hyspia, not just to one leader, and always showed bravery in the battles I had the honour to fight at his side in. He had a passion for the history of Hyspia and was very close with mine and Ramona’s children. His loss will be felt for many years. May he find peace in the Seven Skies. The Happenings of the Meeting The meeting begins with Cesar laying down the scroll on which the agreement has been written. Aleksandr has some problems with the alliance but knows a way for those concerns to be remedied. The knight flanking him rested his hand on the pommel of his blade then. Quickly followed by our own guards. He has concerns with the popularity of Cesar’s reign within Hyspia. That being given independence would lead to our opposition to swoop in and attack Hyspia to remove Cesar from leadership. Cesar doesn’t understand his popularity within the Covenant is being questioned, not just his popularity with the orcs. Aleksandr points this out very clearly, looking between Ramona and Cesar, implying he wants Ramona to take over Hyspia to ensure Hyspia stands tall. Aleksandr II: “I fear vy will niet uphold that popularity.” Cesar states that he wants independence to be the final thing he does as the Viceroy of Hyspia. Aleksandr points out that no kingdoms want to rally to save a nation headed by Cesar, “Hyspia as a sovereign state is difficult in the eyes of many to answer the rallying call for”, then suggests that Cesar abdicate, stating his promise of sovereignty will be fulfilled only after Cesar stands down. He also states that Cesar’s reputation for what he has done so far in his reign, likely during the war, will be enough to seal his name in history. This creates tension throughout the meeting room. Vicente Murietta wants to speak, Aleksandr shuts it down, stating “Vy would speak before vyr Viceroy?” Cesar states he still has much he wants to do before he abdicates the throne for Ramona. He wants this independence to be solidified before Ramona takes the throne. Aleksandr says his agreement to give Hyspia independence won’t go ahead until Cesar backs down so he will give him time to complete what he wants before another meeting is set to hand over independence. Vicente questions why the agreement should be delayed. He doesn’t understand why the abdication should be hurried along. Arman states independence should be the most important goal here. “Independence must be the most important goal, padre.” Aleksandr states that if abdication can’t be hurried, independence shouldn’t be either. Vicente quips back with “Then abdicate too.” - “You want new blood? Abdicate at the same time.” This is heavily disliked by the Haense party, “Who is this man?”, one of the Haense knights questions. Ramona breaks her silence to ask what plans are left for Cesar. Independence was his goal. “What plans are there left? - This was the plan, Independence for our people. Independence is to be seen as a serious nation of people. No longer to be overshadowed by our allies.” Aleksandr says that for independence in Hyspia to flourish, the kingdom needs new blood. Ramona. “I'm saying that in order for the flourishment of independence I grant - new blood is needed.” He then goes on to state that allies only need to help Hyspia because of Haense, “If something were to happen to Hyspia now, many would be indebted to aid due to the Haeseni relations. Once these ties are severed between our nations, those once indebted no longer will be.” Dear reader, this is entirely untrue. Hyspia holds its own defensive pacts with many other nations without the aid of Haense. Vicente looks between Ramona and Aleksandr accusing them of conspiring against Cesar. He then draws his blade stating he won’t let Hyspia be crushed by a Haenseni boot. “Conspirators.” - “I will not let the people of Hyspia be choked by a Haeseni boot!” The Haensers also draw their blades. Cesar tells all involved to stay calm, with Ramona explaining that she had no knowledge of Aleksandr’s plans. Vicente backs into a corner, pointing a sword at the knights that approach him yelling Hyspanic. “¡Lamebotas Haeseni! ¡Regalas nuestro país!” (Translation: “Haeseni Bootlicker! “You give away our country!”) “Good Godan.” is simply muttered by the King of Haense “Vicente, sheath your blade before you lose another arm.” States Jose Fuentes. “You selfish dog, don’t threaten me! All you care about is glory!” Spits Vicente. Ramona tells Jose to duel Vincente outside, Vicente then lunged forward to stab Jose in the chest. “Death to you Imperialist dogs!” The brown-haired knight states he wishes to duel Vicente to the death for threatening Aleksandr. “A man who draws a blade upon my king is a dead man already.” Jose replies to the attack with, “For that, I sentence you to death.” Cesar tries to calm the situation down, to no avail. “I died in the ramparts of breakwater.” Is the reply from Vicente. The brown-haired knight brings his hammer down onto the back of Vicente’s leg. The queen of Haense enters as Jose swings for Vicente’s throat. It makes contact, blood spilling from Vicente’s mouth, the Hyspian colonel falling limp to the ground, the sickening gargling of blood filling the chamber. Jose then twists his blade into the poor man’s neck, possibly ensuring the man was killed by the blow. A truly unnecessary death… I should note the honourable Patriarch Josef did plead for Vicente to simply be disarmed. This was blatantly ignored. “You Let your man draw his blade on the king.” The red-haired knight addresses Cesar now. “Nie- nie!” Cries Aleksandr, still trying to defuse the situation, with the queen then asking why blades were drawn at the meeting in the first instance. She receives no reply. Questions are fired across the room to ensure everyone is alright after that ordeal. Cesar replies that he’s alright, stating the overreaction cost Vicente his life. Jose cleans his sword on the dead colonel’s body, sheathing his sword with a quick apology and returning to guarding Ramona. Cesar states he wishes to finish reforming the knight order and was going to abdicate two saints weeks after the signing of the independence treaty. Ramona quickly replied that independence is what Cesar wanted, what Hyspia fought for. “Do you not care for Hyspia?” The queen joins Aleksandr at his side. Aleksandr leaves the decision between Ramona and Cesar, suggesting that Ramona could give Cesar a high position of power once she’s the leader of Hyspia, stating himself Cesar is good and smart but not popular. He states it isn’t his place to convince Hyspia one way or the other and has offered to leave the room for Hyspia to discuss. Ramona says she wants her father to rest but will allow him to be on her council, but there is now a death in relation to this issue. Cesar says he wants to talk with just his family. Ramona doesn’t understand what is left to discuss. Cesar states he was going to abdicate soon anyway so we should have talked with him if we wanted him to step down sooner. He believes that everyone here took a revolutionary approach. I find myself agreeing with this statement. Discussions could have, and should have, remained peaceful. Arman points out Cesar dedicated his whole life to getting independence and if he was so willing to step down, why hasn’t he already? “If this is their non-negotiable, and you were already going to (abdicate), why not?” Ramona echoes this, asking if Cesar thinks that Ramona isn’t capable which Arman states that is disrespectful to Ramona and that he’s denying the nation a great opportunity and the dignity to be independent. Cesar states that he has been disrespected by not being left to do his final preparations and that he will sign the agreement, abdicate and leave Hyspia. Ramona says she has always trusted her father and gave him complacency but there has been no change in Hyspia since the war came to an end and our people have fled in fear we cannot protect them. She states that Cesar always has a place in Hyspia but this is how change will be made “This is where it starts. Hyspia will live past us. I will ensure it.” Cesar believes it is best to leave Hyspia entirely, and agrees that new blood is needed for Hyspia, hence why he was taking a step back. This contradicts his previous points that he was working very hard to get his projects in Hyspia done before he left. He also doesn’t like how this agreement was forced upon him but he is too tired to argue against it, so he will leave to experience the world again. The Haenseni party is allowed to re-enter the chamber and quickly does so. Ramona states she has felt none of the so-called “stepping back”, but sees no reason to continue arguing, and is glad it reached a peaceful agreement. Cesar simply states, “Let’s sign it then.” The king re-enters with a “Hola.” The clause of abdication is added to the independence agreement and Aleksandr says the agreement will be signed and published the following day. Cesar believes that it should be published this same day. The document is finally signed by Cesar, Aleksandr and Ramona. I shall note a final quote from the previous Viceroy, “For the future of Hyspia.” To end, I will state that I held, and continue to hold, a great respect for Cesar. He welcomed me into the family De Pelear with open arms and served the realm with grace, bravery, and most importantly, loyalty. He may have made mistakes or became disliked, but all leaders face the same treatment, no matter their achievements. Myself and Ramona will take upon the mantle, and shall lead Hyspia into an even brighter future, to match the sun that graces our lands. FOR THE FUTURE OF HYSPIA Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Gran Chamberlan of La Corte de Girasol
  5. The Hyspian consort looked over the missive, “A duchess? So close te catchin’ me up! But I thought she was already in charge of House Vuiller?” He looked to his wife, holding the missive for her to read. @_mady07
  6. Dimitri looked over the missive, having heard of the pilgrimage coming to Hyspia but he was too injured from a siege to go to greet them, “Ea’ve never seen why the church disliked same sex couples te begin with. Let people be people…” He muttered to himself before folding the missive and placing it in a pile with already read missives. He then took a mouthful of whiskey and leaned back in his chair, staring out over Hyspia from his office, thinking about how happy people would be if love could just be accepted. A young recruit of the Balian Armada read over the missive when it was given, “I was there for that! I made a difference!” She then ran off to show her best friend Pebble. Her horse.
  7. The Hyspian Consort looked over the missive, eyes tired from grief and restless nights filled with the echoes of war. “We shall bring those who snuffed out her light te justice. Under the eyes of Godan, under the eyes of DIOS. May the ground beneath our boots tremble, and our eyes niet rest until they are found.” He rose from his desk, pinning the missive to the wall opposite so he may see it every moment he works.
  8. Dimitri looked out over the river he had planned to take Marjorie out on, tears rolling down his cheeks, he had almost forgotten the pain of losing a family member, yet now it had reared its head once more, taking with it the life of someone far too young, “Ea’m szam we never got those fish fer vy, Marjorie…” He wiped his tears, placing a wreath of blue, grey, white and yellow flowers onto the water. The colours of House Vuiller. He then returned to the palace, seeking comfort in the arms of his wife, the wreath slowly drifting down river, fish stirring the water beneath it.
  9. OOC NAME: ElvenHuntress IRP NAME: Dimitri Otto De Pelear DISCORD: elvenhuntress
  10. COURTLY APPOINTMENTS ADDITIONS TO THE CORTE DE GIRASOL La Corte de Girasol 10th of Horen’s Calling, 86 D.R. [!] A painting of a meeting of the courtiers of the Corte de Girasol Overview Upon the conclusion of several interviews, the following individuals have shown great interest and relative experience in order to be appointed to the listed roles: Maestra de Musica (Held by Elaina Denodado) Elaina Denodado was selected for the position of Maestra de Musica as she has shown a necessary interest in the musical arts of Hyspanic culture and had voiced that she has musical talents of her own that she thought she could utilise for the role. Maestra de la Caza (Held by Phoibe Chloé Halcourt d’Artois du Clermont) The role of Maestra de la Caza was given to Phoibe du Clermont because of her prior knowledge of the art of hunting, and her interest in hosting hunting parties for the citizens of Hyspia to partake in. Handmaid (One Position Held by Arianna Denodado) The young Lady Denodado shall take one of the many vacant handmaid positions, as it is believed that such a position would fit the young lady well, and allow for her to develop a more intimate understanding of court life. Vacancies The following positions are still vacant. Those interested should bird Dimitri Otto. Court Chaplain (N/A) The Court Chaplain acts as the spiritual advisor and head clergyman to the court. Responsibilities include conducting Canonist ceremonies, offering counsel on moral and ethical matters, and overseeing the spiritual well-being of the court. The Chaplain also plays a role in diplomatic relations, especially in matters where Canonism is involved, serving as a bridge between the nation and the church. Court Scribes (N/A) The Court Scribes are responsible for documenting the proceedings of the court, royal decrees, and historical events. The required skill being capabilities in various forms of writing, from elegant calligraphy to swift shorthand, and must maintain detailed and accurate records. The scribes also manage the royal archives and are often involved in producing beautifully illuminated manuscripts that depict the history and culture of Hyspia. Court Alchemist (N/A) The Court Alchemist is tasked with a blend of scientific and alchemical pursuits. They conduct experiments that range from creating medicinal concoctions to exploring alchemical transformations. This role may also involve delving into the more functional aspects of alchemy, seeking to bolster Hyspia's capabilities. Their knowledge is often sought in matters of health, scientific exploration, and sometimes even in military strategy. Court Mage (N/A) The Court Mage holds a position of significant mystical knowledge. The duties include advising the court on matters of magical nature, providing protection through enchantments, and interpreting omens or mystical occurrences, as well as ensuring proper quality and policing the abuse of magic. The court mage’s magical aptitude, however, shall always be monitored to ensure that it does not come in conflict with the morals and ethics of the Hyspian community. Handmaids (Arianna Denodado. Several other positions remain vacant) The Handmaids are entrusted with the personal care and assistance of the members of the royal family. They are responsible for a range of duties, from attending to daily needs to providing counsel on personal matters. Their role requires utmost discretion and loyalty, as they are privy to the most intimate aspects of the royals' lives. Handmaids often form close, trusted bonds with the royals they serve. Signed, HIS HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto De Pelear, Crown Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Gran Chamberlain of El Consejo de Flores
  11. THE UNION OF STALLION AND BULL The Betrothal of Crown Princess Ramona Maisel Ionna Ida Adelein De Pelear & Lord Dimitri Otto Kortrevich Issued by the Viceroyal Crown of Hyspia On The 7th of Carlos’ Strength D.R 84 [!] A painting depicting Ramona of Hyspia & Dimitri of Koravia upon their engagement Una Union Legendaria “A Fabled Union” The union between the two, Ramona and Dimitri, started when the couple was very young, and they would become good friends until time tore the two apart and life would continue its course for them both. Until they ran into one another in Balian, and the friendship was rekindled. The princess and the lord would go on to fight battles alongside one another, share in the victories and brutal losses the war has held, and even be held captive together, with Princess Ramona bargaining to save Dimitri’s life. The course of true love is said not to run smooth, and this union was no exception to that, but their love persevered, as true love must, and it is a joyous occasion to announce the wedding of the couple. This union is the first of its kind for the House of Kortrevich, with Lord Dimitri renouncing his Kortrevich name, and any associated titles, to take the royal name of De Pelear and serve the Viceroyalty as Prince Consort, standing alongside Crown Princess Ramona when it is her turn to rule. Festividades “Festivities” The Wedding - Set to take place under the Church of Blessed Fransisco, The two will be married under the eyes of DIOS, and watch of Hyspia and her pedigree. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony, all are invited to the palace to enjoy a feast hosted by the newlyweds. All are encouraged, but not required, to share stories and offer gifts to the couple. Invitations are extended to the following nations and their pedigree; The Hyspian Peerage: His Viceroyal Highness, Cesar II, Viceroy of Hyspia, and the Royal Family de Pelear His Lordship, Demitrey Denodado, Viscount of Banderas and the Viscommital Family Denodado His Lordship, Laurens Halcourt, Baron of Campagnon and the Baronial family Halcourt The invitation extends to each of the Citizens of Hyspia. To The Cannonist nations and the Coalition’s allies: His Holiness, Sixtus VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II, King of Hanseti-Ruska and The Citizens of Haenseti-Ruska Her Royal Majesty, Sibyl I, Queen of Balian and The Citizens of Balian Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, Queen of Petra and The Citizens of Petra His Royal Majesty, Edmund II, King of Aaun and The Citizens of Aaun His Royal Majesty, Garedyn ‘the Emerald’ Mossborn, Grand King of Urguan and The Citizens of Urguan Her Royal Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, Queen of Númendil and The Citizens of Numendil Her Royal Highness, Idril Sylvaeri, High Princess of Amathine Her Ladyship, Irena Kortrevich, Baroness of Koravia and the Baronial Family Kortrevich Her Ladyship, Dame Gwenyth Callista Vilac Vuiller, Countess-Consort of Aquilae and Baroness-Consort of San Haraldo and the Family Vuiller The Right Honourable, Cassian Colborn, Count of Malkovya and his noble pedigree The Honourable, Walter & Marian Weiss, Viscount of Novkursain and their noble pedigree Signed, HER HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Crown Princesa of Hyspia, Duchess of Paraíso HIS LORDSHIP, Dimitri Otto Kortrevich, Amfitiro of the Courta Cometa
  12. Hyspian Bullfight As presented by Lord Dimitri Kortrevich La Corte de Girasol 5th of Javier's Justice, 77 D.R. [!] Painting of a Hyspian Bullfight [!] Painting of a Kortrevich Bull What the Event Entails All are invited to participate in a bullfight like no other! Made unique by the fact that Lord Kortrevich will be entering Kortrevich bulls, bred and reared by himself, as well as including Hyspian Toro Bravo bulls. The event will be segregated into three sections: baby, adolescent, and adult bulls. Children are welcome to try their hand against baby bulls of Kortrevich and Hypian creation, being awarded a prize for their bravery. Then comes the turn of the adults. Those willing will be placed in groups of three and will fight against six adolescent Toro and Kortrevich bulls; those that succeed will move on to fight six adult Toro bulls, with the winner, and runner-up, being awarded a mina prize! Signed, Lord Dimitri Otto Kortrevich, Heir to the Barony of Koravia, Amfitiro of the Courta Cometa
  13. Dimitri looked over the invitation, his eyes brimming with tears of pure joy and pride, “Godan, where has the time gone?” He then wiped his eyes and got up to find his best outfit for the wedding.
  14. The young Kortrevich Lord had always wanted to participate in a joust since watching his first one, and now, with his own horse, he didn’t hesitate to sign up.
  15. Dimitri stood silently alongside his siblings as he came to look upon his mother, his jaw clenched tight and hands clasped behind his back, as he had seen many a noble man do before. He looked to his youngest brother, eyes void of emotion, not truly knowing how to process such a loss. The boy left, soon returning with an old, worn polar bear plush; worn in such a way only many years of love could achieve. He moved over to his mother, placing the bear down beside her. "Pat will take care of vy while vy rest, mamej. He has always been good at that." Dimitri then placed a kiss upon the forehead of his mother, and quietly left the room, retreating to his own to process his emotions on his own.
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