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About Jondead

  • Rank
    Less than a spell-checker
  • Birthday 06/08/2004

Contact Methods

  • Discord
  • Minecraft Username
  • Skype
    jondead1 - LOTC
  • Website

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wandering the ruins of the Realm
  • Interests
    Gaming, history, writing, roleplaying, talking and solving problems, reading books and other things, making videos and recording, spreading positivity around, and memes.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Sighard Af Markev | Otto Stafyr | Zylan | Thomas II Keint | Magnus Hallowfall Frostbeard Deed | Eloem'Maehr Sirame'Igne | Akal |
  • Character Race
    Human | Human - Highlander | Cervitaur | Human - Heartlander | Human - Haunt | High Elf | Mixed Elf, Wood and High |

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  1. Little reminder that you are all lovely people, and should always forgive and be kind to others like a good boy/girl like me! ❤️ I love you all very much, you all have your quirks that make you all special and important in your own interesting way! Also don't spread hate, or hate on other people, just forgive and do your best to brighten other people's day, trust me you will feel really really good if you do! ? no one wants to make rivals and nor do I.

    If you feel a little broken, someone like me is always ready to give you support to spread the love and care, so you might do the same, if someone is being rude to you, try to become their friend so you might turn them around also and make them stop being rude to others, you all seem very angered, and I am here to be here to support and be a good person to you, let us start to do that from this day and on! A future of forgiving people and making up to them. ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. perses


      Love you mate


    3. Axelu


      So sweet, you deserve much happiness. Likewise ❤️

    4. NotAPan


      Aw, that's very heartwarming.

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