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  1. Hi, my in-game name is Tom Huxfson. I’m looking for a group to join, I used to play years ago & want to start playing a little bit again. Looking for a group that I can get involved with & get into some action. Pretty much willing to try whatever comes my way. cheers
  2. Anyone know a good place for a human to get involved in a large group? Just returning and want to be involved more!

    1. blago


      Renatus, Curon, Haense, Leuven, etc. Basically any nation under the Empire.


      Feel free to add my discord and I can help you out, really depends on the culture and character you have in mind


    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Be an intellectual and join S U T I C A

  3. Salvia Mind Potion [!] Image of the Salvia Divinorum plant. It grows in shady, moist locations Description and effects: This potion can be either inhaled, eaten or drank by someone. When you become exposed to the salvia mind potion your vision and feelings begin to change - most commonly many people vision their worst nightmare and feel extremely agitated or depressed unable to comprehend the experience. However, if this drug is used regularly it can lead to the user being able to control his/her visions - creating a more in-depth and sensitive lucid dream. It lasts roughly 2-5 minutes highly dependant on the amount of Salvia divinorum is mixed into the potion. Minor Moderate Greater Author: Huxf(IRP Tiberius Iron) LM Approval Required: No
  4. MC name: Huxf Character Name: Tiberius Iron Discord (Optional): TheRealTom#6608 Race: Highlander Age: 30ish Do you know any magic currently?: No Which subject do you plan to learn?: Fire Evocation and alchemy Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: Yes
  5. [*]Small roughed up notes would be pinned with rusted nails, onto boards and walls across the isle of Axios, the writing would be clear but the ink dripped down the page.[*] My name is Thomas and I'm an Lumberjack, I am in need of many diamond axes, maybe around ten of tem'! If you av the goods send me a bird with a location and time to meet, I'll look forward to seeing ya. ((My in game name is Huxf and my skype is wooda20, feel free to send me message in game and what not using skype or forum is fine!))
  6. RACE: Goblin GENDER: Male SKIN COLOUR: Green BODY-MASS: Skinny I would say don't know specifics HAIR COLOUR: Bald preferably HAIR STYLE: N/A FACIAL HAIR: N/A EYE COLOUR: Dark blue CLOTHES: Ragged clothing
  7. If possible could someone help me with my human character I'm hoping to make? I'm in teamspeak

    1. TinyBiceps


      hey i don't have a mic but if you message me, be it on discord, the forums, skype, or wherever really, i can help :)

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