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Posts posted by Bhased

  1. 14 minutes ago, JoshBright said:

    2) They cause people to go into mental breakdowns 

    activity checks are dumb and whatnot but if you're having mental breakdowns over activity and furthermore this server then genuinely step outside for once

  2. Evar'tir Oranor regarded his generalized letter from his dock 'pon the southern shores of the Hinterlands. "The bastard's finally gone and done it." He commented amusedly, passing the note off to Velenius whom sat to his flank, once more taking up his fishing pole and casting a line. "We should visit soon."

  3. Evar'tir, retired ecoterrorist, regards the missive on an evening stroll. "I hope whatever supplied all these tongues is okay." Pondered the man aloud, shuddering at the prospect of the arduous task of detonguing multiple birds just to prove a point, before returning to tend to his vegetable garden. 


    The Prince of Caras Eldar

    10th of The Grand Harvest, 78 SA



    High Prince Evar’tir Oranor at the gates of Amaethea, Circa 44 SA
    (Art by Doroteya)




     ~ Preamble~


    In my youth, I had always sought higher calling; Now, some odd couple centuries since the beginning of my service to the Dominion of Malin, at the precipice of a new Elven age, I can see I have played my part in the escapades of the Mali’ people well.


     With this in mind, it is time that my chapter as High Prince is turned to the annals of history.. I am eternally grateful for those who have stayed by my side during my reign, and especially for those who facilitated my rise to power.


    First, foremost, and most importantly, I thank my wife, Medli, for unyielding love, support, and loyalty, especially during my rule.

    For Feanor and Blackstar Sylvaeri, whom without both I would not have a nation to be enthroned to lead.

    To most of my councillors, past and present, for their service to the crown.


    To the Crown’s allies, for unwavering support in the face of adversity.


    And lastly to my compatriots and soldiers, for the continued reinforcement and assistance to feats which I could not accomplish single-handedly.




     ~ Principle ~


    The following articles will remain in effect in perpetuity.


    ARTICLE I - Residency
    I). The residence of Mariners Dock 14 is to remain untaxed and unimpeded by the Crown of Amaethea and her surrounding vassals..

    a). This shall apply to all future residences held by House Oranor.


    ARTICLE II - Titulars and Honourifics
    I). Usage of the title “High Prince” in the context of a succession to the Dominion of Malin is disallowed. 

    II). The Crown of Amaethea under Oranor rule is recognized as the last legitimate successor state to the Dominion Malin.


    ARTICLE II - Government Affairs

    I). Evar’tir and Medli Oranor are to remain on the advisory council and all equivalents in perpetuity.




    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    Evar'tir Oranor, Prince of Caras Eldar, Praetor of Elves, Adjudicator of Malchediael


    𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎" 𝙺𝙶  𝙰𝙿𝙿 | Danganronpa Amino

    The Prince signed off on the last edict in the waning hours of the eve, reclining in his chair after crossing his t’s and dotting his i’s. A long and fruitful reign had met its natural conclusion; now, after some odd centuries since his indenturement to the Mali’ people, Evar’tir Oranor had reached retirement. A fact lamented by some, and praised especially by his wife, who lounged a floor below in their statue home. The ‘ker arose to a stand, shedding his princely regalia and storing it neatly. The laurel crown which sat upon his dome was eased off, set aside. Though his heir would be hard pressed to receive the exact crown of his predecessor, a tradition christened by Evar’tir’s own predecessor.

    With his retirement set in motion, the towering ‘ker ducked out of his room to rejoin his wife. A harsh gale lashed the portside city, fierce waves assailing the foundations of Caras y’Tennallar. But inside the hearth blazed bright, a comfortable heat rising throughout the abode. Evar’tir shared a knowing smile to Medli as he eased his form down next to her. And at last, he could truly, finally relax.


    𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎" 𝙺𝙶  𝙰𝙿𝙿 | Danganronpa Amino


  5. The Elvendom Amelioration

    The 5th of The Snow’s Maiden, 76 SA






     ~ Preamble ~


    With the rolling tides of the Mali’ political sphere, the Crown of Elvendom sees fit to exonerate itself from the last of Sylvaeri hegemonic ties, and cut loose the usage of Belestram-era titulars.




     ~ Principle ~


    ARTICLE I - Naming Conventions

    I). The Crown of Elvendom will henceforth be referred to as The Crown of Amaethea.


    ARTICLE II - Royarchal Titles

    I). The title of the High Prince of Elvendom will henceforth be renamed to the Prince Royarch of Amaethea

    a). The title of High Princess of Elvendom will henceforth be renamed to the Princess Consort of Amaethea.




    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Evar'tir Oranor, Prince Royarch of Amaethea,

        Prince of Caras Eldar, Praetor of Elves, Adjudicator of Malchediael



  6. The Royalist Loyalist

    The 14th of the Sun's Smile





    Thump. Thump. Thump.


    The pounding of boots slammed against the cobbles.


    The man’s hands drenched with sweat beneath his gloved hands, his weapon affixed in his grasp.




    Hannes Kowal, Black Reiter Mercenary knew not whom was commanding, simply that he must kill. Kill for the glory of man. Kill for Frederick I. He kills simply because he must.




    Heart in his throat, the man cleaved his blade to and fro, kicking, screaming, unwieldy actions within the throb of battle.



    His blade lodged into the pauldron of an Imperialist, the man drew his warhammer, flinging back into the fray.


    With a metallic clang, the man’s vision turned dark, knocked cold in the throng of Man.


    When he came to, the Pretender, Peter IV stood before the King of Oren within the throne room.





    “After a slaughter of Orenian blood in the square of Providence, the Royalists win control of the city and the rest of the former Empire’s land.”





    GG to the Imperials, and massive thanks to Kowaman for setting up the war server on such short notice



    The Elvendom-Royal Accord

    14th of first seed, 72 SA | 14th of Godfrey's Triump, 1868


    oWlb_l3swHOtNre2LapfYBtdFqwDSLTlfa7SRuuf6b_o8KbvaaQJTLePcLmSQtwB96Qacg8BCW_toesxAAP71eXqVFESH1oG4wRLv4O32KQdxUbuEHYsYGZMADa2jdKcGR7fUuWy Image



     ~ Principle ~


    The Crown of Elvendom, and The Kingdom of Oren (henceforward ‘the Signatories’) agree to adhere to the following articles:


    SECTION I - Sovereignty

    I). The power of the rule of each signatory in their respective territories shall be fully respected by the other.

    II). The Signatories pledge to recognise the signing governments as the sole legitimate governments of their nations, to the exclusion of all other claimants.


    SECTION II - Diplomatic Relations

    I). The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that any forces affiliated with their banner, nation, reigning bloodline, etc., shall not engage in military or hostile action against the other signatory or their residents. If such were to occur, the signatories shall endeavor to resolve the issue diplomatically.

    II). The Signatories formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for the duration of this treaty. After the expiration of this pact, a renewal may be negotiated.

    III). Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another.

    IV). Citizens of the Signatories are protected within each other's lands so long as they act within the laws of the respective realms.


    SECTION III - Duration

    I). The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that this Pact shall last a period of twenty years, with the option to renew or abrogate upon the expiration of that period.





    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Evar'tir Oranor, High Prince of Elvendom,

        Prince of Caras Eldar, Praetor of Elves, Adjudicator of Malchediael




    HIS MAJESTY, Frederick I, King of Oren, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of, Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Petra, Oltremont, South Arentania, and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders and Farfolk, etcetera


    His Royal Excellency, Conrad Armande Ashford de Falstaff, Royal Archchancellor of Oren




  8. Many of you know Rift/Ulmo,


    A longtime friend, ST administrator for over a year, Brother Stag, and palindrome enthusiast. He has always been a great friend and source of enjoyment since I met him over five years ago, now. Unfortunately, he is no longer among us due to a confectionery incident.Circa March 2021

    I hope we can all take a quick moment out of our day to reflect on the loss of our great friend.

    Tom "Riftblade" Lawrence


    2017 - 2021

    (I can't legally post more than his left eye)

  9. gonna be honest, i dont see how this magic goes any further than copy-paste elven scripts that a grand majority (Nivndil exempt) would likely not understand, as well most of the spells are already covered by other magics


    also Velulaei was a shaman she wouldnt make her own magic (i would assume)

  10. High Prince Evar'tir Oranor scans a incident report with his morning coffee, briefly regarding a mounted longsword, of which King Kairn Ithelanen had used to sever U'la'Yar's head from her body eras prior. "Their instability begets international strife, yet again. A pity, really." He lamented to his wife in the early morn'.

  11. The Treaty of Caras y’Tennallar

    On the 12th of the Sun’s Smile, 1864 (S.A. 68)





    The Holy Orenian Empire and the Crown of Elvendom (henceforth ‘the Signatories’) recognize each other’s Realms as independent lands ruled by their respective monarchs, and will make no attempt to subvert those authorities governing them.




    The Signatories will adhere to a pact of non-aggression, and will not incite conflict between them. Neither signatory will provide military or economic aid to powers hostile to the other. 




    The Signatories may adhere to the following trade policies:


    I.) Signatories may receive a market stall free of rent in their respective capitals.


    II.) Signatories may trade specialty goods free of tariff.






    The Signatories will allow free passage for civilians and refugees through their respective territories, under the law of both nations.





    This treaty will remain in effect for 25 years. It may be renewed by mutual consent of both signatories. In the case where either signatory is found by the other to be in violation of this treaty, all articles will remain in effect, while the signatories search for diplomatic resolutions.



    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Evar'tir Oranor, High Prince of Elvendom,

        Prince of Caras Eldar, Praetor of Elves, and Adjudicator of Malchediael




    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Helena, Novellen, Furnestock and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera.


    HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia I, Holy Orenian Empress, forever August, Queen of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duchess of Ves, Duchess of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baroness of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera 


    HIS EXCELLENCY, Ivan var Ruthern, Duke of Reutov, Count of Kositz, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Holy Orenian Empire


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