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Everything posted by louislxix

  1. Petyr Baruch bristled upon reading the letter in its entirety. Yet, rather than to let wroth consume him, the devout boy fell on both knees and held his hands in prayer. "I do nay pray for ye to be on my side, Godani, but for me to be on yours. If it is true, and ye would have me, guide us good canonists to banish these foul demons, for my faithful sister."
  2. Ailred Ruthern applauded from the seven-skies, his pride evident as he watched his relative wear the stitched breeches - a feat that few MEN could achieve. "The last time I witnessed such cowardice was during the Siege of Southbridge, with soldiers bickering like lobsters in a boiling pot."
  3. Nikolas examined the formal missive with a hint of suspicion in his eyes as he accepted it from his wife. The seasoned prince let out a sigh, his voice conveying a mixture of skepticism and contemplation, "I'd be inclined to believe that such weighty decisions are rarely influenced by isolated incidents. There's likely more to the story." Nonetheless, Nikolas couldn't help but ponder whether his recent clash with the Matriarch during that rather tense family dinner had played a role, particularly given the outcome of their duel. His brows furrowed slightly, a sign of his internal musings, as he considered the possibility of House Kortrevich nursing a grudge or seeking some form of payback. However, instead of fear, an almost eager gleam flickered in his gaze. If change was in the air and challenges were brewing, he wasn't one to shy away. The notion of confronting a potentially vengeful house only heightened his readiness for whatever might lie ahead. As his mind ventured back into history, he recalled a dispute from his youth, at the midst of night, many a year ago, where he stood victorious over a defeated Vladrick Kortrevich. Back then, Nikolas had worried that the wrath of a house might just befall him, leaving him hopeless in defense. But now he almost welcomed the thought, a glint of a smile touching his lips. For Nikolas, the prospect of a challenge and the intrigue of conflict were as alluring as ever, a fire that had only grown with time. — ✤ —
  4. Nikolas peered through a scope towards the dark night sky, its canvas adorned with a myriad of stars. He cross-referenced his wife's most recent publication: The Haeseni Zodiac. "A fine reformation, dear," he praised, his tone carrying a hint of genuine admiration. His gaze eventually shifted from the celestial expanse through the scope to settle upon Mischa. "You have truly outdone yourself," he continued, his smile both fond and intriguingly peculiar... ... Their shared warmth was momentarily suspended by a hacking cough into his sleeve, followed by a subtle wipe of the tip of his crooked nose.
  5. LETTER OF RESIGNATION KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the Office of the Royal Treasury On this 3rd of MSITZA AND DARGUND of 448 E.S. VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, For twenty-two years I have served His Majesty, Karl III, acting as his Royal Treasurer. Disregarding Krawns, our coffers have doubled and are fit to match the ambitions of our Country. It should be every man of this nation's duty to serve it well, to fulfill what little purpose there is to have. I hereby resign from the Office of the Royal Treasury, and propose that my Deputy Treasurer, Maric Colborn, take my place as the office’s head. May he find duty, or purpose in the office, and if not, may he find it elsewhere. My aging days are better suited serving His Majesty directly, within the Marian Retinue. Where I am better suited, wielding sword and shield, rather than pen and parchment. IV JOVEO MAAN Ser Grigori Vyronov, Knight of the Marian Retinue
  6. The sleeping Nikolas sputtered out as Mischa forwarded a missive into his face, clashing with the bridge of his hooked nose. His eyes were bloodshot from the night before as he looked upon her face, disorientated. The makeshift pillow of a hearth’s firewood log roused a grunt of pain from him. Ponderously sitting up, he gave the hearsay a read, taking him retake after retake, due to the fog of his mind. “The writing is bitter as always,” is all he muttered. After, he found his makeshift log pillow on the kitchen floor and nodded back off to a peaceful sleep.
  7. THE APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY TREASURER KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the Office of the Royal Treasury On this 5th of WZUVAR AND BYVCA of 444 E.S. VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, The Office of the Treasury has long gone without a Deputy to prop itself up, and ensure further prosperity for our Kingdom. With frictions on the horizon, His Excellency, Grigori Vyronov sees it fit that a Deputy is finally appointed, due to the costs of our Kingdom’s future being uncertain, and that a candidate of the realm has showed beyond doubt his competency, and loyalty to help maintain His Majesty’s office of coin. The candidate hereby appointed to the position of Deputy Treasurer is His Lordship, Maric Colborn, (@Twandhi) the Baron of Bethlenen. He has ensured that the external trade of Haense has flourished, maintaining many foreign shops, and other avenues of trade. This is alongside his many other duties within the treasury, that he has excellently completed, with exceeding haste. IV JOVEO MAAN His Excellency, Ser Grigori Vyronov, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska and Knight of the Marian Retinue
  8. THE PURCHASE OF COMMODITIES & CURIOSITIES WITHIN THE ROYAL TREASURY KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the Office of the Royal Treasury On this 9th of WZUVAR AND BYVCA 439 ES VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, The Kingdom has reached a zenith of prosperity, following years of war, and an adamant council persisting throughout it all. Stalls, and other deals have been propped up both internally, and internationally, therefore trade has flourished. Coffers of Hanseti-Ruska are brimming to the point of hinges splintering, causing hundreds of coins to go amiss, and eventually, left to rust in our vaults. This coinage is not to go wasted. It is now, the Office of the Royal Treasurer does hereby open itself up to spend some of its coin, looking to purchase commodities pertaining to the following: I. Items that have historical relevance, with proof provided. II. Items that are crafted with a rare material. III. Items that have magical, and or, intriguing properties. If you wish to inquire about the sale of an item, or other commodity, please contact the Lord Treasurer. His Excellency, Ser Grigori Vyronov, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Knight of the Marian Retinue
  9. [Elizabeth Kenney] O’, BLIZZARD COMING ______________________________________________ It was just around midnight, for the moon’s rays had just crept into the windows of the Morrivi. A mother's heels clacked down a nearby corridor, and the lively bustle of Karosgrad had begun to die down. Silently laid a young Barbanov prince, nestled within thick cotton sheets. He was left alone, for only his thoughts accompanied him. “Those I see are those with tales to tell, those tales only I can hear,” The Barbanov prince pondered aloud, looking delicately at the crevices of his dull ceiling. The peak of boredom had long been reached for Nikolas, hours past the strike of midnight in the sky. “I have a gift,” He lulled to himself, resting an arm between a pillow and his head. “The stories of Arn, I heard them because I am not cursed, but because there are many more stories to be told. Those I have not met. Those who could not tell those stories, so now that duty falls to me.” With that in mind, the inky-haired prince swiped a palm to cleanse the fatigue from his eyes, and climbed from the soulless agony that was his bed. Steps echoed in the dark, until the metallic squeak of a door handle sounded, and a creeping light from the hallway seeped into the room, revealing the dishevelled prince. To the kitchens, he met those fallen servants, who had worked themselves to death. To the knight crypts, he met those fallen soldiers, who had bled for King and Country. Through the Palace halls, he had met those ancestors of his, and Maya in passing. But in the palace attic he found something foul. . . The attic was dark at every corner, rickety webs lined left to right, and clouds of dust billowed from each step, or blow of wind. It was tangible, the dark. Each breath broke the absolute silence of the room, which emitted relief, as the sounds of the beating heart, and clamours of the head vanquished. Light was only drawn through the crack of a circular, blue-stained window, where a ragged curtain fell over one side. Below it was a being, more wretched than the tangible dark could ever muster. It had sunken shoulders that bowed towards the window, and shrivelled skin that blinked like a poor, thin leather, stretched over the crest of a mountain. Worst of all, was as it turned to the thud of Nikolas’ boot, where a decrepit smile revealed a set of yellow, shaved teeth, like a trophy. VILE words spilled from his maw. O’, BLIZZARD COMING. . . O’, BLIZZARD COMING. . . The Prince had no words, only a sprint that launched him back to his room in half of the time it had taken him to arrive, and a slam to his door that resounded. ______________________________________________ [Francisco Goya] _______________________ Days turned to weeks, dawn to dusk, and yet the Prince batted only minutes of sleep. A twist of his neck, and those spewed words, it played through his mind. The unsettling apparition scared him to his core, twisting his bones with cold fear, knowing that IT was in the attic with the circular blue window. O’, BLIZZARD COMING. . . O’, BLIZZARD COMING. . . It had bleared through his ears for the final time, and after a debilitated blink, Nikolas was there again. In the stained blue attic, with the wicked apparition at his front, luring him in with a taut flourish of his gangly fingers. “Come here, boy. .” “COME. . . COME!” The Prince fell helpless in his exhausted state, trotting forward. “Why the long face? There is much to tell, so- so much.” Spat the creature, splatting a hand against the window which loomed over them. Nikolas remained still, a dog-tired gaze falling over the creature, trapped in thoughts, All I can do is listen. “O’, Blizzard Coming. . . O’, Blizzard Coming,” He started softly, though his voice turned bitter. “A blanket of snow, shall there be, but NO,” A vile laughter halted him in his tracks. “A covering of suffocation, and frost that no hearth can deter.” “Hail will rain, the size of bricks that prop these walls, which will turn to crumble.” “And- And wind that is sharp enough to cut the backs of those who do not shelter will sickle the land.” ____________ The creature fell tight-lipped then, sheltering those uneven gnashers, while his mangly, jaundiced eyes awaited a reaction from the boy. Nikolas weighed the blizzard to come, in that dizzied state, wondering if it were true. Landed upon the stained window was a singular, warping snowflake, sowing that belief into his mind. But not all his wits were discarded to the snow, so at the turn of his heels, the Prince bound back to his bedroom, wrapping trembling hands around his head. ______________________________________________ O’, BLIZZARD COMING. . . [Joseph Mallord William Turner] ________________________ Rain tapped at the window of Nikolas’ room, one misty night later. Dreams had pooled his mind, and when he had woken, the apparition left clues of his being. ____________ A nightmare of lashing winds woke him to a greening, wiry finger being dragged under his door frame. O’, Blizzard Coming. One of snow that suffocated the world, woke him to an ominous silhouette in his window. O’, Blizzard Coming. The last was of hail, dousing his people in death, which woke him to bitter, sallow eyes dancing in the flames of his hearth. O’, Blizzard Coming. ____________ It was then, prince Nikolas of Barbanov, fumbled out of his bed and to the rainy window of his room, perching himself on the ledge. Eyes of his dragged over the crimson bricked walls of Karosgrad, and out to the horizon. His numb hand pressed against the glass, smearing the condensation as he uttered those words. “O’, Blizzard Coming. You are coming.” ________________________ [Maxfield Parrish] ________________________ Days of duty passed for Nikolas. Friends were told to stock up for the winter, to buy rooms worth of food, so they could last. The purse of his mother was drained, and servants were ordered to pool together an entire vault of coal, so that an eternal fire could be kept ablaze for the blizzard to come. In every crevice of the Palace, thick blankets, rugs, and coats were hidden under floorboards, and in closets, so that his family could be stowed away from the blizzard to come. Though halfway through the hall to his bedroom, his mother, Amadea of Susa flanked his front and folded her arms, sighing gently at the bundle of blankets nestled between his chest and arms, “Oh Chero, you do not need more coats, blankets– take them back!” Nikolas halted before her, and as if comparing a portrait between the prince and the creature, a lopsided smile, and sallow eyes flitted up to Amadea. “O’, Blizzard Coming.”
  10. [Ouzo Kim] [!] An artistic depiction of the young Barbanov Prince. THOSE I SEE ______________________________________________ Arn, oh Arn, Thought the youngest litter of Barbanov. A heavy-eyed Nikolas tossed and turned in the night, powerless to shut-eye, as the wails of those who walked the night peeled his ears. As those wails blared, the Prince scrunched his damp hands into fists and thought to wake his mother. But no. “It is just your whimsical imagination, chero,” The mother explained, checking wardrobes and under his bed. He had seen those who roam the night, talked to some, and even hid from those who spiked fear in him. THOSE FEW WHO HAUNT. And those many who did not believe his woes, confining the boy to a jail of seclusion, without a key in sight. Not able to escape into sleep tonight, Nik wrapped a blanket around his shoulder and crept off to the crypts, pondering once more, Arn, oh Arn. The musty timber door of the crypts craned open, and the peaceful silence broke with flaming echoes. Creeping inside, the Prince spied eighty spindly legs revealed, flitting across the cobbles. It brought a curious glint to his otherwise gloomy eyes, so he leant down and allowed it to crawl onto his hand. Another friend, Noted the Prince, to take on this venture. Arn resided at the lowest level of the crypt, and with him kept for company was usually a broom. By the time Nikolas reached his dear friend, through the swirling, weedy depths of the crypts, he thought, his late night caper to be foolish - hearing the scolding voice of his mother. There he was then, Arn, standing by the grave of King Petyr I. Nikolas was relieved, but that relief was never joy, instead, a warm comfort. [Tyra Keen] [!] A hastful sketch done by the young prince, a depiction of Arn. “You look tired, boy,” Spoke the worker, mopping the floor with a feeble sweep of his broom. Even then, the dust upon those stone floors kept still- unfazed by Arn’s tireless work. Odd, one may think. “Vy have seen better days,” Came Nikolas’ reply. Arn had seen better days. The aged worker never slept, wondered Nikolas, and a large gash was carved into his head, but the Prince never pried - it was his assumption the medicine would be far too expensive for a common man. “Ar. . ha- ha.” The lax figure fell humourous to the joke of Nikolas, and welcomed the Prince closer, leaning against his broom. “But da, sir. It is she who keeps me restless again,” The young boy’s gaze was stained dark from those nights he spent without rest. Approaching Arn, he brushed the back of his hands against his weary eyes, which were now prattled by dust from the crypt. “See. . I told you it was much cozier down here,” Arn recalled from a past talk with the Prince, lowering his form as the Prince came to kneel. A low light of the crypt encroached the pair of them then, yet the warmth of their conversation kept the night at bay, ‘til the very next dawn. The youngest Barbanov opened an eye, and found himself in that low light, with Arn not seen. A panic griefed him, though as he swiveled his eyes, there he was - Arn. HAD HE NOT SLEPT? DOES HE EVER? WHY DOES THE CRYPT ONLY BECOME DIRTIER DESPITE HIS WORK? And there it struck him, as he bid Arn farewell, and traveled the spiraling stairs up to the mossy door, before unfurling it to open. The Haeseni winter sun grazed against the Prince’s olive, freckled skin, and now he understood. His friends had not been able to see Arn... or Klemenita… When they said they could… they had lied… His mother brushed off those wails in the Palace… That apparition in the Swamp… THERE ARE THOSE THAT OTHERS SEE. AND THOSE I SEE.
  11. Ser Grigori smiled the sun's smile, and tucked his blade into a sheathe, headed for retirement, perhaps into a cozy, little Karosgrad cottage.
  12. Grimnir Ireheart came out of retirement from his nice, cavy summer home, to come and give Bakir a meaty pat on the back. "Yer fokin' bananas, ye are." "Ye don' do ifs, buts 'n maybehs, yeh do abslutes."
  13. DONE AND DUSTED “His privy break lasted longer than the fight!” - Iscesi Velulaei’onn 13th of the Grand Harvest, Year of 1880 Time stood still around the combatants as they prepared with bated breath for the signal marking the start of battle. Then there it was, the sound of liquid splashing against the grass ended, followed by the obnoxious buckling of a belt. The battle had begun. Ten of ours, ten of theirs; a battle of chosen champions rather than one of masses, the best that the EATO had to offer against the best that Oren had to offer - a battle to test not only the strength and mettle of the greatest warriors in Almaris, but their wits and teamwork as well. Unsurprisingly, this affair was a short one. Not only did those chosen men of Oren lack the necessary skill to engage the EATO’s champions, they also lacked the composure to pose any real threat in combat. It was a matter of seconds before Oren’s ten had fallen. One of their casualties possessed with them a crudely written note, its parchment stained with Orenian blood: “TO THE ILLITERATE KING FREDERICK I, We must compliment you on your commitment to preserving the august memory of your forefathers. Starting wars you cannot win seems to run in the family, so we’ve noticed. Allowing a child to take command of your legions, however, is a move we have yet to see. We nevertheless invite you to a field battle next Saint’s Day, lest you opt once more to hide behind your walls. We await your response eagerly, The Opposition (Ops)” 1000 U.S.S CASUALTIES 0 E.A.T.O CASUALTIES
  14. THE BEAR SLEEPS AND HIS CUBS DIED TONIGHT “I ONLY SEE PINK NAMES ON THE FLOOR!” - Coin The gentle Haeseni summer sun shone down upon Karosgrad this day, the usual hustle and bustle of merchants, commoners, and nobility making their way around the city creating idle white noise for the world within the city. Despite declarations of war days prior, the populace did not seem so different, the stoic and persistent nature of the Haeseni shown; for there shall be no despair when victory is inbound. Then, within a moment’s notice, the silence was broken. Argus Romstun and his forces had conducted a minor operation into Oren, returning home with a captive, one bourgeois hailing of the Komnenos family, known to hold great wealth, yet unable to hold one’s own. In quick succession, minutes passed, and Haeseni forces rallied to greet their captive, later joined by those of Urguan and Balian. But the Orenians did not come. Eager shouts within Karosgrad echoed: “To battle! For NATO!” And time passed yet, the Orenians showed not the valiance to rescue one of their own, but instead the cowardice to remain blissfully ignorant in the comfort and warmth of one’s city. One would have thought that the capture of one’s own would have been enough encouragement for the forces of the USA to show up, but alas, it is often pitiful how disappointing reality can be. Though, the NATO is not so easily dissuaded from their victories, and orders came from Andronikas Mareno, “They will not come to us, so we will come to them!” From Karosgrad to Valwyck, the NATO forces marched and cheered for themselves, taking a brief hold upon Mount Whiff in the hopes that they would see the incoming forces of the USA there, yet they found none. Indeed, it took hours of searching for the NATO scouts, among them Prince Sergei of Haense, Iscesi Velulaei'onn and Lukas Vyronov, for them to finally find their location: Acre. With Ser Grigori ‘the Vanguard’ at the front, the NATO continued their march, before finally coming upon a group of USA scouts near Acre, though these cavalry men were easily disposed of, and the NATO turned upon the main force of the USA within Acre, the first swords to clash echoing throughout the streets, only to be silenced by as further clashes and screams replaced them. It was a swift, yet decisive battle. The disorganized USA were unable to hold their own against NATO, the dead and wounded falling all across the road to Acre, those who tried to flee were kept within walls of bodies surrounding them. Those who did manage to escape this wall were quickly hunted down by the Urguani Grand Marshal, Sigrun Ireheart. Man fought man atop the bodies of their other fallen brothers, only adding further to the mountain that was built upon this day. At the top stood one man, or Musin rather, Coin, shouting in triumph to his comrades: “Victory! Victory for NATO!” thrusting in the air a war medal looted from the nearby corpse of a fallen soldier. THE NUMBERS LIE NOT. 800 N.A.T.O Casualties. 5,700 U.S.A Casualties.
  15. FIRST DAY OF ORENIAN INTERVENTION AND ITS FIRST CAPTIVE To His Majesty, Frederick I, We have captured one of your noblemen, a Komnenos, and thus comes the first price of your unwarranted intervention in N.A.T.O. affairs, as he now stands in Haeseni lands, in shackles, locked away within our city. It is quite blatant how unprepared you were for this. But how prepared are you to not force our hand, and spill canonist blood? You intervened in this war, so you ought to pay for it. We expect a premium of 3,000 mina for him to be kindly returned to the safety of your lands. If not, judgment shall be passed to him, he who is an enemy of ours now. If you are so willed to cease bloodshed, how far will you go, kinslayer? Yours Truly, Lord Argus Romstun Ser Grigori Vyronov
  16. Prince Nikolas escorted by a Knight, dragged his brother Georg @gusanoarentonio to the Haeseni docks after a lesson with one of his many tutors - this time, they taught him about the current war. He muttered then as he pointed across the water, "Those enemies on the other side of the sea. . . if we kill them all. . . does that mean. . . we'll be free?"
  17. THE UNPROTECTED PROTECTORATES It was a cold, rainfelt night; the trees whispered of their goals – a scouting party consisting of the Grand King of Urguan, Bakir Ireheart, and his fellow kin, Sigrun Ireheart, thundered off into the marshes with their stallions. Behind their hooved-tracks, a vigilant and small force of dangerous, loyal men consisting of the Brotherhood of Karl, the Legion of Urguan, the Romstun family, and the contracted mercenaries of the Silver Lubba trekked onwards, ripping away ferns and bushes. The grand king halted before steel-clad gates across a milky bridge into the heart of Daeland; their wooden palisades held high, and towers of brown creak had many rangers peering down in pursuit of dangerous raiders. As sun-rise approached, the scorching horizon was met by the silhouettes of a valiant party of the Northern Almaris Treaty Organization, stampeding the bridge and making their demands. “Bring us Casimir Vilchyc, or we shall bring turmoil!” King Sugarfoot II waddled onto the ledge of the bridge. Alas, there was nothing but silence that pursued the next few moments. . . - the demands were met with cowardice. As many tried to infiltrate their iron-clad doors, failure was met at first. However, the brave Lukas Vyronov found a strategic route into the roots of Daeland; the brave and loyal men of NATO hoisted onto their stallions, and clambered the mountains, finding a path into the city. The bells chimed violently, and two uruk on a tower peered down at the strengthened forces of Haeseni, Urguani and Silver Lubba slash and hack away at the evil men and women of Daeland. Many fled into their homes, locked their doors, and barricaded themselves with vast tables and bookshelves. One of the uruks jeered, “We can help you guys, Daeland!”, yet they never came down from their tower, nor did the orcs of Krugmar help in any capacity. They simply kneeled behind the tower roof, shivering in fear as they rightfully should. Daeland was met with the miraculous forces of good, and the Piast of Daeland was soon found squatting behind a chair within a small wooden hut, covered in sweat from intense fear. Ser Grigori ‘the Vanguard’ grabbed the Piast by the neck, and dragged him out of the city. “Did Krugmar come to save you? No.” Soon enough, the forces of the Northern Almaris Treaty Organization returned to their homelands, so that Casimir Vilchyc could face the King of Haense and the Grand King of Urguan, for the justice of Balian.
  18. THE DARK KINGDOM OF HOONSE CULTURE AND TENETS The Dark Kingdom of Hoonse is a malevolent country under the Dark Empire of Evil and Greed. It is filled with the most evil and greedy of kids, ruled by three Dark Kings. These kings represent evil, darkness and the underworld. There is no culture but to follow all that is evil and mean. We are the meaniest kids on the block, and will bully anyone that stands in our path of destruction. We are so evil, we don’t even listen to our parents anymore. They cannot control us. And sometimes, we cannot control ourselves either. We no longer require a night lamp when going to sleep. We sleep in utter darkness. We no longer require our parents to feed us. We feed ourselves. We know how to use big words like DARKNESS and MALICIOUS! Yes, our education is above all kids of Hoonse. We know these words as our Dark Emperor has taught us. Dark King Nik has learned one of the ancient, secret techniques of the Dark Empire, called booger-flicking. We have one simple law to follow: if you are not with us, you are against us. However, our sacred path of evil has many tenets to shape us into dangerous kids of darkness and evil and greed and lack of charity. . . I - To be a Dark King is to be a subject to the Dark Emperor. II - To be a Dark Lord is to be a subject to the Dark King. III - There can only ever be one Dark Emperor, three Dark Kings, and each Dark King may only have two Dark Lord. IV - Those in the Dark Kingdom of Hoonse may only smile when it is dark. V - Those in the Dark Kingdom of Hoonse must be evil and mean to all they see. VI - Those in the Dark Kingdom of Hoonse must learn to master the sacred, ancient evil techniques passed down by the Dark Emperor. VII - An act of good means you are banished from the Dark Kingdom of Hoonse, and hunted down to have their socks cut in two, and for their toys to become ours. THE DARK KINGS Dark King Nik - The king of darkness, crowned by the Dark Emperor Malik. He rules over all that is dark; there is no light in his domain, for even candles are blown out in his presence. He is tasked with ensuring that no light may interfere with the progress of this mighty kingdom. He no longer plays with toys, but now devours them into the ancient chest of darkness. Sometimes, the Dark King sports experiments, molding different toys into one; taking off limbs from other toys and adding them into another. He can hear the cries of the toys, but ignores them with a wicked smile. Dark King Mars - The king of evil, crowned by the Dark Emperor Malik. He is the harbinger of evil; all those that come before him fall to his wretched ways. There is no kid in this world that can escape the strength of his hands when he tugs on their hair, and the boogers that he purposely lays onto other kids attires. Sometimes, he will put his foot in front of other passing kids, just to see them fall and cry. In his spare time, the Dark King tortures his toys, using sticks to open up their wool. Dark King Mal - The king of the underworld, crowned by the Dark Emperor Malik. Unlike the other Dark Kings, not much is known about him. He is mysterious, and only appears after a devious prank has occurred from underneath some place; he sometimes appears from under a chair, or a table, or anything else he can get himself under. Sometimes . . he even dirties himself in the grass. There is a rumour that the Dark King has begun mining away a magnificent tunnel into the deepest, darkest depths of the underworld, in order to find the MALEFICENT TOY OF THE DARK GOD HIMSELF. WAR DECLARATION AGAINST THE KINGDOM OF HOONSE The Dark Kingdom of Hoonse, granted permission by the Dark Empire of Evil and Greed, declares war against the Kingdom of Hoonse otherwise known as the ‘light’ good dudes.. We ask for the Kingdom of Hoonse to surrender their territories now, or to face destruction. We are funded by the Dark Emperor Malik and Greed Emperor Greedmane. If you wish to fall, then so be it. Furthermore, we ask for a meeting with the Valtakoengzem of Faedom in order to check the compatibility of the Darkness and the Fae. However, if you dare threaten us in this meeting, we shall not hesitate to steal your toys on the spot, and unleash our ancient techniques against you little kids! We are the big boys! Signed, Nik, Dark King of Darkness Mal, Dark King of the Underworld Mars, Dark King of Evil Written by, Malik, Dark Emperor of the Ever-Black, Devourer of Food.
  19. Ser Grigori 'the Vanguard' smiled as the pact was published, glad to be taking up arms again with the man he had fought beside in the culminating battle in the Sinner's war: the Banjo.
  20. THE EASTERN ALMARIS TREATY ORGANIZATION Agreed upon by: THE KINGDOM OF HAENSE, THE GRAND KINGDOM OF URGUAN, AND THE GRAND DUCHY OF BALIAN On this 9th of Tov And Yermey, 432 ES | 9th of The Sun’s Smile, 82 SA | 9th of the Sun's Smile, 12 BA ARTICLE I - DEFENSIVE ALLIANCE The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and the Grand Duchy of Balian hereby referred to as ‘the signatories’, sign a new defensive alliance between the two sovereignties henceforth known as the Grand Alliance to replace the current pact. I. The signatories agree to a defensive military alliance. II. The signatories agree that an attack by a third party against one of them is an attack against both of them. III. The signatories agree to settle any dispute between them or in which they may be involved through peaceful means in such a manner that this alliance and the laws of the signatories are not endangered. IV. The signatories agree to consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of the signatories is threatened. V. The signatories agree to keep the option available to expand this defensive alliance into a full military alliance whenever deemed favorable by both parties. ARTICLE II - MILITARY COOPERATION The signatories agree to engage in military cooperation in light of Section I. I. The signatories agree to engage in the occasional shared military training. II. The signatories agree to host wargames in both of the signatories’ sovereign lands. III. The signatories agree to keep military correspondence for these trainings, wargames and any other militant affairs such as rallies that are of interest to the other signatory. IV. The responsibilities for these forms of military cooperation lie with both the Haeseni Lord Marsha, Dwarven Grand Marshal, and Constable of Balian. ARTICLE III - TRADE The signatories agree that a pact of free-trade shall begin between both parties, with each agreeing: I. That nation-affiliated merchants shall be allowed to trade in the other signatory’s nation without unnecessary tax or harassment. II. That each signatory shall receive one untaxed stall to sell whatever goods they see fit, so long as they do not break said nation’s laws. ARTICLE IV - DURATION The signatories agree to be bound by the terms of this Treaty for a period of twenty years. Grand King of Urguan, Bane of the Orcs, Bane of Philip III IV JOVEO MAAN, His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera. HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, John I, Grand Duke of Balian, by the grace of GOD, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, and Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, etcetera. His Excellency, Deputy Palatine, Ser Grigori Vyronov His Excellency, Lord Legate, Constantine Malenos
  21. The Dark Lord of Darkness sat lonely in his room, the dim lanterns vanquished and black drapery hanging from each window within his lair. Nikolas wondered when he would next meet with his DARK Liege, even despite his mother having made him promise to not look, never mind speak with the KING. Yet, it was some of the most fun the boy has had, so he dabbled some black eyeshadow onto his face and began plotting how he could discover Malik once more.
  22. ROYAL TREASURY REPORT KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the Office of the Royal Treasury On this 10th of Tov and Yermey of 430 ES VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Since the elevation of Ser Grigori Vyronov to the office of Royal Treasurer, His Excellency has worked tirelessly to locate and employ the most industrious talents within the Haeseni citizenry, filling his once modest office to its highest potential. The most leal servants of the Crown have been sought out to fulfill the roles of the Kastellans under the Treasurer’s employ – seeking each to further the agenda of revitalization that has become necessary following the years of international conflict brought about by the Sinners’ War. His Excellency has made steady progress in this regard, working alongside those various Kastellans he has employed. For this reason, the office writes this report to keep the denizens of Hanseti-Ruska informed as to its achievements, and what other affairs have taken place pertaining to the Royal Treasury’s Office. TREASURY AFFAIRS The very first endeavor undertaken by His Excellency was to revitalize the national currency of Haense by organizing a Krawn Exchange that lasted several Saint’s Weeks and allowed subjects of the Crown to exchange outdated Krawns from previous reigns for newly-minted ones which are being introduced into circulation. This enterprise was highly successful, bringing in a great deal of funds to be used by the Crown. Additionally, in an effort to encourage internal trading and industry as opposed to looking outward for resources, the Treasury has decided to be rid of the auction house within the Golden Crow Bank. This move will leave the market of Karosgrad with a breath of fresh air, no longer bloated with the international influence of global auctions. Along with the removal of the auction house, it has become necessary to reorganize and redesign the market square of Karosgrad, which the Treasury Office quickly saw to – removing the large, poorly-designed stalls and improving the general flow of the square. In addition, this change has freed up room surrounding the Basilica of St. Heinrik, opening it up to public view free from obstruction. The shops and stalls along Crown Avenue, as well as in the town squares, are all occupied, a feat that hasn’t been achieved in a considerable amount of time. Perhaps the most impressive marker of the success of the Treasury Office in recent years, each role within the office has been filled as of the appointment of The Honorable, Lady Zoya vas Ruthern as Deputy Treasurer. Her role as Kastellan of Domestic Trade has been filled by Mr. Ariovistan Bishop, and it is the hope of the treasury that both flourish in their roles with the support of the Crown and their fellow members of the office. TREASURY EMPLOYMENT Kastellan of Stewardry, Esmée Kortrevich During their tenure, the stewardry branch has accomplished the following: I. A renovation to the stewardry ledgers to improve the performance and organization of property management II. The creation of new tax slips following her ascension to the position, after having taken over from Dracomir Rorikov. III. Begun the process of creating a system by which all Haeseni subjects may see housing and property information IV. The production of berets have been made for stewards within employ to create a uniform and sense of unity in the trade. The Kastellans of Labour, Adele Ludovar and Godric Colborn During their tenure, the labour branch has accomplished the following: I. The reorganization of the Royal vaults, coupled with the creation of plans for a full renovation to the vaults II. An audit covering the inventory of the Royal vaults and the creation of a ledger to ensure accurate records are kept III. Provisions for the collection and sale of in-demand goods through a crown-run stall in the square of Karosgrad The Kastellan of Trade, Leopold Morovar During their tenure, the trade branch has accomplished the following: I. An investigation into the various treaties and pacts of the Kingdom regarding trade II. Honoured treaties by fulfilling trade agreements with other nations III. The establishment and maintenance of foreign stalls The Kastellan of Domestic Trade, Ariovistan Bishop During their tenure, the domestic trade branch has accomplished the following: I. The ongoing audit into the shops and stalls of Hanseti-Ruska to ensure prosperity and proprietor engagement II. Communication with proprietors to ensure their needs are met III. The monitor of government-owned stalls for stock and commodity popularity. IV JOVEO MAN His Excellency, Ser Grigori Vyronov, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Deputy Palatine, Knight of the Marian Retinue The Honorable, Zoya vas Ruthern, Grand Maer of Karosgrad, Deputy Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska
  23. The Royal Treasurer pushed the door open into Lukas' room, rubbing his fingers together, "Or we profit on those sick," he said entirely joking. @Mio
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