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  1. A corpseman, draped in tattered leathers affixed those smog laden eyes of his upon the missive, reading it aloud - A brief respite from overseeing the Ghoul miners as he ensured to commit a number of insults introduced to memory, surely with some intent to repeat them - perhaps to Irene herself. Within its fleshless digits did it ball up the missive, casting it at the skull of an adjacent undead who'd paused to listen. Forgotten, the missive laid there on the floor, and all within Tomb City was as it once was.
  2. Now THIS is lore, proud of you bruddha +1
  3. Don’t fall for it, they want to get rid of the least favorite race next
  4. are flintlock pistols so bad if everyone and their mothers have them? it’d be the same three emotes as bows 😏
  5. I prefer my gizzards deep fried, and seasoned properly.
  6. This should be a Deific/Voidal/Dark magic that requires a CA and MA
  7. @Nozoa I like the idea of such a creation personally, but a question. In regards to how this potion is made and how it functions, why would the alchemical equivalent of a zombie; be able to manipulate what is essentially it’s blood and harden said area? it is a cool ability i’d say, but it feels out of place with the whole theme of the creature in mind, as well as it basically being the same ability as Rejuvenation but for a different purpose
  8. Is there a distinction between good rp torture and crossing the line during said torture?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tigergiri


      Yes, if you become to graphic or groeome you usualy have to FTB it. Depeneding on how your tutoring a player too. You have to make sure both sides are comfy with whats going on. 

    3. Xaedric


      I see, thank you all.

    4. Telanir


      Generally the player playing the victim character will let you know if you’re going too far, and if they’re uncomfortable you should comply. That way you will do just fine.

  9. Scenario: a group of people (serfs) run up on a monk and a new player with pitchforks and get to the stabby stab action with the monk, all at the same time too! Would each person feel the individual blow of their weapon? could a monk reflect unto people besides who dealt the attack?? as in black panther? could they store that wound and simply give it to another for their birthday? While ik this is is joke, i simply was far to bored to not type this up
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