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Everything posted by chaosgamer_

  1. I said I would bring it up, but I did not make a promise that I would prevent it from happening. We can go back and forth on this topic for as long as we want. But as you say, 2, or a 1/6th of the community keeping us afloat is dyed. But, we are talking about a minority of a minority in here in general. The thing why this whole dyed thing was even allowed in the first place because of several reasons. white kha, even when dyed, were shelved before this rewrite. But because the original outdated lore was removed, and Ryloth’s rewrite was denied, Kharajyr had no lore. Hence why there were no guidelines on what can happen and what could not. If the original was all still enforced, the dyed Kha in question would have had their CA revoked already a long time ago. This wasn’t something that was just introduced, but something that has gone on for 8 years. I thank Wretched for helping us make this rewrite. He might not play a Kha now, but the reason why the Kha even exist in the first place is because he co-founded the lore with Xerdun. Had he not done it, we wouldn’t have Kha in the first place. Second, he returned to save us. If we had not made this rewrite this quickly, we would not have valid lore in play. This means Kharajyr would have indeed already been shot by now and shelved possibly. And to quote him, a CA is put in place so that players abide to strict lore to which they agree. Not only that, but when you make a CA you also agree to accept any changes that will possibly made to the lore of the CA. As much as I don’t like that we can’t make everyone happy because of opinions and what others want, the whole goal was to save the CA as a whole. This means mandatory to some of the playerbase, albeit it only two players in total. We might need to enforce mandatory changes that will obstruct current characters, but the rewrite is not blocking them to change their characters and continuing to play them. In general, this will stay a back and forth conversation on who wants what and it will not reach a compromise. Because what we want and what others want are polar opposites. So I suggest we let the redline float in the air until the ST review the rewrite. They can have the final say whether the white dying redline stays, is deleted, or needs editing
  2. Just to inform everyone on this thread. Hrokaz/AlaricGrimgold and I discussed things over discord about these redlines and changes in the rewrite. It’ll be discussed
  3. I mean bleaching will definitely hurt one’s skin. Especially if you think about it. A Kha that wants to bleach their fur entirely white will need stay in a large bleach bath for minutes. It’s unhealthy in general and will have to be repeated multiple times. then again, the key note here is entirely. If they choose for dying themselves partially, that is fine. Tough, considering normal consequences, dying one’s entire body white will result in heavy consequences for their health. I mean, we can put that in there to clarify
  4. @AlaricGrimgold @BrandNewKitten and further explanation on the above comment to answer your question. tlatanni are albino Kharajyr that were made by Metztli specifically. This albanism in specific Kha was shelved a long time ago and white Kha can’t happen anymore because of her death now permanently. They can’t be made anymore but we don’t know so irp, only that they haven’t appeared in a hundred years. Hence why, a Kha bleaching their entire furcoat white, would result in possible exploits in historical and culturally standards. That is the reason behind said specific redline and decision. it’s fine if you dye parts of your furcoat in different colors, or just partially white. Just not everything because of possible exploits on a historical level that is intertwined with former lore. I hope this answers everyone’s question on white Kha :D
  5. Indeed an interesting point. I think that Kha would then stop bleaching their fur after the rewrite to regain their now yellow/black fur with some bleach damage.
  6. Woo! Team effort! Though, thank you Wretched for helping us so much
  7. It is half-half you could say. We are writing a new religion which was aimed to be completely culturally until we got some sort of new Deamon as substitute. But right now, it’s that Kha recognize Metztli as their creator and mostly mourn for her death. It’s mostly mourning and thanking her for creating them basically. An active form and order of Religion is not in place as of now. That is indeed priority. Though, this new culture will happen in the future. We currently have this one which will suffice for now. Second, I’m not sure what will happen from this point on in terms of ST investigation and admins deals. If there is no proper lore we can write that, but I’m not sure what the ST are planning to do for research about our CA. I’m still in contact with Joel, trying to figure things out. Of course, reaching a compromise and producing new proper lore is priority. Third, the reason I presented this document on the forums was to inform players of the unique roleplaying culture Kha can bring to the table. As many did ask themselves that question on the original posts 😄
  8. Considering that we might need to give it all an overall twist to prove our unique Roleplay, Culture, and activity. We shall in the near future make such changes to the culture. I’ll keep these suggestions in mind for when we update the culture :3 Thank you
  9. Kharajyr Culture And More Now before anyone goes Miley Cyrus crazy on how I am trying to spread more drama. I’m not making this to do that. Please debate further on The original posts: The reason why I am making this post is because various people asked on the original posts on what kind of unique Roleplay Kharajyr can bring culturally. I would like to display our culture and documents here. If I would display these in the original posts, they would not reach that far as if I made a stand alone post. Please take any debate to the other threads listed above. If you have questions about the culture or roleplay, I will gladly answer them on this thread. But please, all debate goes to the two threads listed above. Mods can freely delete comments that are about CA debate and not about culture questions 1 - Prefixes of Kha’ Social Statuses 1.1 - High Aelkos 1.2 - Aelkos 1.3 - Priest/Temple Guards 1.4 - Warriors 1.5 - Artist/Writer/Creatives 1.6 - Doctors/Healers/Surgeons 1.7 - Merchants 1.8 - Adults 1.9 - Kittens/Cubs 1.10 - Wizards/Mages 1.11 - Elders 2 - Annual Events 2.1 – Yancui Xihuitl (New Years Celebrations 2.2 – Phase Ritual 3 - The Kharajyr Appearance 3.1 - Clothing 3.2 - Dyes 3.3 - Jewelry 3.4 - Body Armor 4 - Kharajyr Courtship 4.1 - Courtship Initiation 4.2 – Proposal 4.3 – Wedding Ceremony 5 – Lunar Phases 5.1 – Kha Birth Phases 5.1.1 - Phase Anomalies - Lunar Eclipse - Solar Eclipse - Blue Moon - Harvest Moon - Blood Moon 6 - Arts & Music 6.1 - Paintings & Statues 6.2 - Pottery & Glass Blowing 6.3 - Music 6.3.1 - Woodwinds 6.3.2 - Strings 6.3.3 - Percussion 6.3.4 - The Death Whistle 6.4 - Dance 6.5 - Weapon Decorations 7 - Food & Agriculture 7.1 - Cuisine - Food & Drinks 7.2 – Agriculture 8 – Sports 8.1 – Kharajyr Ball 8.2 – Game of Ur 9 – References ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 - Prefixes of Kha’ Social Statuses: A Kha’s social status is expressed with a short prefix prior to their name. These are considered a form of title, earned honorably and granted by individuals of higher power. Upon any formal meetings, they are required to be used. For example, a High Aelkos would be prefixed with Tul’ before their name. So, a High Aelkos Kha’ named Rajir would be referred to as Tul’Rajir. Kharajyr who carry the incorrect prefixes or pretend to maintain one when not meeting criteria are highly frowned upon, and in extreme circumstances may be identified for sacrifice. Prefixes also determine a Kha’s position in society, identifying how much authority they hold. 1.1 High Aelkos = Tultelkos (Tul’), Varkolu (Var’), or Aluhuso (Alu’) The individual that carries these prefixes are the High Aelkos of the Kharajyr. They lead above the Aelkos, the tribe leaders and Inner Cabal members. Holding ultimate authority, only these individuals determine which Kharajyr may become an Aelkos, and will serve as their leader. This Kha’ is the most respected in the culture. The varying prefixes refer to the particular aelkos of the trio with the Tultelkos as the military leader, Varkolu as religious, and Aluhuso as the economic related high aelkos. 1.2 Aelkos = Ri’[Name] -- Pride leader or Inner Cabal member The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are one of the Kharajyr pride leaders or select few in the Inner Cabal by the High Aelkos. Responsible for maintaining entire prides, an Aelkos has one of the more difficult positions of power. Acting as advisors for the High Aelkos above them, they inform them of happenings in the world and the standing status of the people in their tribe. Only the High Aelkos may grant or strip an individual of the title of Aelkos, and only the High Aelkos maintains higher authority. 1.3 Priest/Temple Guards = Ja’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those who maintain temples as the head figure or as a temple guard. Assigned by an Aelkos or High Aelkos, a priest is one who leads all rituals, sacrifices, annual events and maintains the spiritual health of a pride’s population. Their wealth is a good indicator of their greed, causing many good priests to be poorer than other Kha’. Regardless, they maintain the highest authority beneath an Aelkos. 1.4 Warriors = Do’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are identified as skilled warriors which should be treated with great respect. Akin to a knight, these individuals are noble Kharajyr who have behaved honorably in battle, have acquired and expressed finesse in warfare or are considered skilled battlefield commanders. Any High Aelkos or Aelkos are permitted to grant this title to a Kha’. 1.5 Artist/Writer/Creatives = Ji’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those of a creative mind. Typically obtained by artists, writers, chefs, dancers, tailors or skilled craftsman including art in their work, this title identifies an individual of great cosmetic talent. A Kha’ may only obtain this title by creating and gifting their work to an Aelkos or the High Aelkos. If they enjoy the work, the title will be granted. If it is not, their work will be returned and they may attempt again after the annual new year. 1.6 Doctors/Healers/Surgeons = Dra’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those who are skilled in the art of aiding the weak & ill. They are gifted in their craft and maintain a wealth of knowledge of anatomy, ailments and their cures. Often, doctors will clothe themselves in white linen to represent their role and purity in regards to filth. A Kha’ will receive this title by a peer when they are decided proficient. 1.7 Merchants = Ka'/Ki'/Ko’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those with a silver tongue. Capable of bartering for great amounts of wealth or maintaining large companies that power the industries of Kha’ society are granted this title by an Aelkos or High Aelkos. 1.8 Adults = Si’/Sa’/So’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are your typical adults, and will be encouraged to obtain a job. 1.9 Children= S’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this title are children. All Kharajyr will maintain this title at their early stages of life and may not obtain another until they are an adult. 1.10 Wizards/Mages = Jo’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are considered magic users. Any Kharajyr may carry this title, so long they maintain the ability to connect with the Void and cast magic. 1.11 Elders = Yhl’[Name] The Kharajyr that carry this prefix is your common elder. It is an optional title, and typically is only held if a Kharajyr has no greater position in the society. Considered a “retirement” title, it is often held by those who no longer seek work or (more importantly) are unable to work. A Kha’ aged 450+ will commonly hold this title. An Elder holds great respect, and are required to be respected for their commitment to the society. 2 - Annual Events: 2.1 – Yancuix Xihuitl: loosely translated to “New Years”, this festival is exactly what it sounds like – a celebration of the passage of a year, and the start of a new. It is observed by the entire Kharajyr culture nine days before the Spring equinox and occurs always at night, concluding at moon-high or midnight. Celebrations consist of ceremonial dances to the beat of drums, visually fascinating not only for their antiquity but also their colorful folk costumes. During which, seeds are presented as offerings to an altar or moon pool for blessings of bountiful harvests. Ocotes (pitch-pine candles) are lit in the surrounding area and they produce a highly flammable and aromatic resin which is collected for a flag burning. At the close of the celebrations, the flag burning will occur alongside a fireworks show; the flag, designed to represent the previous year and the accomplishments of a tribe in that time will be soaked in the ocote resin and burned within the moon pool or over the altar. During this, the Kharajyr will strike seashells or obsidian glass chunks together for noise and cheer for the opening of a new year – a clean slate. 2.2 Phase Ritual: This ritual occurs annually in various tribes on any date deemed necessary. The purpose is to determine the acquired phase by an individual -- explaining what exactly their alignment is based upon their birth. The ritual always occurs at a moon pool or altar at midnight, although only on an overcast night of a full moon. It is determined by the priest when to initiate the ritual, typically when cloud cover is thick and moonlight is not visible. The Kharajyr in question will sit within a rock salt drawn crescent, facing away from the crest and towards the basin of the crescent shape, which will look towards the altar or moon pool. The priest will then light candles at the crescent’s two vertices. Thereafter, the Kha’ in question sitting cross-legged in the crescent will attempt to enter a state of meditation, focusing their mind on the hidden moon above them. This will most often be an attempt to connect themselves -- psychically -- with the phase they are attached to. Not always will this result in the proper phase, as it is only believed by the priests to be a tried and true method. Once the Kha’ has entered this state, they must remain so until the clouds part and moonlight shines down upon them. Then, the priest will blow out the candles and pull the individual from their meditation. Granted their new phase, this Kharajyr will then be blessed by submerging in the waters of the moon pool or by an offering of silver to the altar. They are then sent to their new mentors to learn the ways of what they shall become. 3 - The Kharajyr Appearance: The Kharajyr are a humanoid anthropomorphic feline creature race magically shaped from cats and elves by a Daemon, Metztli. This means they are a hybrid of the two species, and retain some (but not all) features of their mixed traits. Kharajyr appear as a biped which is a trait retained from the elves, while their digitigrade legs (as opposed to plantigrade) are a trait retained from the cat, meaning that their legs are jointed differently than that of other humanoids. They also retain the feline appearance with their fur coat, appearing with the texture of a real-world cheetah, tiger, panther or leopard. Other ways they retain the feline appearance is with their tail, pointed and jointed ears, an elongated snout or maw, retractable claws in the toes and hands, and palms in the shape of paws. However, they retained the trait of opposable thumbs from the elves, allowing them the ability to manipulate objects articulately like other humanoids. The feet more closely resemble their feline counterparts, and at the ankle, the Kharajyr retain their feline predecessor’s dewclaw, which can become an issue when fitting shoes or socks. [Old skins from 2014, have been updated. Though not been put in a 3D render yet] 3.1 Clothing Kharajyr are typically known to dress in supple clothing in order to keep themselves cooler from the heat. Therefore the common Kharajyr often wears thin, lightweight clothing made out of breathable fabrics. Kharajyr often decorate their clothing with colorful dyes when capable, higher-caste Kharajyr typically adorned with more colorful clothing than lower-caste. Silver or gold trimmings against deep or bright colors are common in the higher castes while lower castes are drab with a collection of natural browns or greens in color. 3.2 Dyes However, Kharajyr do not typically dye their fur unless for camouflage and war paints. It is heavily frowned upon to dye large areas of fur, especially if to mimic the coat of another subspecies of the Kharajyr. For example, a Kha’Cheetrah dying their fur black to appear as a Kha’Pantera is extremely frowned upon. Notably, Kha’Pantera may find it considerably more difficult to dye their fur, although if with browns and greens the Kha’Pantera can blend into terrain with ease. 3.3 Jewelry In terms of jewelry, Kharajyr tend to decorate their clothing with an assortment of common designs in their culture. This jewelry is often made of silver, a religious symbol given the moon’s color. Other Kharajyr might adorn themselves in gold as a means to exhibit their social status and wealth, but this is in no way an excuse to flaunt with it. They wear necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets made out of these lustrous materials, many adorned with the shapes of lunar phases -- typically those phases they were born on. Glass is also a common theme in Kharajyr jewelry, typically melted to a lustrous metal and shaped into a beautiful work of art. 3.4 Body Armor Finally, in terms of military equipment, Kharajyr typically adorn themselves in lightweight padded armor or hard leather. It is rare to find a Kharajyr equipped in metal armor given their restrictive fur coats disallowing the ease of breathability, and heavier armor can cause a Kharajyr to overheat. Only in more Northern climates can Kha’ be found equipped in plate or chainmail armor, although many Kharajyr prefer to wear lamellar armor for its considerably higher mobility, allowing for the Kha’ to retain their agility in battle. Additionally, lamellar armor is much easier for Kharajyr society to produce given its method of production as opposed to solid metal plate pieces. 4 - Kharajyr Courtship: 4.1 Courtship Initiation Although this form of courtship and marriage is typically only followed in the wealthier caste, that does not prevent lower-caste Kharajyr from following it, nor does it force upper-caste Kharajyr to follow it. No Kharajyr is forced to take an oath of solitude, not even the priests and priestesses. In fact, all Kharajyr are encouraged to love. Kharajyr are not feral creatures and have risen above the basic "grow, reproduce, die" instincts of animals. They have developed intricate cultural traditions to abide by. Around the age of 50 years, a Kharajyr in their society is typically ready to receive suitors. It is customary that open, searching Kharajyr host an informal picnic at dawn following the night of any lunar ritual. If the host has decided upon a future mate, they would extend an invitation to the individual in question. The other Kharajyr is not required to accept, and only accepts should they also see the picnic host as a potential mate. The picnic should act as a “date”, and allows the pair to examine each other’s intentions more intimately. At the end of the picnic, the host will offer the other Kharajyr a cooked and well-made meal made of (typically caught by the host) fish of any kind as an expression of approval, signifying that the host wishes to continue the courtship process. If the other Kharajyr accepts, the courtship process may proceed. = 4.2 Proposal: Some moon cycles following their courtship’s initiation, either Kharajyr may decide to propose to the other. To do so, the Kharajyr must seek out their partner’s closest relative or parental figure, and if none exist, their closest companion (typically a best friend). The proposer will ask for the guardian or companion’s opinion and approval, and should they approve, the proposer may ask the other Kharajyr’s hand in marriage. Proposal occurs by the proposer offering a self-made ring, typically forged of silver and crested with white quartz shaped to match the lunar phase of the other Kharajyr’s birth. The proposal must occur at midnight on a clear night when the moon is highest and must occur outdoors exposed to the sky. This is to consecrate that the Kharajyr’s ancestors (the stars) may bear witness the initial union of two Metz’al (life mates). Should the proposal be denied, the pair may part ways or initiate again the courtship process. 4.3 Wedding Ceremony Before the ceremony, the pair of Kharajyr will begin crafting each other their wedding attire. Male Kharajyr will be crafted (by the opposite partner) a supple deerskin tunic, dyed black (to consecrate a new lunar phase) and decorated with silver trimming and beads. Female Kharajyr will be crafted (by the opposite partner) a supple deerskin dress, dyed white or silver (to consecrate the full lunar phase) and decorated with beads. Wealthy Kharajyr will craft the dress of pure white deerskin, negating the need for dyes. (OOCly, pairs typically exchange persona skins to design the attire for fun) Same-sex couples will wear the same attire, typically with different colors of beads. A Kharajyr priest is required to be present. The ceremony is conducted outside at night on a full moon and is conducted next to a pond, lake or holy Muun pool. No formal invitation is extended to anyone, and everyone is only invited by word-of-mouth. There is feasting and socialization. The feast will take place on the same blanket the initial picnic was conducted on and will include food items provided by the pair. Before the pair’s wedding itself, both partners will submerge themselves in the nearby water sanctified by the lunar light above to bless their bodies. Then, the wedding itself may initiate with the permission of the priest. Both Kharajyr will begin facing away from each other beneath the full moon at midnight. The priest will then intertwine and tie the tail tips of the two Kharajyr together, and they will turn to face one another. It is here that the priest says a prayer: “Now you will feel no rain, For each of you will be shelter to the other. Now you will feel no cold, For each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there is no more loneliness, For each of you will be a companion to the other. Now you are two bodies, But there is only one life before you. Go now to your dwelling place, To enter into your days of togetherness, And may your days be good and long beneath Muuna.” With the priest’s prayer and blessing, the Metz’al are then consecrated as one soul in the Kha faith. Following the official union of the Metz’al, the Kharajyr guests will typically conduct a hunt in their honor, and the kill is offered as gifts to the Metz’al. Following this, the Metz’al will honeymoon until the new moon and feast upon the spoils collected. 5 - Lunar Phases: . 5.1 Kha Birth Phases Kharajyr believe that the phase of the moon a kitten is born under tells what they are destined for in life. To them, there are ten moon phases which assign ten individual traits. The trait the cub is born under is typically what they will excel in, and therefore should be encouraged to pursue in life. However, for a cub to be born on a new or full moon is typically much more rare. Kittens born to a new moon is equally rare, and are almost always the destined leadership within the Kharajyr. Be they destined as an Aelkos, pride leader or a simple military unit commander, the kittens of a new moon are provided great care and mentorship by any leadership raising them. Most young Kha’ will have some kind of mentor who teaches them how to live up to their full potential under their moon sign. Below is a table to list the phases. New Moon The Leaders (Born to lead or trained for positions high in the Kha ranks) Young Moon The Creatives/Passionate (Artists, Poets, Storytellers ect.) Waxing Crescent The Brave (Soldiers, Mercenaries, Guards, ect.) Waxing Quarter The Creator/Crafters (Craftsmen, Smiths, Farmers ect.) Waxing Gibbous The Coin (Traders, Merchants) Full The Holy (Priests, High Priests, Temple Guards, ect.) Waning Gibbous The Merciful (Healers, doctors, medics) Waning Quarter The Spoken (Diplomats, ambassadors, entertainers, ect.) Waning Crescent The Renegade (Scouts, Assassins, Adventurers, Hunters, ect.) Old Moon The Wise (Mages, Scholars, Teachers, ect.) 5.1.1 Phase Anomalies: Unique occurrences with the moon may occur, however. Lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, harvest moons, blue moons and blood moons are many of which that may heavily affect the life of a Kharajyr if born to these phases. While extremely rare, if a Kharajyr happens to be born during these incredible events, their life may be difficult in Kha’ society -- or it may not even begin. Lunar Eclipse If born during a lunar eclipse, a Kharajyr may be viewed as a curse to the society. Often times, these kittens are quickly sacrificed by priests to appease whatever has become angry with them. Solar Eclipse If born during a solar eclipse, a Kharajyr may be viewed as a blessing to the society. Often times, these kittens are quickly taken into custody by The Brave and are trained as soon as they are able to fight. Solar Eclipse Kharajyr are viewed as powerful warriors capable of vanquishing any enemy, and almost always lead any war efforts. Blue Moon If born during a blue moon, a Kharajyr may be viewed as one with innate abilities with magic. Often times, these kittens are quickly taken into custody by The Wise and are trained as soon as they are able to connect with the Void. Blue Moon Kharajyr are viewed as powerful mages, and almost always become powerful and intelligent wizards. Harvest Moon If born during a harvest moon, a Kharajyr may be viewed as one with incredible luck in botany or farming. Often times, these kittens are quickly taken into custody by The Creators and are trained throughout their life. Harvest Moon Kharajyr are natural green thumbs and can care for the most difficult of plants in the harshest environments. Blood Moon If born during a blood moon, a Kharajyr may be viewed as incredibly holy. Often times, these kittens are quickly taken into custody by The Holy and are raised in worship. Blood Moon Kharajyr are natural spiritual leaders and are gifted in the art of persuasion. 6 - Arts & Music: Kharajyr art and music are basic but beautiful and easy pieces of creativity to appreciate. Crafted from base materials, art is often beautifully created from stone, paints from crushed plant fibers or animal products such as bone, fur or skins. Artwork is key in Kharajyr society as it decorates every building and often decorates an individual in the form of jewelry or clothing. 6.1 Paintings & Statues Your typical Kharajyr painting or statue is frightening to the common man but represents life and death in the Kha’ culture. The passage of time is a facet covered often, as it comes with the transition of lunar phases. Kharajyr depicted in battle or the phases themselves are typical to Kha’ artwork and focus on the face of the Kha’ to express the emotion involved. Hieroglyphics are commonly used in artwork to textually explain the depicted work, especially on stone surfaces where statues may stand. The hieroglyphics follow no language but act as visual aids that can be easily interpreted with deductive reasoning. 6.2 Pottery & Glass Blowing Kharajyr also create beautiful pottery from clay and glass. Glass is especially important in Kharajyr artwork as it is one of their finest crafts. Perfection in the art of glassblowing has allowed Kharajyr to create beautiful, intricate pieces of art that closely resemble whatever they choose to shape in the form of glass. This glasswork is often colored to better express their design and may even have other objects situated into the glass for further accentuation. 6.3 Music Music is common in Kharajyr culture and instruments are mostly designed to the anatomy of a Kha’. Vocals are highly uncommon, and most music is a voiceless instrumental consisting of woodwind instruments, string instruments, and percussion instruments. Kha’ music is rarely recorded on paper and is highly expressive while maintaining improv as a key to all their musical pieces. 6.3.1 Woodwinds Woodwinds are commonly reedless aerophones (such as the flute) where a sound is produced by blowing across an opening, given Kha’s anatomy does not allow easy manipulation of their lips. These woodwinds are crafted from wood or bone. 6.3.2 Strings String instruments are far and wide, as the Kharajyr can easily play these graceful instruments given their retractable claws. Your more basic instruments such as the lute or banjo are common, while violins are inherited from other cultures and less incorporated in Kha’ music. These instruments are crafted from wood, horse hair or plant fibers. 6.3.3 Percussion Percussion instruments are the most common and are simple drums constructed from wood and animal hide. These drums complement and tie together Kharajyr music. As most Kha’ music is improvised, the aid of the drum is important in creating depth and volume to a piece. 6.3.4 The Death Whistle The most notable instrument in the Kharajyr culture is a religious instrument, a woodwind flute dubbed the “Death Whistle”. This whistle is commonly blown following the death of a Kharajyr and signifies the opening of passage into time with all other Kharajyr that have passed. This whistle is skin-crawling and terrifying as it emits a howling screech similar to a collection of wailing ghosts. This instrument is incredibly important to Kharajyr war efforts as it is used prior to battles, marking the opening of the passage into time for any Kha’ that perishes in battle. The sound of this whistle is terrifying to an enemy force especially at night, and is a psychological weapon when used correctly. Its appearance is a short wooden flute with a large wooden Kha’ skull crafted onto its end, where the sound of the flute is emitted from parted jaws. 6.4 Dance Dance in the Kharajyr culture typically takes little specific form, and is rather spontaneous to the rhythm of their equally spontaneous music. However, one specific form of dance is incredibly emotional, empowering those who partake and charging the emotional energies of any who view as a friendly bystander. 6.4.1 The Haka The Haka is a very emotional, spiritually-charged, primal dance that the Kharajyr take part in. The dance most often involves extreme facial contortions such as widening the eyes until the whites are visible, stretched movements of the mouth, outstretching the tongue, wild snarls, hisses, guttural growls and chanted words. Typically performed as a group, the Kharajyr arrange into a staggered formation and take upon a squatting stance before the dance is initiated by the leading individual of the assembly. Initiation commences with a powerful slap to the chest, the tongue of the individual outstretched and a gutteral snarl released from the throat with whites of the eyes displayed. This may initiate any of the following routines: Waewae The Waewae is a traditional Haka dance utilized to welcome (a) guest(s) as a form of hospitality. While sometimes appearing terrifying to foreign individuals unfamiliar with the culture, it can also be viewed as incredibly beautiful due to the overwhelming emotion expressed by each individual in the dance. The dance following initiation is typically choreographed and consists of movements to the left and right while squatted, raising the right arm and powerfully slapping the bicep while stamping the right foot; all in rhythm. All the while, facial contortions of all kinds occur and individuals will randomly snarl, hiss and laugh maniacally with crazed joy. Throughout, the performance leader will walk around the assembly moving as if feral, but graceful in their steps. They guide the chant, and will often-times stop their movements to gesticulate at the sky with wide eyes, tongue outstretched and a wild snarl leaving their throat. The dance concludes with wild grins, snarls, laughing and an ultimate cry to the sky where all individuals gesticulate towards the clouds above and then point to the guest(s) -- a blessing, offered from them by their Creator, Muuna (Metzli). Ngeri The Ngeri is a traditional Haka dance utilized to psychologically prepare warriors for war. It is performed without weapons, and is extraordinarily empowering to those involved and viewing. Typically performed by warrior-caste Kharajyr, this Haka is incredibly free and each performer is expected to fully express themselves. It follows no routine, and has been said to make an individual and viewer even if foreign feel charged, fearless and unfoundedly robust. Manawa The Manawa is the final traditional Haka dance. It is utilized for incredibly solemn occasions as a form of celebration. Typically, it is performed during a funeral and is designed for each performer to express their sorrow before finishing with aggressive joy. This Haka following initiation has little routine involved, and every individual is expected to fully express their sorrow -- crying, calling to the heavens and chanting convey the first half of the performance before ending with wild smiles, maniacal laughter amidst crying and performers looking to the sky with wide eyes. 6.5 Weapon Decorations Decoration of a Kharajyr’s weapons is also a common, traditional practice. Most weapons are created from bone or wood with flint and glass. Many Kha’ will decorate their weapons with the items of what they kill, even if sentient in nature. For example, a common hunting bow might be decorated with feathers of a pheasant they have killed, or perhaps even the teeth of an orc they have slain. It is indecent to do so across the Kha’ culture, though many individuals adopted this concept after many humanoid races -- humans and orcs in particular -- began to wear Kharajyr pelts as clothing. 7 - Food & Agriculture: 7.1 Cuisine - Food & Drinks Kharajyr food culture is highly complex as opposed to the rest of their basic, archaic culture filled with ancient concepts. Masterminds with the usage of spices, Kha’ are well-known artisans in the craft of their cuisine and can make the most bland dish delectable. The Kharajyr diet is dominated by fruits and vegetables, as domesticated animals are often limited to dogs, ducks, and honey bees. Game (especially rabbits, deer and wild pigs), fish, birds, salamanders, algae (used to make cakes), frogs, tadpoles and insects are also a valuable food source. The Kharajyr are also known to be the only known race that keeps axolotl’s as pets. The most common crops are wheat (famously used to make tortillas and tamales or gruel), amaranth, sage, beans, squash, and peppers. Red and green tomatoes are cultivated along with sweet potatoes, jícama (turnips), chayote (vegetable pear), cactus green, and peanuts. The Kharajyr also grow guavas, papayas, custard apples, mamey, zapotes, and chirimoyas. Kharajyr dishes are almost never created with oils or fats and are either boiled, grilled or baked on a hot stone or clay plate. Taste is often added using condiments such as sauces or seasoning, which is a staple of Kha’ food production. Examples include epazote, toasted avocado leaves, achiote seeds and, of course, peppers either fresh, dried or smoked. Two other popular flavors for the Kharajyr are vanilla and chocolate, sourced from vanilla beans or cocoa beans which are highly cultivated. Vanilla or cocoa beans are fermented, cured and roasted to draw out richness in their taste. Ground into powder and mixed with hot water or milk, cocoa bean powder can create a delicious drink famous to Kha’ cuisine: hot cocoa -- a warm, frothy drink. Bitter to taste, it is often flavoured by adding vanilla, various herbs or honey. Commonly in Kha’ culture are the esteemed cocoa beans even exchanged as a form of currency in trying times when Minas are few and far between. Other popular drinks, although consumed in great moderation, are pulque and pozolli fermented from wheat dough or acacia sap. Given alcoholic consumption is punished in Kharajyr society with the death penalty, it is rarely consumed -- especially given moderate levels of alcohol are detrimental to a Kharajyr’s health. 7.2 Agriculture To maximize yield, Kharajyr take extra measures in their agriculture. Commonly, Kha' will utilize terracing to increase the area at which farmland is used. Irrigation is also implemented, and in larger established tribes with independent settlements, large-scale projects are unveiled to create artificial basins and dams to irrigate fields. More commonly, the Kharajyr utilize a technique known as chinampas to artificially flood a field. Crops are also fertilized using a combination of sludge dredged from sewage canals or ports used for waste disposal. Despite all measures, crop yields can be significantly reduced by unfavorable natural events such as excessive rain, snow or crop plague by pests such as rodents or insects. Accordingly, Kharajyr will stockpile grain reserves as many other races do for the destitute in these trying times. All manners of foodstuffs are cultivated, to include non-food crops such as cotton and tobacco. Tobacco is a staple alongside cactus green which is incorporated in dishes as well as for recreational smoking. Smoked in a pipe or rolled into a cigar, tobacco and cactus green are two highly common crops Kharajyr tend to produce. Catnip is a third, although far less cultivated and heavily frowned upon to use as it induces manic episodes and incredible lethargy in a Kha’. . 8 - Kharajyr Sports: 8.1 Kharajyr Ball Kharajyr sport consists primarily of an archaic form of basketball, more commonly known in the real world as Mesoamerican Ball, although as Kharajyr ball in the LoTC universe. This game is played similarly to a combination of basketball and American football, although teams consist of 3-4 Kharajyr at most while adorned in their team colors. It is played with a round solid rubber ball, which in itself could be used as a weapon; the ball is known to cause broken bones when thrown with the intent to cause harm. Rules dictate that a Kharajyr must not allow the ball to touch the ground at any point. Hand-tossing is utilized, and a Kharajyr must not maintain hand contact with the ball for any longer than two full seconds or it will be determined a foul ball. Passing the ball around between teammates is key, and the team must avoid the opposing one and disallow them to capture the ball. Once in-range of the goal, a side-ways stone hop attached to a wall, the team in control of the ball must shoot and pass it through the hoop. If successful, they gain a point. A game is won by a team at 10 points. Rewards from this game could be money, food, clothing, weapons, or even titles, and the recognition to speak before the tribe while they are gathered at the playing ground. In more extreme cases, this game might be played by a group of individuals accused of crimes. The losing team is sacrificed, while the winning team is set free and cleared of their wrongdoings. Although this is highly uncommon, it was in more ancient times a standard practice given tribes maintained higher populations. 8.2 Game of Ur Also known as the Game of Twenty Squares, the Kharajyr enjoy this two-player strategy race board game as an alternative to the more commonly played games of Chess or Checkers. The Game of Ur is played using two sets of seven checker-like game pieces. One set of pieces are white with five black dots and the other set is black with five white dots. The game board is composed of two rectangular sets of boxes, one containing three rows of four boxes each and the other containing three rows of two boxes each, joined together by a "narrow bridge" of two boxes. The gameplay involves elements of both luck and strategy. Movements are determined by rolling a set of four-sided tetrahedron dice. Two of the four corners of each die are marked and the other two are not, giving each die an equal chance of landing with a marked or unmarked corner facing up The number of marked ends facing upwards after a roll of the dice indicates how many spaces a player may move during that turn. A single game can last up to half an hour and can be very intense! The objective of the game is for a player to move all seven of their pieces along the course (shown above) and off the board before their opponent. 9 - REFERENCES: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157602-the-priesthood-reopened/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134235-official-the-kharajyr-guide/#comment-127798https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/124689-updated-kharajyr-history/#comment-1200540 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/118841-everything-you-need-to-know-as-a-kharajyr/#comment-1138335 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/121309-kharajyr-and-high-elves-journey-to-the-ordium/#comment-1163725 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/156909-kharajyr-language-kharahatla/?tab=comments#comment-1484288 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/178219-kha-guide/?tab=comments#comment-1676652 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/147001-the-kharajyr-faith/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/81523-kharajyr-lore-and-role-play-guide/?tab=comments#comment-699765 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/81871-kharajyr-base-skins/ https://www.aztec-history.com/ https://www.weddingdetails.com/wedding-traditions/native-american/ quick question, is the white font too bright? This was specifically made for @Sykogenic @Knightei and @Malignant God Damn Parasite who questioned about the culture on the original posts
  10. -The Metz’Chanca Caravan- Or just Chanca for short Is looking for new companions to travel with them! The Metz’Chanca Caravan is a traditional trading caravan that is run by several Kharajyr who live by the Traditional Culture. We are looking for more companions to come travel the cities with us. Of course, we specifically invite any other Kharajyr to provide them a home, work, and food as it is our duty as fellow kin. We are willing to do the same for some specific other individuals that are not Kharajyr. Though, we will most likely brandish those people ‘Soul-Kha’ stating that they are great friends to us by our culture laws. We offer work, access to various goods and wares, a room in our new headquarters location that is being setup, and a warm welcome. Besides, we also offer you the ability to travel around the realm in our group as we move from one location to another one almost every Elven week or in some cases, two Elven weeks. Meet some of our current members! -Rha’kir Therkul-Morthawl -Araene Leparda -Kisyla -Ma’Kai -R’azirr If you would like to come join us, please send Rha’kir a bird! ((chaos#7283 for information or question)) ((You can ask chaos/Rha’kir personally. Though, you can also fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Z47HEkgdstnquCxb7)) [!] A long and folded up parchment is attached to the flyer labeled ‘Culture’ ((Kharajyr Culture Doc for people that are interested on learning some more about the caravan’s culture: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k-MoRjuwu_DOgrNoJceqiiIxQaNNr2ovf-kWjnZqJYc/edit?usp=sharing))
  11. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Under Review As you can can see, you are almost done! I just need you to change a few things 1 your definitions are either vague or incorrect. Please rewrite them as detailed as possible. 2 You need one more lore reference. These can history, events or nation names 3 your roleplay scenario must exist out of 2 actions being taken by your character and one sentence indicated by “” If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members → https://discord.gg/hVZEjcK I also recommend you looking over the wiki so you can find good lore to include in your application 😄 WIKI
  13. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Denied Whoops, looks like your application didn’t make the cut for the following reasons 😮 I’m more disappointed you took the time and effort to make an account for this BUT, have no worries, you can create another application immediately after! If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members →https://discord.gg/hVZEjcK m I also recommend you looking over the wiki so you can find good lore to include in your application 😄 WIKI
  14. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Under Review
  15. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Denied
  16. chaosgamer_


    Whoops, looks like your application didn’t make the cut for the following reasons 😮 you did not make the necessary changes in time BUT, have no worries, you can create another application immediately after! If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members →https://discord.gg/hVZEjcK m I also recommend you looking over the wiki so you can find good lore to include in your application 😄 WIKI
  17. Changed Status to Accepted
  18. Welcome! as you can see, your application has been accepted, you did a good job making it! Please do /creq can I get a tour? so a community staff member can give you a tour of the server and explain the general commands and rules. If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members → https://discord.gg/hVZEjcK I also recommend reading the new player guide! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1 If you need any help from another community member, you can do /creq (message) on the server 😄
  19. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Accepted
  20. chaosgamer_


    Welcome! as you can see, your application has been accepted, you did a good job making it! Please do /creq can I get a tour? so a community staff member can give you a tour of the server and explain the general commands and rules. If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members → https://discord.gg/RVUFzQK I also recommend reading the new player guide! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1 If you need any help from another community member, you can do /creq (message) on the server 😄
  21. chaosgamer_


    Changed Status to Pending
  22. chaosgamer_


    As you can can see, you are almost done! I just need you to change a few things. Honestly I’m also quite stunned at the size of that biography 1 you need 2 lore references. These are referrals to our game’s lore. These can be either nation names, events, or history 2 your definitions are a bit vague. Please rewrite them to be as detailed as possible 3 I’m unsure on who the Heru character is in your biography. Is he the lord as in an actual god? If so, that isn’t possible since we already have a select amount of deities in-game If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members → https://discord.gg/RVUFzQK I also recommend you looking over the wiki so you can find good lore to include in your application 😄 WIKI
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