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    Wood Elf

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  1. Sawtooth_


    Sawtooth is from the tribe of wood elves known as the “Pe Lantan” or “people of the eternal light”. He earned his name from when he was held captive by the sheriff of Asulon and chewed his way through his bindings. It was during this time that Guraim was at Alras in Asulon and Sawtooth lost several friends to him. Sawtooth vows to find Guraim and get revenge. Sawtooth grew up as the son of a blacksmith who worked with blue steel. He is a stern follower of Cerridwen. When he has the chance he likes to do blacksmithing but prefers to make functional ironwork such as hinges and hooks, nails and trivits rather than simple knives, swords and armor; for these things see far less of the blacksmith than they do the whitesmith. Sawtooth is mostly quiet and keeps to himself but occasionally comes out for social rewards. You know what? this is stupid. there is absolutely no reason to be this argumentative over a game. you don’t like this profile then fine. I am black listing you and my son and I will go find another server. Avalon or something. have you tried NOT posting your server to the top game website? or is that the point? you want to just deny people for the power? I’m glad I didn’t bring my son into this kind of atmosphere, we’ve got enough of this pettiness in the real world as it is.
  2. Sawtooth_


    Day one: there I was. I was taken to a place- The hall of the mountain kings I stood high by the mountain tops Naked to the world In front of Every kind of girl. There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones, Black ones, round ones, big ones..... Freaky ones! Out of the middle came a lady. She whispered in my ear Something crazy
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