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Posts posted by libertyybelle

  1. Svetlana sat within an empty Morteskvan, staring off at nothing. She thought about her last conversation with the Queen and the wisdom she had imparted upon the  child. Though this death seemed to be a set back for the young Ruthern- she would not let it be. It instead would serve as a reminder that she must provide love where the Queen no longer could. 


    Perhaps that would be easier than anger, and Svetlana would surely try. 

  2. wiRUlO76GgDn1v3dzpxuzqBV_G2dP_iJiy0Vogm47NT_aAkkBJSchtDhJqlhY807lIq_7xD-xz_TxNkqO5tDiVXBwO7yj8Kth7H2_K6NwLhd_0IIzWfnlttJ83215XIjyEfGJbMzgdAbZF_EqCiSjlM





    Scene 1: Dining Room


    Upon each guest entering they are introduced by their name and seated at a specific part of the table.  They will each be announced and told the clues that are written below.


    They are welcomed by the host (Tatya) Duchess Morteskvan (DM), a friend to all. 




    DM: “Welcome all to my wondrous feast,  it is so pleasant to see such friendly familiar faces. I hope you all will enjoy the feast that has been cooked and provided by the wonderful Chef Cheaze. After the dinner, I will announce the final will I have settled upon. Please enjoy.”


    With that, the Duchess Morteskvan, sat down and began to her. A few moments passed as her eyes widened in somewhat of a fear. “You- no! How dare-” 


    The lights within the room vanquish, nothing can be seen. There is an eerie quiet and a gut wrenching scream that echoed about the room. A slash and a clatter is heard, along with scurrying. The lights are out for quite some time, no one able to see a thing. After long pauses and a fearful confusion, the candles relight.


    The Duchess lay dead upon her feast table, a gruesome scene indeed! Her food is scattered to the floor and fake blood surrounds the table. No murder weapon in sight, but a large fake gash in dummy’s back.


    Svetlana is a maid.






    The Bard (Anna) :

     The bard knows the Duchess because the DM is the Bard’s biggest patron, but recently- DM has been stingy with paying the bard. 

    The bard knows the Mage due to the fact she used to always be around the DM - but recently they have seen less and less. 

    Once upon arriving to Morteskvan, the Bard overheard the DM arguing with the Chef about the menu for tonights feast. 


    The Lumberjack (Para) :

     The lumberjack knows the DM because she works for her in the Black Company- but recently there has been talks of completely destroying the forest to expand Morteksvan.

    The Lumberjack knows both the Blacksmith and the Knight since they all work in the Black Company together

    The Lumberjack was requested by the Knight for an axe in order to make one of the recruits chop some wood.


    The Heiress (Comical) : 

    The Heiress is vassalized under the Duchy and it is said that upon the DMs death, she will inherit the whole estate

    The Heiress ran into the Lumberjack and the Knight talking about the axe when she was to dine with the Mystic. 

    She knows that the Mystic is the bastard of the DM’s mother- and if legitimized- would inherit the estate over her.

    Has a secret romance with the Libarian and was told by him that he would ‘do anything to make sure no one touched the inheritance’

    Knows the DM is with the Libraian and if it were to come out that they have been seeing each other would be shocking news.

    Was going to send an ominous letter to the Mystic threatening her but ended up burning it partially because she felt guilty.

    Lost her precious handkerchief


    The Knight (Erik) : 

    The Knight knows the DM because he works under her as the head of the Black Company Knights, it is said the DM and him got into it due to her firing him over negligence

    Requested and took an axe from the Lumberjack, actually using it for the recruit to chop wood. He left the axe locked up inside the Blacksmith’s shed with the only people who have keys are the DM, the Blacksmith and (secretly the Nun)

    Has seen the Nun before, and knows that she is a thief - the Nun though has bribed the Knight and it is up to the Knight how long he wishes to keep that secret.


    The Mystic (Dramatude) : 

    The Mystic knows the DM because it is said that she is the bastard child of the DM’s deceased mother and the ex-duchess!

    Has a terrible passive aggressive rivalry with the Heiress due to the jealousy of the fact that if the Mystic was legitimized- she would be the rightful heir to the DM’s estate and not the Heiress.

    Is able to ‘psychically manifest’ one clue during any point of the  investigation.


    The Chef  (Zuz) : 

    The chef of the feast- the chef knows the DM because he works within the kitchens of Morteskvan. It was heard that they recently were at odds due to differences of the menu for the feast!

    Saw the Knight put and lock up an axe within the Blacksmith’s shed

    Overheard the DM threatening the Nun over a terrible secret that was muffled!

    You saw an axe earlier that day in the library and not the Blacksmith’s shed.

    The farmer dropped off fresh food for the feast early in the morning and also came to check on the food quality right before the feast!


    The Nun (Cheese) : 

    The DM knows the Nun is not actually a woman of the church- but a thief in disguise. The DM has been blackmailing the Nun to do her bidding.

    The Knight knows you are a thief and you have bribed him to keep the secret- it is important to make sure he keep that secret or else that might make you look guilty.

    Is friends with the Libraian and often makes generous donations from the Church to the library of the behalf of Orphan Children (But of course pockets some of it for herself)

    You have a secret key to the Blacksmith’s shed.

    You lost the key outside the gates of Morteskvan


    The Blacksmith (Ben) : 

    The Blacksmith also works for the Black Company, it is said that recently he has been taking extra of precious metals and selling them on the side- the DM has found out and they got into a nasty altercation.

    You have one of the three keys to the Blacksmith shed

    You know that the Mage and the DM have recently grown apart due to the fact the Mage is obsessed with fake magic- you also know the Mage is secretly enraged with such a notion as she has recently been cut out from the will.


    The Librarian (Scourge) :

     The librarian is madly in love with the DM and she him - but they have been forbidden to marry - perhaps some sort of vengeance is being taken place.

    The Libraian receives large donations provided by the Nun from the church. 

    Has a secret romance to the Heiress and would do anything for her and has said he would ‘do anything to make sure no one touched the inheritance’

    Saw the Farmer pocket a random key upon coming to see the Heiress in secret, knowing that if anyone were to find out it would be a great scandal and ruin the Heiress’s reputation!


    The Mage (Unbaed) :  

    The Mage is an old friend of the DM - met within boarding school. Recently the DM has distanced herself due to the Mage’s odd obsession with false magic.

    The Mage is angry with the DM for recently cutting her from the will.

    Briefly saw the Libraian and the Heiress sneak off in the middle of the night holding hands (Its PG because they are all kids)

    You refuse to tell anyone that you have been cut from the will- as you are embarrassed!


    The Farmer (Chaos)

    The farmer works the fields outside Morteskvan, but there is a rumor that he is deeply in debt and the DM was originally supposed to help get him out - you are madly in love with the Heiress as well - finding out that she is with the Librarian sent you into a rage.

    The Farmer pocketed the key dropped the by the Nun outside the gates by your farm.

    You went in the middle of the night to the Blacksmith’s shed and retrieved the axed -  stowing it in the library.

    Early in the morning you dropped off food, moving the Axe to the kitchen for easy access.

    During the feast,  you not only poisoned what you thought was the Heiress’s meal but ended up poisioning the DM. Once you realized she was the one reacting the poision, you finished the job with the axe you tucked away just in case.

    At the end you must admit that you meant to poison the Heiress because you deeply love her and you are jealous! Gasp!


    Scene 2: The Kitchen


    Blood footprints lead within to the kitchen


    Make a note from the Duchess angry the chef  - hide it in the  pantry. 


    Another note from the chef to the lumberjack about the missing axe that was sentimental because it was the lumberjack’s dad’s axe and that he left him a surprise in the room.


    DIALOGUE: Upon entering into the kitchen, it is clear the chef takes great care of keeping it neat and clean. Though the blood trail ends here, scrubbed down evidently in the sink- the last remnants on the counter. 


    Scene 3: The Bedroom


    A letter from the blacksmith to the lumberjack telling him he left his axe in the blacksmith shed.


    A book is found checked out from the librarian - a book on grief - a letter in the page threatening him to stop checking out books without permission because she might find something she won’t like


    DIALOGUE: Entering into the Lumberjack’s room, the scent of pine is strong- almost a welcoming scent considering the haunted scene that has occurred. Nothing seems /too/ out of place, but it is eerie nonetheless.


    Scene 4: The Library


    Upon going through the maze they find the secret room - in the room is the heiress’s handkerchief and a semi burnt letter - on the letter it is addressed to someone you cannot tell who but the letter is from the Heiress and is telling the person to watch their back because they will not take the inheritance from her


    Scene 5: The Shed


    DIALOGUE: : There is a sign that says that in order to get in you must speak with the Knight, the Blacksmith or the Duchess. Upon opening the shed there will be footprints that match the bloody footprint in the dining hall! There is a muddy handprint right inside, perhaps you can compare them.


     There will also be a handprint on the wall - upon each of the guests matching the handprint it will match up with the Nun - the Nun will admit that she had a spare key but lost it outside by the farms.


    Svetlana will suggest a bathroom break


    Scene 5: The Bathroom


    Upon entering into the bathroom- the bloody axe will be there- finally the murder weapon has been found.


     Bloody gloves with it. The gloves have the Farmer’s initials. 


    Meet back in the feast hall and the Butler reveals that he is a detective and the party must vote against someone. They get three tries.



    OOC: I was told by some people they were curious of my planning behind the Murder Mystery event so here it is! I hope everyone had fun, I plan on doing it again. Took me a real long time to put it all together but I think it went well. Somethings are missing or added that weren't in the event, but tis show business!


  3. Lpw93C1G6jY0HkdwOEAhUr5fSerHU7SQM3lWAqyA5PCFVNTdWrpQeKcHJMhOHIfSrRUZPjKM119_SO7AR019KXxqOM89LqX_-0TUr4Er8SwQ9iTzKmQgATEkU162JNGuYsGSbWRwY0T7GesJsiH7Etk

    A Murder Mystery in Morteskvan





    Penned by


     12 I Grona ag Droba, 519 E.S.





    Within the echoes of the spectral chamber of Morteskvan, the castle is abuzz with hopes of an elite soiree. It is with great anticipation that a select few guests may attend a lavish costume dinner within our great halls.


     Do not dare be frighten, for nothing truly bad has happened within Vidaus yet.


    Upon sending a letter, you shall be sent one in turn with a character. It is asked by the hosts that you don the attire of such a role and do your best to portray it. 


    We do hope you shall die- dine with us.







    Saturday - March 2nd - 5pm EST - 10pm GMT


    Please respond IRPLY in the comments to get a character - I am limiting the event to 10-12 people!




  4. Eg5RP_jW5vptjSUWHUFp91gXUm8Op5I-mG4fyc6iBJLSNLRajU9pbcC0be8hvb7h9nmUc927-oyPk0XVwh63cAUyWZQCDYdAnil4kAbRmlxwIPvru8fB6yNV9b8oIwTD_EG3j2kwbvV-G3p0EWdDmGM






    Penned by


     [6] I Joma ag Umund, 518 E.S.







    It is with great pleasure and appreciation that we extend to you an invitation to a grand event in honor of the soldiers who protected the Duchy of Vidaus against the heretical raiders which threatened our lands. Along with the Haeseni people, this event shall also be in honor of Saint Juliya, the patron saint of love and marriage. This event will take place within the confines of the Duchy of Vidaus, nestled within the large walls of the Morteskvan Castle.


    As we gather to celebrate the timeless virtues of love and commitment, we invite you to join us in revelry and merriment. The ball promises to be an evening filled with treats, music and dancing beneath the shimmering glow of chandeliers. Engaging games and entertainment will be included within the celebration, appealing to all wallflowers and party goers who are in attendance. 


    The play Lorena’s Lament will also be taking place once party goers are settle into seats, the troupe working tirelessly to perform for the denizens of Valdev.


    In honor of Saint Juliya, renowned for her devotion to fostering bonds of affection and unity, we have prepared a feast fit for royalty. Indulge your senses with an array of delectable treats, including an abundance of candy and sweets that are sure to delight everyone who arrives.


    Attending this ball offers a splendid opportunity to forge new connections, strengthen existing bonds, and revel in the joy of camaraderie. We eagerly anticipate the pleasure of your company as we pay homage to Saint Juliya and celebrate the enduring power of love. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience to ensure your place among esteemed guests.


    May love and happiness fill your hearts as we come together in fellowship and celebration.










    Date: 2/23

    Time: 5pm EST - Play at 5:30 EST

    Location: Castle Morteskvan, Duchy of Vidaus


  5. FvxJreVwS_PbxRVUKKC3p19KHBgFHCOgYfe63M-DsUY41N2TC9Mucad5WJvZmy0f6ftpnmuna3fKcLPExZZ7KKuUWHetg_G7eXjGZvBa3cDBOK60uLRT78dNmhu4A2BJcs7ZGIAXQYik2MJsJb30Ei4






    The Duke of Vidaus was the center of attention in the quiet hall of Castle Morteskvan, his massive frame throwing a long shadow over the assembled multitude. The aged stone walls glimmered as torches danced along them, casting dark shadows over the features of people who stared back at him with an air of  fear


    The moment arrived to retake Mummer's Gate, a stronghold held by Ruthern's noble family. And all the people inside the old walls of the fortress felt a sense of urgency.


    Castle Morteskvan was alive with activity as purposeful footfall echoed off the worn stone flooring as personnel hurried to their assigned posts.


    Both troops and citizens clambered to get to the cannons positioned strategically along the parapets atop the imposing fortifications. Men and women with determined definitions positioned heavy cannonballs, preparing the artillery for the approaching attack.


    Amidst the organized chaos, the Duke's commands cut through the walls "Man the cannons! Prepare to defend our home!" His voice, tinged with urgency, guided the efforts of those who stood poised to repel the threat.


    "Ea will watch the front gate," declared Rhys, his tone firm as he strode purposefully towards the furthest gatehouse from the walls.


    A curt nod from Lord Ruthern signaled acknowledgment, his attention focused on overseeing the cannon-loading operations. "Da, take your hounds with you," he instructed, his gaze fixed on Rhys.


    "And you, bowman!" The Daemonsteel Duke pointed a commanding finger towards Konrad Stafyr. "Join my son at the front gate. Rain arrows upon our foes from there."


    "Pepper that second mammoth, I suppose," muttered Elathion, his brow furrowed in concentration as he adjusted his aim and triggered the cannon's ignition, releasing a satisfying hiss as the charge ignited, the cannon's barrel shifting to target the approaching mammoth.


    Time went on and with the assistance of a Norlander of the name Io- the young Lady Svetlana assisted in besting two mammoths alongside Elathion.


    “BOOM!” Screeched the little Ruthern in giddy excitement at the cannon jutted back- firing off the grapeshot set in place. “Hauchpapej- did vy see that- did vy see that! Ea did that!”


    “Solid shot now, time to reload!” Elathion barks, getting ready!


    “Ai! Vy have little time to gloat about shots, child.”


    Io rose their hand, forming a circle with their index finger and thumb to form the Lakian 'OK' hand symbol towards Svetlana.


    The second cannonball flies into the darkness toward the encampment. Through the roar of cannonfire on the other side, it's hard to tell what effect it might have had. Shortly after the third round of cannonfire - three large blue birds fly past, moving toward the gate. Lightning crackles from around their bodies, and a familiar figure at the head bird waves at them.


    “One more round of fire into the mummer's gate, then we go and reinforce the gatehouse.” Commanded Elathion.


    With another moment of set up, the canons were ready. A 'BOOYAH'  echoed ontop the walls as once again Svetlana set off the cannon.


    The last two cannon shots fired sail into the darkness. It was hard to tell whether they killed any of the enemy, but they can be confident they at the very least struck the structures. Only the other force would know how much help the shots were.


    Upon entering into the gatehouse- the other set of cannoneers were finishing their last shot. Io retrieved a spare lantern, and with a spark of octarine flames sets it alight, offering it to Svetlana. “The enemy likes the dark.”  The sentiment gentle in the chaos.


    “Fire if vy have bows!”


    And so- she held up the lantern. “Do niet worry- yam niet afraid of the dark. Ea like the dark!”


    “The enemy likes it more, keep some light at hand.”


    And so, the forces that besieged the walls of Morteskvan retreated, leaving the Chosen Ones to seek refuge within the courtyard's confines.


    A gust of wind heralded the arrival of Tyr, feared and formidable, his feet landing with a resounding crunch upon the soil as he advanced towards the gate dividing the courtyard from the entrance of Vidaus.


    From their vantage point, the Ruthern siblings observed as the Thrall leader, consumed by rage and desperation, hammered and berated the iron bars, relentlessly striving to shatter their confines.


    “Eam worried for hauchpapej an' ze others.” Sigmar would mumble out, watching the fighting below.


    The heiress and eldest, Lady Tatiyana, would peer down from the stone window towards the raiders as they littered the courtyard below her, a stern and stoic expression resting upon the childs features. “We are Ruthern. . .We worry niet and take pride in our battles, aye?” 


    As the Ruthern siblings sought refuge, the battle raged on beyond their sight, its intensity evident in the distant echoes of clashing weapons and desperate shouts.


    "DIE!" Elathion's cry shattered the momentary calm, interrupting the siblings' brief respite as the cacophony of crashing and scuffling reverberated through the air.


    The fight arrived now to the gate Tyr was smashing, and the Chosen Ones stepped in order to defend their leader. In the process, the Sergeant Stafyr slashed and brutalized as he jumped down to shield the spell being uttered by Ailred. Three of Tyr’s chosen piled their blades upon his flesh- inflicting not only with wounds but within poision.


    The Chosen, now slayed in their folly, attested to Tyr being the last to survive. Attempting to make his escape before being surrounded in the jousting yard.


    It was only a matter of time- blow from all angles came down. Elathion, Ailred, Rosalind together weakened him. The Dame Rosalind’s blade piercing fiercely through the heart of Tyr. Ending his reign without a single final word from his lips.


    “Ich prefer it this way.” Uttered the Dame, twisting her sword deep into the leader’s chest.


    His blood dripped down, covering the snow in crimson. The siege was over, Morteskvan free from the grips of terror that Tyr held. It seemed unreal as the quiet took over the yard. From the gates the people attacking Mummer’s arrived. 


    The shield of Tyr held high above the Duke’s head.




    Upon heading into the keep, the Duke took his throne- surrounded by his legacy ilk.


    "Ea shall be brief, for the battle was drawn out. Ea thank vy all for whetting vyr blades in the defense of Morteskvan and Vidaus, and of Haense.


    The next we shall see those fool shadow-men, et shall be us climbing their ramparts, and putting their homes to flame. Such es right, and such es as God would wish to see.


    Vy fought well, and acquitted vyrselves well. So ea thank vy, as Duke of these lands. Vyr contributions and vyr bloodshed shall niet be forgotten.


    Vy may rest as vy require here in Vidaus, for vy have earnt rest."


    The Duke raised up his axe before dipping his head to those present in the hall, a symbol of his gratitude to those defenders who were arrayed before him.








    This is a TLDR from what my character saw- much more happened but here is a tidbit! Thank you to everyone for showing up and helping and thank you to Mini and Sarven for the eventline.


  6. Sveta sat whilst the war outside her home raged on, she heard word of the Queen's retirement from the court- she thought fondly of the time the Queen taught her to make hot chocolate on a rather cold day. Seemingly, a core memory for the young Ruthern to hold onto for time to come.

  7. Sveta sat in her high towered room, welcoming the cold now instead of fighting against it. She pictured when she would sit with her mother before she grew ill. Still, she had yet to cry. Staring off toward the golden cross that sat on the mountain top aside the castle. 

  8. jEUtWdjYhvdR8k0BelLO04tVyug9OlANcb_h8h_mOnv0sJa3EEOYT473Uh5ITUCLicR2lcLIN7KNIrTH7_6wgHi1dcKsU8b45c9ZYxoeA_6Xtbq_Eu9GD_S-deiG6-g9ZXNIF3O2CN6rXuXEonuljvE







    [!] A sketch depicting quarters within the fortress of Morteskvan, the seat of House Ruthern.







    Esteemed Reader,


    Welcome to the mysterious realms that lie within the pages of this captivating tome. As you embark on a literary journey through the haunted corridors of the Castle of Morteskvan, perched ominously atop a desolate mountain within the Duchy of Vidaus.


    Prepare to be captivated by the chilling narratives of those who have encountered the ethereal inhabitants of Morteskvan – each tale, a glimpse into the afterlife that intertwines with the living world in ways that defy comprehension.


    Embrace the unknown, for within the Castle of Morteskvan, the line between the living and the dead blurs, and the veil of mystery beckons you to uncover the chilling truths that lie hidden within its haunted chambers.


    The journey you are about to embark upon is not for the faint of heart. 


    You have been warned.










    Within the Castle of Morteskvan, the spectral presence of the Lady Lament can be common if you are within the right place at the right time. Found within the Ballroom and the Master Bedroom, you can tell this phantom is about when you hear the soft weeping of a woman.


    Said to be Elizaveta vas Ruthern (nee Othaman) the first wife of Vladrick Var Ruthern. During her life she gave birth to Natayla Therese Ruthern and Josef von Grenzi. During her lifetime, she dedicated herself to being a loving wife and daughter to her parents Erik and Elizabeth Othaman before tragically passing away from an unknown illness at home with her husband.


    While initially spine-chilling in appearance, this ghost proves to be quite amicable, seldom causing more than a touch of mischief. Her mischievous antics often manifest in the form of leaving puddles in her wake, and the presence of wilted flower










    In the shadowed corridors of the barracks, a spectral figure silently patrols the grounds, a lingering remnant of a bygone era. This ghostly presence is the ethereal manifestation of a man who once stood among the formidable ranks of the Black Company, sworn defenders of the Lord Ruthern.


    In life, he was a stalwart warrior, his loyalty eternally pledged to the service of his liege. Now, in the afterlife, he haunts the walkways with a phantom resolve, as if standing eternal watch over the grounds he once defended. 


    The clinking of armor and the faint echoes of military drills resonate in his wake, a spectral reminder of a soldier's unwavering dedication that persists beyond the boundaries of mortal existence.










    In the dim corridors of the tip of Morteskvan a sorrowful figure, adorned in an ebony wedding gown, wanders in search of a union that never happened. The tale unfolds through creaking floorboards and whispered sighs, revealing a bride deprived of the joy of marriage.


    Those who explore the haunted halls witness the lingering echoes of an unfinished love story. The ghostly bride moves through spaces that were once envisioned for the laughter of a family that never came to be.


    Legend speaks of her as a malevolent spirit, harboring a particular animosity towards married and young women. In life, she was known for her jealousy and spite, traits that seem to persist in the afterlife. The ghost is said to cast a veil of misfortune upon those who have achieved the dreams she herself was denied.










    Within the cold and dark depths beneath the Castle Morteskvan, a spectral clergyman deemed the Crypt's Clergy finds eternal solace. Veiled in the darkness of the crypts, he serves as the eternal guardian of the honored House of Ruthern's departed kin. 


    With solemn devotion, this ghostly presence moves silently through the slated corridors, conducting spiritual rites and maintaining an otherworldly vigil over the resting place of the esteemed family's ancestors.


     In the quietude of the crypts, the reverberations of prayers and benedictions linger, creating a bridge between the living and the departed, where the clergyman's spectral watch remains perpetual.


    This spectral entity holds a fondness for the Ruthern lineage, departing the crypts monthly. With the ascent of the full moon, he materializes above the family's beds as they slumber, silently observing and uttering prayers for their well-being.

  9. Svetlana sat in her high tower within the cold peak of Morteskvan, the bitter winter biting at her nose. It was late in the evening when the young Ruthern heard news of the girl passing away. Though knowing her only briefly, she thought fondly of those fish and that little Vuiller who was kind enough to humor the weird girl from Haense. So, though the Ruthern never weeped, she felt a twinge of sadness deep within her- for the life which had been taken far too soon.

  10. e6IqSFDWXhhLqJXPj0mr-uSKc32S1ARo9_ZnZ3Oug3vSY2-hFgCgNZ2hZkbcreDvgclIxv4b696-8UAR_6VX9Ur5_vTEs4B64E_Ap3W4wIiMuoSdn2SA0NMSq867txM_oYlBU0N-SZMpt3Ajc02iiuI



    By his Majesty’s request, a new tradition shall be held henceforth entitled Balianalia. A festival in which the Crown and its adjacent family give back to the people who frequent the Kingdom. 


    During this time, the Crown shall spare no expense from their personal funds in order to celebrate the Peers, Denizens, Armada Forces, and those who hold all three.


    It shall be two saint’s days long and will host an array of activities.




    Portoregne Procession: 

    This Procession is to celebrate the Armada’s hard work and diligence for the Kingdom. They shall start at the Palace and walk through the city to the Barracks. As they pass, denizens of Balian shall throw small trinkets and flowers to offer their support.



    Once the Procession has been completed, the square will open. Vendors may sell their special goods, and games will be held for prizes provided by the Crown.




    Gift Bestowment:

    Upon the second day, his Majesty calls forth the peers and certain special denizens of the Kingdom to come forth to receive gifts for their hard work and dedication to the nation. Each gift thoughtfully planned out and orchestrated from King Adrian’s own taste.


    Hide N Seek:

    After gifts, everyone is invited into the Palace grounds for a large game of Hide n Seek. Winner shall receive a trophy and a 50 mina grand prize.


    Feast of  the Famished:

    To pay tribute to our ancestors who wandered previously through the desert to seek home, the Crown offers to host a feast within the Palace. Any requests can be made through the Palatiodora, but the food and drink will be plentiful.



    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Adrian I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Goza and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus, and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera


    HER EXCELLENCY, Lady Nicoletta Sarkozic

    Palatiodora of the Kingdom of Balian, Viscountess-consort of Pompourelia



    OOC: Two day event on Sat and Sun - the 12th and 13th

    First event on Sat starts at 2pm EST

    First event on Sun starts at 2pm EST


  11. The Palatiodora sat in her quiet home, husband and children away on a trip, and soaked in the news. With every passing tick of the clock- the heaviness of such an instance weighed further upon her shoulders.


    "She was so young." Muttered Nicoletta, eyes glazed over with a blank expression. 


    She didn't have the energy or the understanding to weep. So she only sat. 

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Maisie d'Arkent


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  13. 901685262_dsadsa-removebg-preview(1).png.f1a14340b29ca26415193c7111564736.png





    HRH, Princess Eirene Daria, Countess of Caluzzo has come to the age of five. Such requires celebration, so the Crown has deemed it fit to throw a nameday extravaganza. It is by her wish that we offer a range of exciting activities that will keep everyone entertained throughout the event.


    The itinerary has been set as follows:



    We will first begin with an opening ceremony introducing Princess Eirene into society properly. Nameday gifts may be given and bestowed upon Her Highness. 



    On the shores beside the Palace, a contest will be held. Whoever catches the most fish within the span of five saints’ minutes gains a trophy and the right to keep all the fish caught in the competition.



    Whoever is dressed the best and on the theme will gain a tin crown and trophy to take home. They also will receive the title Frate Fiesta for the evening.



    A pig will be set loose within the city and the person who finds and slays it, will roast the pig and provide the meat for the dinner held at the end of the party. They will also get a small prize for their efforts.



    HE, Lady Nicoletta Sarkozic

    Palatiodora of the Kingdom of Balian, Viscountess-consort of Pompourelia


    TH, Lady Irena Galbraith

    Amfitiro of the Aracione, Baroness-consort of Castelorena




    WEDNESDAY 6/19

    6PM EST



  14. 7 minutes ago, marimbamonk said:

    I believe it's possible for someone like Charlemagne to change, while also suffering the consequences of their past actions.


    We should prioritize the safety and comfortability of our members and anyone who has been victimized in the past, over allowing someone back on the server after such behavior because "they've changed." Great, you've changed. Move on with your life. Take your changed self and help people elsewhere; in another online community. You lost the privilege to be a member in this community the moment you took those actions.


    A Minecraft server isn't real life; the language used, threats made, and their effects are real life. So what exactly are we prioritizing here by allowing him to come back? Those of you who still want to hang out with him can do so on your own time, in your own space. Not here, where the shadow of what was done will always linger.


    For God's sake, this internet Minecraft server is a privilege, not a right. Keep him banned, and let's all move on as best we can.


    Just my two cents, given what I was able to understand about this situation

    i wish i could triple upvote this because this is perfectly said and perfectly executed. exactly what i was thinking

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