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As you ride a cart to Al-Wakrah it comes to a halt a bit before the bridge, you are asked to get out by the driver. The camels have flies buzzing around their eyes as they crane their necks down to drink the water from a trough. You would see a cart opposite you about to set off it is blue and white and looks rather cosy. After a rather shorter journey you arrive upon a hill overlooking a town. A man approaches you he is wearing a shawl over his shoulders and head, his face is in shadow due to the time of day. He pushes past you and a glass bottle falls out of his bag, it smashes on the floor. You would turn to try and find him but he would be gone, as your mind returns to the smashed glass you see a note. "Alchemists you have been invited to the White Vial." There would be room for you to place your reply in the bottle. ((Application)) ((Username: ((Skype (you can PM me): ((Professions:
The Loving Maiden Orphanage Are you a child with no place to call home? Are you a lady of the night with a child that’s making it difficult for you to work? Are you a nobleman with a bastard you fathered with a cousin? If so come over to the Loving Maiden orphanage where all unwanted and unloved children are welcome to play and be free with other terrible mistakes and accidents! Located in Al'Wahkrah, along the path to the right of the stairs in the city square, housed in the old Mages Guild house, we house any and all children, feed them, provide them with a roof over their heads, for now we only take on children and do not accept adoptions for the time being of course. If you wish to be free of your heavy burden of a mistake, or have already been discarded of and wish to stay, simply come by or send a bird to one of the co-owners, Reginald and some unimportant employees. We have an array of caring and loving adults that look after the children and act almost like mothers and fathers to them, we are self sufficient, though donations are welcome. Disclaimer: The Lusty Maiden Orphanage is not responsible for any wrongdoings or laws broken by children currently staying under our roof. OOC: Application, simple enough it's just so we know who you are and maybe why you're interested in staying at the orphanage. IGN: RP Name: Age: Short Bio: Why you're inteterested: Skype (PM if you want): (( P.S, not gonna be a normal orphanage, if you pretty much want to be a normal orphan at a loving orphanage this most likely isn’t for you, but if you like interesting and fun rp feel free to come by, or make a post on this page, anything more and it’ll ruin the surprise. ))
The Holy Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi God is our Strength History The Holy Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi was established in the year of 1531 by Amethu Denaseth, Amir of the Sultanate of Khalestine. Founded in the palace of the Al-Wakhrah with the blessing of Imam Kareem Ibn’Yrdam, the Order was born to protect the lands of Vailor, the True Believers of Allah, and to prepare for the coming of desperate and dark times. To increase the administrative efficientcy, ‘The Holy Order of the Alwahdat Alwaqi and ‘The Order of the Mubarizuns’ were merged as ‘The Order of the Alwahdat Alwaqi’ accepting all that were willing. Prosperity in Khalestine fell during the last war between the ‘Men of Oren’ and the ‘Dwarves of Urguan’ and the Alwahdat Alwaqi lost their manpower and was almost disbanded. With the recent stability that has found Khalestine in the year 1549, The Warriors of the Holy Order of The Alwahdat Alwaqi have risen again. Purpose The Holy Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi is an independent order within the Sultanate’s military. The order is based on the principle that all life is holy until it is corrupted by Shaitan. We protect all the descendents and children of Allah from the influence and spawns of the Shaitan. The first duty of the Order is to protect the family Kharadeen. The Order shall act as their personal retinue and will protect them from all dangers, holy and unholy, good or evil. The second duty of the Order is to protect all the children, elderly, and descendants of Allah from all the unholy and evil dangers that may threaten them and bring aid to the children and descendants where is needed. The third duty is to protect the Righteous faith and spread the word of The Exceedingly Merciful through the lands of Vailor and to the descendants, showing them the eternal flame of Allah. Joining the Alwahdat Alwaqi Warriors of the Alwahdat Alwaqi are required to be citizens of the Sultanate. They need to be Qalasheen or Farfolk and they are required to believe in the Righteous Faith. Exceptions can be made for the most loyal followers of House Kharadeen and/or the most devout believers of the righteous faith. Code of the Alwahdat Alwaqi My duty as a warrior of the Alwahdat Alwaqi now begins. I am the shield of Allah, Protecting His Word, His Land, His People. I am the sword of Allah, Striking down His enemies. I am the guardian of His Word, Spreading His Will and His Light. My bond is eternal. My duty as a comrade of the Alwahdat Alwaqi now begins. I am my brother’s shield, I shall defend him when he cannot himself. I am my brother’s sword, I shall strike for him when he cannot himself. I am the guardian of his honor, For we stand as one. I will fight alongside my brother. I will die alongside my brother. My bond is eternal. Ranks A member of the Order will act according to his rank and will follow orders of a member higher in the hierarchy. If conflicting orders are given, a member will always listen to the highest commander. The High Command Sultan The Nation Leader of The Sultanate of Khalestine. The Sultan holds divine right to the ruling of Khalestine and has absolute power over everything within the Sultanate. The Sultan is the one that chooses the direction of the military. His soldiers will offer their loyalty and respect towards him. His involvement is generally indirect, however, and is typically handled by his Amir. Amir (The Marshal) Current: Amethu Denaseth An Amir is appointed by the Sultan to run the military as the Marshal. The Amir is responsible for running the military and retinues, protecting the city and civilians, protecting the Sultan, and ensuring order is kept within the land holdings. The Amir also advises the Sultan on matters of war and conflict. An Amir may hold trial against an person if accused of a crime. If the accused is foreign and of important value to another nation, the Sultan or a Steward from The Office of The Munavin will hold the trial. Alkabir (The Commander) Current: The Alkabir, chosen for his faith and devotion to Allah and for his prowess as a commander, is entrusted to lead the Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi in Faith, and heads the Alwahdat in times when the Amir is absent. He is chosen personally by the Amir for his many skills. Mustashar (The High Councilor ) Current: Imam Faiz Ibn Qhuhafah The Mustashar is a experienced steward who handles the financial and managerial affairs of the order. He is entrusted as the religious and political and diplomatic representative of the Order. He acts as an advisor of the Alkabir during absence of the Amir. The Lower Command Faris Alkabtin (Captain) They are the officers and instructors of the Order. They are true warriors with many skills, most importantly their skill of command. The Faris Alkabtin are the elite and have committed their lives to serving Allah and to protect the innocent from darkness. They wield the authority during military expeditions and on the battlefield, taking a captain’s role. Faris Almutawaf (Officer Errant) The Faris Almutawwaf are the errants of the Order. They go out in Vailor and will help the local population and spreading the word of Allah to the world. They also act as assistants of the Mustashar, acting as diplomats and stewards of the Order and helping the stewards of Al-Wakhrah with their duties. Errant’s possess a passion for traveling while representing the Sultanate. The Vanguard Faris The Marafiq who completed their trials will be given a place within the Order. The Faris is the main force of the order, they have many duties, combat and noncombat related. They will uphold the ideals and principles of the Order until their oath ends. Marafiq Squire The newest addition to the Holy Order of the Alwahdat Alwaqi. A citizen who shows devotion to the True Faith and undeniable loyalty to the Kharadeen and Khalestine, will be given a chance in the Alwahdat Alwaqi. The Marafiq will undergo a series of trials. A Faris will accompany the Marafiq as a mentor and judge. Payment & Rewards The Khalestine military uses an honour system. A soldier will be paid accordingly to the duties he fulfills. The more duties one fulfills, the more pay and rewards one is eligible for. Application ((OOC)) MC Name : Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : Timezone : Do you have a Skype? If yes, please PM it to me : ((RP)) Name : Age (Teenager, Adult, Middle-Aged, Old, or Venerable): Gender: Reason for wanting to join the Alwahdat Alwaqi?: Are you a Qalasheen or Farfolk and do you abide by the True Faith? : Please give us a little bit of your background ((A short paragraph )) :
The Order of Mubarizuns A family crest adorned with the an angled crescent moon and star. Purpose Called upon by the Sultan to protect the Children of Allah and the Jewel of the Sultanate, the Mubarizun are the champions of the City of Al-Wakhrah. They stand as role models for the citizens and must be willing to risk their lives for the greater good. The Mubarizun offers those with bravery and skill to put their skills to a noble cause albeit strength alone is not necessarily required to be oathed. While individual strength is important, the Mubarizun push themselves to learn as much as they can - whether that be in the realms of politics, culture, language, or science. While off duty, a guard of the Mubarizun might be in Al-Wakhrah library studying or enjoying a smoke at the ****** lounge among comrades and citizens. The Mubarizun follows a strict code once oathed. Virtues of the Qalasheen To protect the citizen of Khalestine from interior and exterior threats. To protect the Sultan, Allah’s appointed leader for the Qalasheen. To protect and share knowledge gathered for the benefit of the Qalasheen. To show no fear when facing a foe. To respect those in command. To know restraint when dealing with the foolish. To take personal responsibility for any wrong doings. To present one’s self in the best way possible. To pursue knowledge into old age. To know humility. To avoid the gossip of prideful men. Joining The Order of the Mubarizun All willing and able are allowed to apply for joining The Order of the Mubarizun. when you have joined The Order of the Mubarizuns, you will become a citizen of The Sultanate of Khalestine. If you already are a citizen of the Sultanate of Khalestine and you do not believe in the righteous faith, you will be exempted from the foreign tax, when you join The Order of the Mubarizuns. The High Command Sultan The Nation Leader of The Sultanate of Khalestine. The Sultan holds divine right to the ruling of Khalestine and has absolute power over everything within the Sultanate. The Sultan is the one that chooses the direction of the military. His soldiers will offer their loyalty and respect towards him. His involvement is generally indirect, however, and is typically handled by his Amir. Amir An Amir is appointed by the Sultan to run the military as the Marshal. The Amir is responsible for running the military and retinues, protecting the city and civilians, protecting the Sultan, and ensuring order is kept within the land holdings. The Amir also advises the Sultan on matters of war and conflict. An Amir may hold trial against an person if accused of a crime. If the accused is foreign and of important value to another nation, the Sultan or a Steward from The Office of The Munavin will hold the trial. Low Command Naqib (Captain) A Naqib is a senior officer with many years of experience within The Order of Mubarizuns and chosen for his amazing prowess in combat and leadership. Appointed by the Amir to command a large group of muharib and jundi during military expeditions. Many are often given the tasks of recruiter and drill master. Raqib (Overseer) A Raqib is a Muharib who not only showed skills in battle, but, also skills in leadership. He will be trained in the arts of leadership by a Naqib or by the Amir self. A Raqib will test it’s leadership skills as a leader of a squad of the Mubarizuns. They are also the main recruiters of the order. Sub-Rankings Mwahtemed (Quartermaster) The Mwahtemed is an title given to those who show capability of doing such jobs as making sure the other soldiers are equipped enough to do their tasks. Specializing in the organization of arms, ranging from weaponry to armor, the task of the Mwahtemed is to assure that their fellow soldiers are equipped. Muhandis (Engineer) The Muhandis specializes in the use of military siege weaponry, such as siege crossbows, battering rams, catapults, and trebuchets. Jarraah (Surgeon) The Jarraah is the lifeline of the military by making sure the injured and wounded do not die with the use of advanced medical knowledge, vital to the job. Mutadarrib (Trainee) The Mutadarrib is an oathed recruit, they will be taught all the professions, however they will eventually specialize on one subject. The Enlisted Muharib The Muharib are the most devoted and steadfast soldiers of the main force. The men are experienced with fighting battles and are the well-disciplined fighting elites. Jundi The Jundi is the vast majority of the Mubarizuns force. They are the footmen and militiamen who serve as the primary protectors of the Sultanate and the bulk of the battlefield during war. Alwafid The Alwafid are the new unoathed recruits of the Mubarizuns and are required to be oathed by the oathing standards set. If the Alwafid is not oathed, they may not receive any additional ranking. Alwafid who are looking to work around the foreign tax must wait to be oathed. Payment & Rewards The Khalestine military uses an honour system. A soldier will be paid accordingly to the duties he fulfills. The more duties one fulfills, the more pay and rewards one is eligible for. Application ((OOC)) MC Name : Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : Timezone : Do you have a Skype? If yes, please PM it to me : ((RP)) Name : Age : Gender: Please give us a little bit of your background ((A short paragraph ))
---------------- BASICS Name: Fakhiri Kharadeen Gender: Male Age: 10 Race: Human (Farfolk) BIOGRAPHY There is not much to say at the moment. Fakhiri is just starting life as a young prince of the Caliphate of Khalestine. He did go through a notable phase of eating sweets non-stop and getting chubby. When he turned six, he turned things around and started running around the Caliphate and eating healthier-sized portions. PERSONALITY Fakhiri is a very mischievous boy. He can often be found running about the palace terrorizing whatever or whoever he can find. He loves to explore and make new friends. He's extremely innocent and naive, still learning the ways of this world. STRENGTHS Climbing, hiding, causing trouble, being adorable, and running. WEAKNESSES Sweets, naive, not physically strong yet, weak stomach, and following instructions. APPEARANCE The boy stands at 5' 2", weighs 89 lbs, has a dark complexion, medium-length wavy black hair, and hazel eyes. RELATIONS FAMILY Father: Arlen Kharadeen Mother: Irsia Kharadeen Sisters: Amina Kharadeen Grandfather: Caliph Faiz Kharadeen Grandmother: Arabella Kharadeen Uncles: Malik and Alai Kharadeen Aunts: Ceto and Sahar Kharadeen ARTWORK [Coming Soon!] THEME SONG:
((Ambient Music!)) The Order of Mubarizuns A family crest adorned with the an angled crescent moon and star. Purpose Called upon by the Caliph to protect the Children of Allah and the Jewel of the Caliphate, the Mubarizun are the champions of the City of Al-Wakhrah. They stand as role models for the Qalasheen and must be willing to risk their lives for the greater good. The Mubarizun offers those with bravery and skill to put their skills to a noble cause albeit strength alone is not necessarily required to be oathed. While individual strength is important, the Mubarizun push themselves to learn as much as they can - whether that be in the realms of politics, culture, language, or science. While off duty, a guard of the Mubarizun might be in Al-Wakhrah library studying or enjoying a smoke at the lounge among comrades and citizens. The Mubarizun follows a strict code once oathed. Virtues of the Qalasheen To protect the Qalasheen from interior and exterior threats. To protect the Caliph, Allah’s appointed leader for the Qalasheen. To protect and share knowledge gathered for the benefit of the Qalasheen. To show no fear when facing a foe. To respect those in command. To know restraint when dealing with the foolish. To take personal responsibility for any wrong doings. To present one’s self in the best way possible. To pursue knowledge into old age. To know humility. To avoid the gossip of prideful men. The High Command Caliph The Religious and Nation Leader of The Caliphate of Khalestine. The Caliph guides holds divine right to the ruling of Khalestine and has absolute power over everything within the Caliphate. The Caliph is the one that chooses the direction of The Order of Mubarizuns. His soldier will offer their loyalty and respect towards him. His involvement is generally indirect however and is typically handled by his Amir. Sultan The Sultan acts as a secondary nation leader, focused to serve the nation internally. Generally holds the same power as the Caliph, but may have any motions he carries out to be overruled by the Caliph. The Sultan will act as a regent if the Caliph is absent. The power of Sultan is assigned by the Caliph. Amir An Amir is appointed by the Caliph to run the Mubarizuns as the overall General/Commander. The Amir is responsible for running the military and city guard, protecting the city and civilians, protecting the Caliph, and ensuring order is kept within the city and land holdings. The Amir also advises the Caliph on matters of war and conflict. An Amir may hold trial against an person if accused of a crime. If the accused is foreign and of importance value to another nation, the Caliph or Sultan will hold the trial. Low Command Naqib A Naqib is a senior officer with many years of experience within The Order of Mubarizuns and chosen for his amazing prowess in combat and leadership. Appointed by the Amir to command a group of muharib and jundi during military expeditions. Many are often given the tasks of recruiter and drill master. Raqib A Raqib is a Muharib who not only showed skills in battle, but, also skills in leadership. He will be trained in the arts of leadership by a Naqib or by the Amir self. A Raqib will test it’s leadership skills as an acting leader of the city guard division of the Mubarizuns. On military expeditions a Raqib will always support a Naqib. The Enlisted Muharib The Muharib are the most devoted and steadfast soldiers of the main force. The men are experienced with fighting battles and are the well-disciplined fighting elites. Jundi The Jundi is the vast majority of the Mubarizuns force. They are the footmen and militiamen who serve as the primary protectors of the Caliphate and the bulk of the battlefield during war. Alwafid The Alwafid are the new unoathed recruits of the Mubarizuns and are required to be oathed by the oathing standards set. If the Alwafid is not oathed, they may not receive any additional ranking. Alwafid who are looking to work around the foreign tax must wait to be oathed. Sub-Rankings Mwahtemed (Quartermaster) The Mwahtemed is an title given to those who show capability of doing such jobs as making sure the other soldiers are equipped enough to do their tasks. Specializing in the organization of arms, ranging from weaponry to armor, the task of the Mwahtemed is to assure that their fellow soldiers are equipped. Muhandis (Engineer) The Muhandis specializes in the use of military siege weaponry, such as siege crossbows, battering rams, catapults, and trebuchets. Jarraah (Surgeon) The Jarraah is the lifeline of the military by making sure the injured and wounded do not die with the use of advanced medical knowledge, vital to the job. Mutadarrib (Trainee) The Almutadarrib is an oathed recruit, they will be taught all the professions, however they will eventually professionalize on one subject. Application ((OOC)) MC Name : Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : Timezone : Do you have a Skype? If yes, please PM it to me : ((RP)) Name : Age : Gender: Reason for wanting to join the Mubarizuns?: Are you a citizen of the Caliphate or willing to become one?: Please give us a little bit of your background ((A short paragraph )) :
Nafis Yar "Got to go home today - Guess today was a good day." A human male of Qalasheen and 'Slantie' descent. At the prime age of 22 and often goes by 'Naf' or 'Qali' among his people. Prone to going on needless adventures and killing things in the name of God. Hard as a diamond. Description "I ain't the hardest Qali in the land, but I am a grown man ready to step up to these pigs." At 5'9 (175.26 cm) and weighing in at 159 lbs (72.12 kg), Nafis is far from anything considered spectacular. Growing up on his own before being taken in by Enepay Jharar, Nafis is malnourished in scrawny. As an adult, Nafis has new found strength after years of dedication to his aspirations. Nafis is now generally more muscular after training under Rilkor Niwarsay and Zhulik Nezhit. Nafis' eyes are a light brown, almost appearing 'amber' in direct sunlight. A scar across his right eye was the lasting impression left by an Adrian in battle which Nafis has embraced as a sign that the enemy could take his eye, but could not take his life. This has left Nafis poor eyesight in his right eye, near blind. His hair is generally nappy when grown out, having sported dreads in his youth. His eyes are an almond shape, unlike that of many Qalasheen leaving testimony to his mixed ethnicity. After a near death incident as a teenager, his dreads were forced to be cut to reach severe wounds on his cranium. Since then, Nafis has kept his near black hair close cut as it has been easier to manage. Nafis, like most Qalasheen, is of dark complection though he is lighter than most due to being a successor of Decurion "Rageccius Cato" from Imperial Oren. Nafis generally identifies as solely Qalasheen though, having never met his decorated war veteran grandfather or being close to his own father. Personality and Health "I wish to be engulfed in flame so that I may blaze through the ranks of the kafir until Allah judges I should burn out, leaving nothing left in the path I create." The young Qalasheen, although he maintains some signs of immaturity from his youth, has become a realist - especially to the horrors this world carries. Endless conflict in the realm has had a dramatic impact on Nafis, warping his views. Nafis is hot-headed, rash, and fiercely loyal. To a stranger, Nafis sounds apathetic in responses and generally holds no real interest in those he does not know. His demeanor may appear cold to others. Nafis carries a sense of duty though to protect who he calls "good folks". Since he reunited with his people in Vailor, he has executed numerous 'cultists', bandits, and others wishing harm upon those he has tried defending. His technique puts off those faint of heart, such as when he slit the throat of a Waldenian bandit over Al Wakhrah's town center fountain's edge in front of the masses. Despite all of this, Nafis is known to be kind among loved ones and willing to sacrifice a lot for their benefit. Nafis, as of recent, is blind in his right eye after an Adrian nearly took his life in one of the battles. Otherwise he would be considered healthy physically. Nafis has unintentionally allowed his mental health to deteriorate. Not everyone is meant for war no matter their skill, and Nafis proves this. Increasingly irritable, sleeping irregular hours, paranoia,and growing stress has continued to take its toll on Nafis - leaving his future bleak. Inventory "I used to have a couple toys, my Qali. But the strykewyrm wanted those childish things too." Nafis, when not in uniform, typically wears his coat with fitted arm guards gifted to him by his former teacher Zhulik Nezhit. Accompanying this, Zhulik also gifted him a brown bandanna that Nafis wears around his neck. Around his neck, Nafis wears a necklace with the Lorraine Cross which is testament to his growing ties to the Orenic Faith. Nafis also wears "The Ring of Piscatoris" on his finger, a gift from the woman who adopted him which was given to her by Nafis' grandfather (who had adopted the woman when she was young, coincidentally.) When not pinned onto his tabard, Nafis carries a golden flower pin in his breast pocket - a gift from his beloved friend Zahrah. Nafis believes the small gift is his ward of protection, and looks to it often as his push to press on when things get rough - at least for Zahrah's sake. One of his longest kept possessions, a leather bound book adorned with a red Lorraine cross which was written by his grandfather and passed on through the family. Nafis tends to like sharing the contents of it to others. [A description of the Orvari Warblade Nafis carries] A bear-head pommel adorns the hilt, made entirely of bleached whalebone and covered in a chain of silver inlaid Gorundyr (Celtic) knots. The letters +ULFBERH+T can be seen engraved into the crucible forged, broad blade, trailing up it’s fuller from the hilt. Life Style "My fire burns more fierce than Khalestine's sun, this righteous flame protects me from mutts tryin' to take my life." Nafis Yar, albeit trying to be a good person, may not always be considered as such to a stranger's eye. His trouble with Khalestine's law as well as opposing forces may make him appear to be a troublemaker. Generally speaking, Nafis would not wish harm on those who he does not deem inherent of such treatment. Nafis worships the Creator and grew up under the teachings of "The Righteous Faith" (The Qalasheen Religion). As he grew older however, his grandfather's legacy has pushed him to delve in the teachings of Lucienism and other former sects of the Orenic Faith pre-Canonism. As of now, Nafis has quit the Mubarizun force of Khalestine and has moved on to help reform the Order of St. Lucien under a mysterious man named Baudric. Although recently receiving notoriety among his people for his actions as a "soldier of Allah", Nafis is still but a commoner. In his youth, Nafis kept to farming to make ends meet. In his free time, Nafis fishes and hopes to buy a boat after the war to make fishing a living in order to spend more time with his second mother and his significant other (both being fisher-women by trade). Nafis is quite the fighter after years of training under two mentors, Rilkor Niwarsay and Zhulik Nezhit. The former taught him sword play while the latter taught him archery. Nafis has given up on archery after losing his right eye, though he is still able to pass on what he learned to others. Nafis maintains his sword play and has developed an effective offense style with his Orvari Warblade, a gift from Morvan of Orvar. With a heavy reliance on constant movement and no reliance on a shield, Nafis makes use of cheap tricks and unorthodox tactics to gain the upper advantage in fights. To him, there is no honor in being defeated by the enemy and survival is all that matters in the end. While unable to use a normal bow, Nafis sometimes makes use of an arbalest which Baudric has taught him how to use. Biography "My greatest fear is that these mutts will come for my loved ones for the **** I did to em'." Nafis was born on the 23rd of Malin’s Welcome, to a Qalasheen mother and Easterner father in an abandoned town off the coast of Deus Proditor. The young Qali lived in content with just these two people under a strykewyrm, a burrowing beast found in the sands, consumed his parents in its rampage. Appearing to have blocked out the incident, the young boy proclaimed himself a monster slayer and traveled the lands in search of work. Needless to say, no one took him seriously which forced the boy to become a beggar. Another much older Qalasheen, Enepay, discovered the boy and took him under his wing as an older brother. They would travel around Athera for a year before eventually going to a newly built city named Al-Dirahk, made to unify the Qalasheen and other farfolk tribes. Unknown to Nafis though, a house was already left on reserve for him by the Caliph. Nafis made many friends as a child, creating a family he had lacked for sometime. He was even adopted by a foreign woman named Ellian who eventually moved into the city to look after him. This support rubbed off on Nafis, who eventually took in a lost Qalasheen woman with amnesia who was given the name Zahrah. Blissfulness was not certain, however. With the deaths of friends at the hands of Deus Proditor's perils from the walking dead to the strykewyrms, Nafis became determined to become a true warrior. The death of the Caliph's uncle, known as Uncle Siris, had the most profound effect on Nafis which pushed the young boy on edge. Nafis looked to those who had survived and kept them closer with his friendship with one in particular becoming feelings of affection. Feelings of inadequacy in preventing the deaths of comrades and the betrayal of one of his mentors, a Waldenian named Zhulik Nezhit, forced Nafis off the deep end. Zhulik Nezhit murdered Prince Arlen Kharadeen in a drunken fit and Nafis was unable to do anything, also under the influence. Unable to push himself to kill Zhulik Nezhit, Nafis ran off and lived in Deus Proditor's barren deserts for years. Because of his absence, Zhulik Nezhit was not caught. Nafis would eventually meet the strykewyrm that had eaten his parents, but nearly escaped with his life in what one could consider a 'draw' between the beast and Qalasheen. In search of his second mother Ellian, Nafis set out on ship and traveled to many foreign, empty lands before eventually making it to Vailor. Believing his loved ones were all gone, Nafis traveled to Oren where he met a man named Hadrian Chivay who asked for his help in the war effort against Adria. Noting another Qalasheen man named Amethu serving the loyalists, Nafis felt obligated to help. Nafis knew his grandfather also served under Chivay and thought it would do the deceased ancestor honor by continuing his legacy. Asked to help with recruiting, Nafis went back to the "new" Khalestine to look for Qalasheen to assist his cause. Nafis was approached by a mysterious Waldenian named Baudric who spoke of reforming the Order of St. Lucien, a long disbanded order that Nafis' grandfather served in. Nafis agreed and set out to recruit for the Order so they could assist Hadrian and the other Loyalists as he had promised. Slowly, Nafis reunited with a few long lost friends such as his second mother Ellian, his "older brother" Enepay and his soon to be wife Isra. Troubled with the changes to his peoples' land as well as not fitting in among the growing elfen populace, Nafis considered leaving. It was only when he was reunited with Zahrah while on gate duty did he opt to stay in order to look after her, now a man. Since he was a young boy, despite her being a few years older, Nafis kept her close to his heart even when he was out on his own for years. The Orenian Civil war intensified and the Caliphate ultimately got involved. Nafis proposed to Zahrah the night before he left for Felsen in preparation for the battle, to which she said yes. At the battle, Nafis lost his right eye in a near death experience when face to face with a man from Brelus. After the Loyalist victory, Nafis returned home to reunite with his loved ones. However he would be afflicted by the horrors of war, deaths of his battle brothers from the Order of St. Lucien, and coping with the ongoing skirmishes. As if fate destined it, Zhulik Nezhit (now a homeless man), returned to Khalestine. Not recognizing him at first, Nafis gave him coin and food upon inviting him into his home. It began to set in that Nafis recognized Zhulik and upon remembering, confronted him on murdering Prince Arlen. In his fury, Nafis assaulted Zhulik in his house which ultimately lead to Zhulik ripping open Nafis' stomach and Nafis decapitating Zhulik, ending the Waldenian's life. Enepay and Ellian came to Nafis' rescue, stitching him up. Only Allah knows what is to come Nafis' way after this holy retribution was delivered. Artwork (A modern depiction of Nafis Yar and Zhulik Nezhit.) (A masked Nafis playing music.)
Irsia Tehrani Nicknames: None, as Irsia is considered easy to pronounce, and means Rainbow in the language of the sands. Age: Nineteen Gender: Female Race: Qualasheen, (FarFolk) Status: Alive Alignement: Chaotic Good Description Height: She'd be around 5ft4 Weight: 110Ibs Body Type: Irsia carried a slim, petite form, her abdomen flat and showing no signs of fat nor muscle weight. Her legs would be toned from tracking across the desert, though her arms and body cannot provide much muscle. She appears to have gained subtle curves across her body through her adolescent years. Appearance: Her eyes are that of a deep, glistening, jade, surrounded by a full set of lashes, lightened to a brow colour within the burning sun. Her thick, dark black curls fall freely down her back in heavy waves, framing her delicate facial features. With a caramel complexion, tanned from the pounding sun, Irsia has softened and delicate features. Her jawline is defined, but her cheeks are smooth rather than hollow. A light blush is almost constantly spread across them. Irsia's lips carry a gentle peach tone. Health: Irsia is relatively healthy, and does not currently carry any illness. She eats healthily though carries very little muscle. Personality: Irsia is very naive, whether this is due to her age or lack of experience in every possible matter, that remains unknown. This innocence leaves her to be very trusting of others. She is quick to make friends, and rarely doubts someone's word. Personality traits: *Quirky *Modest *Naive *Religious *Trusting *Alluring *Innocent *Easily Impressed *Envious Life Style Deity: Allah Religion: The most righteous following of Allah. Alliance/Nation/Home: The Caliphate of Al Dirkah Job/Class: Al-Mudeer of the Caliphate Title(s): Al-Mudeer Flaw(s): Irsia is often too naive for her own good and is very innocent. This leaves her being easily tricked, or under-educated on some issues. She struggles to grasp more romantic or intimate suggestions or thoughts. Weaponry Fighting Style: Irsia prefers to run from any type of harm, or shout to bring others to help her. She is nearly always within proximity of some sort of trusted guard force. Despite this, she often carries a jeweled, envelope knife tucked away in her satchel; relatively harmless though sharp enough to cause a cut. Trained Weapon: None Favored Weapon: The jeweled, envelope knife. Archery: None Biography Parents: Her elderly parents passed away on the journey to Al Dirkah Pet(s): A small pet rabbit given to her by Enepay, which she affectionately named Omid, meaning hopeful in the language of the sands. ~*~ Relations to be added over time ~*~
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