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Found 7 results

  1. Zvaervauld Honeydrops Issued naf zwy 14th hag i Joma ag Umund i 462 ES. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, With the production of Zvaervauld lilac honey now consistently underway, House Weiss has sought to expand beyond the raw product into more refined goods. Given the sweet and delectable taste of honey we saw no venture more fit for the first expansion than an irresistible candy: honeydrops. Honeydrops are a hard candy, crafted with care by our dedicated artisans. By mixing sugar, water and lemon juice then heating the mixture we get a solid base for the creation of our hard candies. Our signature lilac honey is then added to the mix, stirred and all is caramelised until the hard-crack stage. At this point, we pour the mixture into moulds and allow the candies to set. Then off they go - straight to your tummy! For an endearing flare, we take the extra time to craft moulds of all bee-related varieties. When you buy a pack of mouth-watering honeydrops you’ll find yourself with bees, hives, honeycombs, and flowers (especially lilac, of course!). Get your first un-bee-lievable pack today! Sold on Market Stall III. Tested and accredited by the youngest of Weiss! Iv Joveo Mann, His Lordship, Armsman Audo Weiss Her Excellency, Dame Via Weiss, Knight Paramount of Hoonseti-Ruska Lady Sierra Weiss
  2. Writ of Banishment Of Ser Snottyus of Karosgrad Ser Flemius being beaten by the Order of Rooftop Dwellers, circa SA 51 FOREVER MAY HOONSE PROSPER, After the grave slight of Ser Flemius of Karosgrad against Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Klara of Hoonseti Rooska, he is hereby banished forevermore from all lands and holdings of Hoonseti Rooska. With this writ comes the information that Her Royal Majesty has been forced to flee Hoonse, when pursued into the vast and glorious lands of her kingdom! Pursued by the wicked Margot Baruch and Her Majesty’s own treacherous aunt. Now, she has been dragged, unwillfully back to Karosgrad, and denounces the actions of all involved parties. Her Royal Majesty also declares the establishment of The Order of the Rooftop Dwellers, knights of Hoonseti Ruska dedicated to protecting their Koenas. Her Royal Majesty also declares that Osric Tsecsar is hereby created a knight under the Order of Rooftop Dwellers, forever more to be known as Ser Osric 'The Loyal'. SIGNED, Her Royal Majesty, Klara Elizaveta, Koenas of Hoonse
  3. WRIT OF ABDICATION Issued by Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Anastasya Isabel On this 11th of Wzuvar and Byvca, 398 E.S. To the People of Hoonseti-Ruska, It has been fourteen years since I founded the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Ruska, alongside my Aulic Council, as a space for the children of our Kingdom to gather in a community of their own - free from the control of parents and other adults in their lives. I am now much older than I was then, and I do not feel as though it is suitable for me to remain as the Koenas of Hoonseti-Ruska. It is a Kingdom for children, by children, and I am no longer a child. Therefore, I have decided that I must abdicate my title of Koenas of Hoonseti-Rooska to the person that I view to be the most capable of carrying on the legacy for the children of Haense… And that is my young niece, Prinzenas Klara Elizaveta, whom I do duly abdicate all of my titles to. Krusae Zwy Kongzem, long live Koenas Klara of Hoonseti-Ruska. IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Anastasya Isabel, by the Grace of Godan, Queen of Hoonseti and Rooska.
  4. The 395 Scavenger Hunt of Hoonseti-Rooska To the Citizens and Allies of Hoonseti-Rooska, The children of Haense will participate in a scavenger hunt organized by the Commissar of Recreation (COR), of the Mayor’s council, in cooperation with Her Royal Majesty, Anastasya Isabel and Adelina Bishop of The Koenas’ Council. This occasion serves as the first event in a long while, tailored specially to the citizens of the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Ruska. All children of the kingdom are invited, and encouraged to attend, but only those keen thinkers with the sharpest of eyes will succeed and be rewarded for their talents. The following shall outline the proceedings of the hunt: - The COR will open with a speech upon the stage, introducing the event and thanking the mayor for approving it. - Teams of up to 6 are assembled; given shields and hats of differing colors, and a name to identify their teams. - Chests with the color of the teams will be placed in the square beside the stage, when Items are found, they are to be returned to those chests - Adelina of the Queen’s Council, and the C.O.R will give clues to the audience that will hint at the locations of the items, and what they're looking for. - After the clues are given, the teams will be released to search for the items. - After a 45-minute-timer is completed, or after the last item is found and brought to the council stage, a lunch will be hosted in the prikaz dining room. [!] A map would be attached to the bottom of the poster, outlining the boundaries of the scavenger hunt Signed, Her Royal “Majesty”, Anastasya Isabel Barbanov-Bihar, Queen of Hoonseti-Rooska, Princess of Hanseti-Ruska, Duchess of Karlsburg, Baroness of Antioch Adelina Bishop, Event Collaborator of the Queen’s Council (OOC: Event will be held Monday, October 18th at 5pm EST, starting in the Haense Square)
  5. TO THE KINGDOM OF NUURLAND; AN ULTIMATUM This 9th of Tov ag Yermey, 384 E.S. TO THE KINGDOM OF NUURLAND By order of Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Anastasya I, the following communication shall be made to the Dual Kings, and the Kingdom of Nuurland itself. Events between our two nations have reached the final days of decision. For two whole months, the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska and the Kingdom of Nuurland have pursued each other in cooperation, and even friendship (in OUR HEADS). Our nation will continue to be the coolest, and strongest ever, while we try to do a lot of really cool things. Cooler than Nuurland. First, we will shut down ALL BULLIES and bring all enemies of the Highloonds to justice. And, second, we must prevent enemies who copy our Kingdom and try to be as cool as us. Because they can not be like us. We’re Hoonse and they’re not. To the Kings of Nuurland, we say no more.We have done nothing to have you copy us, but we will do everything to end it. The Crown wishes not to break this unprecedented peace. Therefore, to the Kings of Nuurland — consider this our final warning. Below is a list of grievances inflicted upon our Canoonist State; I. Copying our declaration of independence. That was really mean II. Trying to make pictures better than us. We don’t even know why you would try we have the best artists in the realm. So not cool. III. Calling adults smelly: they’re tyrants, but they're not smelly. My Mamej smells really good. With these grievances in mind, the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska hereby demands the following terms be met; I. A Public Apology for being super mean to the Aulic Council of Hoonseti-Rooska and the Crown. II. A Payment of FIFTY KRAWNS for being big copy-cats of the Aulic Government and the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska. III. A supply of eight hermit crabs - one for each member of the Aulic Government and the Crown. The Crown offers one Saint’s Week for the following terms to be met by the Kingdom of Nuurland, else an official Declaration of War shall be made. It is the hope of the Crown that these matters be resolved peacefully, through diplomatic solutions. However, if our demands are not met, if our grievances are not remedied; we shall pursue rectification with the utmost vigilance. No matter the means; no matter the cost. (we don’t care about bloodshed. We have the strongest military ever. We are not afraid.) IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Anastasya “the Perfect”, by the Grace of Godan, Queen of Hoonseti and Rooska, The Coolest Person in the World, Beloved Leader of Everyone, Absolutely the Most Beautiful Person You Will Ever Meet and I Don’t Care What You Have to Say About it Eirik Baruch. His Excellency, Eirik Baruch, Lord Palatine of Hoonseti-Rooska, Anastasya, Why Do You Keep Making Me Write These. There Are So Many Servants In The Palace You Literally Have At Least Twenty Personal Servants. Her Excellency, Margot Sofiya Baruch, Aulic Envoy of the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska, Honestly I’m Just Glad To Be Here, Although I Would Rather Be Playing Pirates In All Honesty, But I Guess Being Lady Envoy Is Pretty Cool Too. Pirates Get In Really Big Fights You Know, That’s Pretty Much Like Going To War, My Papej Told Me That War Is For Really Tough People - Oh, Apparently I’m Supposed To Stop Writing Now.
  6. THE VERY AWESOME TREATY OF ALLIANCE AND FRIENDSHIP AND DESTROYING NUURLAND Agreed on the 7th of this Msitza ag Dargund, 386 E.S. Between the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska and The Principality of Helsreach ARTICLE: SOVEREIGNTY The Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska and the Principality of Helsreach, hereafter "the signatories", do pledge mutual recognition of sovereignty and agree: I: THAT the power of rule of each signatory in their respective territories shall be fully respected by the other; II: THAT the signatories accept the authority of the Koenas of Hoonseti-Rooska and the Prince of Helsreach as representative of the will of their peoples and thus the signatories shall recognize no other position claiming such. ARTICLE II: NON-AGGRESSION The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that any forces affiliated with their banner, nation, reigning bloodline, etc., shall not engage in military action against the other signatory. If such were to occur, the signatories shall endeavor to resolve the issue diplomatically. I. Signing parties formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for a duration of ten years. After the expiration of this pact, a renewal may be negotiated. II. Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another. III. Residents of the Principality of Helsreach are protected while in Hooseni territories, and residents of the Kingdom of Hoonse are protected while in the Helsreach’s territories so long as they act within the laws of the respective realms. ARTICLE III: MILITARY ALLIANCE The signatories enumerated do mutually agree to a full military alliance, promising the whole of their forces in the instance of aggression towards either nation. In the event of an offensive war, the signatories agree to attain the assent of the other signatory before a declaration of war is promulgated. ARTICLE IV: DURATION The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that this Pact shall last a period of eight years, with the option to renew or abrogate upon the expiration of that period. IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Anastasya “the Perfect”, by the Grace of Godan, Queen of Hoonseti and Rooska, The Coolest Person in the World, Beloved Leader of Everyone, Absolutely the Most Beautiful Person You Will Ever Meet, Also Thank You Uncle Franz For Telling Us To Write On This Treaty, I Still Don’t Understand Most Of It But I’m Also Still Really Super Smart. Smarter Than Eirik. His Imperial Highness, George "The Magnificent '', by the Grace of God, Prince of Helsreach, Duke of Napland, Duke of the lower badlands, defender of all red wooled sheep.
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