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THE SCHOLAR'S FORUM: A Speaker Series at the NGS
AndrewTech posted a topic in Human Realms & Culture
THE SCHOLAR’S FORUM A Speaker Series at the Northern Geographical Society PART I: Adolphus von Alstreim The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ Join us for an Exclusive Event! ✵ The Northern Geographical Society has long been proud of its status as being the closest thing to a neutral arbiter in the world of academia. Being committed to the preservation of the historical, cultural, and intellectual heritage of the descendant races, our museums have served as forums for the free exchange of ideas. This has been part and parcel to our mission over the course of the last two hundred years. As we seek to actively take up this mantle once more, we shall be launching a regular speaker series known as THE SCHOLAR’S FORUM, to which we shall strive to invite scholars to discuss their academic works with others in an open setting. These may include historical treatises, anthropological studies, mythological dialogues, the natural sciences, and accounts of exploratory endeavors, the authors of which shall all be eligible to participate in this prestigious affair. Both non-members and members of the NGS are encouraged to submit studies to partake at their leisure. To begin our speaker series, we shall be hosting the honorable ADOLPHUS VON ALSTREIM (@Nectorist), a renowned historian known for his work in documenting the historical legacies of the Pertinaxi and Petrine empires. While the NGS has made no endorsement of and holds no formal opinion on these studies, his works are known by many throughout humanity. Though controversial to some, others consider them to be a commendable resource that has educated the general public on the later part of human history. ✵ THE WORKS OF ADOLPHUS VON ALSTREIM ✵ THE HISTORIA PERTINAXI (NOTE: These histories are a Work-In-Progress by the author) THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE HOLY ORENIAN EMPIRE Miss Dodaitose, the Secretary to the President of the NGS, shall be serving as hostess and as a neutral arbiter during this event in the NGS Flagship Museum’s hometown of Chambery, just north of the Petran capital on the riverbank. She shall begin by posing a series of questions from the NGS to Prince Adolphus, and thereafter shall open up the floor to questions and inquiries from the audience as we seek to facilitate an open dialogue from both admirers and critics alike. To reiterate, all non-darkspawn in good legal standing throughout the descendant realms are welcome. You do not have to be a member of the NGS to attend. Once again, we look forward to welcoming scholars and intellectuals from across humanity and Aevos to our halls. In order to submit a study or series of studies to be discussed in public at a future sitting of the Scholar’s Forum, please send a letter to Dodaitose (@AndrewTech) at 1 Celestial Square in the Free City of Chambery. SIGNED, Dodaitose 土大外勢 Secretary to the President of the NGS ((OOC:)) -
A Grand Opening! An Event to Open the Flagship Museum of the NGS The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ NGS CHAMBERY ✵ Exhibits Opening! Since our arrival in the lands of Aevos, our researchers have been hard at work documenting the New Frontiers of this mysterious continent through our many exploratory efforts. However, the upkeep of museums for the people of the continent remains a key part of our organization’s mission to spread the light of knowledge unto descendant kind. As such, we are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of our Flagship Museum in the Free City of Chambery! This institution will be one of many we hope to furnish in the coming years. Though we've yet to open our global archives and these exhibits will be continuously added to and evolved, we hope that this start might allow us to start educating the people of Aevos once again. It is our hope that our headquarters will be only the first of many to come. -Elizabeth Brae President of the Northern Geographical Society ✵ Natural History Exhibition Hall ✵ Explore our Natural History Exhibition Hall to learn about the wonders of our world and the Aevosian continent! Includes: -5 Biomes -11 Lecterns -Complete Map of Aevos -200+ pages of natural history -An Aquarium! ✵ World Cultures Exhibition Hall ✵ Learn about the various races and cultures of Aevos in our World Cultures Exhibition Hall! Includes: -Several Architectural Dioramas -31 Lecterns -Countless Artifacts -400+ pages of history -Map of Arcas ✵ Rotating Exhibition Hall ✵ See the NGS’s writings and displays on the continent of Almaris in our Rotating Exhibition Hall! Includes: -Maps of Almaris -11 Lecterns -200+ pages of natural history ✵ Biographical Exhibition Hall ✵ Explore a sampling of biographies on historical figures written by the NGS over the past century and a half! Includes: -A Selection of Artifacts -28 Lecterns -400+ pages of written biographies -Special Exhibition: History of the NGS ((OOC:))
THE NORTHERN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ FOREWORD ✵ ~+~ An Early Society Meeting Under President Herbert, c. 1772 ~+~ Founded by Celestine Herbert in 1762, the Northern Geographical Society (NGS) considers itself to be a highly prestigious, international scholastic organization made up of anthropologists, historians, naturalists, cartographers, and other varieties of scholars and adventurers. We are dedicated to the preservation and diffusement of historical, natural, and cultural knowledge through the upkeep of museums across the continent of Aevos and the undertaking of expeditions to expand the horizons. In order to do this, we maintain a chain of museums across the continent with the goal of eventually establishing one in every major Aevosian country. The institutions we maintain serve to educate the public on a variety of different topics in the fields of culture, history, and naturalism across the land. The operations of the NGS transcend state borders, and our Society takes great pride in the academic, ethnic, and cultural diversity of our membership. Our museums are all operated by professionals with impeccable credentials in their areas of expertise, and we take great pride in both our independence as an organization and in our reputation as an unbiased academic society of the utmost integrity. We often go on expeditions in order to expand our horizons and push new frontiers as well as administer these higher institutions of learning, and thus consider ourselves to be adventurers as well as scholars alike. ✵ Leadership of the NGS ✵ Elizabeth Brae 3rd President of the NGS (Art by @frankdh) The President The Vice President Museum Curators Division Chiefs The Celestial Trust Executive Leadership Museum Curators Division Leaders ✵ Our Museums ✵ The Northern Geographical Society takes great pride in the upkeep of our public educational institutions. As the original pioneers of museology, we consider the establishment of public museums to be one of the most effective ways of promoting learning and intercultural awareness across the continent. The NGS Flagship Museum ~ Chambery, Petra ~ (NOTICE: As the NGS vaults are still being cataloged and unloaded, our public exhibits are not expected to be fully open for the next several years.) Our Future Museums ~ Coming Soon to Balian, Talar'Nor, and Others! ~ ✵ JOINING THE NORTHERN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY ✵ ~+~ A Meeting of the Celestial Trust in Aevos, c. 1927 ~+~ While we take great pride in our status as an academic organization characterized by impartiality and integrity, the Northern Geographical Society also considers itself to be a tightly knit family. We care very greatly for the members of our Society, and we as explorers, academics, and adventurers pull work together to pull our resources so that the mission and vision of the NGS might be realized. There are a number of different ways of getting involved with the Northern Geographical Society, easily suiting whatever amount of time and effort a person wishes to dedicate to our organization. From volunteer tour guides to world esteemed scientists, academics, and mages, we at the NGS value a wide variety of skill sets and employ them in the pursuit of our mission. The easiest way of joining the Celestial Trust is to approach the executive leadership, namely the President of the NGS, about becoming a member of one of the Society’s three divisions. They will then become initiates and may choose to render their services in the fields of Research, Exploration, or Diplomacy in whatever manner they see fit as they strive to be awarded full membership in the Society. ~ NGS Research Division ~ ~ NGS Exploration Corps ~ ~ NGS Diplomacy Division ~ To Join one of these divisions of the NGS, please pen a letter to the Office of the President at Celestial Square 1, Chambery, Commonwealth of the Petra expressing your interest in such.. [[Add AndrewTech101 on Discord, send Elizabeth Brae an IRP bird, or send an IRP Forum DM]] THE CELESTIAL TRUST The Celestial Trust is a brotherhood of equal peers, representative in nature of the three divisions of the NGS. It serves as the governing board of the organization, voting and deliberating on administrative matters, affirming the nomination of new Trustees, and proposing expeditions and programs to undertake for the betterment of the NGS and of Aevos. Every member of it has proven their dedication and loyalty to the values of the Northern Geographical Society in some way, shape, or form. They are all acclaimed in their own right as both adventurers and as academics, although some might be more focused in one area than another. In order to gain admission to the Celestial Trust, an individual must prove themselves worthy enough to receive a nomination from the President. This can be done either through noteworthy achievements done outside of the NGS or through multiple years of service as a member of one of the Society’s divisions.
- scholars
- exploration
(and 2 more)
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THE RESOLUTION OF SAN LUCIANO 12th of Sigismund’s End, 1924 IC | 12th of the Deep Cold, 128 SA It has been eighteen long years since the passage of the Resolution of 1906, nearly a generation since the decision was made to disband the Northern Geographical Society into the Celestial Trust. In the time since then, the Trust has endeavored to support scholastic and cultural endeavors throughout the continent of Almaris. However, the recent victories of the Mori over the descendant races and the latest declaration by the Brotherhood of Brev have given us cause for grave concern. By order of the Grand Trustee, the vast collection which the Celestial Trust has been made guardian over shall be secured for transport and steps shall be undertaken to prepare to arise to the challenge of exploring a New Frontier. It is for these reasons, and in the belief that action is required to rise to the challenge ahead, that we, the Chief of the Wittenbach Clan and the Grand Trustee of the Celestial Trust, have agreed upon the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CELESTIAL TRUST: The decision to restore the Northern Geographical Society is not one that we have taken lightly. Yet, many of the reasons for our dissolution are now null. A new continent ostensibly awaits us beyond the carnage that lies outside of the walls of San Luciano, and we will rise to the challenge of exploring it. We shall therefore travel unto New Frontiers in the pursuit of our Society’s mission, that we might both preserve and expand the knowledge over which we steward. And furthermore, in these dark and trying types, we would offer to any disparate members of either the Society or Trust that are yet to be reunited with us the following words of comfort. For as long as a dream remains in the hearts of those who believe in it, it can never be destroyed. As such, the light of descendant kindness and knowledge shall continue to persevere, should we only continue to have faith in ourselves. Signed, Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach President of the Northern Geographical Society James Vursur Vice President of the Northern Geographical Society
A Study on Modern Numismatics: Polarizing Impacts of Domestic Currencies on Markets in Almaris Dr. Elibar’Indor Hilea Doctor of Political Economy Master of Research for the VSSA & Affiliated Research with the NGS Northern Geographic Society Press Published 79 S.E. ABSTRACT Since the arrival of settlers in Almaris, production of the mina has been stagnant. Prior literature suggests that the Cloud Temple monks have decreased mina production, prompting national treasuries to create domestic currencies in their respective nations. However, the creation of domestic currencies have the potential to create a politically polarized climate in their host nations. This article details the history of numismatics in descendant nations, the economic motivations to transition away from the use of commodity currencies, and the alienating effects of domestic currency reliance. Note that this study uses the VSSA citation style. INTRODUCTION For as long as recorded economic literature spans, it is generally implied that the dominant currency has been the mina. The mina has been a convenient form of trade between individuals since its initial production by Cloud Temple monks. Governments, merchants and consumers alike are thought to have favored the mina as a commodity currency, one which is backed by the inherent value of the materials used in production. No matter the economic state of the realm, actors in the economy did not have to worry about the value of the mina in their bank accounts, as its value was backed by inherent worth; the worth of their coin would not fluctuate, even if the real prices of commodities did. These traits defined the mina by three critical properties: universality, accessibility, and abundance. The mina as a commodity currency thus provides denizens with the ability to use the mina as a means of exchange across nations (universality), the acknowledgement of minae at nearly every banking institution (accessibility), and the sheer amount of mina available in the money supply, as it was produced by a central minting authority rather than individual governments (abundance). The abundance of minae is a trait especially enticing the state treasuries as they would not have to invest materials or labor costs into the production of a domestically minted currency. Exceptions to this rule have existed throughout history, such as the series of Halfling societies which instead opted for trade through barter, but the mina remained the dominant currency in nearly all major descendent societies. However, the arrival to Almaris has been accompanied by a decrease in the amount of mina available to the general public. It may very well be that Almaris is a continent lacking and devoid of the necessary natural minerals used in the production of the mina. Although it is unclear what the physical coin is minted from, other industries have experienced stagnation in natural resources. The eastern Almaris economic crash of the 1860’s was credited to the depletion of precious minerals in the Komnenos mines of Oren (Ana, 1865). The production of jewelry and beauty products which made use of these precious resources became challenging, just as we may assume the production of minae did due to a scarcity in the necessary minerals used in production. Without declassification of the mina production process from the monks, it is impossible to make a definitive deduction, though there is obviously a plausible foundation for correlation. However, the rhetoric of state treasuries implies that the reasons for creating domestic currencies is also tied to politics that are distrustful of foreign societies and currencies. Nonetheless, the scarcity in mina did begin to spur a wave of domestic fiat currencies in Almaris to replace the mina. These currencies differ from minae in that they are minted by a particular government, backed by the monetary authority of the issuer rather than the intrinsic value of the materials used in production. From Haelun’or to Haense to Uruguan, nations have begun the production of fiat currencies to replace the mina, assuming agency of their own economies. The success of these domestic currencies continues to be a topic of discussion and warrants further research, though the political effects remain completely unexamined in current academic literature. Rather, this study intends to analyze the political origins and influences of domestic fiat currencies on their consumers. How can domestic currencies alienate nations from international markets? HISTORY OF DOMESTIC CURRENCIES Early exceptions to the rule of minae dominance included predominantly human examples. On Axios, the Margraviate of Ponce began to issue their own domestic currency, the Silver Pound, produced from their nearby silver mines (Falk, 1634). The Silver Pound was a commodity currency backed by the fluctuating prices of silver, but still represents an exception to the dominance of mina in early societies. More recently, the Imperial Mark was the short-lived currency of the Holy Orenian Empire (Penton, 1836). The Imperial Mint was the first to begin the production of paper bank notes to accompany metallic coins of lower denominations. Initially minted in 1836, the new currency superseded any other domestic currencies minted through the prior edicts of 1765. Nonetheless, Oren had begun to dabble in fiat currencies, creating a means of exchange wherein value was entrusted by the issuer. Almarian examples begin with initiatives from Haelun’or, where the Silver State sought to escape the “crumbling economy of Almaris” through the creation of their own national currency, the Ibar’thilln (An’asul, 58SE). While the creation of an Economic Reform Committee also created a series of guilds tied to particular industries, it also maintained that the Ibar was the only acceptable means of exchange within Haelun’or. Rhetoric used by the Okarir indicates that there are political motivations to shift “towards freedom from the festering greed of our enemies. For Mali'thill do not need their fruit, their produce, their coin to survive, for we are more than capable of thriving with no more than the efforts of the purest of elves” (An’asul, 58SE). The Haelunorian example makes heavy usage of alienating rhetoric, implying that the “crumbling” economy of Almaris is directly related to the universality of the mina. Further, the United Provinces of Dùnrath have recently begun minting their own currencies. The Rathonian currency exists in a peculiar space between commodity and fiat currencies, reliant on both the faith of the issuer as well as the fluctuating prices of metal relative to the Almarian mina (Sutharlainn, 73SE). The Monetary Act of Dunrath implies that the mina is an unstable and illegitimate currency, but does not present rhetoric which directly subjugates foreigners or implies that the declining state of the Almarian economy is the fault of non-Rathonians. Recent introductions of new domestic currencies in the Dwarven economy have also been attributed to a declining age of economic expansion. Though the Kingdom of Urguan had previously used a faulty domestic currency – the Karzul – the Grand Bank has recently issued the Minek as a replacement (Goldhand & Grandaxe, 70SE). The Minek is, decidedly, a fiat currency as the conversion from mina is subject to an exchange rate dictated by the Grand Bank. Nonetheless, the Minek is also attributed to a floundering economy of the “Second Age.” Of course, the most prominent and dominant instance of modern domestic fiat currencies rests with the Hanseti Krawn, similarly attributed to fix economic woes, though does not make use of the fiat currency. Introduced in the early 1800’s, the Krawn originally included bronze, silver and gold denominations. Since the Krawn is backed by the value of minerals as an asset, they retain their value as a means to mitigate inflation (Vyronov, 78SE). Economic downturn is also credited as the reason for reliance on domestic currencies, citing the rapid inflation of the price of mina relative to the Krawn, but also the economic ramifications of recent warfare. Perhaps warfare implies increased government spending on expensive military equipment produced by Hansetian industries, increasing the overall demand (and equilibrium prices) of related goods used in military production. The implication is that the inflation caused by militaristic spending would have an expansionary effect on the demand for certain goods, causing an increase in prices. Nonetheless, Hansetians cite the Krawn as a means to prevent creeping inflation and are increasingly proud of their domestic currency. ISOLATION OF DOMESTIC MARKETS The effects of domestic currency reliance, in all cases, can imply the isolation of various markets that is no longer reminiscent of the mina. Recall the attributes which define that of the mina: accessibility, universality, and abundance. Without banking institutions which accept a standard international currency, access to domestic currencies becomes difficult to those conducting international trade. Commerce suffers as a result of foreign consumers being unable to access their own money. While a Hansetian may spend their Krawn domestically, visiting Dunrath becomes an issue, should they wish to purchase goods using their Krawns. Conversion of the Krawn to Agra at Rathonian banking institutions may not even be possible, let alone the conversion of Agra to mina, should the Hansetian possess only the Krawn (Sutharlainn, 73SE). The same is true of a Rathonian in Karosgrad, or a foreign consumer in any market which makes use of domestic currencies. Thus, national treasuries have sacrificed the universality of their currency for a marginal increase in agency of their domestic markets, forgoing accessibility and universality. The abundance of domestic currencies may vary between nations. The result of this alienation is an economy which becomes increasingly reliant on domestic goods rather than international imports. The degree to which domestic currencies may decrease imports is yet to be examined, but conventional wisdom would suggest that the lack of accessibility and universality could create an isolated domestic economy. This is especially true in economies where the domestic currency is considerably weaker with fewer consumers. However, this may be a desirable effect to some nations. For instance, the Ibar is spurred by distrust of foreign banking institutions, accompanied by the desire to create a more intimate domestic labor market (An’asul, 58SE). Perhaps the Ibar creates an incentive to engage in foreign commerce outside of Haelun’or, leaving Haelunorians to their own devices and creating domestic economic activity that is not reliant on exogenous markets. To others with less centralized economic hubs and more rural populations, the decrease in foreign commerce may have an alienating impact on the domestic markets. Without imports, the economies which have a comparative disadvantage in the production of most goods would suffer, unable to capitalize on their abundant resources in exchange for the imports they so direly need. CONCLUSION Although domestic currencies are almost sure to isolate domestic markets from international commerce, the effects may be viewed as desirable to some economies. For those with a reliable domestic labor force, suitable capital to produce the demanded products, and the political will to detach from international reliance on the mina, the isolation of domestic economies can arguably be viewed as a favorable outcome. Economic analysts should be urged to conduct cost-benefit analyses when minting domestic currencies, and further research should explore quantitative impacts of domestic currencies on imported goods. There exists a potential field of research to explore the rise of domestic currencies and the differences between means of exchange. I have opted to coin a term for the study of currencies (pun intended), dubbed “numismatics.” Rooted in the Flexian word for coin, “nomisma,” I find that numismatics can be a useful field of study for macroeconomists across Almaris, further informing national treasuries and mints of potential economic policies. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ana, J. (1865FE) The Beauty Industry Crash of 1865. Red Rose Industry. ((Link)) Falk. (1634FE) The Silver Pound of Ponce. The Ponce Exchange. ((Link)) Goldhand, H.; Grandaxe, D. (70SE) Urguani Economic Reform. The Grand Bank of Urguan. ((Link)) Penton, H. (1836SE) The Imperial Mint. Ministry of the Treasury. ((Link)) Sutharlainn, D. (73SE) The Monetary Act S.A.73. Grand Governor of the United Provinces of Dunrath’s Office. ((Link)) An’asul, U. (58SE) In Regards to the Economic Reformation of Haelun’or. ((Link)) Vyronov, G. (78SE) Krawn Exchange & New Krawns. Golden Crown Bank. ((Link))
A Missive to Scholars & Writers The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ The NGS is Now Hiring! ✵ The Northern Geographical Society has found itself in need of writers for a multitude of our exhibit displays. While we take great pride in publishing most of our works internally, there are a number of studies which we have still yet to finish. Aas our organization continues to expand and grow, we have found there to be a need to produce more studies on a variety of different subjects to fill our museums and supplement the work of our own scholars and writers. Thus, we have elected to pay such individuals 50 MINAS PER STUDY from a select list that is submitted to and approved by our Chief of Research, Tanith Vursur, or to Director Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach. The subject matters in question include the following: Cultural Studies: Urguan - An in-depth analysis of the Dwarven culture and way of life to supplement our existing displays on the Dwed people. [AVAILABLE] Haelun’or - An in-depth analysis of the High Elven culture and way of life to supplement our existing displays on the mali’aheral. [AVAILABLE] The Kharajyr - An in-depth analysis of the Kharajyr culture and way of life. [AVAILABLE] Crowns of Haense - An in-depth study into the Crowns of Haense. The Biharist Crown, Andrian Crown, and the Boyar Cap especially require examination. [AVAILABLE Geographical & Miscellaneous Studies: Ancient Coins - A thorough study on the history of currency in Almaris, namely of the mina in ancient times and those currencies used by various countries throughout the ages. [AVAILABLE] The Athera Expedition - A written, in-depth description of the explorations of Athera by both the Kingdom of Haense and the Holy Orenian Empire. [AVAILABLE] Lands of Haense - An in-depth study into the lands of Haense including Karosgrad, the surrounding countryside, and the kingdom’s Crownlands. [AVAILABLE] ALL STUDIES MUST BE PRESENTED IN AN UNBIASED, WELL ARTICULATED MANNER. Incoherent or biased academic works that do not meet the high standards of the Northern Geographical Society will not be afforded compensation. All books must be at least 15 pages long, but may be greater in length to suit the subject matter or material. If interested in authoring some of these works, please send a bird for more information to Tanith Vursur @Urahra or Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach @AndrewTech. Thank you for reading this missive!
A Grand Re-Opening! An Event to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the NGS The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ NGS KAROSGRAD ✵ Exhibits Opening! After nearly a decade of collecting artifacts and producing scholarly writings, the Northern Geographical Society is proud to announce the opening of two more permanent exhibits in our flagship Karosgrad museum. ✵ Haeseni History Hall ✵ Explore the history of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, and the figures who made it the nation we know today! Includes: 5 Busts 11 Podiums 15 Artifacts 200+ pages of history Greyspine Rebellion Diorama ✵ International Hall ✵ Learn about the various races and cultures of Almaris in our International Hall! Includes: 6 Sections 30 Artifacts 14 Podiums 400+ pages of Anthropological Information OOC: NGS Karosgrad Museum Sunday, March 21st 4:00 PM EST