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  1. [ON ORCISH VIOLENCE] The violence of the orcish people has shaped their history, and the world. Many orcs would lament the violence and injustices of their people, yet recognize the pleasure many of their kin face. There are two ideologies within the orcish people, a conflicting force that guides some to honor, and many to evil. [MABAJ BOT OB ARMAUK] I HAVE A WORLD OF ENEMIES To some, violence is simply a means of communication. Orcs fight against the world, inwardly and outwardly. They have torn themselves apart with this violence, fracturing far more times than any of the other descendants. To an orc, especially one without restraint, violence would simply be a way of life, but by no means an honorable one. This blind violence is often seen as a means of expression, or proving oneself, but often withers as an orc and their mind age. Violence proves strength, and strength proves worth in the eyes of a bloodthirsty orc. In past ages, orcs simply battled each other to prove worth and status, but as their people have been culled, and enacted violence on themselves, this self-mutilating desire has faded into something more coherent. Strength is important, and the orcish people pride themselves on their straight-forward and direct action. [GRIZHAKÛRZ-DARÛK] BLOOD DRUNK FOOL Wasteful bloodlust begets more bloodlust. The damage that the orcish people have done are seen in the veins of history. Haruspex and shamans are clearly aware of how internal strife taints the grish. Many orcs pride themselves in having restraint in their bloodlust, or being able to draw from it, rather than being enslaved by it. Many clans have rituals to deal with their bloodlust, or simply find means of overcoming it. The orcish people only surmounted Iblees by rising up when the other descendants fell to their afflictions. Reverting to beastial nature, would only prove to dishonor Krug, and further taint the action and image of the orcs. Honor is gained through making correct choices, rather than simply exerting your will. The Stargush’Stroh is a place in which conflict is eternal, and fought honorably. Wasting time within the mortal realm on descendants weaker than oneself would bar entry to the afterlife. This fate would be far worse than being labeled whitewash, as the actions would stain the orc’s soul for eternity. [HOW TO ROLEPLAY BLOODLUST] Bloodlust is a curse, an affliction that taints the minds and actions of the orcish people. This leads to bouts of anger,rage, and confusion that do not aid in combat scenarios, but often hamper them. The orcish people are a martial one and lose their forethought when bloodlusted. This does not mean an orc gains strength, but instead loses skill. A warrior is better when they are trained and prepared, rather then filledwith shock and rage. Overuse, or even experiencing true, blinding bloodlust would often lead to mental illness, depression and other concerns as seen through Kotrestruu’s Visit. [WHAT SLAVERY IS] Much like violence, slavery is an ever-changing discourse that is argued over within the orcish community. Some may see it as cruel, or unjust, but without the act, there would be no Phaedrus’Yar, the Elven Rex, or the countless folk who atoned for their descendant ancestors by adopting orcish culture. Slaves serve as cogs within the orcish system, but so do orcs. To not recognize the polishing, teaching, and work that must be put into a slave would be to ignore the purpose of the practice all together. The orcish people are stronger than any of the descendants, both physically and mentally, taking slaves merely for the pleasure is something reviled and reserved to those who do not appreciate the strength good life provides. [WHY THE ORCISH PEOPLE TAKE SLAVES] When Krug stood against Iblees, he did so without the help of the other descendants. When Krug killed Horen, he did so to strengthen the human people, and to let new life flow from their dying veins. Slavery, and all the violence it brings is not a pleasurable act, or one done out of malice. The orcish people are well aware of the strength they possess, though enact it in ways that scare and threaten the placidity of descendant life. To some, slavery is an atonement for the descendant original sin. To others, it marks the rebirth into better lives. To be allowed access into the orcish people’s way of life is an honor, no matter how tough or brutal it may be. As children, orcs are often intentionally abandoned or neglected, only to make themselves stronger. The same could be said of their slaves, who grow and mature into honorary orcs themselves. [SNAGA BAJ LUFUT] SLAVES MAKE WAR Not all orcs carry slaves. To some the hassle of guiding other descendants provides a headache best left to other orcs. Slaves are weak initially, and often cause more strife or complications to diplomacy and orcish society. An orc prides themselves on their own strength, and so taking a slave could be seen as belying that truth. It is necessary for an orc to find their own worth, and so leaving tasks and things to someone else, especially a non-orc, often muddles that process. [AMAL SHUFAR, AT RRUG] WHERE THERE'S A WHIP, THERE'S A WAY Slavery is good because it greases the wheels of progress. It makes life easier for orcs, and it is easy to see the strength an orc possesses when they do so atop a mountain of slaves. Why would the other descendants be blessed with foolish and pointless lives when they could so easily serve the orcish people? Their apathy towards true strength and honor is how Iblees proliferated, and so in enslaving them, they do them a justice. [HONOR AND ITS FLAVORS] The orcs are an honorable people, but what does honor mean? Does honor to a Raguk mean the same thing as honor to a Lak? Identifying the orcish people as a monoculture is a foolish assumption by descendants. The orcish people are made up of many creeds, factions and lineages, all of whom waged war against each other. To ask every orc, goblin, and olog would give a variety of answers as numerous as there are stars in the sky. Still, there are basic tenants every orc should and must live by if they wish to enter the Stargush’Stroh. Do not fight children. Do not fight those weaker than you. Do not fight with such an advantage that you trivialize combat. Generally, it is ill-advised to participate in enslavement RP if you're not a well versed Orc. It can be complicated, and difficult to work with. If you do it badly, you can leave a negative impression of the non-Orcs you come across; which extends into an OOC perception. Slave RP can be very good for Orcish RP, as it allows those that are not Orcs to experience the culture, and even, with time, become a part of it. If you plan on enslaving people, please be sure that you do so with the intent of inviting someone into the orcish community and teaching them the culture.
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