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  1. “Nar Agran da Hefruth” From Mountain to Forest ________________________________________________________________ Dear folk of Hefrumm, The tribal confederation has been known, ever since its formation, to have brought peace between descendants and nature. Peace that has supposedly lasted since then. That is a lie. It is a lie that we tell ourselves to avoid the actions of the greater world. It is a story that we tell our children to make them feel safer. We do not tell them that when they grow older they could be falsely prosecuted by the High Mountain, that they would be left alone when faced with the dangers that arrive at Hefrumm. That their word holds no obligation to the dwarves that reside within rock and not atop it. This story should come to an end. ON TRADITION AND ITS FALSEHOOD Before the formation of the Thorns, Hefrumm held a scarcity in warriors. Hefrumm was a place where Khazad and Elgus alike sat around fire, and spoke of the mysticality of beasts and nature, while their kin was prosecuted falsely. Darkspawn have attacked Hefrumm a number of times, yet there were only unprepared citizens, and the noble magic of our allies and friends to defend us. The faegrimar of the Thorns must be carved not through tradition but through discipline and virtue. ON THE FALSE CLAIMS Many of you have met me through the interaction during the folk counsel. I acted foolish. But most definitely not greedy, power-hungry or selfish. My interest was in the people of Hefrumm and their future. For what may a dwarf do when they hear their leaders complain of the abuse from the ‘capital’, not raise suspicions, and offer a solution? The voices of the people were my only intention- yet Velkon spewed lies as he did to me in the past. Saying I wished only to raise my axe and cause violence between the two parties. I have saved both forest and mountain with it, never slain. THE GRIEVANCES OF HIS NAME AND HIS CHARACTER My interactions with Velkon were plenty to know of his character. When having aided in the saviour of both his life and the Chieftain’s, he had shown not gratitude but superiority. If you were to question his choice he would bring nothing but an ultimatum. If you were to surpass him in any ideal, he would not allow it to see the light of day for his pride would be one too great to overcome. How may we trust someone, who is named after a mountain dwarf who had almost brought doom to his own people? When brought to question the character of Velkon to the High Chief himself, and the question of who would be the most fitting choice for the position, my name was chosen, and Velkon was deemed inexperienced, and not holding the ability to carry out his plans. Velkon, for one who speaks of honour, you hold many lies and attitude in both your quill and tongue. You write and write, yet when met with a face you flee. ________________________________________________________________ THE FUTURE OF THE THORNS UNDER MY FALX 1. The formation of discipline and a point-system within the ranks of the Thorns. Continuous training and recruitment with the assistance of our treaties and allies. (For example, the noble Vale.) 2.The claim of glory through works of Dungrimm, in pursuance to punish those that question Anabella’s wrath, and deny her power. 3.The improvement of defence to Hefrumm, I have already begun by placing thorns underneath our walls. Dear Velkon, resign and allow me to take my place. Your plans will be encouraged, and your duties will remain fruitful. You do not have the capability to maintain and rise the Thorns to greatness. Resign. SIGNED, Hefjhor, son of Kladian, son of Mountain and Forest.
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