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Player Conduct Policy

Player Conduct on Lord of the Craft

    April 5, 2023



The purpose of this policy is to outline what we consider unacceptable player conduct on Lord of the Craft, and act as a guideline for both the players and the administration.


For our stance surrounding consent and the protection of minors, please see our Safety Policy.


Player Conduct Violations
Threatening or harming the physical safety of another player (physical threats, doxxing, etc), regardless of the capability or intent to act on them, is grounds for a permanent ban.

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment, as outlined in its own section of this policy, is grounds for a permanent ban. Additionally, should the conduct violate our policies on grooming, consent, or age of consent, please report it under our Safety Policy.

Racism, Sexism, Transphobia, Homophobia, or other attacks used in a hateful or targeted manner immediately warrants admin intervention.


Harassment occurs when someone incessantly attacks or targets a player or group with the intent to insult, intimidate, upset, or defame them.

Harassment can also occur when someone tries to contact/proposition another player (either directly or through a proxy) when they have been clear they do not wish to be contacted by them.

Any form of harassment immediately warrants admin intervention.


Sexually Explicit Content

Distributing or advertising sexually explicit content is prohibited on LotC mediums*. This may include instances where accessing the content is indirect:

  • Commission pages linked on your profile
  • Discords (or other mediums), regardless if the NSFW areas are restricted or not.

Derogatory Slurs
Derogatory slurs or comments (such as those surrounding ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation) made in official LotC mediums* is strictly prohibited. Further, using this kind of language on any medium towards members of our community can result in punishment if continued after being requested to stop.

Repeatedly using this kind of language towards others can be considered discrimination or harassment, and warrants admin intervention.


Slander and Falsification
Publicly making false, unfounded, or baseless statements about a member of our community with the intent of affecting their reputation, and/or falsifying evidence in reports warrants admin intervention.


Reporting Player Conduct Violations
Although we recognize that reporting the above offenses can be difficult for victims, we do require direct reports to take action. This is necessary to ensure we have the proper context and evidence to investigate the situation, and address it in a way the victim is comfortable with.

Please direct reports under this policy to any member of the administration, or through an email to [email protected]. Reports may be submitted anonymously to this email, though please be thorough as anonymous reports can be difficult to follow-up on for additional information and context.

Reports are kept confidential within the administration, nothing will be disclosed without the consent of the victim. 

Context is a primary determinant in the severity of a report. Investigating context and exploring relevant surfaces is under admin discretion. Every report is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Permanent Bans
Lord of the Craft is not the place for your redemption arc. Whilst a permanently banned player may verbalize or display a change in character, they are not entitled to an unban or reconciliation with the playerbase.


Appeals from players who are permanently banned under either this policy or our Safety Policy will not be considered.



LotC Mediums

Officially, LotC mediums include, but are not limited to, our public staff-run Discords, the public channels of Discords advertised on our platform for community groups, Discords used for large events or war, our game server, our forums, and the comment sections of our social media channels.

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