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Posts posted by stickycrud

  1. Epstein was a good guy, some say the best guy, and he really took me under my wing when times were tough. I remember sipping wine with Epstein and Hawking in my manor in Ves and we three sang merry songs about the war-claims before laughing at Hawking’s chair, because it was just wood (medieval setting), so he couldn’t speak or anything. There was a glimmer in Hawking’s eye that made us both think that he was laughing, and Jeff Eps just shook his jaw up and down to make it look like he was laughing along with us. That was Jeff. A selfless guy. I cannot believe the admins forced a PK on him. In the seven skies, I am sure Jeff Epstein is looking down on us, and his island hide-away where he didn’t ERP children (screenshared btw mod cleared btw) and laughing, crying and fighting alongside all of us. I’ll miss you Jeffrey Epstein, you was a real one.


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