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Posts posted by Ttsim

  1. Elric Reed glances at the suitcases he had packed years ago, sitting in the corner and filled with all his necessary belongings. “Well- Suppose i’m not a medi’ir now.” he’d mumble to himself, before picking up the neglected cases and placing them on his bed, crossing off another day of countdown before his departure to Athera, a knot forming in his stomach as he worried of what haelun’or would become like for Valah after the departure of the Kha and others. “I suppose this would be a good place as any...” 

  2. Application:

    Name: LotsOfMuffin

    Gender Identity: Apache Attack Helicopter

    How much anime do you watch: Not enough lol x3 uwu

    Are you an epic gamer: I am bepic gamer owo

    Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: Ur mom gae n my dad grey

    What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) UwU Pounces on u, Nuzzles softly Owo

  3. Well hi there ladies n’ gents, it’s me, IronPen.


    So, you’re all probably wondering where has the PitStop gone?


    Well to you, I say fret not. For I have come bearing an answer for this question.


    As some of you may remember, I spent a total of 3 weeks in a hospital, and while I could go into details, I won’t, as it’s pretty much just a sobstory and you didn’t come here for that.


    SO! The PitStop!


    Well, if you’ve been to the CT Mines, you’ll have noticed that ;O! The PitStop vanished! As it appears the sign has been re-routed to a new mining location, one that can be continuosly refilled and fulfill the communities requirements in regards to resources like Iron and coal.


    Sadly, this means that... Until further notice, our PitStop is closed. I’m sorry, I really am, this came out of nowhere and frankly I should have dressed it sooner, but it appears that the PitStop won’t be returning.


    I’d like to thank every single person who posted a review. It made my day when I was refilling the PitStop to read new reviews and words of encouragement, or the silly shitposts that some people would place. It motivated me to keep on doing what I was doing, as I felt that there were people who were appreciating it.


    It was a silly idea, and from the moment it started I always had a sneaking suspicion that someone with a bad sense of humor would come and destroy it all, but watching as people came and left, respecting the items and only taking what they needed (Albeit, with a few exceptions) and not damaging the place was simply amazing.


    And I want you all to know, whether it was the hours i spent grinding wood for charcoal, or mining cobble for pickaxes, I can say that I 100% enjoyed every moment of it.


    So thank you, for visiting my Lil’ PitStop.


    And I hope that one day, sometime soon, I might find a newer, better way to help contribute to the Community.


    Since this post is getting too emotional (For me at least, because I sure as hell am gonna miss that thing) I’m going to go ahead and finish it off.


    Bye for now!


  4. Hi there! It’s IronPen once again, and I have some sad, but happy! News.


    So. This Christmas break I will be flying to Thailand for extensive medical treatments and rehab so I can avoid spinal surgery. Due to this... I won’t be able to fill the Mining PitStop chests nor the CT Farm chests for awhile. (3-5 weeks depending on how I respond to treatments.) I’ll be missing my birthday and Christmas for this, but I’m trying to stay positive and keep on keepin’ on!


    Don’t worry though! I won’t be gone, I’ll be on from time to time trying to rp to pass the time, although i’ll be on at odd hours as i’ll be in an entirely different timezone.


    BUT! Don’t fret my friends, for there is good news as well.


    I’ve spent the majority of last weekend grinding away at the resource pits for a very... special surprise. I’ll be refilling the PitStop and Farm one final time... only this time it’s a MEGA REFILL!


    In the Mining Pitstop we have:

    x1 double chest FILLED with IRON pickaxes

    x1 double chest FILLED with Torches
    x1 chest FILLED with bread


    xEach slot in the food chest having 17 pieces of bread.


    In the CT Farms we have:

    x1 3 chests filled with iron hoes! (The chests at the top labled hoes, bonemeal and bread.)

    x1 double chest FILLED with stacks of BONE BLOCKS (Not bonemeal, bone BLOCKS. Each worth 9 bonemeal each.)


    Again, I’d like to apologize for my absence and hopefully this will somewhat make up for it.

    Merry Christmas!



    Hi there! It’s me, IronPen, and I’m here to tell you all about an issue that’s recently come up on the server. Namely; the recent lock of the Cloud Temple Farm.


    If you don’t know this; around 2-3 days ago; the farm was put under a lock to where players can no longer break blocks inside the farm. This is opposed to when previously; players were given free reign over that small parcel of land having the permissions to break and place blocks. This is an issue; because by taking away the ability to break blocks, the ability to farm wheat without a hoe on hand has also been taken away.


    I’m here to day to try and show you all why the farm needs to be given BACK to the players, so we can continue to use it as we did before.


    To start off; here are the new issues that players are having to face because of the farms lock-down. As stated previously; we can no longer break wheat without using a hoe, this is an issue as most people tend to not carry hoes on them to make way for space for more useful tools. The options for gathering wheat now is to either buy a WOOD hoe for 10 minas, or make your own by going to the resource pits.


    Firstly; a wood hoe for 10 minas is an incredibly steep price, especially to newer players who are still having a tough time accumulating minas. The average person makes around 120-140 minas a day by using votes, asking them to spend 10 minas one a single wood hoe is simply absurd. This isn’t to mention the durability of the wood hoe is around enough to farm a half-stack of bread AT LEAST per hoe, which isn’t alot, especially considering how quickly players can burn through food. 


    Of course, one could always make the argument that the price is justified on account of the nature of the hoe that people are buying; since it has a special name and a colorful description it’s 100% worth it’s price! However, it’s easy to point out the fact that this hoe is meant for use on farming, meaning its description and title are completely useless on account of its purpose. If it was meant for RP, sure! It would be worth it. But it’s not. It’s a tool, and that tool is very expensive for its quality and quantity.


    Another argument is that people can always go to the resource pits and mine wood to make hoes. Although this claim does have some merits, it still falls short if you try and think it through. Every time a player wants to use the farm, they’ll have to walk all the way to the resource pits, mine the wood (Most likely with their fist), craft the hoe, and then walk all the way back to the farm. This can become extremely annoying for players and time consuming, especially when not long ago, they could just break some wheat and be done with it.


    You might think that players could always use their nations farmland, but some players prefer to stay separated from nations and act like nomads, while other nations may not have their farmlands accessable to all players. New players don’t have nations to begin with, with the CT Farming area being the only place they can work in.


    All of this is also pointless if the player is new to the server. Some new players may not know that using a hoe to farm wheat is a thing, as the information given to you when you start the game can really vary. Some players may not know where the resource pits are, and may think they’re forced to buy a hoe. All of these issues could be avoided if; we were given access back to the farm.


    I recently had a discussion with LotsOfMuffins (Shoutout to her for being so easy to talk to and overall being very communicable) in which she told me that the farm had been locked down due to a few players continuing to build on the farmland even though she had given them explicit instructions not to do so. The players had originally started building in attempt to renovate the farm’s center which had basic supplies like chests and crafting tables and make it look more official. Of course, more people decided to join in and eventually things got out of hand. Although Muffins had merit in her actions, I’d like to point out that throughout all the time that the farm had been unlocked, this was one of the few times at all people had ever decided to do more than just farm on it. And also; as said before; the efforts originally started to HELP the farm, not try and destroy it.


    Overall; I’d like to end it with this. The farm was a bond of trust between the staff, and the playerbase. It showed how we were trusted with this small parcel of land in a staff controlled area. It was also a symbol of trust between the playerbase itself. It was open for everyone to destroy, yet nobody destroyed it. Nobody griefed it, and people never forgot to replant. This whole problem started because a few players wanted to help even more by making the farm even better, taking the time that they could’ve spent RPing and directing it towards a communial project. By taking this away so nonchalontly, without even an announcement or message... it’s frustrating. Especially to the people who use the farm so very often.


    The Cloud Temple Community farm isn’t just A Farm, it’s The Farm. It’s Our farm.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please feel free to give me your thoughts. Should we unlock the farm? Should we just lower the price of the hoes? Or is it better now that it’s been locked away?


    Have a good day/night wherever you are!


    - IronPen

  6. Hi-de-ho there friends! It’s me, Ironpen! Back at it again with another update on the CT Farm!


    If you don’t know me, quick update, I’m the guy who puts bone meal and stone hoes in the chests in the CT Farm!


    So, if you haven’t visited the Cloud Temple farm recently, you’ll be... not pleased to hear that the permissions have been locked off! Meaning we can no longer break or place blocks within the farming area, even the wheat! With the only way for you to actually farm the wheat is:

    1. Buy a 19 Mina wood hoe from a store which is supposed to be 10.
    2. Head all the way to the resource pits, and either mine some wood or stone to create a hoe
    3. Don’t farm.


    Also; because of the farm being locked off; the ice that’s been placed is starting to kill the crops, meaning the only way you can grow crops is by using the bonemeal. I may be wrong about this, but judging by the fact that nothing’s growing and the dirt has gone from dark brown to light brown seems to prove my suspicions. 


    So... seeing as the farm has quite literally been locked away from players, it still doesn’t change my job: HOWEVER, the person who was making the “Cloud Temple Farm 2.0” decided to take the original double chest of bonemeal, and replace it with a single chest.

    This is a problem, as a single chest can’t compensate for the player base’s needs. Bonemeal is burnt through pretty quickly, and usually whenever I’d stop to do my daily refills, the entire chest had been cleared out by then.


    Because of this; I’ve decided to start refilling the double chest BELOW the single chest labeled bonemeal, as it’s the only double chest in the farming area. 


    So next time; whenever you see the message that says that the CT Farming equipment has been refilled but can’t find the bonemeal, remember that it’s the double chest UNDER the chest labeled “Bonemeal” Not the bonemeal chest itself.


    The chest labeled “hoes” will still be filled with stone hoes as per usual, but again; the chest labeled “Bonemeal” will NOT.


    I’m going to try and bring this up at the community meeting; but hopefully this will all be sorted out soon enough! ?


    Mining PitStop Update:


    I’d like to remind you all that the PitStop is a community area; meaning that locking the furnaces or chests is a no-go. This update is specifically for the person/peoples who decided it’d be okay to lock the two corner furnaces without saying anything. I’m going to try and work on getting them unlocked in the meantime.


    P.S – 

    I have a surprise for you all! An early Christmas present which will be coming in 3 days time. So stay tuned!!!


    Have a great day/night wherever you are!



    Edit: The ice is either melting or being removed in the CT Farm; so now the crops can grow again ?

  7. Hi there! IronPen here, with a message for someone who left a locked chest in the Mining PitStop today (11/2/2019)


    Today, as I was going about my business refilling the CT PitStop and whatnot, I found a locked single chest that had been placed on top of the crafting table in the CT Mining PitStop.


    Through a successful modreq, I was able to get the chest removed as it’s placement and presence may have caused patrons to feel discomfort whilst they were going about their businesses.


    However, inside the chest there were 2 items, both of which may hold extreme value to the original owner of said items, (Which is why I’m posting this forum post)


    Items are as follows:

    x1 An original copy of the written book Princess Returns by Arnold Aldin.

    x1 Egg

    x1 Wooden chests which both items were placed in.


    If you have any knowledge of these items owner or if you are the owner of said items, contact me via private messaging by doing /msg IronPen , or, use my discord if I am offline (Tsim#1832)


    And also, just as a PSA, please don’t put your items inside of chests in the Mining PitStop, they’re likely to be removed/taken and overall it’s not a good place to put them.


    Thanks, and have a great day!


    Owner of materials has been found! Yayy!!!

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