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Posts posted by SsSneak

  1. MC Name: SsSneak

    Character's Name: Ibi Eleda

    Character's Age: 18


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



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    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Kharajyr or Kha are a race of humanoid felines that are the result of countless experiments carried out by the Daemon Goddess Metztli in her pursuit of creating her own master race. The Kha were created by Metztli when she combined ocelots with the infants she obtained from stealing them from farmsteads. The process was inhumane and often produced grotesque outcomes with the undesirables casted into the ocean to die. After centuries of this process, the desired creature was made, a pure white humanoid ocelot. Metztli immediately began to nuture this new creature and tried to create more like him, but could never attain the beauty as the first. The Daemon Metztli continued to create until the ocelot humanoids were mature. Once they were, she left the island and let the new race be.


    There are different types of Kha!

    There are:

    • Kha’Tigerasi- These types of Kha are known for their might and strength. 
    • Kha’Cheetrah- These are the fastest of all the Kha. No other Kha can match their speed.
    • Kha’Panthera- The stealthiest of the Kha. The only Kha to be covered head to toe in black fur.
    • Kha’Leparda- A well-rounded Kha. Although they do not normally master speed, stealth, or physical prowess as the Tigerasi, this subrace of Kha usually take up multiple professions at a time.

    While there are specific sub-races of Kha, the Tlatlanni stands out amongst these races with their white fur and is determined the leader of the Kharajyr.


    Although the Kha are part feline, they are just as sophisticated as any other race and possess a complicated language along with cultural customs. The language of the Kha has been long forgotten, but many of the Kharajyr use vocabulary from their ancient language. For instance, Patta means father, Munna means mother, Per means son, Maut means daughter, Per’ta means brother, Mau’na means sister, and so on. Kharajyr also carry a heavy accent in their speech and usually speak with a tribal air. They often add w’s and put emphasis on their u’s as well. When speaking, they usually refer to themselves and others in third person. The Kha wear very light and decorative clothing. They usually have no need to adorn themselves in excessive clothing as their fur keeps them warm. The Kha mainly wear clothing for self-expression. The Kha are monogamous, meaning they have one mate for life. A Kha who is in love would refer to their lover as Metz’al meaning life mate.


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    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



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    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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