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Posts posted by Arcasio

  1.     It all began as a normal day for Methas. The night before, hearing tales of the hangmen’s barbarity, and the cruelness of Corwin Alstreim, he had put his fears aside and decided to sign up to help save his country. Moving through the cluttered, deserted streets of the city guided only by moonlight, he spied a recruitment office, with a sign boldly placed above it that read “Join the ISA Today, and Save Oren from the Barbarian Threat!” He took a step towards the recruitment office, a warm glow emanating from the still open door, even at this late of an hour. Before he could reach the sanctuary before him, however, he was pulled aside by a scruffily dressed man, who, after a conversation, claimed to be Lieutenant Harold, an officer of the ISA. Methas was then handed a uniform, a badge, and assigned a regiment, to whose officer he was told to report to the following morning to begin his training. Methas went to bed that night with a smile, proud of himself for finally taking a stand against the barbarian threat and its leader, who had so brutishly murdered the Lady Pomperillia and the Young Master Peter Amadeous. 



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        He awoke that morning, and headed off to the Bastille, where he’d begin his training to help save his country from the barbarian threat. At least, so he thought. When he stepped out of his hovel in the slums that morning and kissed his sickly mother goodbye, he had no inclination that it would be the last time he saw her, and no idea it would be his last day alive. Methas approached the Bastille, gazing up at it and smiling, its looming, brick and cobble surface casting a shadow on everything around it. This, he thought to himself, was where the true heroes of Oren lay! The red, beating heart of those who so bravely set aside their lives for Oren and its great ruler, Peter III. He had, in his excitement, overslept the night before, and was thus slightly late for the meeting to which he was supposed to attend. An officer, seeing his youth, and nervous approach, wordlessly ushered him inside to the parade grounds, upon which the ISA, protectors of civilization and upkeepers of justice were rallying. He silently joined them, a wide, beaming smile on his face as he stood in line with the greatest heroes and names that Oren had to offer. His heart beat faster as, out of the corner of his eye, he spied a great general of the ISA slowly drawing nearer to him, accompanied by two gallant knights. He stuck his chest out and held his breath in as the general approached, trying to appear like the experienced soldier that he was most certainly not. Facing forward, he did not actually notice the general until he was tapped on the shoulder by him, and asked to state his name, rank, and brigade. He stammered out an answer, to only be told that the general had never heard his name before, and that the “Lieutenant Harold” who had given him his uniform had retired ten years past, his stammered, panicked excuses falling on deaf ears. The general barked out two words to his entourage, two words that would have more of an impact on Methas’ life than any spoken to him before. “Detain Him.”



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        The moment those words left the General’s mouth, the two knights rushed forward, grabbing Methas by his arms and marching away with him, the poor young man being dragged in their wake, crying and pissing himself as they did, eyes widening in shock as they left the Bastille, and passed the turn that would bring him to the jail cell. He was marched through the streets of Oren, and brought to a back alley by the knights, near the canal. They then, for reasons unknown, smashed the back of his helmet with the pommel of their swords. They grabbed him by the head, smashing his face brutally against the wall without warning, again, and again, and again, blood dripping, running down his face from the open wound on his head. With every smack of his face against the wall itself turned more and more red, as the blood pouring from the open wound on his head was splashed upon it. Then, the proud defenders of Orenian Liberty and Justice,  who had been knighted by Peter III himself, oblivious to their victim’s screams attempted to decapitate the poor man, who was only saved by falling to the floor as a result of the torture he had incurred. They then, in a fit of genius, drew their swords, and began to stab and slash downwards at the man, aiming for his iron breastplate as he tried to crawl away from them, screaming in agony. Unbeknownst to them, the spot they had chosen was right next to a tavern, and the poor boy’s panicked screams as blood enveloped his entire face had drawn them the eyes and ears of all of the tavern’s patrons. Some of the more concerned patrons called for the men to stop, or for the guard to do something to stop this public, brutal, and messy murder, but their words of reason fell on deaf ears. The great Orenian Knights, defenders of justice and hand-picked by Peter III continued to stab down at the un-trialed man, both either not learning from their mistakes or just being stupendously stubborn, continuing and failing to try to pierce his thick steel cuirass with many sword strikes as his screams echoed throughout the city. It took the mercy of a passing elven archer to end the charade, who, with a single arrow between the eyes, put the poor, innocent boy out of his misery, and accomplished in 10 seconds what it had taken two orenian knights 20 minutes to unsuccessfully do. As the life slipped from Methas’ eyes, he thought of the mother he would never see again, and the country who, in his attempt to save it, had brutally, messily, and publicly executed him, not even gracing him with the dignity of a trial. The bastion of civilization indeed.

  2. IGN: Arcasio

    Discord: Arcasio#5584

    Character name: Kalius Denovan

    Proffesion: Cultist

    Short bio: Kalius is a rat living in the sewer, always ready to do the job, whatever it is. He is also a member of the Beet cult, ennemy of the canonism. He also has many other names, whichever is the real one no one knows. Stealing, killing, dealing in illegal items, breaking laws, he will do anything for coin. Literally, name it. He’ll do it. Unless it’s easier to just kill you and take your coins.

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